The Great Jihad, take 2

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nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Great Jihad, take 2

NOTE: Idiots who can't help but resist making racist coments, stay the hell out of this thread. I don't want it getting locked again.

Following the Astral War, and the discovery of the Outer Planes, the Muslim peoples of the world (with some slight urging by US agents) reacted fairly predictably: their leaders called for Jihad against these pagans and infidels. The result was within a year, hundreds of millions of young men and women had joined the cause, and were marching into the Outlands (with the help of the US Government's portal- after all, if they were attacking planar pantheons and pagans, they aren't attacking the US).

While there were many initial setbacks (and a few failed invasions of the Lower Planes until it was declared that their targets were the mortals and false gods, not the exemplars), their successes have been phenomenal successes incuding the capture of several gatetowns, the sacking of Tir na Og, the deaths of the powers that lived there (following a series of miracles that the Muslims attribute to Allah, and that planars attribute to the power of their beleif), and the conversion of the Athar. There are currently several invasions attacks being planned; rumors indicate possible targets as several of the more powerful pantheons (such as the Seldarine or Olympian pantheon).

The leader of the Great Jihad is Ayatollah Ali ibn Muhammed, a middle aged human of Middle Eastern appearance (Charismatic Hero 10/Feild Officer 10/Glamourist 1) who is well known for his rousing speeches and sermons. All of the members of the Great Jihad have a Fanatic attitude towards him. Many Planars refer to the Great Jihad as an up-and-coming faction, though he does not like to be referred to as a factol, and his followers tend to get offended when people do.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Great Jihad, take 2

Statement still stands as before. Nick - we talked about this already. Please, I'm asking you not to persue this topic of conversation - it's not one I feel is particularly nessecary or healthy for these boards. Feel free to discuss it - just someplace else, please.

Topic locked
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