The Garden

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blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
The Garden

Well, I haven't seen anything on the garden on planewalker, and i think it would make an itneresting thread to disguss. Now, most of the planescape gamers know that the garden is on avernus (the first layer of baator), and that the baatezu are shaken, even feared of the place, but why? Secondly, it lists that people constantly dissapear at random, why?

(If anyone doesn't know what i am refering to, this is all detailed in planes of law, the little players guide booklet on pages 22 and 23. you know the one with the picture of the red forest.)

I think that the garden shouldn't be left alone like it is in the book, because the whole section is a great hook in itself. I mean think of the possibilites.
Here are a few ideas i came up with:
1: the garden is a living creature
2: it is set up by the baatezu to trick people who stumble in.
(these two were listed with the discription in playerd guide to law)
(now for my own ideas)
3: there is some advanced race that lives in the garden, unknowingly to the baatezu
4: the whole thing is run by Bel as some way to gain power for his armies
5: the garden is possesed by the spirits of (fill in the blank), and the people are taken and fed to the trees themselves(hey, it is baator)

so what does everyone else think, please help me out on this one.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Garden

A manifestation of Baator itself, nurturing an 'older than the baatazu' malignance... (aka, Ancient Baatorians)

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The Garden

- The Garden was a "perfect" paradise created by the celestials and stolen by Baator - but the baatezu haven't completely "tamed" it.

- The Garden is Avernus as it was before the baatezu conquered it. As the baatezu overwhelmed the layer, the wild, lush areas shrank to one single realm. The baatezu are unable to shrink it any further, as the more compact Garden got the more powerful it became.

- Garden is made of petitioners. For whatever reason, some of the lawful evil petitioners who enter Baator don't become larvae, or the larvae evolve quickly into the trees and foliage of Garden. Whether this is a conspiracy on the part of the petitioners themselves or something else is warping them this way is an open question.

- Garden is a sophisticated illusion masking a rakshasa city.

- Garden is a portal to Nessus.

- The yugoloths did it.

- Garden was created by celestials and is maintained by them without baatezu knowledge. Those that disappear end up in the Upper Planes.

- Garden was a pretty toy created by Zariel, and it is dying as Bel waxes in power. Perhaps Bel is actually draining Garden's power to help him ascend.

- Garden is a tanar'ri weapon that kills lawful evil souls in Avernus and channels their energy to the Abyss.

- Garden is the plane that used to be where Gehenna is now. When the 'loths created Gehenna, they shunted Garden off to the side, where it merged with Baator.

- Garden is a demiplane or Prime world that somehow flew off course and slammed out of the Ethereal, into the Astral, and marooned itself in Baator like the planets in Immanuel Velikovsky's books.

- Garden was a realm in the Outlands that slid.

- Garden is where Hriste the Blood Forest (the wooden goddess that protects the bladeling city) was born.

- Garden was once the gate-town to Baator. When it slid, its occupants transformed themselves into trees that could resist baatezu punishments.

- Garden was/is a god, or the realm of a god. A god that cherishes its privacy.

- Garden is some kind of parallel of Jangling Hiter. Every layer has a parallel Jangling Hiter. It is populated by evil treefolk who are parallel kytons.

- Garden is a bunch of trees. That is has any other meaning is wishful thinking. The baatezu don't avoid it - they just have better things to do than go on holidays in the woods. It is not the safe haven for fugitives it's made out to be.

- Garden commemorates the place where Raistlin sacrificed himself to save Krynn. From himself.

- Garden was the heaven of the Babylonian pantheon before the defection of Anshar and his children started the war with Tiamat and Apsu.

- Garden was a part of the single, primal plane of evil that existed before the formation of Baator and the Abyss.

- Garden was part of the single, primal plane of law that existed before the first rebellion.

- Garden doesn't exist. It's the result of planar travelers wandering lost in Avernus, drenched with fever, dehydrated, and hallucinating.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
The Garden

garden is
1:a memorial set up by celestails to some hero(why hey it's the fing celestials they'er to goody goody not to do something lke that)
2:piece of a plane that somehow up and left it's home (collided mabye)
3:actuly a massive hive like plant that has a taste for petinoners and batezu
4: loths did it
5:an intellegent demiplane that is stranded somhow

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Garden

The Lord of the First, long ago captured a solar aasimon and imprisoned him in the dungeon of a fortress. Over time, the fortress was abandoned and slowly reduced to nothing. The solar remains dormant inside the chambers underneath the ground, but its presence has established a cleansed zone on the surface above. A conduit exists somewhere in the middle of the Avernean oasis that leads to Elysium, where some lost Baatorian refugees escape and never return.

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