The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: *ewww* *chuckle* looking forwards

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

OOC: Placeholder. Will update tonight. Sorry for lateness.

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Writer didn't answer Shemeska at first. His focused eyes lost their edge and clouded over at her request. They closed, and the youth unconsciously clenched his writing hand, his right hand. There was turmoil in his mind and also deep emotional pain, that much was obvious to the partly-probing mind-readers present. But there was also the guiding purpose, the will to explore, to learn, to record, which kept such distractions separate and in check. Writer opened his eyes, shook his head slowly and gave Shemeska an apologetic smile while losing a frown that had marred his features*

"I'm sorry. Got a little lost in thought there. Very well. I will relate to you what I believe is my most pleasant memory from my own reality. As I mentioned when I introduced myself, I am a scribe. My memory concerns my apprenticeship, or rather, something which happened during it...And I beg you to please bear with me as I rather tend to go on tangents when telling tales. I'll never make a good bard or tale-spinner, I'm afraid."

*He smiled a little less apologetically, took a deep breath and the turmoil and pain sunk back into the inner recesses of his mind, getting replaced by something exponentially more...Serene*

"I'd just completed my very first comission, to copy a small partially damaged hide-bound journal to something more durable. I really put a lot of myself into that work...I snuck up at night and pored over the thing long after my usual bed-time, usually awakening groggy and grumpy late next morning when my master shook me out of bed with the help of a bucket of water. He figured out what I had done eventually, of course, and I ended up getting a lecture I'm pretty certain is going to haunt me way past my dying day.

In any case, I completed the work two weeks ahead of schedule and presented my master with the fruits of my labour. Now, it's well to note that I had at this point barely been in apprenticeship for three months and two days and already I knew enough to read a bit, write a bit and be allowed to work on copying, which was very impressive...Or at least my master told me so, usually half an hour after urging me to improve my abyssmal cross-, bow- or plainwriting. If there ever was a more hypocritical man...Heh.

My master checked the work for mistakes, finding no big ones I'm proud to say, collected the pay for it and then went and sent a letter to my mother and father, knowing that they both could read. Mother was especially proud. She was the one who originally pressed my father into letting me apprentice, instead of working on the farm. When I visited them two weeks later(I was living in my master's house because of the distance between the hamlet and the farm) they had a surprise in store for--"

*At this point part of Writer's mind unfolded like the pages of a book. It was as if someone had turned a key in a lock and opened a door. He no longer focused upon everything at once, his mind had grown introspective and was studying a single passage of its large library. Anyone who wished to do so and was able to, 'eaveswatched' on his memories of that particular event as the youth continued to describe it out loud, in detail, to Shemeska. It was a decent memory when told, but the mindscape memory was...Special. Every detail was there, from the nuances of every colour observed, to the emotions and thoughts Writer was feeling and thinking at every moment and to the movements every single thing made. It was a perfectly preserved memory, not a hazy fragment with missing details, as people are bound to be left with over time.

Writer proceeded to tell of how his mother and father had managed to gather and invite most of his friends(Now either apprentices as him or farmhands) from the surrounding area with the blessings and contributions of their parents and masters for a little belated celebration of the youths' entry into working life. It had been very good day, full of small-talk, boasts, brags, promises, cameradiere and play. Writer's father had also traded for a mug of a liquid called 'Redberry'(after the berry it was made from), which was shared with great enthusiasm between the youths. Writer himself had immediately developed a taste for its sweet scent and even sweeter taste*

"--After they left, I stayed to see the sun go down in a veritable ocean of red and orange and then, finally, I walked back home. Mom was sitting in a chair by the fireplace sewing on a pair of dads 'longs and I think dad was outside seeing to the animals. Mom got up, put her sewing aside and walked over to me. Then she hugged me and sent me to bed. Before I fell asleep I idly thought about a great many things...About life, about death, about everything...And how beautiful it was. I felt happy like I never had felt before and for that I offered my thanks to every God I knew of. Then I fell asleep."

*He sighed and his mind closed up*

"There. Is that satisfactorily for Shemeska the Marauder?"

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Writer" wrote:
"I'm sorry. Got a little lost in thought there. Very well. I will relate to you what I believe is my most pleasant memory from my own reality. As I mentioned when I introduced myself, I am a scribe. My memory concerns my apprenticeship, or rather, something which happened during it...And I beg you to please bear with me as I rather tend to go on tangents when telling tales. I'll never make a good bard or tale-spinner, I'm afraid."

As Writer began to relate his tale and the wheels within his own mind began to churn and relive the memories of the events, Shemeska slipped into the crack in the door to his mind and sopped up the memories like a sponge. As Writer described the events and remembered them, the fiend bathed in the same memories, living them herself from his perspective as they had happened. She never dove deeper, but Writer's surface thoughts at that moment were an open book.

Writer continued to speak and the Arcanaloth's eyes went dull and blank as she concentrated on the memories sifting through the mortals mind. Dead to the world, she absorbed it all like a scribe taking notes in a great log-book and then filed it all away within a vault of her own. All the while she sat, leaning slightly forwards with a calm, if blank, expression upon her snout.

The pain and turmoil associated with the memory struck a chord in her, something to be examined later in the memory, perhaps of use in the future, but at the moment something to be savored like the fine bouquet of a vintage wine. Mortal pain was a delicacy.

At a later point the fiend withdrew her mental coils and softly closed the door behind her. Something within was definately at work, be it conscious on his part or some unconscious block deeper within his mind. It would do her no good to examine it herself in a public area. Perhaps at some later point she would open the door a bit further for her own curiousity. Perhaps it even had something to do with his present circumstances.

In any event, she had what she wanted and she wouldn't be greedy at the present moment. That's what less amusing people in lesser circumstances were for.

As Writer finished, Shemeska blinked her eyes and smiled at him. "A pleasant memory indeed. I can relate to some extent due to my own time in Gehenna as a scribe in the Tower of the Arcanaloths. Though that was so very -very- long ago mind you. Bring back memories to me as well. That suffices to answer my question, thank you."

She smiled and reached out a hand to her left into which one of her tieflings placed a single wine glass on unspoken cue. The 'loth placed it in front of herself and whispered something under her breath that stung the ears a faint bit, clearly the words to a spell. When she reopened her eyes and passed her hand over the glass, the empty vessel began to fill with a reddish liquid that sparkled in the light. A faint but familiar smell rose from the glass to both Writer's nose and her own. A smell that matched the Redberry wine from Writer's own memory. While perhaps not matching the true scent of the original wine, it was very close given the tendency of mortal minds to remake and lose details over time.

"Drink. Perhaps it might rekindle a bit of that happy memory before you go out into Sigil. A bit of home to keep to you company for having shared it with me."

The fiend pushed the cup of Redberry towards Writer and smiled genuinely.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jaspar turns his head slightly, feeling the psychic communion of the two beings, and being mildly frustrated as his mind actually requires effort to move into the mental stream. Once inside, he watches the interaction between the two, and gives an exasperated sigh. The boy's mental library was still locked tight, apart from the single entry, and Shemeska's mind was like a miniature prismatic sphere; easy to see, easy to look at, near-impossible to effect. He contented himself by keeping his presence passive, merely observing, and noted details of the memory himself: star patterns, similarities to certain maps and memories he had held before, and the nature of their civilization. He wondered, idly, if this was the "Earth" the others had spoken of. If so, the information could be useful later.

Slowly, he stands, and with a mental order to his thrall, Ibid abandons his pleasant conversation with the bartender over the remains of his fine meal and approaches. "It is time for me to head back to the Rock of Bral. I should pick up my dreadnaught, and make for Union. The Planar Cartographer's Guild should be waiting for my report, and the arc--", he stops a moment, then corrects himself, "'mercane' do not enjoy being made to wait too long. Incenjucar, it has been a pleasure. Shemeska, I will see you later, as I still have something for you, and we never did finish our argument. Farewell all." As he locks eyes with Shemeska once, he reaches out to her telepathically once more.

"Shemeska, I have the information you've been searching for. Vecna's history, and how he came to to break the Lady's Ban. It took alot of backtracking, but I'm rather sure I have it all in hand. Contact me when you wish to discuss it. Also, oddly, in my research I came upon what appears to be the final moments of Eli Cromlich's life. When you want to talk, find me in Union, or on the Rock of Bral, or just send me forth a magical summons. We will talk. Good day."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Username" wrote:
Vex looks at Jaspar and says telepathically "A plane of pure magic? That sounds very interesting..."

Vex seems to think for a moment before continuing "I would like to assist you in your research of this plane."

As he heads for the door, he throws an errant thought across to Vex. "You. If you want to be involved, come with me. You may be of use. Follow me, and I will interview you for my expedition."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
A new client, perhaps

Enzo can't help but notice that the alhoon appears to treat Shemeska as a peer, and is seemingly treated thus in return.

Not wanting to let a good opportunity slip away while he waits for his audience with the arcanoloth, Enzo approaches Jaspar.

Enzo stops next to Jaspar, not exactly cutting him off. The tiefling definitely has the look of a hardened planewalking cutter. His traveling leathers are of quality make but have seen wear in exotic locations, judging by the acid burns, scorch marks, and other scuffs and stains. His face is lined and hard-edged, but young just the same. His hair, actually a mass of writhing black slender serpents, sways and coils atop his head, multiple eyes watching every corner of the room.

"I must beg your pardon from earlier, but I was a slave once and it has colored my opinions. Your .... thrall appears to be happy with his situation, and that is more than many can say.

Please allow me to introduce myself formally. I am Enzo Sarlas, of Sigil, and a courier of some repute."

I would be pleased to offer you my services, here in the Cage and beyond. If you have need of the services of a reliable and discreet courier, please ask around and you will find I'm well recommended. My price is a little higher than some, but if jink is an issue, it is likely you don't require service at the level that I provide."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The polar bard assessed the alhoon's intention to move on a moment before it occured, and readied himself to rise, finishing his ease in to ascent as the alhoon made to grant him farewell. As if bowing to a powerful dignitary or a lord on high, the polar offered the alhoon a gracious gesture, of the like royalty expect.

"Pleasant journies to you, dear sir, and may our paths cross again. And do remember my offer, should you take hold of a sample of that plane. Even if you do not find me to hold up to the promise, there will be another who will be as obvious. Fair thee well, "

Rather than speak the alhoon's verbal name, the polar once more brings forth that beam of vision that translates as much of the mental construct to the visual world, the ash on his face crawling to whisper of discordant flutes yet again. Imperfect as vision is to mind, it could be considered a nickname.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"I must beg your pardon from earlier, but I was a slave once and it has colored my opinions. Your .... thrall appears to be happy with his situation, and that is more than many can say.

Please allow me to introduce myself formally. I am Enzo Sarlas, of Sigil, and a courier of some repute."

I would be pleased to offer you my services, here in the Cage and beyond. If you have need of the services of a reliable and discreet courier, please ask around and you will find I'm well recommended. My price is a little higher than some, but if jink is an issue, it is likely you don't require service at the level that I provide."

Jaspar stops, and looks down at the figure, contemplating what to say before moving along. He decides not to loose all his intellect devourers to the hunt...yet.(Like putting all your cards on the table. But with brain-dogs. Eye-wink )

"I am...Jaspar Arelius, of Penumbra. I am a ranking officer of the Planar Cartographer's Guild, and a respected expert on the subjects of metacartography and psychothaumaturgy, or, as the phrase has come into fashion again, "cerebromancy", which is hardly accurate. I might have a use for you yet. Walk with me, the portal to the Rock of Bral is some distance from here, and we can talk as we go. If I am to avail myself of your services, you should have an easy route to find me. We can all speak on the matter of the difference between thralldom and slavery, as well, as there is a considerable difference, though, like magical and natural darkness, they also end up looking much the same from the outside."

"Pleasant journies to you, dear sir, and may our paths cross again. And do remember my offer, should you take hold of a sample of that plane. Even if you do not find me to hold up to the promise, there will be another who will be as obvious. Fair thee well."

"Indeed, once I have assuaged your safety, I will retrieve you posthaste. Expect a magical sending to direct you out of the city, followed by a dimensional gate that will bring you to me unerringly."

With that, he and Ibid pass the door, on their way to the articificer's up the road, fishing out a vial of phlostigon, the key to this strange portal to a mostly forgotten place...the Rock of Bral, hub of the spaceways, heart of the phlostigon path, where the arcane and the neogi, the beholder and the illithid, the dohwar and the giff all move to great plans, all among the races of the common folk.

Briar's picture
Joined: 2004-07-09
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Briar steps lightly into through the door of the inn and surveys the patrons. A mixed group, she reconises some of the races, an arcanoloth, a fey, a few tieflings like herself. An evening of picking brains and smiling sweetly she thinks, trembling inside. Concentrating her will to slow down her rapidly beating heart she crosses to the bar and fluttering her eyelashes at the barkeep, orders mead with lacings of sugar. Smiling at his insistance that she is sweet enough she settles down at a table to continue checking out the patrons.

She wonders what they think of her. Knowing the races she has encountered in Sigil so far, there are few here that will mistake her for an elf for long, but she is uncomfortable letting her heritage show too soon. for now they will see an attractive young woman in a dark green dress that flutters prettily when she walks, hear the bells hidden in her earrings chime as she moves her head. Smell her rose perfume with a hint of cinammon and perhaps not realise that it is not an artificial perfume but a mild aphrodisiac she produces from glands behind her ear. And maybe if she is really nervous, they will get to see her spines...

Briar concentrates, trying to calm down. Perhaps later she will dance and flirt and try to fit in, but for now she stays quiet, listening and learning.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jaspar slows his stride, to allow the young girl room, and reaches out with his detect thoughts, giving her a casual scan, his abilities with the power a bit more swift, and more intimate.

His smothering consciousness strikes out like an engulfing constrictor, swallowing her up in a moment. A quick brush gives him her deepest core point, as well as the thoughts of her surface mind. He barely reads over them, noting that she does not even seem to register him as a threat, and that her mind has yet to grasp powers in his own range of use. She was no threat, and she was not seeking him for some reason and so, she could wait.

He gives her a pleasant nod, and looks back to the two he was speaking with.

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The Incenjucar nods and taps his chest, chirping to, and being chirped at in reply by, his fire bat, still perched within him. He then nods to the alhoon, bowing his head.

"I shall await it with great anticipation, dear sir. Keep aware, as I said, there is a small chance it shall not be I who answers the call, but you can trust any whom would replace me as easily as myself. Those brethren I work with are as loyal as two mammals raised on the same female mammal's fluids."

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex looks at Jasper and says telepathically "I'm afraid I have certain things that I must do before I have the time to help you with your research. I will send you a message when I am finished with my current business."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"JasperDM" wrote:
"I am...Jaspar Arelius, of Penumbra. I am a ranking officer of the Planar Cartographer's Guild, and a respected expert on the subjects of metacartography and psychothaumaturgy, or, as the phrase has come into fashion again, "cerebromancy", which is hardly accurate. I might have a use for you yet. Walk with me, the portal to the Rock of Bral is some distance from here, and we can talk as we go. If I am to avail myself of your services, you should have an easy route to find me. We can all speak on the matter of the difference between thralldom and slavery, as well, as there is a considerable difference, though, like magical and natural darkness, they also end up looking much the same from the outside."

"It'd be my pleasure, Jaspar." Enzo pauses, suddenly remembering something. He looks torn between two important opportunities. Another moment passes before he makes his decision. "Bear with me a moment, I've a small task to complete before I leave."

Enzo parts company with the alhoon for a moment, walking quickly right up to Shemeska's table. He pauses uncertainly, then steels himself to speak out-of-turn. "Your pardon, Shemeska."

Enzo places a plain scrollcase and leather-wrapped package perhaps two feet long by six inches wide on her table and slides them toward her.

"I've been commissioned to deliver these to you by one of your associates. I regret that I cannot stay, but please accept my card. I do look forward to serving you in the future."

Enzo places his business card atop the package, apologizes once more then returns to the alhoon's side.

"Thanks for your patience. Jaspar. Shall we go? I'm curious to see this portal you speak of."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The Incenjucar boredly examines his fingernails, causing them to change hue subtly, while spying on the nearest gambling tables, to study who's going to be walking out of the building with a load of jink, and who's going to not have enough garnish for a cooked cranium rat.

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Writer blinked in surprise at the glass of Redberry Shemeska had placed in front of him. The smell. It was exactly as he remembered it. A rosy sweet thing which permeated the surrounding air. He took one long look at Shemeska and then, suspicous, he held the glass up with a hand and looked at its sparkling contents*

This -is- Redberry...Or at least something close enough to fool me into thinking it is. How...?

*He mentally shrugged, one couldn't be too careful, but there were also limits. He gave a gracious smile to the 'loth and took a small draught from the wine glass. The taste was exquisite, as he'd suspected it would be, and he savored it*

"I thank you, Shemeska, and I would have loved to sit here and enjoyed the rest of this generous gift to me...But I admit to being a bit eager and impatient to see this mimir."

*The youth rose from the chair and stretched before looking at Shemeska*

"If your guide could lead the way now, I would be most grateful."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Thanks for your patience. Jaspar. Shall we go? I'm curious to see this portal you speak of."

Jaspar began to walk, Ibid to his right, and slightly behind him, and Enzo to his left. As he walks, he uses the continued vocalization spell to speak on the subject of thralldom.

"Thralldom is many things, when compared to the humanoid condition. The word translates into Common from the original thought as friend, companion, servant, student, henchman, cohort, slave, pet, or even meal. For, in most cases, a thrall can be, and often is, many of these things to his illithid. Illithids have individual needs, and their thralls serve those needs, based on the relationship they have.

For the best example of the relationship, consider the human relationship with the dog, man's closest companions. A man can love his dog, care for his dog, be sad when his dog is gone or hurt, he can order the dog to do commands, or tricks, or even fight for him or guard his life. Despite the creature's miniscule intellect, the man considers the dog's personality, gives it a name, and considers it an individual, though it is far from sentient, much less his intellectual equal. The animal's presence can shield him from loneliness, a suprise assault, and even, in the direst of situations, starvation. He considers the creature to be less than him, but still a vital part of his life. One need not use magic or psionics to make a dog follow you about, only good treatment and a measure of respect.

Such is the thrall, to the illithid. Your kind is not as smart as we are, as insulting as it may sound, it is true. You are a lesser species to us, and as such, when our two species meet, only two outcomes can occur: either the illithid take their thralls from the local populace, or the humanoids strike out, out of fear, paranoia, self-preservation or justified rage at mistreatment.

Yes, I say mistreatment. Again, to the man and dog example. An illlithid and his thrall can be a pair of friends, the illithid tending the thrall's needs in exchange for service and companionship, like myself and Ibid. I feed him, care for him, and teach him. In exchange, he attends to my affairs (as a well-trained seneschal and ship's mate both, in fact), and carries my messages and gear for me. I do not mistreat him, and as I am alhoon, I will never hunger for his brain-meat. However, there are those who treat their thralls foully, filling kennels (of sorts) with whole packs of them, who they starve, malign, experiment upon, and eventually devour or slay. Some even use their psionics to pit their thralls against each other in brutal telepathic gladiatorial battle."

He looks over to Ibid, who shudders once, but remains silent. Jaspar places a sympathetic hand on the bronze-tanned man, and continues.

"I rescued Ibid from one of those battle pits, paying a great deal of money and favors for him. I recognized his intellect, despite his damaged memory, as well as his fine speech and combat skills, and decided he would make a fine thrall for me. I have taught him reading, mathematics, arcane magic and psionics, seneschal and ships's officer's skills, and many other skills. We have learned, through a great deal of work and psionic treatments, that he is from a desert world called Athas. He was apparently an assassin there, who moved among their ruling class as a negotiator. He is also a psionic wild talent, and has some minor arcane talent. We intend to see whether he can master psychothaumaturgy, and if that succeeds, then the secrets of illithid mind magic, on which I am a undisputed expert. As my thrall, he has gone from a starved, mad killer to a refined individual of fine taste, genteel manner and keen mind. He is well-fed and healthy, and I treat him with a great deal of respect, as I would any apprentice of my own kind, if not better. He is my one travelling companion, and my singular crew member aboard the 'Enlightener.'"

Jaspar looks over at Enzo. "Have you any questions?"

Merlianik Surefooted's picture
Joined: 2004-07-15
A Brief Visit

Into the Fortune's Wheel walks a bariaur, at first ducking to avoid bumping his head on the door he goes to the dragon near the bar greeting him warmly. Then he scanned the bar as a whole.

Noting the one he sought he straightened his vest briefly, smoothed the rim of the hat (what any Prime from Earth would recognize as a fedora) and flicked a few stray drops of water off it. He fingered the scroll in the pocket of his vest then sighed. "My editor doesn't pay me enough for this."

When he stepped towards Shemeska's table his hooves didn't betray his approach too strongly - as he was floating about a half inch off the ground as he walked. Pausing at a respectful distance he nodded to one of Shem's tiefers, recieving a thinnly veiled sneer in return. Surefoot waited until there was a pause in her current conversation and stepped forwards, presenting the scroll to her with all ceremony.

"Madame, at your convinence. No reply is required."

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
Enzo parts company with the alhoon for a moment, walking quickly right up to Shemeska's table. He pauses uncertainly, then steels himself to speak out-of-turn. "Your pardon, Shemeska."

Enzo places a plain scrollcase and leather-wrapped package perhaps two feet long by six inches wide on her table and slides them toward her.

"I've been commissioned to deliver these to you by one of your associates. I regret that I cannot stay, but please accept my card. I do look forward to serving you in the future."

Shemeska smiles, and though it's uncertain if she actually expected the package or not, she makes a good enough show of it.

"Thank you dear, I'll see to it that you're compensated for the trouble. Runners can be the the lifeblood of Sigil and I appreciate your services."

That said, she gestures for Colcook to see to her current patron, Writer.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Writer" wrote:
"I thank you, Shemeska, and I would have loved to sit here and enjoyed the rest of this generous gift to me...But I admit to being a bit eager and impatient to see this mimir."

*The youth rose from the chair and stretched before looking at Shemeska*

"If your guide could lead the way now, I would be most grateful."

The fiend motioned the tiefling named Colcook over. He was dressed mostly in fine, but functional, leather with a slim sword on his hip and a well tailored waistcoat. Current Sigil fashion mixed with the equipment of a man who knew how to take care of himself outside of his mistress's haunts. He ran a hand through his somewhat wildly tossled hair and twitched his reptillian tail idly as he walked next to Writer and nodded to him. With a gesture towards to door and not a word otherwise he led his new guest out of the building.

After the two of them had exited the room, Shemeska leaned back in her chair and conjured another glass of the wine that she had experienced in the mortal's memory. She held it up the light and took a long sip of it, letting the ruby colored liquid play over her tongue before finally swallowing it. She smiled and the ambient light flashed upon fangs.

"Indeed... I'll be seeing that one again." She mused with a glimmer in her eyes, whispered more to herself than anything else.

(Writer, I'll start a new thread for Colcook taking Writer to get the mimir)

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Ok Alex, I'll take 5 letter words starting with B for $1000

"Merlianik Surefooted" wrote:
He fingered the scroll in the pocket of his vest then sighed. "My editor doesn't pay me enough for this."

When he stepped towards Shemeska's table his hooves didn't betray his approach too strongly - as he was floating about a half inch off the ground as he walked. Pausing at a respectful distance he nodded to one of Shem's tiefers, recieving a thinnly veiled sneer in return. Surefoot waited until there was a pause in her current conversation and stepped forwards, presenting the scroll to her with all ceremony.

"Madame, at your convinence. No reply is required."

Shemeska put down her wine glass and looked up at Merlianik, a smile played across her lips as always and she held out her hand, palm down, wrist bent. And waited.

At the same time, she spoke into the Bariaur's mind the words she didn't feel like saying in front of any other prospective clients. "You know, normally they leave the trash out behind the building for the urchins to scrabble over rather than waving it in front of my face. Kiss my hand."

And she waited.

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

[OOC: Tip-top, Shemeska. Ready whenever you are.]

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Shemeska, a moment of your time.

(Writer, I'll start a new thread for Colcook taking Writer to get the mimir)

(Spectacular, may I suggest a general "Streets of Sigil" thread? In this manner, I can move Enzo and I out into the streets proper, rather than flood the "main" room with more banter on metacartopraphy and illithid social structures. Also, Shemmy, I'd appreciate if you read back over my posts, as several of them have involved speaking to you, and I have yet to get even a telepathic "Pike off, you scaly old brain-eating fart.". Laughing out loud )

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Shemeska, a moment of your time.

"JasperDM" wrote:
(Spectacular, may I suggest a general "Streets of Sigil" thread? In this manner, I can move Enzo and I out into the streets proper, rather than flood the "main" room with more banter on metacartopraphy and illithid social structures. )

(Clueless leans over to whisper in - There's a reason normal posters can make threads in the forums too... go scoot, if you two need a good thread for yourselves as a conversation - then by all means make one. Smiling )

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(A fine idea. Enzo, with me.)

Merlianik Surefooted's picture
Joined: 2004-07-15
Re: Ok Alex, I'll take 5 letter words starting with B for $1

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
At the same time, she spoke into the Bariaur's mind the words she didn't feel like saying in front of any other prospective clients. "You know, normally they leave the trash out behind the building for the urchins to scrabble over rather than waving it in front of my face. Kiss my hand."

And she waited.

The bariur smiled, more a show of teeth than a show of pleasure, took her hand and kissed the back of it, focusing his thoughts for her to read. And here I thought you'd appreciate the chance to talk more about yourself. He let go of her hand with a pleasant smile.

"An invitation to an interview on behalf of my paper. At your convinience of course."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: *thread tap* Anyone still alive?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The serpent-haired tiefling parts ways with the alhoon and his "thrall" -- Enzo still shivers at the thought and fights back bitter memories of his own enslavement -- and heads back the way they'd come. Realizing he has no errands to run, he resolves to return to the Fortune's Wheel and try to salvage what was left of his first encounter with the arcanaloth.

He enters the establishment through familiar doors and distractedly scratches his name in the heavy guestbook.

Entering the main hall, he takes in the faces of the occupants as he heads over to the bar. A nod to the barkeep gets him a pint of his favorite dark ale, poured perfectly with a nice head. He takes a seat within view of Shemeska, and waits for a chance to... to what? He's not even sure how to pick up the pieces of his abandoned opportunity.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

OOC: Who's still at the Fortune's Wheel? Shemeska? Factol Rhys? Clueless? Shemmy, you wanna pick up the plot hook with the packages delivered by Enzo earlier?

FrostyObsitnic's picture
Joined: 2004-10-17
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

A man casually strides into the bar, a thick leatherbound volume beneath his arm. His manner is inexplicable, considering that he is dressed in a bright red jacket, a navy blue undershirt, plaid pajama bottoms and a bowler hat. He slides up to the bar as if he has lived all his life within the polished wooden surfaces of the room. His fingers drum across the counter in an effort to attract the barkeep's attention.

Barkeep! Ya know how te make a Grezian Rotgullet? No? Alright, gimme whiskey then.

When he recieves his drink, he pulls a page from the leatherbound volume and traces his finger down it, pulling out several vials from within his jacket. He mixes a few liquids into his glass, then swishes the liquid around a bit and takes a sip. Once he finishes his drink, his mismatched eyes seem to brighten, and he awkwardly pushes himself up from his seat, weaving through the bar. He pulls a few blank pages from his volume, aligns them on the back of the book, and begins scribbling on it with a parrot's feather quill.

Noticing the creature in the fedora, he ambles up to him and begins babbling incoherently at him. He seems to catch himself and switches to common.

Sir, I can't help but notice the excellent piece of headwear you have there. I've only seen a couple like it in my travels, and I'm curious to know where exactly you came by it. Although I don't quite understand how ye managed to keep it on yer head like that, considering the horns...

He glances upwards for a moment, mumbling into the air, and then continues speaking.

M'names Abraham Liege. You seem an interesting fellow. Would you mind me asking you a few questions? You see, I'm writing a book... Well, not so much a book as an encyclopedia...

He stops for a moment, trying to string together a more concise sentence. He fails to, and instead blathers on.

It helps to be as complete as possible, and you seem like the type who's been places. Ya know a bit about fasion if I might say so myself, and ye must know some other things I might be interested in learning. What say you to showing me around this place a bit? Perhaps some polite conversation is in order?

FrostyObsitnic's picture
Joined: 2004-10-17
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Growing tired of the silent Bauriar, Abraham begins to wander around the Fortune's wheel, scribbling madly on a dog-eared sheet of parchment. After making several round of the place, and thouroughly cataloguing the available drinks, his eyes lazily alight on the table occupied by Shemeska and her retinue. He makes his way there, pulls himself up a chair, and carefully places himself in it. He then turns his attention to the armored Tiefling sitting next to him and says, quite relaxedly,

'Scuse me, you work fer her, right?

He motions towards Shemeska with his left hand. In his right hand, he holds a half-filled mug of ale. He seems to be fully focused on the bodyguard, and continues speaking in the same conversational manner he began with.

See, I'm writing a book, great work of nonfiction ye might call it. I've
'eard tell a' you, and was wonderin' if ye could spare me a bit o' yer time...

He mutters something that sounds like gibberish, and then pulls a loose page out of his leather volume, quickly heading it "Shemeska the Marauder" and then looking at the bodyguard with a rather neutral expression. He leans back in his chair and sticks his pen in his mouth, waiting for a response.

Merlianik Surefooted's picture
Joined: 2004-07-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: I'm so sorry, this thread had peetered out so long ago I actually hadn't looked back at it in a long time. I didn't notice your reference to me untill just now. Feel free to PM folks that have let their attnetion slide like that...

"FrostyObsitnic" wrote:
Noticing the creature in the fedora, he ambles up to him and begins babbling incoherently at him. He seems to catch himself and switches to common.

Sir, I can't help but notice the excellent piece of headwear you have there. I've only seen a couple like it in my travels, and I'm curious to know where exactly you came by it. Although I don't quite understand how ye managed to keep it on yer head like that, considering the horns...

Surefoot had managed to slip away after securing his interview with the Lady of the house, he was watching the tieflings with a sneer over his shoulder, when he nearly ran into the man who had approached him. "Oh, so sorry!" He said, attention abruptly turning to watching where his feet were going, "I didn't step on you did.. I?" He blinked, as the man pointed out the hat. "Oh." A chirpy smile crossed the reporter's face. "A bit of a find in the market," The bariur reached up to pluck it off his head, dusting the rim lightly. "Comes from some little Prime someplace, the vendor didn't know right where. It's got a unique style, I like it." He smiled, plopping it back on his head, between the horns as they curled just the slightest over the rim of the hat.

"FrostyObsitnic" wrote:
He glances upwards for a moment, mumbling into the air, and then continues speaking. M'names Abraham Liege. You seem an interesting fellow. Would you mind me asking you a few questions? You see, I'm writing a book... Well, not so much a book as an encyclopedia... He stops for a moment, trying to string together a more concise sentence. He fails to, and instead blathers on. It helps to be as complete as possible, and you seem like the type who's been places. Ya know a bit about fasion if I might say so myself, and ye must know some other things I might be interested in learning. What say you to showing me around this place a bit? Perhaps some polite conversation is in order?

The reporter paused, staring down at the odd fellow for a moment, before laughing. "And here I normally am the one asking the questions. Sure. Buy me a drink and I'll give you what darks I can. M' names Merlianik Surefooted, most folks just call me Surefoot."

FrostyObsitnic's picture
Joined: 2004-10-17
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Realizing that he had walked away from the bauriar in mid-speech, and becoming increasingly dissapointed with the bodyguard's silent intimidation, Abraham pushes back his seat and stands rather abruptly, leaving his blank sheet of notepaper on the table. Looking annoyed and vexed, he sighs "If ye find yourself gettin' a bit bored with that silent treatment you've been givin me, I'll be with the fellow in the hat." With that, he ambles off towards the Bauriur, stopping in front of him and murmuring apologetically and with exaggerated courtesy. "I must apologize for my lapse in concentration. Creeps up on me at the most inopportune moments."He motions for him to follow as he makes his way back towards the bar. "A drink, eh? Good information is hard to come by at that price. Normally one's got to buy four or five, and the reliability goes down at that point, you understand. Siddown, I've got a few coins to spare, and I can recite the drinks here by heart. "As he seats himself at the bar, he produces a sheet of dog-eared paper with a list scrawled on it, and looks between it and the creature beside him. "Name your poison, eh? Money's no object when it bags me a page or two."

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The door opens and a large human walks through. Mabey six feet tall, and dressed in a red and black polyester button down shirt, with all the buttons open, over a black soccer shirt, dark blue bagy jeans, shades, a red and black bandana and a pair of heavy black work boots, his face is graced with curly/bushy sideburns and a short gotee, connected by a small band of hair.
He walks up to the gestbook, pulls out a mechanicle pencil and writes, in an almost illegible scrawl, "Muzzy".
Sideling over the bar, he grunts
His order placed, he leans against the bar and surveys the patrons with a faint grin on his face.

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