The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

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AlexBurel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Alex had been taking notes of the conversation, but as the image faded away, his mouth formed words in such a tone as if he had been awestruck at the model's sight.


He then turned to the alhoon and polar and began speaking in a voice of great curiosity

My apologies for interrupting your discussion but I must ask you a question: this plane of magic you speak of-if it is formed at a boundary where the Positive and negative planes can almost touch, could there be other subplanes where other opposites meet? Perhaps between water and fire, or earth and air, or maybe between the temportal energy plane and...

He stops for a moment , realizing the temportal plane has no counterpart.

I just realized, where would the temportal plane be? If, like so many claim, it is a elemental plane then it must have borderlines where it meets other planes-and yet no one has ever discovered any connection... That means that it could have any number of undiscovered paraelemental planes just waiting to be learned of...

And yet, there is no opposite either... if there would be a parallel then what shape would it take? It is hard to imagine a plane of "anti time" as it would be... Do you have any knowladdge on this subject?

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The diagram remains in the air for now, as the polar has no reason not to show off, bardic as he is. He bows his draconic head, of slender muzzle, somehow bringing to mind that celestial Jackal form of the past minute.

"Your wisdom shows again, dear sir. It is unwise to burn too hotly, lest all fuel be consumed before the task is done. I remind my offer. Aid greater than any I can provide directly shall be rewarded to you for a sample of that plane, and, if required, a possibly useful material can be provided for just that purpose, if your need occurs, with no charge upon accident, of course."

The polar glances to the livelier flesh with a proud grin.

"The temporal plane, if one can call it that, is but an interraction of Being and Change. If anything, it is a paraplane, but truly, it isn't that either."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"AlexBurel" wrote:
My apologies for interrupting your discussion but I must ask you a question: this plane of magic you speak of-if it is formed at a boundary where the Positive and negative planes can almost touch, could there be other subplanes where other opposites meet? Perhaps between water and fire, or earth and air, or maybe between the temportal energy plane and...

The Planar Cartographer's Guild, which is in turn a division of the old Fraternity of Order, acknowledges that many minor pocket dimensions could theoretically exist in the Inner Planes, with interactions normally assumed never to happen, such as a hidden connection betwixt Salt and Mineral, or even the famous Plane of Steam Theory. Athasian planeswalkers have posited theories on planes of Silt, Sunshine, and Rain. The scholars of the realm of Wu has even theorized planes of Wood and Void. Only well-documented exploration will ever transform these theories into fact.

"AlexBurel" wrote:
I just realized, where would the temportal plane be? If, like so many claim, it is a elemental plane then it must have borderlines where it meets other planes-and yet no one has ever discovered any connection... That means that it could have any number of undiscovered paraelemental planes just waiting to be learned of...

The Temporal Enery Plane is documented as bordering the Astral Plane, and possessing portals from various locations.

"AlexBurel" wrote:
And yet, there is no opposite either... if there would be a parallel then what shape would it take? It is hard to imagine a plane of "anti time" as it would be... Do you have any knowladdge on this subject?

Due to its location in the Astral realms, the usual Oppositional Element Theory does not apply to the plane of Time, though, some scholars are currently stating that the Prime Material, the plane of Space, if you will, is in fact Time's opposite.

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Of course, there is the usual flaw in the thoughts of fleshy things. They have this strange notion that there is such a thing as an opposite. Fire and water, though hard to blend, are not opposed to each other, anymore than the air and earth explode in another's presence, or that positive and negative have no common habits. But it is a good thing, too, that mortals and immortals alike, all things of the flesh and ether, are so small minded as to think that position creates opposition. If they ever truly understood the inner planes, nay, ANYTHING, doom and paradise would be a quick fate to all."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Incenjucar" wrote:
"Of course, there is the usual flaw in the thoughts of fleshy things. They have this strange notion that there is such a thing as an opposite. Fire and water, though hard to blend, are not opposed to each other, anymore than the air and earth explode in another's presence, or that positive and negative have no common habits. But it is a good thing, too, that mortals and immortals alike, all things of the flesh and ether, are so small minded as to think that position creates opposition. If they ever truly understood the inner planes, nay, ANYTHING, doom and paradise would be a quick fate to all."

"I am well aware of the feelings of elemental sentients on the Oppositional Element Theory. However, as they apply to elemental magic, the theory holds, and as such, it is used in common parlance. I am also aware of the hidden insult in that commentary, Master Polar. Remember, I too was constrained to my own flesh once. But one knows with true wisdom when a law applies, and when it does not." Jaspar turns dark eyes to the polar, and seems to wait for his response.

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The polar shakes his head a bit, in a water-like flow of flame extinguishing his draconic form, leaving one of his more common ones. Left as a dark-haired, young male humanoid of ash-white skin, and the general shape of a half-elf, the polar lifts his hand towards the alhoon.

"There is no shame, dear sir, in flaws, so long as you recognize them. I hardly lack them myself. But know, if knowledge and truth is what you seek, the old theories will only lead you down the wrong path. It is a path near the true one at the beginning, and it certainly seems the proper. But like any two rays unparallel, they eventually veer off out of sight of each other, and your destination be lost for some other, lesser place. Consider, dear sir. Would you consider an acid and a base to be truly opposites? Indeed, they can even be found in the same substance. They have an opposing effect, and they do negate each other, but they can at once be the same. Opposites... rather few truly exist in this Cycle. Most are but illusions with vast popularity, like the notions of the petty deities being greater than the mortals that imagined them in to being.

It is your path to choose, dear sir. But I do offer thee to ponder the other, before it has gone from your sight."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jaspar considers this for a time, tugging again at his lower tentacle, and seems to realize he is doing so, and jerks his hand away, setting it firmly on the table.

"Your words have sense to them. But there is a counterpart. Of course, holding to theories that have proven to have disclaimants or even exceptions as whole cloth truth is idiocy. To say that the Oppositional Element Theory itself is wholly true is foolishness. For where is an opposite of Radiance, some realm of shadowy darkness? Certainly not on any maps of the Inner Planes I am privy to. However, for those young spellcasters and sages it provides a sound base for general understanding. That is why field study is so important, to find where these theories hold, and where they do not. For example, this endeavor. It has been long held that the Inner Planes had stabilized and been codifed for millenia. The discovery of the para- and quasi-elemental planes threw that on its ear. I do not state that known theories explain everything, good polar, only that eventually, they -will-."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The polar bows his head in acknowledgment of the alhoon's wisdom, his hair not flowing as it should, due to being composed of more or less solid flame coated in ash.

"Precisely, dear sir. It is a sad habit of minds lesser than yourself to focus on the working theories, rather than the facts, and they so oft forget that there are truer ways beyond the seeming shortcuts. I wished only to be sure that their taint was not affecting your research. The Inner Planes do not give their secrets lightly, but nobody appreciates perpetuated falsehoods about themselves. Besides that, it is a rather nasty habit, even amoung those who claim to be pure in their research, to twist information to keep their competition a few steps behind. Else there'd be much more trouble in the multiverse."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"No, I will not be concealing any data from the research. Any. Verifiable portals, the existance of the shaz, the traits and methods of using the dimension's massive power influx. If anything, I had assumed that those of the Elemental Realms would be more interested in silencing what would become yet another massive influx of non-elemental beings..."

As he says this, a wash of catapsionic force rushes over him, and the warping effects of his aura vanish. The immense dispelling does not travel far from his body, but the effects are felt by those detecting magical and psionic energy, who see the epic energies surrounding Jaspar suddenly flatline, then slowly return to merely overwhelming over the course of a minute.

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The polar flashes a fanged smile, and rests his hands upon his knees.

"Admirable, dear sir. As for motives, well, I'm certain you have heard the adage so popular with drow... 'Come in to my parlor...' It's quite interesting how fleshy beings can react when exposed to great power... Especially when they're foolish enough to think it harmless. While I can feel..."

The polar makes a brushing motion, causing a wave of harmless radiance to pass through the room, having no effect in the region where the alhoon's wards lie. As a side thought, the polar releases his hold on the light in the room, letting the diagram fade in to nothingness.

...that you are not one of those sorts. But it's amazing how many women have been -assuming- that they had a tryst with a genie in disguise when a genasi finds birth from them... Oh to be that carelessly naive and innocent..."

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Writer let out a sigh of wonder as the diagram faded away and shook his head. The radiant creature and the tentacle-faced undead's talk had entranced him before he'd gotten half-way towards Shemeska's table. Some of their conversation had been gibberish to him, but he DID understand parts of it. The undead creature had discovered a dimension of pure magic? No doubt the youth would come to understand more as he found out what the various terms used in the conversation meant. And then there was the diagram...A map of some kind. A map of the whole reality? Perhaps. Fantastic...He'd come here in search of someone who could help him, but by merely listening and observing the events in this 'taverna' he had learned stuff.

Speaking of which...He curbed his lust to remain and watch the two brainstorming powers and set out towards Shemeska's table. Once there he coughed to attract attention to himself*

Umm...How should I phrase myself? Oh yeah...The signature.

*Assuming there's not an obvious waiting line, Shemeska's already talking with someone or that she's looking extrordinarily busy he says*

"My pardons, but are you, perchance, Shemeska the Marauder, King of the Crosstrade?"

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
(A little thing called a thesis absorbed my time irl...)

"Writer*" wrote:
Assuming there's not an obvious waiting line, Shemeska's already talking with someone or that she's looking extrordinarily busy he says*

"My pardons, but are you, perchance, Shemeska the Marauder, King of the Crosstrade?"

The Marauder looks up with a flashed smile full of -almost- minimized fangs, the timing almost perfect for when Writer addressed her. An outsider might have thought that she was waiting for them to come up with the will to finally approach her.

"Well spoken and well met. Indeed I am." She reaches out with one hand extended towards the human, her wrist limp and eyes sparkling with flickers of lavender light. She pauses and waits for him to take her hand, but to shake or to kiss as some mortals would do to royalty... it isn't clear.

"I would address you by name but... I felt it more polite not to pry into your thoughts. I find it easy to do and useful more often than not. Some mortals take offense however, and given the clutter of thought thieves and psions in the room at the moment... the place is a shambles and I didn't wish to add to the static."

Shemeska draws back her hand and motions with a dramatic flair to an empty seat next to Writer. "Please, sit and speak. You have my attention."

As she waits for Writer to explain himself she glances at her reflection in the mirror, adjusts her razorvine tiara ever so slightly and smirks at the reflection of the Polar in the mirror. The elemental's change into a form not patterned after herself seems to please her.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

As Writer sat down at the table with the King of the Crosstrade, the 'loth sent her thoughts flying over towards the snake haired tiefling that had, so far, been patiently waiting to speak with her.

My apologies for making you wait. It truly is remiss of me, but I have so many callers today. I guess it simply happens as an extension of my charm... But anyways, what did you wish to speak with me about. If it happens to be important I can always dispose of any other berks I'm talking with if they don't have much that interests me. That's how these things work most often. But I digress...

Think of what you wish to say and I'll listen just as clearly as if you'd spoken it aloud. Illithid's are hardly the only race capable of the trick...

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jaspar's dark eyes turn for a moment, taking in the scene, and coils his tentacles again as he connects to Shemeska.

"No, many races can connect mind-to-mind, but only a miniscule few can eavesdrop along said channels. By the by, friend, I'll be headed back to the Enlightener soon. Oh yes...the last time we crossed paths I hadn't acquired my new "planesjammer". It's a modified dreadnought, that I have installed some runes of plane-shifting and a new more modifications. It's in the 19th berth on the Rock of Bral. If I am gone by the time you are done, you can find me there. Do stop by, we should catch up. I do miss discussing things with a comparable intellect."

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Writer took Shemeska's hand and shook it lightly, never even considering the other option, before sitting down in front of her and folding his hands in his laps. He was nervous, but he couldn't help himself. This was an alien place he'd ended up in and this Shemeska's species was not known to him...Well, if she could help him he would talk with her. His dark green eyes studied carefully every detail about the arcanaloth, and filed the information away*

"A pleasure to meet you, Shemeska. I...Go by the name of 'Writer' and I am...A traveling scribe. I am also..."

How to explain...

"...In a bit of a jam to be perfectly honest. Let me explain. I am new to this 'Sigil'. In fact, I...I must have arrived here mere hours ago. Normally this wouldn't be so much of a problem, but the thing is, I...I believe I am suffering from partial amnesia. I have no idea how I ended up here as most of my recent memory is..Not with me. I simply came to in an alley a few hours back and believe me, it was quite disturbing findig out that I was in an alien place like this, with no idea how I got here."

*Writer closed his eyes for a moment and took a calming breath before opening them again and went over Shemeska with his eyes again. Though his eyes were concentrating upon Shemeska, one hand briefly went to check on the tattered book hanging by a special harness on his belt*

"After I had gathered my wits I was fortunate enough to chance upon a man who, in exchange for an item which I carried, agreed to answer some of my more urgent questions...And give me cause to ask many more, which he could--or would--not answer to. This man advised me to get in touch with you. I...I need information about this reality. Information about where I am. Information about your local customs, rules and whatnot. Information about the kinds of dangers this place has.

I don't expect you will supply this information, or that I would even be able to pay your price if you did, but there may be a compromise of sorts for me. The man told me of something called a 'Mimir', a kind of libraria contained within a floating silver skull. Do you know what such a thing would cost me and where I could find one?"

*He quickly held up a hand to stop any forthcoming answer*

"And please...Before you answer that I wish to know one thing specifically. What will this cost me? I had to give up an item of worth to the man. What will I have to give you? I am not a rich man, and I want to know if I will be able to pay your price."

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Shemmy the Friendly Fiend...

"Writer" wrote:
*Writer took Shemeska's hand and shook it lightly, never even considering the other option, before sitting down in front of her and folding his hands in his laps. He was nervous, but he couldn't help himself.

"A pleasure to meet you, Shemeska. I...Go by the name of 'Writer' and I am...A traveling scribe. I am also..."

How to explain...

Shemeska smiled with absolute courtesy, taking her hand back as if Writer had done nothing wrong in the slightest.

"...In a bit of a jam to be perfectly honest. Let me explain. I am new to this 'Sigil'. In fact, I...I must have arrived here mere hours ago. Normally this wouldn't be so much of a problem, but the thing is, I...I believe I am suffering from partial amnesia. I have no idea how I ended up here as most of my recent memory is..Not with me. I simply came to in an alley a few hours back and believe me, it was quite disturbing findig out that I was in an alien place like this, with no idea how I got here."

The 'loth put a hand to her breast and another to her mouth in shocked sympathy. A small teardrop welled up in the corner of her left eye.

"Oh you poor thing. Such a horrible thing to happen to someone, especially in a place as typically unforgiving as Sigil. There has to be some way that I can help you."

Her voice was tinged in empathy and any celestial in range would have been showered in anger from her affected attitude, given her nature, or been moved to laughter at her attempt. She brushed a painted claw up to take the teardrop from her eye, the claws suddenly seeming a lot less sharp and a much more soothing color then they had only minutes before. She moved the hand into her lap where the burning, acid teardrop sizzled away into nothing unseen by her guest.

*Writer closed his eyes for a moment and took a calming breath before opening them again and went over Shemeska with his eyes again. Though his eyes were concentrating upon Shemeska, one hand briefly went to check on the tattered book hanging by a special harness on his belt*

"After I had gathered my wits I was fortunate enough to chance upon a man who, in exchange for an item which I carried, agreed to answer some of my more urgent questions...And give me cause to ask many more, which he could--or would--not answer to. This man advised me to get in touch with you. I...I need information about this reality. Information about where I am. Information about your local customs, rules and whatnot. Information about the kinds of dangers this place has.

I don't expect you will supply this information, or that I would even be able to pay your price if you did, but there may be a compromise of sorts for me. The man told me of something called a 'Mimir', a kind of libraria contained within a floating silver skull. Do you know what such a thing would cost me and where I could find one?"

*He quickly held up a hand to stop any forthcoming answer*

"And please...Before you answer that I wish to know one thing specifically. What will this cost me? I had to give up an item of worth to the man. What will I have to give you? I am not a rich man, and I want to know if I will be able to pay your price."

Shemeska reached out her other hand from her chest to place it atop Writer's own on the tabletop. "Absolutely nothing at the moment. I normally charge for the information I sell, it's what I do. I collect all manner of knowledge and sell it to those seeking it. My race values knowledge, from the mundane to the magical in all its forms, so it comes naturally that I trade in it. We're all scholars, sages and sorcerers, myself included."

Up came her other hand to brush at her lips briefly, "I couldn't in all good conscience charge you for such simple information given your circumstances. I wouldn't be able to live with myself for taking advantage of someone like that. I can certainly tell you where you could find a mimir, or even just the information itself from my own lips. All I could even dare to ask in return is a like favor in the future or maybe just when you're able to come and pay me a visit again when you're able."

She paused and leaned forwards, her gown chinking slightly with the noise of glass beads on glass beads, rattling and sliding as she moved. "But don't you worry about that right now. You have other things on your mind and I wouldn't make you dwell on other things of lesser importance."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The Incenjucar smirks faintly, his 'eyes' still aimed at the illithid, but his smirk shifting with the conversations, both audible and physical. Though lacking in the realm of mental powers, the polar takes full advantage of his obscene sight, and reads the subtle cues -- the 'mere mortal', of course, proves easiest to read.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(Will save, check. Bluff check, solid. Okay.)

Jaspar listens to this exchange, and calls upon every single iota of mental restraint not to actually roll on the floor laughing. He mentally notes her performance skills, and how well she does. Someone with no knowledge of her heritage or personality might even have believed it, but he had known Shemeska since he himself first arrived here over a decade ago, and this act was just for show. All he does visibly, however, is telekinetically grab her a hankerchief, cast a quick resist acid on the cloth, and walk over to her side, placing a seemingly caring four-fingered hand on her shoulder, as if to steady a beloved woman of fragile mein.

Telepathically, however, he was not so restrained. "Oh -gods-, woman. I nearly burst a lung. It is very fortunate I long since stopped breathing subconsciously or my guffaw would have blown your charade. Warn someone when you're about to do something like that. Here, use this for that nasty ductile issue you're having. It will mask the acidic nature of it from the clueless. By the way, his mind is like rummaging through the Libraries of Thoth without knowing how to read Mulhorandi. A strange construction, unlike any I have seen before. I will open negotiations with you for sharing what we discover about him once you are done."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
My apologies for making you wait. It truly is remiss of me, but I have so many callers today. I guess it simply happens as an extension of my charm... But anyways, what did you wish to speak with me about. If it happens to be important I can always dispose of any other berks I'm talking with if they don't have much that interests me. That's how these things work most often. But I digress...

Think of what you wish to say and I'll listen just as clearly as if you'd spoken it aloud. Illithid's are hardly the only race capable of the trick...

Enzo sits patiently, waiting for his opportunity to deliver his packages to the arcanoloth.

OOC: Enzo's mind is somehow walled off to telepathic contact. He is apparently unaware of such attempts to communicate with him.

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
Two can play this game.

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
She brushed a painted claw up to take the teardrop from her eye, the claws suddenly seeming a lot less sharp and a much more soothing color then they had only minutes before. She moved the hand into her lap where the burning, acid teardrop sizzled away into nothing unseen by her guest.

*Writer's eyes narrowed the slightest bit at Shemeska's subtle shapechange((?)) was noted. Alarm bells, the first of many, began to toll inside his mind*

Well damn me thrice. Is she a shapechanger?

Shemeska reached out her other hand from her chest to place it atop Writer's own on the tabletop. "Absolutely nothing at the moment. I normally charge for the information I sell, it's what I do. I collect all manner of knowledge and sell it to those seeking it. My race values knowledge, from the mundane to the magical in all its forms, so it comes naturally that I trade in it. We're all scholars, sages and sorcerers, myself included."

Up came her other hand to brush at her lips briefly, "I couldn't in all good conscience charge you for such simple information given your circumstances. I wouldn't be able to live with myself for taking advantage of someone like that. I can certainly tell you where you could find a mimir, or even just the information itself from my own lips. All I could even dare to ask in return is a like favor in the future or maybe just when you're able to come and pay me a visit again when you're able."

She paused and leaned forwards, her gown chinking slightly with the noise of glass beads on glass beads, rattling and sliding as she moved. "But don't you worry about that right now. You have other things on your mind and I wouldn't make you dwell on other things of lesser importance."

*Writer listened thoughtfully to her words, but he shook his head after she had finished and held up a hand to stay her*

...A favour? Very vague. And the way in which she dismisses the favour itself... One thing is certain. It's too overdone to be true. It has to be. Even if it was true, which is possible...I shouldn't take the chance. I'll need to find a way to dismiss her offer in a civil way...And stop thinking straightforward. She DID say she could eavesdrop on my mind.

*Mentally beginning to sing monotonous tavern songs the youth stammered a reply to the arcanaloth*

"I...I couldn't possibly accept such vast generosity, kind lady, even if you DID have the patience to answer my endless long-winded questions about this alien place and its inhabitants. My personal pride--and my own conscience--wouldn't allow it, I'm afraid. But I'm pleased to say that I now may have a solution for us both.

You...Your race...It put value in knowledge, did you not say so? I have...That is, I know quite a lot for one my age. Perhaps I, coming from another reality, know something that could be of use to you? And, in an emergency, I still have a few of these left..."

*He dug his left hand into the left pocket on his jacket and removed a small handful of silver pens which he spilled clattering onto Shemeska's table. One began to roll, but Writer stopped it with a light finger*

"I know it isn't much, but you do not seem keen on receiving much repayment. Indeed, I must thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so sympathetic to my cause."

*Writer's eyes began to go Shemeska over again. He had made his move. Now for hers*

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

No longer the center of attention, a travesty for a bard, the polar pivots on his seat of light with startling quickness, and turns to face whichever attendant of Shemeska's is closest, and, be there a choice, furthest from the the lass. Within a moment of shifting features, he matches the being's fascade, but in his usual greyscale manner, and barely holds back engaging in minor impish torments, if only because he's still busy watching everyone in the room as well. Still, what he has for 'eyes' stare quietly at the attendant's, should they dare to look upon their dull-hued twin.

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Shemeska the Marauder, eh? I know the name... heh, but who of the clued in doesn't? Seems to always have the spotlight on her in this place. Anyway, who would know about prime material real estate? Not Dog-Breath there probably... she'd just want my soul for whatever yugoloths use souls for. Hm... unless I outline the terms well enough. Well, we'll see...

Ohtar knocks back his drink, finishing it off, then rises and quietly prowls the establishment slowly, evesdropping on conversation snippets as he goes, trying to figure out who might know about an appropriate prime world.

His cloak has stablized at green again and his ioun stones have slowed until they're hardly moving.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Re: Two can play this game.

"Writer" wrote:
*Writer listened thoughtfully to her words, but he shook his head after she had finished and held up a hand to stay her*

*Mentally beginning to sing monotonous tavern songs the youth stammered a reply to the arcanaloth*

Thinking to herself, Stupid primes, always paranoid about their mental defenses. For being the mental equivalent of a tissue paper fortress that's too damn annoying, and too damn effective...

In any event she withdrew from the mortal's mind and sat uncomfortably on the metaphorical doorstep of his consciousness, sitting alone and unpleased in the rain of mental static in the room.

"I...I couldn't possibly accept such vast generosity, kind lady, even if you DID have the patience to answer my endless long-winded questions about this alien place and its inhabitants. My personal pride--and my own conscience--wouldn't allow it, I'm afraid. But I'm pleased to say that I now may have a solution for us both.

You...Your race...It put value in knowledge, did you not say so? I have...That is, I know quite a lot for one my age. Perhaps I, coming from another reality, know something that could be of use to you? And, in an emergency, I still have a few of these left..."

*He dug his left hand into the left pocket on his jacket and removed a small handful of silver pens which he spilled clattering onto Shemeska's table. One began to roll, but Writer stopped it with a light finger*

"I know it isn't much, but you do not seem keen on receiving much repayment. Indeed, I must thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so sympathetic to my cause."

Another smile from the fiend, "I'm always curious about new places and new ideas. Like I said, I trade in information, nother more, nothing less. That by itself would be enough payment in my mind if you wouldn't mind me asking questions, and putting up with my curiousity."

Shemeska extended her hand towards one of the pens with the soft jangle of a number of golden bracelets on her wrist and touched it lightly. She glanced up at Writer with a curious look, "May I? What are they if you don't mind me asking."

[OOC: are they actually silver? Knowing how 'loths react to the stuff... hehehe]

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
Another smile from the fiend, "I'm always curious about new places and new ideas. Like I said, I trade in information, nothing more, nothing less. That by itself would be enough payment in my mind if you wouldn't mind me asking questions, and putting up with my curiousity."

*Writer smiled weakly and dragged a hand through his dark blonde hair, ruffling it before smoothing it again*

"I'll bet my curiosity is greater than yours, kind lady, but I will gladly answer any question you might have, if you're willing to answer mine."

*He observed Shemeska's reaction to the pens with interest. He took one of the pens, held it up in front of Shemeska so that she could better see and twirled it around between two fingers to show it all*

"They're made to look like pens, which are implements of writing if you didn't know that. They're mechanical ones...Or...Not exactly, but how they work is based on a ordinary 'Principlia Science'. I'll gladly tell you of how the principle and the pens work if we are going to exchange information. But back on topic...These pens were a gift to me, and have been modified to be miniature throwing or stabbing weapons. When pressing the upper part of the pen the lower part will extrude a sharpened needle. If your interest is not along -those- lines I'm sure it will be possible to re-modify them to make them ordinary again...And just the metal itself is worth something, I'll bet."

OOC: Purest silver...And neither Writer or I have any idea how 'loths react to it, having no idea really what a 'loth is.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: *blink**grins widely* Oh. My. You have no idea how happy a loth you just made. If you want me to I'll PM you what a loth is, and who Shemmy is - assuming you want the surprise spoiled. Eye-wink Otherwise i'll keep my trap firmly *shut*. *grinning widely*

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(Guess my Bluff assist other for Shemmy is ignored. Oh well.*shrug* If you just missed it, it's last page.)

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(He may have thought you were trying to bluff the polar -- Heck, I did)

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(Nah, I was trying to help Shemmy steamroll the human.)

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Shemmy you'd all love to see.

((Jasper: Err...Yah. Kinda missed that. It still wouldn't have counted for very much, though. Jasper's appearance isn't one to inspire much faith, I'm afraid, and Shemeska's slight shapechange has left Writer on his toes. Better safe than sorry. But he's still not very suspicious or mistrusting. He's had no dealings with Shemeska(or even something like Shemeska) before and he knows practically anything is possible. And the alhoon(not that Writer knows what an alhoon is) who supported her, though disturbing in appearance, IS a striking figure...A figure which, to Writer, has sounded extrordinarily learned. So in Writer's mind Shemeska could still be exactly what she makes herself appear to be...A sympathic and kind lady willing to help somone who has suddenly and abruptly ended up in a dangerous alien reality, a truly gentle soul filled with compassion for the needy and weak in all walks of life....What?

Clueless: Hmm...I think I'll stay ignorant and make the fiend happy. I know I don't want to make it mad. You can PM it to me another time when you feel it appropriate. For now I'll act as 'real' as possible in my dealings with Shemeska.))

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(Yeah, the subtle hand on the shoulder, and handkerchief. Little something to add to the illusion. *shrugs* No big issue, she's a ton more manipulative than Jaspar'll ever be. He's too caught up in exploration for much else, but anything to help a friend.)

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Writer" wrote:
"They're made to look like pens, which are implements of writing if you didn't know that. They're mechanical ones...Or...Not exactly, but how they work is based on a ordinary 'Principlia Science'. I'll gladly tell you of how the principle and the pens work if we are going to exchange information. But back on topic...These pens were a gift to me, and have been modified to be miniature throwing or stabbing weapons. When pressing the upper part of the pen the lower part will extrude a sharpened needle. If your interest is not along -those- lines I'm sure it will be possible to re-modify them to make them ordinary again...And just the metal itself is worth something, I'll bet."

OOC: Purest silver...And neither Writer or I have any idea how 'loths react to it, having no idea really what a 'loth is.

"Interesting. Devious little design there, did you make them yourself?" Shemeska touches one of the pens with her thumb and forefinger and there's a small flare of smoke that tightly curls up from where she came into contact with the pen. She lightly puts it down and dips the offended fingers in her wine glass.

"Indeed, the metal is worth something just by itself. Rather pure I'll say..." The 'loth sucks on her singed fingers for a moment, though more to not waste the expensive wine than for any lingering pain. There's a tiny discoloration on the tip of her thumb however.

"How does this sound to you? One of the pens and a few questions about where you're from. In exchange I'll provide you with the name and location of a person who can give you access to a mimir for no charge. If you want a mimir to take with you, I can arrange for that as well, but as you can imagine I'd have to charge more in that case. Creation of magical items tends to be draining on a person."

"However, draining or not, it's a joy that I couldn't do without. You'll find it omnipresent where you are now, most of it finding its way into the more mundane things around you. Some worlds don't have it and have done the same, or even greater things, in its absence with their own ingenuity and 'sciences'. I suspect your own world might be one of those places. Can't say without knowing more about you though. Humans are -everywhere- so that by itself won't help me or anyone else in placing you."

The fiend picked up a napkin and brushed back one of the pens that had slid just ever so closer to her before smiling back at Writer. "So, what say you?"

As she says so, with almost an afterthought the 'loth touched a ring on her finger with the tip of one claw. Seamlessly her dress altered and shifted from the glossy, beaded green gown that it had been, to a more sheer and snugly fitted dress covered in patterns that resembled the scales of a sapphire dragon.

"As I said, magic is something I couldn't do without. So many uses."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

In the mood for experiment, the polar focuses his elemental divination to percieve the reflections coming off of Shemeska's mirror, to see if she's truly looking at herself, or has it angled so as to spy on some person or part of the room. Utilizing minor effort, he continues to stare at the attendant he had singled out, with a gaze not unlike a cat's when decided whether to pounce something. Upon the use of a ring of similar function to his own Ring of Style, the polar's brow twitches.

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Writer blinked and drew back in sudden surprise, looking at Shemeska with something akin to curiosity and fear, as smoke began curling from the 'loths thumb and forefinger. After a second the emotions were wiped from his face as if they'd never been there and he continued to listen to Shemeska's proposal. After she had pitched it and given her lecture on magic, the youth stopped mentally singing tavern song and, for some reason, mentally relaxed somewhat. Still holding one of the pens, he twirled it around once more*

"First...I didn't make these myself. They were comissioned to me by someone I came to know after...I had left my home. My world is...Was...Is? Never mind. To my knowledge it wasn't a very technological world when I left. Magic...Is known to me."

*He gazed at her changed clothes with interest and did so, indeed, only at her clothes. His hand fiddled with the pen, his thumb beginning to press on the upper part. Click. A silver needle protruded. Click. A silver needle disappeared back into the pen. Click. And so on*

"Hmm...Mana. Magic. Magi. Magus...Mage. I dabble. You can hardly avoid doing so if you want to get around. But I'd rather stick to words. They're useful, your average words. We use them all the time without hardly thinking of where we would be without them."

*His thumb pressed the top of the pen one last time while the hand moved forwards against Shemeska and...Placed the silver pen on the table in front of her, needle withdrawn. He picked up the rest of the pens and pocketed them*

"I'm sure I'll learn some new ones here. Shemeska the Marauder? I agree to your first proposal...But, I beg you to lend me a guide of some kind in addition. I AM new to this place, after all, and it wouldn't do to get the knowledge of where to go if I didn't know how to get to the place."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The polar glances towards writer with a bored smirk, as symbols from a dozen or so different languages start to burn their way in to the air around him, as if he was creating a wall of words.

"Wary, good sir. Words hold their own mysticism, and their own mysteries. They can be as dangerous as any spell, but like all power, can turn on their source easily. Wary that you do not seek too many words in the outer planes, and those that come from them."

He flashes a strange glance towards Shemeska, whether or not she's able to notice, then looks back to the fleshy mortal.

"Even the mightiest creature, out here, can be bound by but their name, and other words of power. Though, admittedly, it's also a rather rich trade to pursue if you know how to survive it, or don't care if you do."

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Writer" wrote:

*He gazed at her changed clothes with interest and did so, indeed, only at her clothes. His hand fiddled with the pen, his thumb beginning to press on the upper part. Click. A silver needle protruded. Click. A silver needle disappeared back into the pen. Click. And so on*

"Hmm...Mana. Magic. Magi. Magus...Mage. I dabble. You can hardly avoid doing so if you want to get around. But I'd rather stick to words. They're useful, your average words. We use them all the time without hardly thinking of where we would be without them."

*His thumb pressed the top of the pen one last time while the hand moved forwards against Shemeska and...Placed the silver pen on the table in front of her, needle withdrawn. He picked up the rest of the pens and pocketed them*

"I'm sure I'll learn some new ones here. Shemeska the Marauder? I agree to your first proposal...But, I beg you to lend me a guide of some kind in addition. I AM new to this place, after all, and it wouldn't do to get the knowledge of where to go if I didn't know how to get to the place."

Shemeska smiled, her grin a sea of white without even the hint of fangs, just a perfect smile like it'd been made for that moment to set her audience at ease.

"Well I believe that we've come to an arrangement then." The fiend smiled again as she flicked her wrist to send the single silver pen before her floating over to one of her tieflings. The lackey pocketed the silver object with a nod but otherwise said nothing. Underlings are always better unheard, unseen and unobtrusive till you need them.

"Colcook!" The 'loth snapped her fingers without looking back at the lizard-tailed tiefling currently holding her mirror several feet away from the table. "If you would be so kind, please show Writer the way to the Festhall if you would. Tell me when you've arrived there and once again after you've seen to it that he's happy with the mimir you'll ensure that he accquires while there. After that you're free for the evening to do as you please. I'll be otherwise occupied and not taking further visitors."

Shemeska leaned forwards on the table, "Does that seem suitable dear?"

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Don't shoot the messenger

Enzo steps up to Shemeska's table. "Begging your pardon for my boldness, Your Ladyship, but I'd like to deliver these...", he nods down at the scrollcase and parcel in his hands, "... and be on my way."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Sighing quietly, producing a small puff of gray ash from his lips, and a small squeak from the fire bat lodged in his chest, the polar looks back to the alhoon, and takes on a serious tone as he drifts down from his perch of light and takes a seat in a chair, albeit after having turned it around so that his legs were jutting either way, and his arms rested on the back of the chair.

"Might I inquire, dear sir, as to the depth of your knowledge regarding ancient Mazes, of that sort so dear to this Cage? Or, for that matter, whether any particularly large explosions of matter, such as one might find when bringing together several energon of either sort, has occured within the last thirteen thousand, six-hundred and sixty-six years? Or, for that matter, how to get a bloody sage over their fetish for numerology?"

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Incenjucar" wrote:
"Might I inquire, dear sir, as to the depth of your knowledge regarding ancient Mazes, of that sort so dear to this Cage? Or, for that matter, whether any particularly large explosions of matter, such as one might find when bringing together several energon of either sort, has occured within the last thirteen thousand, six-hundred and sixty-six years? Or, for that matter, how to get a bloody sage over their fetish for numerology?"

Jaspar looks up from Shemeska, and fixes his ebon eyes on the polar.

"My knowledge concerning the Mazes of the Cage is strictly limited, as I have never been mazed. I have gathered some research, but it is all tainted from being second-hand.

As for massive explosions of energy and matter? There have been untold examples of such power being released. I can nearly quote no less than seventy-five examples, and direct you to books and sensory stones concerning no less than a thousand. Can you be more specific?"

The mind flayer lich coils his tentacles again and tugs one absently. "As for numerology and sages, you might as well argue the general value of the Rule of Three, good polar. Which brings to mind a gap...your name. What was it?"

Writer's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Incenjucar" wrote:

"Wary, good sir. Words hold their own mysticism, and their own mysteries. They can be as dangerous as any spell, but like all power, can turn on their source easily. Wary that you do not seek too many words in the outer planes, and those that come from them."

He flashes a strange glance towards Shemeska, whether or not she's able to notice, then looks back to the fleshy mortal.

"Even the mightiest creature, out here, can be bound by but their name, and other words of power. Though, admittedly, it's also a rather rich trade to pursue if you know how to survive it, or don't care if you do."

*Writer took his eyes off Shemeska and looked over at the polar. He was clearly surprised that it had adressed him. He took on a serious look at its words and sent a sidelong look at Shemeska, but then he shrugged, loosened up and smiled wrily at it*

"Eh, I like to think that words are words. Words can, of course, be spells, focuses for energy and names, but...Their greater power lies in their gift of communication and their ability to conjure forth meaning when said and perceived. And to preserve."

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:

"Well I believe that we've come to an arrangement then." The fiend smiled again as she flicked her wrist to send the single silver pen before her floating over to one of her tieflings. The lackey pocketed the silver object with a nod but otherwise said nothing. Underlings are always better unheard, unseen and unobtrusive till you need them.

"Colcook!" The 'loth snapped her fingers without looking back at the lizard-tailed tiefling currently holding her mirror several feet away from the table. "If you would be so kind, please show Writer the way to the Festhall if you would. Tell me when you've arrived there and once again after you've seen to it that he's happy with the mimir you'll ensure that he accquires while there. After that you're free for the evening to do as you please. I'll be otherwise occupied and not taking further visitors."

Shemeska leaned forwards on the table, "Does that seem suitable dear?"

*The young mans attention snapped back from the Polar as the 'loth began to speak and after she had finished he nodded and smiled back to her*

"Yes indeed. Please know that I am most grateful for your assistance. Shall I answer your questions now or would you like to have some time to think what you are to ask while I visit this Festhall?"

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"JasperDM" wrote:
"My knowledge concerning the Mazes of the Cage is strictly limited, as I have never been mazed. I have gathered some research, but it is all tainted from being second-hand.

As for massive explosions of energy and matter? There have been untold examples of such power being released. I can nearly quote no less than seventy-five examples, and direct you to books and sensory stones concerning no less than a thousand. Can you be more specific?"

The mind flayer lich coils his tentacles again and tugs one absently. "As for numerology and sages, you might as well argue the general value of the Rule of Three, good polar. Which brings to mind a gap...your name. What was it?"

The polar lifts a brow, flashes a white-fanged smirk, and bows his head respectfully.

"Do pardon me, dear sir. I've no name as fleshy things so enjoy, but no end of minor titles. Most usually, I am called The Incenjucar, or Flame Dancer, or Dancer in the Flames, as one prefers. A terrible corruption and insult of the language derived, I know, but in that corruption lies distinction from my brethren, a difficult task in itself. That stated, I might inquire upon thine own, whether in your 'tongue' or that of those who use tongues to speak. As you well know, I can manage either equally well."

For a brief moment, four tentacles of flame, barely longer or thicker than fingers, erupt from the polar's lips, to remind of his ability to shift, and, therefor, ease in gesturing in Illithid.

"I suppose I can be frank in this matter, for there's no power great enough for any here to gain, that cannot be regained with ease, or forgotten. And, too, I thank you for lending your ear, whether you can help me or no."

The pollar taps his throat, as if trying to clear it, and explains.

"A bit less than fourteen thousand years ago, as Sigil turns, one of our number sought to take advantage of the Lady's Mazes. It was his goal to, respectfully, but not worshipfully, request of the Lady that he be granted a Maze designed as a proper fortress and research area. In exchange, he would willingly fulfill whatever burden the Lady chose to bring on to him to keep him from finding his way out, and would not lament the centuries it took to make his prison free of bars. Beyond that, he was also willing and ready for the Lady's Shadow. He was quite aware that the Lady might find his request arrogant or otherwise against her wishes, and so was ready to accept her decision, whatever it might be, even a maze of great difficulty to escape, but of no practical use, or even escape. However, we do not know of his fate. It may be that he was destroyed by her, or another being... which would likely have left quite a mark.. we do not know of he was ignored, and perhaps captured or imprisoned by another... or whatever else may have occurred. As such, I was asked to seek word of his potential fate, as one of our sages feels that the outer planes have an over-love of certain numbers, and that Sigil isn't so far from their nature. I do rather hope not to be checking her again in on-hundred and eleven years, three hundred and thirty-three years, and so on hence, if it can be helped. So, dear sir, does any of this strike thy memory? Or mention of a being not unlike an art piece of cubic iron wire in appearance, about that time?"

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Ah, my name. In Bral, where the Tradespeak is spoken, I am called Jaspar Arelius. In the lands of the drow, I am called Quasuropsine, or "Undying Mind". My name, however, is a four-level telepathic image...if you do not mind."

With that, Jaspar reaches out with his mind, speaking in pure telepathy, unshielded from courtesy, to let the full range of his mind show. A booming echoing voice, like a god in a great void, with a thousand incomprehensible whispers running like an undercurrent beneath it, On another level, there are sounds, strange noises like infinite mindless beings futilely attempting to play flutes. On another, blackness, penetrated by infinite dots of light, like a starry night unshielded by atmosphere. On the last, a great and horrible eye, as wide as a world, as a entire crystal sphere, staring, with no structure or part that would indicate anything human. Just as that multi-irised, horrible thing threatens to consume you with it's vastness, it all fades away to a single, strong, booming voice.

"That is my name, my identity. To put it into a short phrase is somewhat difficult as you can tell. Though, if I must be made to attempt it, I have been told 'Great Eye of Azathoth' is close. Though I must confess, I am a bit afraid to go forth and find out."

He withdraws his mind, and concentrates again on his vocalization spell. "As for your Mazed individual, I have no information in mind to aid you. I apologize."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The polar listens intently, then, as his somewhat feeble mental defenses are pushed through. Rather than have a muscular twitch as a fleshy thing might, his face distorts slightly, with bits of flame flicking from his entire visage for a spare moment, before her recovers himself and lets the four-score name surround him. His eyes, staring directly towards the Illithids, seem to project the scene, in as many depths, or at least it's imagery, back to the alhoon, straight in to his eyes, but not scattering like normal light for others to view. While the polar cannot mimic so easily the other sensations of the name, his skin literally crawls slowly, creating an ashen murmer to the tune of the flutes. Once begun, the 'Playback' is seemingly instantanious, as, after all, light travels faster than thought barring magic's aid. The polar bows his head again once the name is finished, and speaks plainly.

"It is a pleasure to know thee, "

Once more, the image plays, directly solely to the alhoon, memorized just as any song would be by any bard worth salt in a desert.

"And I but thank you for considering my query. The lack of information is, itself, quite informative. Again, thank you, dear sir. You are far more amiable than most in this burg, and, certainly, more pleasant to deal with than most owning such knowledge."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"One of the significant differences between most illithid and myself is that most illithid have very little experience with outsiders beyond the servants of Maanzecorian and Ilsensine. I, however, have spent the last sixty years on the planes, and have realized that the Illithid Empire does indeed have equals, if not...I hesistate to use the word 'superiors', but perhaps, 'advantaged competitors?'" He coils his tentacles about one another again.

"Sufficed to say, as a being outside my people's castes, I am forced to find intellectual conversation solely outside the inquisition. And since my love is knowledge of the planes, this city has afforded me many wonderful conversations. Most of my kin who will even accept me long enough to speak do not think outside the Prime Material, Astral, Pandemonium, and the Far Realms. It is most pleasing to speak with those with a wider scope, who daily teach me things I do not know."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"JasperDM" wrote:
"One of the significant differences between most illithid and myself is that most illithid have very little experience with outsiders beyond the servants of Maanzecorian and Ilsensine. I, however, have spent the last sixty years on the planes, and have realized that the Illithid Empire does indeed have equals, if not...I hesistate to use the word 'superiors', but perhaps, 'advantaged competitors?'" He coils his tentacles about one another again.

"Sufficed to say, as a being outside my people's castes, I am forced to find intellectual conversation solely outside the inquisition. And since my love is knowledge of the planes, this city has afforded me many wonderful conversations. Most of my kin who will even accept me long enough to speak do not think outside the Prime Material, Astral, Pandemonium, and the Far Realms. It is most pleasing to speak with those with a wider scope, who daily teach me things I do not know."

The polar nods and sits up a bit, though still in a rather casual stance, as he lifts a hand in gesture.

"A true seeker is rare indeed. Even the most skilled Planewalkers so rarely seek -every- state of place. Most Sigilians, for instance, as well-lanned as they may deem themselves, know only word and tourist of other places. Indeed, it is why Prime is so quick an insult, though it is the Prime where most dragons and true serpents are found, beasts which even I, brash as I may be, am wary of, even those which I have some advantage over. Further, most who call themselves Planewalkers hold only to the Outer planes, and, perhaps, the Astral and Prime. Far fewer are those who dare seek, as you do, the secrets of my home. And those who do so dare, in turn, are often loathe to bother with that which cannot be reached through the mists. Perhaps they sense, deep within, the Polarity that the Lady and her Cage show... or perhaps their minds simply lack the expanse to handle it all. Whatever the reason, dear sir, you have some of my respect for it. Something I only give to true dreamers, true lovers, and true seekers, of which there are terribly few in the cosmos, and terribly many that think they are all three."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"I have always felt that I need not hoard my power, or throw it about. Those with the ability to challenge me have the ability to take my measure, and those who are mere chattel are quick to reveal themselves as such. I find that a humble word and a quiet mind do much to avoid trouble, though at times it is difficult. So many, upon gaining abilities comperable to my own decide to go forth and drive their tentacles against all that stand against them.

I, however, if anything, have been accused of being too "lowminded" by my kind. Treating thrall races as equals, and deigning to speak rather than act. But since my transformation, I need not prey on others, I have had the opportunity to speak with the most powerful of other races, and in that search, have truly tried to explore the borders of my ability to planeswalk. Should I die in my explorations, I know Ibid would see that I am returned to existance. Which, barring the most tenacious of grudges, or the most extreme of efforts, will see me as immortal as most of those who walk these streets. I daresay few other of the Illithid Empire have a chance at such a mindset."

He sits again, at the table with Incenjucar. "So, given time, I intend to see everything. Even, one day, the lands that are said to be the home of my kind...first Penumbra, then the Far Reaches."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The polar nods again, maintaining his odd smirk.

"Indeed, dear sir, and such is your wisdom. There is power in secrets, certainly, but as your own deity forbids it from him, that power amoung your fellows is entirely ullusiary. You, on the other hand, have allowed yourself to take hold of the power of ubiquity. The more that is out there, the more minds can work upon it, and all the more return is gained. After all, would not the planes be rather dull if there were not magic items and spells being produced in nigh all regions of the planes? If no peoples produced their own studies of things? If nothing else, it certainly saves a great deal of time.

And aye, there is power in friendship beyond anything your kin have learned to enjoy. Indeed, as much as some races may sneer at the notion, that mortal concept 'love', when indeed true, provides for quite a bit, not the least because so many spirits and deities will aid those who know the feeling. Peasants have slain dragons, small ones, albeit, for that emotion, and friends who have it for theirs have gone in to the depths of the lower planes to rescue those they care for, and returned with life and feeling still in them.

As such, dear sir, it is quite true. You will live beyond any common illithid who has not learned your lessons. In their bitterness and hatred and their enslavement to their own ignorance, they are brittle, while ye have tempered thyself. And all they will gain from it is dissolution unto Ilsesnine.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Writer" wrote:

*The young mans attention snapped back from the Polar as the 'loth began to speak and after she had finished he nodded and smiled back to her*

"Yes indeed. Please know that I am most grateful for your assistance. Shall I answer your questions now or would you like to have some time to think what you are to ask while I visit this Festhall?"

"All a part of what I do. But as for your question, and mine... one now and the others only after you've gotten what you came to me looking for."

The Marauder ponders for a moment and turns to look at herself reflected back in the mirror held by the tiefling that she had addressed as Colcook. She glanced back at the reflections of the others in the room, Writer primarily, before she adjusted the tangle of razorvine atop her head and turned back around.

"My first question is this: Describe to me your most pleasant memory of your own plane. Such things give an insight into the people that live there, and on a more practical note there are those who will pay well for new stories, experiences, and memories. I'll be sending you to one group that deals in such actually."

The 'loth smiled, "If you don't feel like sharing it with the entire room, though most of the local company seems preoccupied with their own chatter, you can write it down and I'll read over it later."

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(OOC: *steps on the bonespear pretending to be a cricket in the corner of the room, just to replace silence with the sounds of squishing*)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: I believe there may be some mythical tome called a 'thesis' interfering with our dear shemmie's posting rates this week... I don't know what the excuse is for the rest of these berks. Eye-wink

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jaspar sat for a time, the only words from him telepathically transferred between himself and his psicrystal, the large wedge of jasper on his necklace. He contemplated, in stereo, his reasons for what he was doing.

1) He had come into Sigil to give his speech to the Symposium. That was done. 2) He had come to Sigil to give young Phadus some time among those from other planes. Even now Phadus was somewhere wandering the town. 3) He had come into Sigil to speak with Shemeska. She was busy, and Incenjucar had been a suitable sounding board in her place. No loss there, though he missed his discussions with the arcanoloth, especially concerning their favorite argument, what the attack by Vecna meant for Sigil. 4) He had come to spark interest in individuals he could send to corroborate his findings. Ah, there was the hitch. He had no one to send yet. 5) Having encountered the humans from "Earth", he now desired to learn of this new place, and how to reach it. He had learned nothing.

This would not do. 60% efficiency was something for lesser beings.

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