The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Gnoll Druid wrote:

"No no my good sir, I meant no offense and by saying your name is not important all I meant was there would be plenty of time for that latter. The guild doesn't take in too many people who don't know their ways around the planes and that's the point. A group of like minded people who can help each other in a pinch and help you obtain anything you might need. Can never have too many friends around the planes I might add"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
'No, no, nevermind. If I am going it'd probably be a while before I do.'

'Ah, quite all right. Baator's not exactly the place to visit lightly.' Bob stands up, returning the chair to its original table. 'Well, if you go on any sort of journey, to hell or otherwise, you'll need the proper equipment. Look for me, and I can help. Now, I have a tiefling to find...' With a wave at the Marauder across the room, Bob heads out of the Wheel.


Pants of the North!

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue again gets up from the poker table to rejoin the conversation at the doesn't seem to care if anyone in the game looks at its hand, much less takes its jink.

"Designation Peter.....request processed....commencing brief overview of Sigil. Sigil is a circular shaped city located on the inside rim of the hub atop the spire in the center of the Outlands. The city is divided into six wards. Wards are the most efficient way to keep track of locational coordinates. Ward description follows....
Lower Ward: Ward containing the Great Foundry, former headquarters of the Believers of the Source. Named for the improportionally large numbers of portals to the lower planes located within said ward. Main activity: Production of goods. Further notes: Smog is commonplace and prolongued exposure can weaken the consitution of beings, causing their skin to turn yellow. Processing....Clerk's Ward. Named for record keeping activity that occurs within said ward. Contains the Civic Festhall, former headquarters of the Society of Sensation. Main activity: Accounting. Processing....Market Ward: Named for marketplaces and bartering within the ward. Contains the Great Bazaar, unofficial headquarters of the Free League. Codial relationship with said faction can cause prices for goods to decrease. Main activity: Trading. Processing....Guildhall Ward: Named for guilds located in said ward. Contains the Great Gymnasium, former Headquaters of the Trancendant Order. Main activity: Training of craftsmen. Processing....Hive Ward. Named for the poor and mentally imbalanced living in said ward. Contains the Mortuary, former head quarters of the Dustmen. Main activity: None. Warning: The Hive can be considered the most dangerous to travelers. Processing....Lady's Ward. Named for the political activity in said ward. Emphasis on the importance of politics is likened to the Lady of Pain. Contains the City Court, former headquarters of the Fraternity of Order. Main activity: Politics. Further notes: Considered the 'safest' ward due to the presence of the most powerful postions in the city. Consequentially, the ward is patrolled more efficiently than any other. Overview complete. Awaiting any and all queries of said wards."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Since the Clerk's Ward was the new location of his house and, from the description, sounded like a place that kept many records, Edward asked, "Could you elabrate more on the Clerk's Ward? For instance, would it be a good place to enquire about safe routes to Mechanus?"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Processing......request processed. Suggestion: Go to the Hall of Records for any information pertaining to Mechanus. Elaboration: The Hall is divided into twenty one bureaus. There is a 99.98% chance your question will be answered satisfactorily by Outer Planes Relations, the bureau which deals primarily with trade regulations, diplomatic relations, and treaties between the outer planes and Sigil. Cost of service: Eight silver pieces."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Nearly Erte's lip twitched at the mention of the Hall of Records. A second later, he asked Nodrom, "I beg you pardon, Nodrom. But, do you know the cost and the probability of obtaining similarly accurate information from an alternate source; such as the Escort and Touts Guild, or the Guild of Doorsnoops?"

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

A tallish, sleek man walks in, pausing to take in the scene.....a modron drawing the attention of a small group of people at the bar, a poker game thats seem to be going no where, looks like there're waiting for someone, THE marauder with the accompanying servants. He moves to the guest book, casually scanning over the names and then signing his own, just Kal.

Walking up to the bar he asks for a glass of water and if anything interesting has hasppend tonight so far to the barman. A reply of not really seems a little surprising but he just shurgs, hands the barman a couple of coins and leans back upon the bar looking around the inn.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
OOC: Profuse Apologies

To players in the poker game thread:
Folks, I am in the process of moving over this week - I've been packing for the last week and thought I could keep up with a simple little thread. It's really clear I can't right now. If someone else would like to take over the dealing for the game (and therefore the running for the thread) pm me and I'll toss the current track of hands to you and try to keep up. Otherwise - and again, I sincerely apologize - real life is going to be hammering me for the coming week to week and a half. I don't want to hold you folks in stasis here.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
"I have no rest for trouble comes." - Job 3:26

Entirely unbidden, a telepathic voice echoes in the minds of the cutters currently talking with Nordom, including the modron itself. Smooth and personable (for a Yugoloth) the voice says, "I couldn't help but overhear you looking for information of a sort. I do believe I could help you for a nominal fee or gesture in return. Or if you'd do me the pleasure of simply sitting to chat I could offer my suggestions for where best to get your information if you'd prefer not to directly deal with me."

Over at her table, The Marauder's lackies scurry to place additional chairs at her table along with empty glasses.

"I'm over here in the razorvine tiara and the green dress. Can't miss me..."

Again, over at her table The Marauder pleasantly smiles and seems ever the gracious host.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Peter twitches a moment as Shemmy makes contact with him (as well as the others). Figuring that the message was addressed to some of the other folks around him, he looks at his newfound friends.

"Did any of you other folks hear that? I mean, I'm not goin' over there *motions towards the 'loth's table* unless someone better lanned goes too. As I recall, this... er... Shemeska lady isn't the trustworthy type."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue turns to Peter. "Fears are well founded. Advisory parameters: Please allow Nordom to converse for the party. Nordom, though rogue, is still well conversed with legal contracts. Warning! Prime priority! DO NOT SIGN OR AGREE VERBALLY TO ANYTHING! Signature of any kind results in an everage 99.9999% chance of damnation. Nordom will attempt to create a mutually beneficial agreement using currency as prime exchange of services." The rogue *Clanks!* its way across the room, and sits in a chair directly opposite the King of the Crosstrade. It looks the 'loth square in the eye with no hint of emotion.
"Greetings, Shemeska, I extend cordial invitations to discuss a possible arrangement. Please be advised: Nordom has recently decided to reset behavioral parameters to coincide with a more 'good' alignment. Result: Nordom will not entertain any deals or contracts that require 'favors'."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Rrodek shakes his head, waking himself from the thoughts he had gotten lost in.*

*Rrodek turns, following Nordom towards Shemeska. Upon approaching her, he nods his head in recognition and sits in the chair next to Nordom. He smiles at the marauder momentarily before speaking.*

"Didn't exactly want to leave my friend alone in this.... haven't yet had a chance to speak with you anyway, might as well take this opportunity while it's fresh."

(OOC-- Something I need to mention... I apologize for not yet posting the adv thread, I gave no set date, but did say to one or 2 that'd be posting it soon. Cable's been down the past 2 days and I intend on trying to post sometime this week. Will PM those I need to still about specifics.)

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

OOC: "Signature of any kind results in an average 99.9999% chance of damnation."- Nordom

You made my morning.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: Agreed Smiling I needed a smile today, thank you. *returns to slapping packing tape on everything in sight*

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: True, but then there's also a 0.0001% chance that signing something will get us a wicked sweet deal. I just can't pass that up. Cool

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Nordom the Rogue Modron" wrote:
The rogue turns to Peter. "Fears are well founded. Advisory parameters: Please allow Nordom to converse for the party. Nordom, though rogue, is still well conversed with legal contracts. Warning! Prime priority! DO NOT SIGN OR AGREE VERBALLY TO ANYTHING! Signature of any kind results in an average 99.9999% chance of damnation."
"Good thing to know. It's nice to have a modron on one's side for these kinds of things... even a former one. I'll probably just keep my mouth shut during negotiations so as not to risk lousing up anything."

Peter rummages around in his pack and pulls out a Santa hat. He puts it on, then takes a seat on the other side of Nordom.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
lim Damnation -> oo

Shemeska waits till her newest guests have taken a seat before she affects an exasperated expression of exaggerated dismay and daintily places one hand, painted claws and all, on one cheek and the other across her breast.

"Well, you've found me out and ruined my plans to steal your souls and sell your mortal shells to the dusties for a few coppers. I'm shocked that you'd see through my plans so easily. Clearly I'm dealing with uncommonly shrewd mortals, and an uncommonly 'thinking for itself' modron."

She takes a sip of wine before addressing them all again, smiling more genuinely this time. "That out of the way, I don't recognize all of you and I like to make it a point to know everyone who walks in here. Clearly my reputation preceeds me. I know things and I'll buy or sell such knowledge from anyone with a bit of it filling their skulls."

She gestures for one of her tieflings to pour drinks for all at the table, than gestures for another to delicately place another freshly peeling grape onto her waiting tongue. She swallows it with a smile and speaks, "I'm to understand that you're looking for a small bit of information. I'm in possession of such and I'm willing to give it to you. Nothing is free though, but all I'd ask in return is for you to tell me a bit about yourselves and maybe answer a few questions if I have any. No favors, no contracts, just a bit of friendly chatting."

The fiend smiles, showing off her pearly white jackal-like fangs behind thinly painted lips. "No need to be concerned, I won't bite."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Edward continued to drink at the bar as he watched the others approach the stylishly-dressed, jackel-headed woman with a seemingly disproportionate amount of caution. He looked at the 'loth with a raised eyebrow. She didn't SEEM that threatening. At the most, she looked amused and a little annoyed.

The professor decided to help ease his companions' tension by walking up to the table and introducing himself to Shemeska in a most polite and pleasent manner. "Good Evening, Madam. I'm unsure if the others introduced themselves as of yet; though I am Doctor Edward Davis. You'll have to excuse me, but I am very new to this city and I am unfamiliar with Sigilian personalities." He glanced at the others. "Judging by my companions' actions, is it safe to assume that you're are one of the more noteworthy ones?"

Thinking about the other's caution around the fiend, he wondered if maybe Shemeska was perhaps a local organized crime boss or something similar. He quickly thought back to the days when he was infiltrating the Japanese Mafia and thought that maybe his experience speaking with the Yukuza would come in handy if he was to strike a deal with the 'loth.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex looks at Edward "I'd be careful if I were you, Shemeska isn't like anyone on your world. I'm rather familiar with your world, I was a scout, or a spy if you perfer that definition."

Suddenly a feeling of immense sadness seems to radiate from Vex "I deeply regret the things I have done and am glad your world won. The first time I ever felt defeat, that was what first started me along this path of rebellion against my race and repentance towards all those we have harmed."

Vex seems to sigh and continues "I would also suggest not telling Shemeska anything about your world, imagine what would happen if she got hold of one of your weapons. I remember the nuclear bomb you used on our invasion force, I was the only one to survive because I was still working from within as a spy."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The old man was about to send a paticularly nasty mental remark back at Vex, when he just shook his head and decided against it. He thought to himself, At least his annoyingly apologtic attitude is leagues better than his race's usual 'We will exterminate you all. Resistence is Futile' rubbish. He took the advice in the spirit it was given and turned back to the group.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Quite the sarcastic one, aren't we, Shemeska? Not that I mind, I find it fairly amusing. You'll have to excuse Nordom as well, he can be rather rigid like that at times.

"Anyway, I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself, I am Rrodek. I am not very well known, but you may or may not have heard of me through the grape vine.

"And as for chatting, I'd be more then willing to, a good conversation is always something worth hanging around for. I'm not much of a conversation starter though, so if you have anything you'd like to ask, I'll answer if it's reasonable to do so."

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Edward Davis" wrote:
The professor decided to help ease his companions' tension by walking up to the table and introducing himself to Shemeska in a most polite and pleasent manner. "Good Evening, Madam. I'm unsure if the others introduced themselves as of yet; though I am Doctor Edward Davis. You'll have to excuse me, but I am very new to this city and I am unfamiliar with Sigilian personalities." He glanced at the others. "Judging by my companions' actions, is it safe to assume that you're are one of the more noteworthy ones?"

At the professor's polite and gentile introduction she extends a hand to him, palm down. "Well... some might say interesting things about me. I like to think it's just because I'm popular and I provide things that people need. Name it and I can usually find a way to get it for you, or have it done, or let you know, depending on what your wish is. Only the Anarchists, or whats left of them nowadays, seem bent on anything conspiritorial regarding myself."

She adjusts the circlet of razorvine perched between her ears before continuing. "More than anything else I'm a seller of information, peddler of deeds and one of the larger private land owners in the city right up there with The Natterer and that awful titan. Company at the top has both the best and the worst it seems."

"Oh but do excuse me, I'm prattling on about myself. Accept my apologies Edward. Do you mind if I call you Edward? Or would you prefer Doctor Davis? I'm not familiar with the titles given to those from your specific prime. It's a bit out of the way for my kind, though we've been there enough at certain points to take a look at the natives." The fiend lets that last comment slide and says nothing more.

"So what brings you here to Sigil ..." she pauses, waiting to be told what name to use in specific.

Echoing inside the Gnoll's head as she verbally speaks with the human, "I've heard some random little things. Pleased to meet you most definately. Oh don't worry Rrodek dear if you're not much for starting conversations, I'm brilliant at it. Consider it all practice for later in life. I've got a few things to ask but let me chatter with your friend here for a moment and then we'll get to you too."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: lim Damnation -> oo

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
"Well, you've found me out and ruined my plans to steal your souls and sell your mortal shells to the dusties for a few coppers. I'm shocked that you'd see through my plans so easily. Clearly I'm dealing with uncommonly shrewd mortals, and an uncommonly 'thinking for itself' modron."
Peter let out a chuckle at this comment. Other than this, he mainly sat and watched the events play out. Sure, he intended to speak up eventually, just not yet...

AlexBurel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Alex looks over at the Etherguant, certain he has never seen anything like it save in books.

"Vex, what exactly are you speaking of? In all the history books I have read there has never been a mention of a nulclear war save for those used at the end of the second world conflict-Never mind one that took place against otherworld entities. Did this take place after I sealed myself in stasis or was it simply a parallel dimension? Something that big would be difficult to cover up."

He then walks close up to Edward and whishpers in his ear.

"I know you don't know much about Shemeska, so let me give you some of the more important facts. First, like all yugoloths she is entirely self-centered and will try to con you out of anything she can. Think a lawyer or used car salesman and you will have a pretty good idea. Second, do not mention the "other" arcanaloth around her or ask why she calls herself the "king of the crosstrade" instead of the other rulership position. Third and most importantly, she has this uncanny knack of being able to read minds and discover people's deepest, darkest, secrets-so be on your guard mentally."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

OOC: I assume that any communication to or from the ethergaunt that involves the word "look" is done telepathically.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

OOC:correct, I guess we'll assume Alex randomly got the ability to hear telepathic conversations for a moment.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"AlexBurel" wrote:
"Vex, what exactly are you speaking of? In all the history books I have read there has never been a mention of a nulclear war save for those used at the end of the second world conflict-Never mind one that took place against otherworld entities. Did this take place after I sealed myself in stasis or was it simply a parallel dimension? Something that big would be difficult to cover up."

Edward glanced in Alex's direction and gave him a very sharp look as if to say Bite your Tongue! We'll talk about it later. The subject seemed to strike a nerve with him...

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
"Oh but do excuse me, I'm prattling on about myself. Accept my apologies Edward. Do you mind if I call you Edward? Or would you prefer Doctor Davis? I'm not familiar with the titles given to those from your specific prime. It's a bit out of the way for my kind, though we've been there enough at certain points to take a look at the natives." The fiend lets that last comment slide and says nothing more.

"So what brings you here to Sigil ..." she pauses, waiting to be told what name to use in specific.

On Shemeska's que he replied as he gently took her outstretched hand in respect, carefully trying not to ruffle her fur (he heard she was the vain type), "Edward will do fine. Only my students had ever really called me Davis." He continued, "As to why I'm in Sigil, that was purely unintentional I can assure you. About a week ago, I simply feel asleep in my bed and when I awoke I found myself in the city, house and all. I almost feel like Dorothy---"

He paused when he remembered it was a good chance that no one in Sigil had ever read The Wizard of Oz. He mentally reprimanded himself and said, "I was under the impression that Sigil's portals only transported people. Do large things, like houses, come through often?"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

OOC- Edward, I'm flattered you put what I said in your sig, but my name is NORDOM, not NODROM. Just thought I should point that out. Laughing out loud

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Damn double post!

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Erte checked the clearance of his sword in its scabbard, knowing he wouldn't need it. Quietly, he pulled Dianne over his shoulder. None of the three primes (Alex, Edward and Peter, he reminded himself) appeared to be armed; but looks are deceiving on the planes. If anything were to happen, Erte would do what he did best: make the people around him better.

Erte didn't expect trouble. But, from experience, that was when it popped up.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex looks at Edward "You seem unconvinced, I understand your bias however. My race has done a lot of bad things..."

Vex continues "I know! I shall assist you in your negotiations. I start my penance now."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Username" wrote:
Vex looks at Edward "You seem unconvinced, I understand your bias however. My race has done a lot of bad things..."

Vex continues "I know! I shall assist you in your negotiations. I start my penance now."

Oh, THIS is going to interesting. Laughing out loud

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


A slender tiefer enters Fortune’s Wheel by the main entrance and approaches the guest book. His long hair, apparently woven in thick black locks, moves as if in a breeze. A closer look reveals his ‘hair’ is actually a writhing mass of medusa-like black serpents. The tiefer is dressed head to toe in mud-splattered, well-worn traveling leathers.

In a manner that suggests he’s done this a thousand times, he flips through the guestbook, surveying the names of today’s patrons. After finding whatever name he’s looking for, he quickly scratches “E.S.” on the first empty line before entering the bar.

He makes his way across the room, heading towards the Arcanaloth’s table, withdrawing a slender scrollcase and a small leather-wrapped parcel from his satchel as he walks.

He pauses in plain sight of the fiend, perhaps ten feet away from the table and waits patiently for an invitation to speak by the fiend or one of her servants.

Enzo Sarlas

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The fiendess smiled again and spoke, "Anyone can help in our little chat here. Though there's not much to really negotiate, just a friendly little talk. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Any of the rest of you can feel free to speak up, I'm genuinely curious what even brings you here to Sigil, this festhall, and even to me. Though the last should be obvious perhaps."

Telepathically the fiend reaches out to brush across the mind of the tiefling standing and waiting for recognition. Her voice slides into his head like a silk wrapped razorblade tapping on glass, "You have me curious. I'm in the middle of dealing with these other berks at the moment but if you've the capacity to speak to me with your mind please do so. Otherwise if you'd be so kind as to wait a moment if it isn't too much trouble."

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Telepathically the fiend reaches out to brush across the mind of the tiefling standing and waiting for recognition. Her voice slides into his head like a silk wrapped razorblade tapping on glass, "You have me curious. I'm in the middle of dealing with these other berks at the moment but if you've the capacity to speak to me with your mind please do so. Otherwise if you'd be so kind as to wait a moment if it isn't too much trouble."

The 'loth's attempt to reach out mentally to the tiefer is denied by mind-shielding magic of some sort. The tiefer is seemingly unaware of her attempt to communicate telepathically with him.

The tiefer, noting that the 'loth is deep in conversation, approaches one of her staff. "Please inform your employer that my name is Enzo Sarlas, from the Runners' Guild, and I have a message for her. I will wait until she has a moment." With that said, the tiefer puts the scrollcase and package back in his satchel
and heads over to the bar.

He acknowledges Rhys with a friendly, "Lady's Grace, Madam Chairman." He pauses uncertainly, then emboldens himself to offer, "I'm headed back to the Clerk's Ward once I'm finished here. Do you have anything to send back?"

OOC - Check out Enzo in the Character Index for a bit of background. While this is Enzo's first encounter with the 'loth, she may have heard of him through her dealings with Autochon.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Peter finally speaks up. "I came here by way of a portal on a dead-magic Prime. I'd heard about Sigil [OOC: he mispronounces it sih-jill] in stories... but I had no idea it was real until I found the gate. Couldn't resist a visit.

"And believe me, I find everything to be fascinating, especially coming from a world with no magic. As tends to be the case with old stories, they weren't astoundingly accurate but as far as general facts they seem to be holding up so far. Accurate enough at least to lead me here, which as I recall has a tendancy of drawing a lot of Sigil's notables."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue turns its attention towards Peter, its pupils dialating before Nordom speaks.

"Please be advised: discussing your home prime world is not recommended; said remark that present social interaction between ourselves and Shemeska is a 'simple chat' is a lie. Designation: Shemeska is using said interaction to gain insight into your personal situation and deduce how said insight would be beneficial to Shemeska's present source of information that many would prefer to be kept secret."
The rogue turns back to the fiend. "Shemeska, please be advised: Nordom does not desire designation: Peter or Edward to be manipulated. Please direct any future queries to me."
Nordom's crossbow companions begin to click at a relaxed pace, and the rogue acknowledges them before turning back to Peter. "Peter, please be aware, the name of this city is pronounced SIG-uhl, not SIDJ-uhl."

shae_pixar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-27
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Pushing through the croud the young travelor approaches the bar and orders a drink. While waiting for the drink he turns in the stool and examines the room. Glancing left and right he takes in all the sights and lets loose a contented sigh, no one he recognized was here, that was good. He turned as the barkeep slid him his mug.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Rrodek crosses his arms on the table and rests his head on them. Turning his head toward Shemeska, he speaks.*

"Well, Shemeska... I came here to Sigil because I chose to. I had been wandering the planes for a number of years up until now and wanted to settle down here in Sigil for a while to be able to fully absorb all that I have come across. Probably not very long by your standards, only around 50 years I was out there, but none the less, I have now come here to find a permenant place of residence...

"As for why I'm in this festhall, I'm staying in the inn upstairs while I read some of the literature I have come across in my travels and look for a place to stay. I'm bound to come down here anyway, so when I do I just look for someone to speak with should I feel like it.

"Since this whole situation involves me, thought I might as well at least sit in on things as I'm going to be accompanying the group up until whoever chooses to, goes through that portal to Pete's homeworld."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Nordom the Rogue Modron" wrote:
"Shemeska is a 'simple chat' is a lie. Designation: Shemeska is using said interaction to gain insight into your personal situation and deduce how said insight would be beneficial to Shemeska's present source of information that many would prefer to be kept secret."

"So would just about any businesswoman, Nordom. Though, I am grateful you wish to look out for us," Edward replied. Although, that one crack Shemeska made about Yugoloths visiting Earth before gave him a chill down his spine.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Johnathan turns his ears to the conversation going on between his acquaintances, and the yugoloth (Hooray racial bonus to listen checks!). Even though they seemed fairly well lanned, for primes at least, he doubted that they were ready to start making deals with fiends. He'd been on the planes since birth, and he was still hesitant to even be in the same room with a fiend.

He knew that there wasn't much he could do to help, (he was never any good at talking his way out of things), but he thought he'd listen just in case. He really didn't want to see them get in trouble with fiends, they seemed like good folk.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex looks at Peter "There is one other option, my race has built a variable non magical portal that we have been using to invade primes. This option is quite dangerous however if not more so than the other option."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"So would just about any businesswoman, Nordom. Though, I am grateful you wish to look out for us," Edward replied

Nordom turned to the good doctor...

"Businesswoman: A female being whose profession involves the acquisition of a profit. Affrimative. Flaw: Most business women are content with a monetary profit. Shemeska would prefer a spiritually corrupting one."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Nordom the Rogue Modron" wrote:
"Flaw: Most business women are content with a monetary profit. Shemeska would prefer a spiritually corrupting one."

The old man smiled and said, "I can see you don't have much experience in business, then."

(OOC: *rimshot*)

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Through the door comes a tall figure, easily recognized as a "mind flayer" at a glance, but as the light adjusts around it, seemingly slower than light reasonably should, it is apparent that this creature is no longer among the living. The illithid's skin is dry, chalky and covered in complex tattoos, rather than slick with psionically-charged mucus. He is dressed as most flayers are, with dark robes of ochre and black, rising into a high, framing collar behind his head, and accented with gold, gems, and skulls. In his right hand is a chain, apparently of mithril, that leads to the collar of a well-dressed, clean-shaven human, whose bald head is also covered in complex tattoos. He pauses for a moment, and a subtle wave of psionic power eminates from his brow, and he turns to point at the sign-in book. The human nods silently, and proceeds to the book, and drawing forth the quill, writes:

Jaspar Arelius, Alhoon Planeswalker.
Ibid, Thrall of Jaspar.

The human looks back at the alhoon, who nods once. The human turns, and sits at the bar. "Food please. My master has given me permission to eat my fill. He will pay for my feed."

As his thrall awaits his meal, the alhoon releases the chain, and proceeds towards Shemeska. As he does, he reaches out to her telepathically.

"Ah, Shemeska. Hello again. I have returned from my latest jaunt into the Inner Planes, and I find you unoccupied I hope? Well, no matter, once you are done with your games with these beings, we will speak of more important things."

With this done, he finds himself a seat, and waits, never ordering anything for himself, merely waiting, trailing a long, chalky finger over the long shard of jasper set in his necklace.

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Wearing a stylized, black white and gray, and flame-accented version of the fascade of the last being to pass him by, the fire polar makes his way in to the Fortune's Wheel, garbed in a simple firesilk tunic and black, dull-surfaced leather pants. Leaning against the wall by the doorway, he closes his flaming eyes, the fires dancing outside of his eyelids, and focuses on the light in the room, utilizing his elemental scrying, if only to see how heavy the wards against it's ilk are.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jaspar turns his head slightly, his layer of divination spells(crafted for survival on the Inner Planes) registering a vast increase in Elemental Fire in the area. Fixing his black eyes upon Incenjucar, he takes in the details of his form, and cross-references it against his time on Fire, looking for some memory of this being.

((OOC: Hey, Incenjucar! Guess who finally found this place. Laughing out loud ))

(EDIT: Also, Jaspar's rather well warded versus fire at the moment. FR 20. Just got in from the edge between Positive and Radiance in a massive pocket of wild magic.)

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"What in the Nine Hells..."

A massive wave of energies, both arcane and something that he recognised as psionic, washed over the elf as a new patron entered the inn. The wave was so massively powerful that it momentarily disrupted the elf's mental hold on the chaos matter around his wrist. The chaos-stuff began to dissipate into little bubbles of flame, shards of ice, drops of acid, slivers of crystal, and countless other materials as soon as the elf felt the bracelet slip from his mental grasp. He soon established his grip, and forced the chaos-stuff back into it's former state, only this time he made the bracelet a lottle wider. Where it had previously had been, now were dozens of tiny blisters and scratches.
"Bloody hell," the elf muttered to himself as he lowered the temperature of the bracelet a bit to compensate for the burning pain of the blisters.

The elf turned his head and looked straight at something that must once have been an illithid. After leaving his human at the bar, the creature strode towards the Marauder.
Ah, yes, always the Marauder. It should've been no surprise. Creatures of such power always came to her. Well, either berks with lots of power, or none at all, such as those sodding primes that stood at her table.

Another figure entered the inn. Something with flaming eyes. A firre, perhaps? No, this one didn't have one of those bloody auras of sodding goodness about him. There was something strange about this one.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Nordom the Rogue Modron" wrote:
The rogue turns its attention towards Peter, its pupils dialating before Nordom speaks.

"Please be advised: discussing your home prime world is not recommended; said remark that present social interaction between ourselves and Shemeska is a 'simple chat' is a lie. Designation: Shemeska is using said interaction to gain insight into your personal situation and deduce how said insight would be beneficial to Shemeska's present source of information that many would prefer to be kept secret."

The 'loth once again puts a hand on one cheek and another across her breast with a look of faux astonishment. "Once again I'm found out and caught in the act. And I'd thought that modrons would be so logical and predictable that they'd be so easy to fool. Shame on me."

Shemeska takes a long sip of her wine before continuing, "Speak up if you wish, if not then don't."

She listens to the Gnoll's reasons for being in the city and nods politely before looking over at Edward again. "Oh don't worry your mortal head dear, fiend or not we didn't find anything there to really justify staying around for anything more than siteseeing. It's a rather droll place, magic didn't work quite as well, and you're all doing your best on self damnation without our efforts honestly being needed."

She shrugged, "But yes, I consider myself a businesswoman, an investor of sorts, and a dozen other things that are perfectly legitimate enterprises. Just because I'm an evil fiend doesn't mean I go around in every spare moment eating mewling mortal babies, causing paladins to forsake their vows and clerics to lose their faith."

The Marauder smiles, showing her prominant fangs and then adds almost as an afterthought, "Though there is the occasional vacation..."

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"JasperDM" wrote:
"Ah, Shemeska. Hello again. I have returned from my latest jaunt into the Inner Planes, and I find you unoccupied I hope? Well, no matter, once you are done with your games with these beings, we will speak of more important things."

The fiend reaches out her mind in return, the telepathic voice tinged with the sensation of flame and styx water as opposed to the mucus and tentacles of the recipient, "Alas I find myself occupied and growing more so by the moment. Though if you'll be here for a while I can find the time to speak with you. While you're here though, you might find the cutter with the instrument something of a curiousity if you'll grace his mind with a gentle poke and prod for whats inside. Not that I condone the unasked violation of a mortals mental fortress. Never, such would be unethical at best."

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