The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

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Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex seems to stare at Edward and then says "I understand that your hatred of my race has very good reasons and I do not blame you for hating us"
(OOC:I would really like to hear the background on what happened with the Khen-Zai on earth)

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(OOC: I'm trying to work on a more detailed background as we speak. But, here's the basic gist of what I had in mind:

The ethergaunts had targeted Earth as one of their first sites of genocide in their campaign against the prime material plane sometime during the late 1950's and early 1960's. The Khen-zai were evenually driven off and the four countries that were attacked managed to completely cover up the secret war from the eyes of the general public. As a result, only a few select people still remember. Edward was one of them.)

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Jack's interest was drawn to the half elf, nice to see a burly basher reading in a public place once in awhile. Sterotypes were always being strewn apart here and that was one of the best things about this city.

Walking accross the room and standing next to the half elf "may I have a seat my good sir?" quickly taking note of what he was reading he smirked a little. This man was the perfect candidate to join the Planewalker's guild.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
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"bonemage" wrote:
Jack's interest was drawn to the half elf, nice to see a burly basher reading in a public place once in awhile. Sterotypes were always being strewn apart here and that was one of the best things about this city.

Walking accross the room and standing next to the half elf "may I have a seat my good sir?" quickly taking note of what he was reading he smirked a little. This man was the perfect candidate to join the Planewalker's guild.

Sure, have yourself a seat.

After a second he points to his book and says, "Can you believe this? Theres been a drastic increase in portals to dead magic worlds. They don't even know how a portal can EXIST in a dead magic world. Pfft... and some claim the multiverse isn't falling apart, even the difference between magic and non-magic is crumbling.

He takes a long swig of his ale.

"Wow, I just thought of this.

You know how normal primes are clueless. Just imagine how cluless one of the primes from a dead magic world is gonna be! It boggles the mind.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Johnathan Void" wrote:
"Wow, I just thought of this.

You know how normal primes are clueless. Just imagine how clueless one of the primes from a dead magic world is gonna be! It boggles the mind.

At the sound of that generalization, the professor rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex looks at Johnathan and says "you should not underestimate these particular primes, Because they live on a magic dead world they have managed to make some very impressive technological advancements. I was there, during our attempted invasion of that prime... Because the world was effectively a gigantic anti-magic field and they held the technological advantage we had to retreat. I regret what I have done, that was the first time I ever asked myself why I was doing this, why my race was doing this..."

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Username" wrote:
Vex looks at Johnathan and says "you should not underestimate these particular primes, Because they live on a magic dead world they have managed to make some very impressive technological advancements. I was there, during our attempted invasion of that prime... Because the world was effectively a gigantic anti-magic field and they held the technological advantage we had to retreat. I regret what I have done, that was the first time I ever asked myself why I was doing this, why my race was doing this..."

"I've been around enough to know that you don't underestimate primes no matter where they're from. If they've got the power to get here, or the insight to notice a portal, they are a blood in my book.

However, blood or no, they still know nothing of the planes. Plus, since magic is such an integral part of the planes, they'll have even less of an idea what is going on. Hence, they'll be more clueless.

If you don't mind me rattling my bone box a little more, I'd like to hear more about this technology you spoke of. I used to study a bit of mechanics back in the day. I always never trusted magic, always too unpredictable and hard to master. Sure a machine is really likely to break down, but what isn't likely to break down?"

edited for spelling.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex continues to talk to Johnathan "You might wish to ask Edward more about their technology since he has more experience with it."

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The half-breed chuckles to himself, looks at Edward. By the odd way Edward is dressed, Johnathan figures out what was going on.

"Let me guess... your one of those "ultra-clueless-prime-berks" I was talking about before..... sorry."

He smacks his forehead out of embarrassment.

"If you can forgive my complete lack of tact, I would still like to hear about a technology based world."

Johnathans mind starts drifting toward thoughts of clockwork horrors, and modrons. His imagination painting a picture of a world where everything has gears and springs, kind of like Mechanus.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jack sat and listened for a bit and knew instantly the large libarary the guild has would interest this fellow very much. Taking another long drink of his ale he would just listen a little bit more to get some more information.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Johnathan Void" wrote:
"Let me guess... your one of those "ultra-clueless-prime-berks" I was talking about before..... sorry."

He smacks his forehead out of embarrassment.

"If you can forgive my complete lack of tact, I would still like to hear about a technology based world."

The old man gave a relaxed shrug and grinned, "Pay it no mind. I've been called worse since I came here." He ordered himself another drink and continued, "As far as our technology is concerned, I'm not much of an expert on the subject either. Mostly, I only know how to operate the machines and that's pretty much the dark of it. I mean, how many mages do you know that can cast spells, but know little or nothing about the principals behind the magic?"

He placed his drink on the bar, "Hmm, I'd have to say the things I am the most proud of in our culture is our medical science. You see, not only do we have no magic where I come from, we are also complete cut off from the Powers. As a result, we could never tap into their gifts of healing. This forced us to rely entirely on alchemy and herbalism, a practice which we have honed to such a fine edge that it could practically work miracles in it's own right." He paused for a second to try and recall anything else the man might find impressive.

"Let's see... Hmm... OH! There is our communications technology. Anyone on our world can potientially contact anyone else on our entire planet and hold conversations even if they are thousands of miles away without scrying magic."

He sighed. "Then, there's our weapons..." He visably winced as he recalled the fates of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "...which I would rather not talk about..."

After thinking for a minute he finally said, "Nothing else comes to mind, really. Sorry."

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Username" wrote:
Vex looks at Shemeska and her entourage and attempts to read one of her toadies minds.(OOC:generally it's my policy not to mess with anyone elses "character" but I consider the toadies fair game) Vex gets up and walks over to the table that Shemeska is at and pull out his etherblade. Vex then looks at Shemeska and says "I know you deal in secrets, how I know is not important." Vex takes a seat and continues "I am in need of some sort of anti-scrying device and am willing to trade the secret of how to make an etherblade for it."

A few surface thoughts bubble to the top of the tiefling's mind, mostly his thoughts on how, and in what order he would kill any of the other people sitting in the tap room at the moment, and also what his mistress might require him to do next with regards to a certain job that he'd... the thoughts seem to vanish at that point and another mind seems to surface with a sense of vague amusement and a mental image of a clawed finger shaking in exaggerated disapproval.

The Marauder looks over at Vex and repeats the same gesture with her own extended index finger briefly before speaking, "Seems I might need to invest in some protections for my boys. I'm immune to such things, but they aren't. A double edged sword though, protect them from individuals like yourself and I risk blocking their minds to my own random perusal. No offense taken though..."

The Arcanaloth looks keenly at the etherblade. "I might be interested, but I don't have access to what you want on hand immediately. Give me, or those I know, a few hours or so and one can be found. If you're looking for something a bit more beyond something standard, as such things go anyways, it could be made to your specifications."

She pauses and glances towards the etherblade. "Might I examine that for a moment?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex hands over the etherblade and says "I'm no fool and you'd be wise not to underestimate me. I understand how fiends think and know that there is a good chance you will attempt to double cross me. However this is a spare etherblade and you would never be able to figure out how to use it on your own."

Vex seems to think for a moment and then continues "I know how to bargain as well, always from a position of power. One must NEVER let your opponent feel they have the upper hand or they will force a high price, you must make them believe they need what you have while you have only a passing interest."

Vex seems to chuckle for a moment before continuing "However I am sure you know all this and therefore I shall inform you I could just as easily go to more "friendly" rivals of yours for the same deal. Another important rule in bargaining is to let your opponent know you have other options." Vex considers for one last moment "I only need a device capable of warding off powerful scrying magic, no more no less."

(OOC:I learned all my bargaining skills from books, I never had a chance to try em. Another thing you should be aware of is the ability of white ethergaunts to find a true name through a few minutes of conversation, not that I'd attempt to try that on another RPer, I've got a good explanation for why it won't work on you in particular though.)

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Username" wrote:
Vex hands over the etherblade and says "I'm no fool and you'd be wise not to underestimate me. I understand how fiends think and know that there is a good chance you will attempt to double cross me. However this is a spare etherblade and you would never be able to figure out how to use it on your own."

Shemeska takes the blade gingerly and looks over it's surface. "An interesting little piece of work. I've never had the chance to examine one you must understand. I've only had the chance to meet one of your kind, living anyways, once before and that was some number of years ago. Different color than you though."

She returns to looking over the device, that look of curiousity back. "Very curious indeed. I think it will more than suffice for what you're looking for."

Vex seems to think for a moment and then continues "I know how to bargain as well, always from a position of power. One must NEVER let your opponent feel they have the upper hand or they will force a high price, you must make them believe they need what you have while you have only a passing interest."

A gleam hits the 'loths features, "Spoken with a bit of wisdom that's so often lost on many of the berks around here. I can't find fault at all with what you've said. Your race's penchant for intelligence holds true with you I must say."

She smiles and lays the blade down to the side, her eyes straying to one of her tieflings, "Go fetch what he wishes. Now. Don't keep him waiting."


Vex seems to chuckle for a moment before continuing "However I am sure you know all this and therefore I shall inform you I could just as easily go to more "friendly" rivals of yours for the same deal. Another important rule in bargaining is to let your opponent know you have other options." Vex considers for one last moment "I only need a device capable of warding off powerful scrying magic, no more no less."

A pause comes over her as the ethergaunt mentions 'friendly' rivals, and she seems momentarily flustered. "No need, no need at all. You'll have what you wish in a short time. While you wait for my lackey to return, can I offer you anything else for the inconvenience? A drink perhaps? I have a bit of a say with the owner and I can make the extra time spent here all the more pleasant, it's the least I can do."

Alltogether the 'loth seems much more personable and frankly, pleasant since the conversation mentioned rivals and the ethergaunt's diatribe on bargaining. For better or for worse, something certainly flipped a switch in her demeanor.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
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Vex seems to think for a moment and then says "No but thanks for the offer, I shall merely instruct you in the use and creation of etherblades at the time the anti-scrying device is delivered and until then I shall go and speak with the other people here I suppose."

As Vex gets up and starts to walk away he looks back and says "You are rather strange, you have no true name at all. I suppose such a thing can occur when a being cloaks itself in so many lies and deceits that all it's names lose meaning because none of them are really true any more."

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Peter has sat at the bar all this time, drinking his water and soaking in all of the events. He finally chimes in as Edward discusses Earth.

"So that's why we don't have magic on our world. I've wondered that ever since I found out that portal was real. And of course who needs the Powers when you've got the real McCoy?"

Peter returns to his glass, then does a double-take at the book Johnathan is reading.

"Hey, could I take a look at that book there? See, I stumbled into Sigil through a one-way portal and I'm wondering if there's a documented way back. I talked to the rogue modron over there some time ago but the only one he knows about would require going to Ice for a key, then Baator for the portal, and then getting dumped out in the coldest place on Earth."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


The teifling was very attentive to his new charge. With the half-elf's claim of berk-dom, he stood at the ready to pounce. However, the calm words of this charge turned the tides to his temper. Such released him to once again wait calmly for his drink. However, he kept w weary eye on the jokester.

Lok scoffed for amoment, rolling his eyes at the younger prime.

"Window jumper."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue modron stares intently at Vex as he converses with Shemeska, but if it's because of caution or curiosity is uncertain- the blank look on its face never changes. It turns to the teifling at the bar.
"Query: How does designation: Lok know said creature is a 'window jumper'? Nordom has witnessed no such behavior and has seen no evidence to support said statement. Sub-query: Is designation: Lok a psion?"

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
Peter returns to his glass, then does a double-take at the book Johnathan is reading.

"Hey, could I take a look at that book there? See, I stumbled into Sigil through a one-way portal and I'm wondering if there's a documented way back. I talked to the rogue modron over there some time ago but the only one he knows about would require going to Ice for a key, then Baator for the portal, and then getting dumped out in the coldest place on Earth."

"Sure, and good luck reading it, it's written by a Guvner, so the technical jargon is thicker than an Ooze elemental. Can't say it really covers much about individual portals, but he did do a lot of experiments with in anti-magic fields, and interviewed a couple'a primes. Hope it helps."

He turns back to Edward and says

"Alchemy, eh? I like that a whole lot better than what we got here. Because of my beliefs, healing magic can barely fix a paper cut on me. That's the problem with magic, it relies on belief, and not everyone has that.
Plus just having some priest wave there hands around and making things better is just unnatural, if you think about it. Things don't naturally build up, they fall apart. So if your going to fix something, like say, a body, it only makes sense that you'll need to tear something down, such as plucking an herb out of the ground, or grinding up some mineral. Does that make any sense, or is the bub running away with my tounge?

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(ooc: In a little bit here in part to further a plot and in part to spread the characters out a little bit into more than one thread. I think Jack will be heading back to the Planewalker guild headquarters to show a few possible recruits around the place. If anyone is interested in possibly coming along for this trip just pm me and we can work out how Jack gets you to come along.)

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Johnathan Void" wrote:
He turns back to Edward and says

"Alchemy, eh? I like that a whole lot better than what we got here. Because of my beliefs, healing magic can barely fix a paper cut on me. That's the problem with magic, it relies on belief, and not everyone has that.
Plus just having some priest wave there hands around and making things better is just unnatural, if you think about it. Things don't naturally build up, they fall apart. So if your going to fix something, like say, a body, it only makes sense that you'll need to tear something down, such as plucking an herb out of the ground, or grinding up some mineral. Does that make any sense, or is the bub running away with my tounge?

Edward frowed his brow as he tried to recall what little he learned about the planes since he arrived a week ago. "Beliefs? So... you are a doomguard, then?" He paused for a second and wondered of he guessed correctly.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
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"Well, I guess I am kind of in name only anymore. Since I left the Citadel and hit the outerplanes, I've not seen much of the rest of the faction, save a couple'a barmy dusters I saw preaching in the hive when I ran jumped into town. Truthfully, I'd rather drop that subject if you don't mind. Since the war, individual factioneers have come and gone in Sigil without..... bad things happening, I'd rather not push my luck by talking about it."

He turns to Peter and says,
"If you need any help sorting out the jargon, I'll be happy to help you out if you want.

Sorry, but I never caught any of your name, or given my own, I'm Johnathan, or more commonly known as Johnathan Void, good to meet you both."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Look sighed and looked back to the rogue Modron, "If you jump out a window, you use an untested portal. It's a... colloquialism.

The teifling tried to follow the threads of all the conversations, but was unable. Instead he just listened to Edward's primary and a few of the more ... disreputable types ... hovering around.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Nordom seemed to stare intently at the tiefling, its eyes focusing on his....."Processing.....colloquilism......Function: noun
1 a : a colloquial expression b : a local or regional dialect expression. Processing complete. Affirmative. Expression meets requirements for said adjective. Grattitudes! Memory subroutines updated." With that, the modron goes back to the table where the first hand of poker is currently being played.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Erte suddenly realized he’d been holding both his breath and his lute since Lok had approached the older man.
He felt nothing less than admiration for these humans at the bar. Stranded, far from home, forced to interact with beings their world rarely experienced outside of nightmares and fantasies. And yet, Edward had already drawn promises of aid from both the spearman and the gnoll. Erte concentrated for a moment before giving a nod toward his lute.
A woman’s voice began speaking, audible only in Edward’s mind. “I am called Dianne of Five Strings. Through your actions, you have given my bearer the greatest gift of all, Edward Davis; you have given him hope. His beliefs require him to acknowledge that gift, and repay it in kind. Erte and I believe that gold could never repay hope, for it can never truly bring hope. Instead, we freely offer alliance; yours to accept or reject as you will. Even if rejected, know you this: you will be defended whenever in Erte or my presence.
Erte sat back, slid the muting pads back into the lute, and prepared to fulfill his promise if needed. He left the half-full wine glass on the bar.

AlexBurel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Until now, Alex had been pushing buttons on a palm gadject. After thinking a moment, he turns toward Johnathan and Edward.

"I have a theory on dead magic portals I'd like to kick around with you. You know how many people describe reality as a "fabric" something you can mold and touch and overlay? Well, I have been thinking that maybe not all portals are magical constructs, perhaps some are holes in the fabric of a plane that allows one to see into another. In addition, perhaps with enough energy and the correct postitioning of such, maybe one might be able to cut a artificail portal through reality like poking a hole through cloth. Of course, since reality has a tendancy to repair itself the portal would likely close eventually, but do you think it could be possible to do such a thing?"

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"AlexBurel" wrote:
Until now, Alex had been pushing buttons on a palm gadject. After thinking a moment, he turns toward Johnathan and Edward.

"I have a theory on dead magic portals I'd like to kick around with you. You know how many people describe reality as a "fabric" something you can mold and touch and overlay? Well, I have been thinking that maybe not all portals are magical constructs, perhaps some are holes in the fabric of a plane that allows one to see into another. In addition, perhaps with enough energy and the correct postitioning of such, maybe one might be able to cut a artificail portal through reality like poking a hole through cloth. Of course, since reality has a tendancy to repair itself the portal would likely close eventually, but do you think it could be possible to do such a thing?"

"I wouldn't doubt it, natural portals are everywhere, that's probly how they're made. However, all portals are inherently magical. From all the things I've heard, you cannot "tear a hole" in the fabric with out magic. That's what magic is, the manipulation of the fabric. If you ask me, the fact that the fabric is getting torn apart in places where it's normally rigid and unchangable, it shows that our fabric is getting eating moths."

A Red Slaad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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A red slaad comes hopping into the establishment. Backwards. On its head. Not just upside down on its hands. Its skull is making a thumping sound every "step" it takes.

It rights itself, licks the guest book and yells "HELLO BLADELINGS!"
at the top of it's lungs, or whatever slaadi have that might almost resemble lungs.

It then proceeds to strech it's left arm as far as it can, perpendicular to it's body. It makes a fist and hits itself in the head with such a blow it knocks itself out.

Now there is a red slaad on the ground.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

At the sound of the -thump!- as the Slaad hits the floor, the Marauder glances over in that direction with some annoyance.

"Go have one of the cooks or servers move that out of the way if you would..."

With that, one of her tieflings walks off to speak with the large, stuffed, and rather talkative dragon head over the bar. Shemeska herself simply glances over to another member of her entourage and opens her mouth. Without a second of hesitation there's a freshly peeled grape on her tongue which she munches on with a faint smile.

AlexBurel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
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Alex blinks a couple time at the Metaphore

"What kind of eating moths? You think the Far Realm might be breaking down the barriers? Course, maybe its just that the dead magic areas allow schools of magic not commonly available to mortals. "

Alex looks at the collasped Slaadi and sighs

"That reminds me, I wonder whatever Xanaxost has gotten himself into? I was hopeing to meet him, provided he doesn't try to eat me of course. Ah well, slaadi will be slaadi."

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
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Johnathan looked up at the slaad when it yelled, and looked back to what he was doing before when the thing hit the floor.

Sorry, I didn't really mean any entity was eating away at reality. I'm no bard and a moth was just the first thing I could think of that eats away cloth. I was thinking of it more as the cloth being worn away, with holes wearing in it eventually.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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"Thank you."

Peter pages through the book for a few minutes, as the other people are talking. Finally putting it down, he says,

"Blast it, if this thing had a friggin' glossery I'd probably be able to make sense of it... but as it is I think it's hopeless. Unlike most of you folks I'm not really a seasoned adventurer or anything, so there's zilch chance of getting through to that awful portal on Baator either."

Looking unusually frustrated now, he downs the rest of his glass and starts to think quietly.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
'Blast it, if this thing had a friggin' glossery I'd probably be able to make sense of it... but as it is I think it's hopeless. Unlike most of you folks I'm not really a seasoned adventurer or anything, so there's zilch chance of getting through to that awful portal on Baator either.'

'Did I, perhaps, hear about a difficult undertaking?'

An efreet, tall and purple, seems to have appeared near the primes. He crosses his arms, and looks over the group.

'You don't have to be seasoned adventurers, if you're carrying the proper equipment.' Bob commandeers a chair from a nearby table, ignoring the protest that it was for some sod's date, and sits. 'Now, you're going to Baator? What for?'


Pants of the North!

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Turns towards Pete, putting his left hand on his shoulder and raises his right hand, waving his index finger.*

"Tsk, tsk... should never be so doubtful. Look, it may be incredibly bleak seeing as that portal to your home is all the way in the 8th layer of hell, but I assure you... your chance is far from zero. You have me to help you and I'm sure there are several more in this room that would be willing to help you get home as well, one for sure being Nordom."

*Glances over towards Nordom momentarily then turns back to Pete and continues his pep speech*

"I'll try my hardest to help you get back home some day. Even if we don't manage to get you back home, you'll always have myself for company should you choose to exercise that option. While you're here, you should try and enjoy the scenery... have a good time... if you can find it within yourself to do so. I mean, you did come through that portal willingly, did you not? Cheer up, have another drink... I'll pay this time."

*Rrodek pats Pete on the shoulder before releasing his grip, then turns to Edward*

"Now that I think about it, I'm curious... do you intend to stay in Sigil now that your house is here? Should we by some chance get Pete to this portal... would you wish to return home or remain here with us?"

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"My good Gnoll what was your name again" without breaking for a breath Jack continued "Well I guess that doesn't matter quite yet, we'll have plenty of time for that if you decide to join the guild and you pass a few tests. But never mind those quite yet they are assuredly very simple for a seasoned planewalker and even a new berk with a little wit could pass them."

Jack smiled and patted the half elf next to him on the shoulder "Like this book worm here I think you might make an excellent addition to the guild. Discounts with all the best merchants in town, help obtaining that virgin prime you need for that spell or something more fun, and plenty of good company to share a drink with. What do ya say to a free tour of the headquarters?"

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Looks swiftly over in Jack's direction as it caught him a bit off guard.*

"Why would you ask my name if it wasn't important? And just why are you asking my name again if you never asked me before or talked to me? I don't even really know who you are...

"What guild are you speaking of anyway? The Planewalkers guild? No thanks, I'll have to pass that one up. I need not join a guild to walk the planes, I can do that in my sleep... well, if I even needed to sleep. I don't need to do any damned tests either. Not only that, I've been walking the planes for a number of years before I came here, there are other things on my list of things to do now.

"Don't you think you're coming off the slightest bit rude? Did you even stop to think about what you said? You... out of no where, someone I've never talked to, don't know in the slightest, asking me my name, telling me it isn't important and then asking me to join some guild out of the blue?"

*Shudders after thinking about what Jack said to the half-elf*

"Let me assure you this, any organization that would supply virgin primes to their members for spells or anything more... "fun", I would rather NOT be associated with."

*Rrodek turns back to Edward to continue his conversation and smiles momentarily.*

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
'You don't have to be seasoned adventurers, if you're carrying the proper equipment.' Bob commandeers a chair from a nearby table, ignoring the protest that it was for some sod's date, and sits. 'Now, you're going to Baator? What for?'
"No, no, nevermind. If I am going it'd probably be a while before I do."

Looking a little better after Rrodek's speech, he responds,

"Thanks. I suppose I got a little overwrought there thinking about my situation. I need to make the best of where I am... and it is pretty intriguing to be someplace that I always thought was made-up. I'll try to enjoy myself."

Peter then orders another glass of water, thanking Rrodek again for footing the bill.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Edward Davis" wrote:
Although, I, myself, fail to see how an old history professor from some backwater prime world would be useful on a quest into the deepest layer of Hell.
Erte laughed aloud. Leaping to his feet, he nonchalantly slides between the professor and the guildsman. The offhand remark about "prime virgins" had upset him as much as it had the friendly gnoll, and Edward's statement made a perfect cover to insert himself. Erte clapped the old man on the back, saying, "My fine professor, surely even your world has tales of unlikely heroes, stable-boys who would be kings? You would be surprised how prolific they are, as if a single needle had wound through the entire multiverse, weaving a pattern in the histories of thousands of worlds. And we have the beginnings of such a tapestry here and now. A group of men, stranded in a foreign land, attracting new friends like honey for bees? Tell me that's not a legend waiting to happen. And I know of no journey that could not be made brighter with the company of a trained bard. But I shall leave the choices to you, my friends."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Lok rapped his spear against the ground loudly. He did not raise hsi eyes to anyone communicating with his charge. He did growl a bit however.

"Pattern to the Ladies Shadow," he retorted to the implication that was not aimed toward him, "A Cutter weaves his own path. There are not threads attached. Fairy Tales and weakness hide behind these beliefs. Sir, I would suggest that such cakewalk versions of life are not to be trusted."

Lok's black eyes finally locked on the bard. However, where there should have been some sense of feeling in the teifling, was a placid, even stare.

OOC: I personally like Bards. No Offense intended. Lok is a very tangible-believer.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Lok" wrote:
Lok's black eyes finally locked on the bard. However, where there should have been some sense of feeling in the teifling, was a placid, even stare.
Erte's wide grin faltered under Lok's unwavering stare. "Oh, aye. Aye that, blood," Erte blurted out, keeping himself between the professor and the guildsman. Erte felt that neither he nor Edward would be served by breeding acrimony with the spearman. "No threads, no strings save the ones we attach ourselves. And for every happily ever after, a thousand deaders in the gutter. No trip to Baator could be called a 'cakewalk', friend. But I would venture that you agree: good planning and better allies can make any journey far less perilous."

OOC to Lok: I understand, none taken. I am already liking the interplay between these two very different personalities.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Lok gave the bard a quick nod and motioned to Edward with his spear.

"If Worms goes, so go I. Cakewalk or not, such is the Music," Lok stated it as if it were fact written in the Tablets of Time.

OOC: Cool.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"HEY HEY HEY! Don't go doing something rash, take some time to think about this.

Number one:" He lifts a finger " "Going to the plane of Ice, is bad.

Number two: He lifts another finger"Going to Ba'ator is worse.

That books was written by a real person. A Guvner in fact. You could head out to Mechanus, fill out an excessive amount of paper work, and request an audience with him. He may not be able to help you, but taking a trip to Mechanus is normally much easier than trudging through Ba'ator.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Erte stared at Johnathan Void for a moment; a dumbfounded look on his face. Without warning, he bursts into side-splitting laughter. Within seconds, he's quieted down, though occasional bouts of laughter still interrupt as he speaks.
"Sir, you are absolutely correct.... By the Nine... We haven't bothered to find out.... if what we're guarding.... even wants to go!"
For some reason, this seems strikes to strike Erte as incredibly funny, and he continues laughing. But after he had spoken, the smile never quite reaches his eyes.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Actually, in the post that got erased, Edward DID agree to go find the portal for Peter's sake. However, he wasn't sure if he wanted to cross through the portal to Earth once they got there.

The planes are starting to grow on him.

"Johnathan Void" wrote:
That books was written by a real person. A Guvner in fact. You could head out to Mechanus, fill out an excessive amount of paper work, and request an audience with him. He may not be able to help you, but taking a trip to Mechanus is normally much easier than trudging through Ba'ator.

Edward raised an eyebrow and asked, "Mechanus? Is that one of the good planes or one of the bad planes?"

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Neither, but it's completely orderly and lawful. Your fine there 'till you step out of line. But if you break a law, don't expect any mercy.

In Ba'ator, everythings orderly and lawful, but all the laws are made to make things suffer.

I still suggest you all head off the Guvner headquarters, and see if you can get a "translation," or ask the person who wrote it if he knows any individual portals, but if you all insist on taking the chance of getting yourselves enslaved for all eternity in Ba'ator, stop by the Temple of Corellon Larethian before you head out, my mom's a mage that took to working there, selling magic items to prime elves who find themselves in Sigil. Even though you aren't elven, drop my name, you'll probly get a good discount.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

He folded his arms and gave Jon a stern look, "I may be a prime, but I am no fool. I have no intention of walking into the gates of Hell until we are damn good and ready." He looked around at the group, "And since we are lacking heavy machine-gun artillery and reenforced tank armour, I agree that visiting a bureaucratic hell is preferable to visiting a literal hell at this time."

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Johnny boy give Edward a blank look, having no idea what heavy machine-gun artillery and reenforced tank armour meant.

He grins realizing that Edward was pointing out that he was the clueless one, not Edward.

Sorry, if I sounded like I was talking down to you, I meant no offense. I just don't want to see anyone suffer that fate, I've seen a few berks who thought they were really smart try to deal with the Ba'atezu and it ain't pretty. If I had the choice of marching through the plane of fire in a suit made of wood, or marching through Jangling Hilter, I'd choose the fire, it won't take your soul.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Exactly, Professor. I'd much rather find a more amiable way back if one exists. In fact up until about five minutes ago I had pretty much resigned myself to life out on the Planes, rather than risk life, limb, and more to get through that Sean-awful portal. I mean, at least now there's some options."

Pete finishes his second glass of water.

"But I'm willing to take it slow. Best to get used to my new environment before doing anything else. Don't want to rush into anything."

Looking up at Rrodek, Pete adds...

"Speaking of which, since I seem to have so many friends all of a sudden, I'd really appreciate a short tour of Sigil, or the address of a local library at least."

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The wine was good. A fine wine, though most Arborean wines were fine, or better. Even better with fireseeds, of course, but the seeds didn't seem that popular in the inn. The elf wondered if these berks even knew about them. All they did seem to care about was the wine itself. He had to admit, the wine was exceptional, but with the seeds, the taste was nearly indiscribable. Perhaps he should have joined the Sensates.

He looked over at the Factol, still sitting there, apparently doing nothing. What was she thinking of? Was she thinking at all? After all, was Cipher thought not an oxymoron?
Without thought. Thought and action woven together into a string of perfect harmony. The epitomy of harmony. To be like that.
No, the Sensates were fools. The senses, as pleasant as they often were, had no real purpose. They served no real goal. To be without thought, and one with the Cadence, to be whole, that was a goal. A goal worth striving for. A goal to believe in.

The elf looked over at the small group of Primes, who were talking about an expedition to Baator. Or Mechanus, he couldn't remember, exactly. A barmy idea, anyway. But was that not always the way with Primes? No, not always, he had to admit. The elf had met some who weren't completely addle-coved. But then, only a few. The elf wondered what they believed in.

He glanced at the half-elf with a frown. Half-elves. Strange, that an elf could fancy a human, let alone breed with one. But then again, stranger things happened on the planes.

The black-haired elf took a look at his glass, and drank the last sip of firewine in it. He signaled one of the waitresses to get him another one, and passed her the empty glass.

The waitress took her time in brining another drink. The elf suddenly thought of his lump of chaos-matter. He had shaped it into a belt, and it was now hanging around his waist. With a simple mental command, the beld melted into a mass of quicksilver-like metal, that crept up the elf's torso, onto his arms. He willed the stuff onto his hands, shaping bits and pieces into various rings and bracelets, mimicking the jewelry of the King of Crosstrade. He threw a glance at her table, raised an eyebrow, and quickly willed the stuff into a single, simple, yet elegant bracelet. One should not get into trouble with the 'loth. Though it was fun taunting her, from time to time.

The elf looked at the patrons of the inn once more, only to see that the waitress was standing beside him with a glass of wine. She put it on the table in front of him, and he passed the woman a stinger. Ah, wine.

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