The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

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Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Hearing the young human’s words, Erte’s voice takes on a quiet intensity. His eyes glow a brighter green, and his face seems to sink into the shadows. “Aye that, Peter. Our lots are much the same, you and I. Any bard worth his salt would be poorly served indeed, never to have come to the City of Doors. Or so it was said. And it is true, for inside this great ring sit joys unmatched by Elysium, and depravities unmentionable in the Abyss. There are few other places in the multiverse where a humble bard could learn so much in so little time. I followed the siren’s song of the Sigilian streets; it led me here.
Erte throws back his head in laughter, his mood joyful and light once more. “And Hermes grant me the wisdom to get back out alive, yes?

"Edward Davis" wrote:
"Where did you get your hands on planar knowledge in California?"

Erte smirked, “Don’t look so surprised. An unscrupulous bard would fill his pockets easily on a magic-starved backring of a Prime.
Turning his attention back to Peter. “ Take a word of advice, friend. Trust what you believe, but double check what you 'know'. Especially in Sigil.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"That's sound advice, Erte. Reports have a tendancy of getting garbled down the line, especially if they're thought to be made-up anyway."

Peter took a sip of his water, and then addressed Edward again.

"And as to how I got the info... have you ever heard of 'Dungeons & Dragons', the famous game of nerds? Turns out that this place, along with a good bit of its residents, topography, and so forth were reproduced as add-ons to the game some years back. Erte's probably right that some planar sold the stuff as fiction and retired rich."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
The 'loth smiles again, quite genuinely now. 'I hope that was of help to you?'

Bob nods. 'Indeed, rather useful information you've imparted indeed. Here is your teeth,' here the efreeti pauses, to withdraw a small set of wind-up teeth from his pants and place them on the table. 'They have a tendency not to work properly on beings without much flesh. It was nice doing business with you, you're as knowledgable as I'd heard.'

The efreeti takes his leave of the Marauder's table, and heads to the bar. He orders for the lupinal at the card table a Marauder's Mirth, paid for by coins that were also retrieved from his baggy purple pants. 'Oh, and tell her it's from "waving at you from the bottom, see you there and enjoy the fall".' When the drink arrives at the celestial's table, he grins and waves at her.


Pants of the North!

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

You first see a skeletal dog(AKA-Fluffy) running down the stairs leading to the inn on the upper floor then stopping abruptly as it reaches the bottom, looking up... waiting for something. Rather obviously, it's the dog's master, Rrodek.

As he reaches the bottom of the stairs and is surveying the room, Rrodek makes sure to wave to Nordom then when he noticed Pete and even more so, the old man with him, he wanders over there with Fluffy following and pulls up a seat next to Pete.

"Hello there. Just what are you doing in here with no one to accompany you? Well... I guess the old man here would count, just didn't quite seem like he came in here with you, never even really seen him before."

*looks to Edward, smiling*

"So who are you?"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rilmani was boring quickly with his observations, so he decided to stir up trouble. With a cocky grin, he sauntered over to the Marauder's table. He folded his lanky arms across his chest and sent a telepathic inquiry to Shemeska.

'Lo there, King, he "said," How's business lately? I don't see your mirror-boy around, did you not get enough money to keep him paid?"

Anything to stir up trouble...

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Fyrehowl pulls a coin from a pocket, careful not to show the rest of the room which pocket or quite where it is in her cloak, and tosses it on the table. She softly hrrs as she ponders over her 5 cards before selecting four of them and sliding them face down over to Clueless.

"4, clueless."

She holds the remaining card, apparently still pondering the move she just made, as she recieves the drink, for the moment before the message she looks suprized. However, upon the message "waving from you at the bottom, see you there and enjoy the fall" the suprize fades. She doesnt bother looking over at shemeska, but she does look over the efreet, taking careful note of his apperance and apparently marking him in her mind as someone to remember for whatever reason. Perhaps marked down as a fool who hasn't a clue what he's getting into with his 'buisness' partner.
After a moment she motions over a barmaid and pulls a flask from her belt, clear, looks much like water as she scribble something on a napkin.

"If you could be so kind as to give this to Shemeska The Maurader, and give her this note with it." said as she gives a coin to the barmaid in return for the favor.

The contents of the flask is holy water.

The contents of the note
"I had no idea that you enjoyed being low-loth on the totem pole so much. I dont think i'll be joining you, fur gets dirty in the street gutter you know."

AlexBurel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

A young man enters. About six feet in height, he walks over to the guestbook and signs it "Alexander F. Burel" before replaceing the quill. Noticing the two primes he walks up and says "More Earthlings? And I thought the "hold election" spell was a joke..."

"Anyway, I am Alex, I entered Sigil recently when I sealed myself in Stasis and ventured into the dreamlands. Although it took years-at least I think it was years- I wound up in here which by all rights should be impossible, considering the lack of portals to the dreamlands. Because of this I hae some unusual abilities-watch."

He focuses for a moment and then proceeds to stick his hand through the nearby wall as if he was an illiusion.

"I'm curious, how did you two get in here?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

A tall twisted and gaunt figure wearing a strange bisected mask runs into the Fortunes Wheel and quickly spots the guestbook. The figure walks up to the guestbook and signs it "vex, ethergaunt of the white rank" using a quill that he pulled out of his robes. Vex returns the quill to his robes and scans the room for anything of interest and spots the poker game. Vex walks up to the table with the poker game going on at it and sits down. Vex looks et everyone at the table in turn and momentarily pausing as he looks at nordom and then says to no one in particular "Do any of you know where a fugitive might hide from pursuit by ones's entire race?". Vex appears to focus as he carefully attempts to detect the surface thoughts of the others at the table without alerting them. After a moment Vex seems to decide not to bother and looks directly at nordom "I feel some sort of kinship with you and don't know why, this worrys me as it has no logical explanation".

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue turns to the ethergaunt... "Processing ..... ethergaunt.... caste: white. Goal: destruction of Prime Material Plane. Processing....Query: Why does subject: white ethergaunt hide from its respective race?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The ethergaunt pases in thought for a moment and then says to Nordom "Because I represent what they wish to purge themselves of, I am a mistake, a flaw". Vex seems to sigh for a moment although that is quite impossible considering how an ethergaunts body is set up and then say to Nordom "I have feelings, I have passion, my race or rather my races leaders do not wish for my flaw to spread, they do not want our genocidal war to stop".

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Processing....statement processed. Memory routines updated. Nordom understands designation: Vex's plight. Nordom is a not modron. Rogue. Flaw. Individual. Nordom does not want to rejoin THE SOURCE and give up attained individuality." The rogue places one of its free hands on the ethergaunt...."Nordom is much like you, Vex. Query: Does designation Vex wish to be destroyed by respective race?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex looks at Nordom and seems to give off the impression of smiling which is once again impossible thanks to his lack of a mouth "No I do not wish to be destroyed, I wish to teach my race to feel again and help us become a productive and friendly society of inventors and philosophers".

(OOC: A quick note, my character is speaking through telepathy)

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Statement processed. Memory updated. Unfortunately, Nordom is incapable of using said dream for Nordom's own race. There is a 0% chance for success. Nordom can only hope to survive for as long as possible. Processing....designation Vex and Nordom share common interests. Suggest mutually beneficial partnership. Is suggestion acceptable?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex seems to think for a moment and then says to Nordom "A partnership seems like a logical idea, I agree"

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue's eyes dialate before it responds....
"Statement processed. Gratitudes! Nordom can contribute to proposed partnership with designations A-1 and A-2, gear spirit crossbows." The rogue raises its two rear arms and shows the crossbows for effect....
"Said gear spirits can produce crossbow bolts capable of harming targets equal to the power of a greater fiend, or celestial, or modron, or slaadi, or elemental, or dragon, or proxy, or...." The crossbows begin to click wildy. The modron shifts its attention to the spirits, and returns to the ethergaunt...
"Apologies. Gear spirits have informed Nordom that Nordom's statement was approximately 32% effecient. Nordom must increase effeciency of speech to further understand social intergalactic.....error......interaction. Query: What can designation Vex contribute to said partnership?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex once again gives off the feeling of smiling "I can offer rather powerful arcane abilitys and an intelligence greater than most pit fiends"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Clueless stared at the silent newcomer and the bizarely talkative modron for a long moment, trying hard to follow the conversation as his wings flickered orange, then green in a combination of surprise and amusement.

"Hey... Nordom? Hearing only half of the conversationis really odd... by the by, here's your cards." He passed over the replacement cards the modron had asked for shortly before he was distracted and returned his attention to the newcomer. "Hi, m' name's Clueless - you are?" He offered a hand to the tall gentleman.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex seems to notice Clueless for the first time and speaks to him "I am an ethergaunt, however you need not fear me. I am an outcast of my kind because I am a flaw, a mistake. I have feelings and passion and therfore am being hunted down before I spread what my races leaders seem to consider a disease, I consider it a gift."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The halfbreed blinked, than laughed fully. "I'll be honest, theres very few things I fear." He smiled, "But it is good to meet you. With any luck you'll find your own path here, Sigil seems to be quite a good place to hide in."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The modron looked at its hand and placed three cards on the table, keeping the other two....

(OOC I think you know which two I'm keeping.)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: yeps - I think i'm waiting on like one person to PM me back which cards they want to keep or not, so if they don't get back to me shortly I'm gonna ssume they want their current hand and play on

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Tavern Wall

Lok hunched his shoulders. He hated when the voice talked. He had not power to not talk back. He ahd tried at first, but the compulsion to respond was too great. Everyone heard his ranting, but never their source. Never. Hard facts state that he was insane. Hard facts never really stood up well in Sigil. He finished his wine and frowned. Annoying and frigthening it may be, but it was always right. Coincidence was never it's forte.

The Teifling grabbed his spear angrily and stomped his way back to the Duo, now trio. He bowed to the eldest, being as that was probably their leader. He inclined his head slightly.

"Tag's Lok," he stated simply, "My services are yours. I do not wish to speak of my reasons nor of jink. It is my Music. If you attempt a bolting, you have between no chance and Buckley's."

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The ethergaunt looks at Lok giving of a feeling of being puzzled "Somthing is... different about your mind. I could probably help if you want my assistance."

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The elf waited at the bar until the barkeep had finished serving the three Primes that had entered the inn. One of the Tieflings in the inn, the one who kept on tapping his spear, joined the three.

"Another firewine, barkeep. And some fireseeds as well."
He passed the man a stinger and a couple of coppers. As he waited for his drink, he looked back at the room.

A strange white creature was standing alongside the rogue at the table where some berks were playing card games. The elf recognised the creature as an Ethergaunt, as he had, on multiple occasions, read books about the Ethereal. A plane he had once visited. He wondered why he had not done so again. A plane of possibility, a great place to mold with his mind.
He also wondered what interest the creature with the porcelain mask had in the box.

Another strange sight. A Rilmani. A Cuprilarch, if he wasn't mistaken. The creature with the coppery skin and the red eyes directed it's wide grin at Shemeska, at whose table he stood. Seemed as if het business with the Efreet was over.

Seemed as though the inn was full of strange cutters this night. Even more so then usual. Something was about to happen. Or, at least, it should. Either way, the elf didn't seem to care. He took his wine and the seeds, and walked back to his table.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"FyreHowl" wrote:
"If you could be so kind as to give this to Shemeska The Maurader, and give her this note with it." said as she gives a coin to the barmaid in return for the favor.

The contents of the flask is holy water.

The contents of the note
"I had no idea that you enjoyed being low-loth on the totem pole so much. I dont think i'll be joining you, fur gets dirty in the street gutter you know."

Over at her own table, The Marauder hands the note to one of her tieflings to read. She ignores it and the flash entirely, but glances at the groomer/guard at he reads the note silently. Presumably she plucks the contents from his mind, and on silent cue her entourage and her begin to laugh boistrously at some common and unspoken private joke.

Otherwise she makes no reaction, not even a glance over towards the lupinal.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex looks at Shemeska and her entourage and attempts to read one of her toadies minds.(OOC:generally it's my policy not to mess with anyone elses "character" but I consider the toadies fair game)
Vex gets up and walks over to the table that Shemeska is at and pull out his etherblade. Vex then looks at Shemeska and says "I know you deal in secrets, how I know is not important." Vex takes a seat and continues "I am in need of some sort of anti-scrying device and am willing to trade the secret of how to make an etherblade for it."

Pyretta Blaze's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Pyretta tosses in her bet, then glances at Clueless. "So I give you some cards and you give me some back? Sounds fair enough." She slides three cards toward him with a smile.

All the while, she scans the crowd, taking in newcomers and watching the doings of those there before her, learning the lay of the land, as it were.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The old man happily chatted with the growing group of people near the bar, when the tall white creature with the tall-tale mask walked into the Fortune's Wheel.

Edward's eyes suddenly flashed with a look of angry recognition. Them! he thought to himself as he reached under his jacket to make sure his revolver was still in it's holster. He slowly took his hand off his gun and tried to mantain a calm and friendly face so as not to alarm the two other primes that were with him. They didn't know the true dark on these creatures. Nobody did. Only the top-level officials in the British, Chinese, U.S. and Russian governments knew how close the Earth came to total destruction because of the Khen-Zai.

The professor reached up and touched what seemed to be a tiny scar on his left temple, mostly hidden by wrinkles now. If that thing decided to make thralls out of the people in this establishment, things could get ugly fast. The sliver of metal that the russians install in Davis' brain would protect him from enslavement but he knew from experience that enslavement was only one out of dozens of things those genocidial monsters could do.

He started looking for various exit he could escape through. Before the creature started reading minds...

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Vex looked back towards Edward and said "I already read your mind and apologize for all the trouble my race has caused, you need not fear me."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Something about the white guy over there scare you, Edward? He doesn't seem all that bad, but if you need help with anything, by all means... I'm willing to protect/help/aid you, whatever you need."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(OOC: To anyone watching from the outside, no one can hear the conversation. It just looks like Vex is occationally glancing back at Edward while he is continuing his business transaction with Shemeska.)

Edward's face twisted in what looked like seething rage as he thought a message to Vex knowing that the creature could read his mind. "And I guess I have your word on that, huh? Well, I've learned from personal experience what kind of weight the honor of oaths is to you freaks!" He calmed down slightly and continued with a slight smirk on his face, "Besides, you know it's pointless to try teaching the people here how to construct your blade. The scientific principals behind it are way beyond their overly magic-centric minds."

(OOC: Don't take any of what he says too seriously. Edward seeing an Ethergaunt is the equivalent of a high elf watching a drow walk into his favorite tavern. He isn't going to like it right away, no matter how sincere and heartfelt the apology is and how much the offender wishes to right the wrongs of his race. Irrational hatreds based on past traumas happen all the time.)

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Edward turned back to Rrodek all of his distress seemed to completely melt off his face as if was never there in the first place. The old man donned a cheerful smile and patted the lich on the back, "Oh, it's nothing important. Just remembering some old business," he chuckled and changed the subject. "I can't say that I know your species. Are you a local?"

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


"Nothing important, you say? I've come to learn that's generally one of the biggest lies a person can set forth, but I won't press the matter.

*Rrodek shrugs, thinking about it and continues on.*

"As for being a local... ha! Hardly. Well, I'd like to make myself as such, still relatively new in the area. From what you've said, doesn't sound like I've been here a whole lot longer then you have.

"My species... I am a gnoll. We're hyena-ish humanoids. See the lupinal over there?"

*points to Fyrehowl*

"Gnolls are like them... in a sense. We're animal-like humanoids that can walk on two legs and speak... though we're definitely not celestials, just a prime race. For a good majority of them too, their disposition is opposite that of the lupinals. Me? I've chosen my own path."

*laughs to himself*

"Now that I think about it, I don't believe I've ever heard of a gnoll passing through the cage."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Lok stepped between Edward and the creature. His spear taking a much more defensive position, but not one outwardly hostile. He was confident in his abilities, but there was no need to fight if it could be avoided. No need to smash windows when a door was unlocked.

"Does this cutter pose a threat, sir?" he questioned

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jack was having a good time walking through the streets of Sigil again able to flaunt his membership in the Planewalkers Guild. The factions never cared for the guild and actively worked to suppress it even after they had moved to the Infinite Staircase. Now that the Lady threw those two bit hustlers out of the cage Jack was going to do what he did best.

The Fortune’s wheel a nice haunt if you had the coin. Jack loved to spend his downtime here shooting some dice but today he was here on work and that was almost as fun. Signing the book he noticed Shemeska the Marauder King of the cross trade was plying her trade tonight as well. He would have to stay clear of her she just made him feel a little uneasy and it was best to steer clear unless you needed something no one else could provide. Even then you might not want to press your luck but so many did anyway.

Whistling he grabbed a seat at a table and watched the cards fly and the die roll as he watched for his next recruit. Dropping a few silvers into a serving girl’s pouch he ordered dark ale and relaxed a little.

(He is a bard for the most part. He is also middle aged with a little white starting to show on his hair and is always very clean shaven. He is wearing a slightly beat up cloak and nice clothes that look a little travel worn)

Edit I have my profile for Jack now but I thought I would leave the description anyway.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Whoah there! Whoever you are, I assure you I pose no imminent threat nor have any intent of harm towards Edward here."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


"Not you," Lok motioned slightly with the inclination of his spear toward Vex. The spear never angled more then 10 degrees from its vertical position, but the motion was clear, "Him."

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Rrodek nods.*

"Ah... ok. I see exactly what you're saying and understand your feelings. I have only heard of his ilk, but none the less...."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue modron immediately puts its cards face down and jumps up. It hurries over and positions itslef between the ethergaunt and the tiefling....

"Warning: Designation Vex is of no threat to you. Please be advised: Designation Vex is a rogue. Abnormal. Unique. Designation Vex wishes only to live in peace and assist Vex's respective race in re-embracing emotion. Sub-Advisory: Nordom has formed alliance with said ethergaunt, and so will assist said ethergaunt should said ethergaunt require it."

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Taking small drinks of his ale Jack watched as a situation unfolded. A modron likly rouge, a gnoll, a human, and some other creature seemed on the edge of getting into a fight. Slighty amused Jack watched as it started to unfold wondering whether, if, and when he might get involved after all he was working.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Lok cracked his neck very dramatically. He lowered his eyelids, narrowing the demonic features into a menacing glare. reflexively, he stretched his fingers around his spear, the leather of his gloves creaking.

"Script it," his voice gravely and reverberating in a disturbing fashion, "The Grey-beards my charge. Any hostilities evoked upon him will be met in kind. Tumble?."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue doesn't flinch a bit....but then again, it never does.

"Statement processed. Warning: Your actions are premature. Reiteration: Said ethergaunt poses no threat to you or your charge. There is only a 1.2% chance (give or take .05) that Designation Vex will react in a hostile manner. Please be advised: Designation Lok will have attacked designation Vex without provocation. Further advisement: Nordom WILL assist said Ethergaunt if you attack without provocation."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Lok raises the corner of his lips in a snarl. The bright, white teeth beneath are sharp, joining together too well for any natural beast. The smell of brimstone begins to waft from the teifling. His agitation obvious, from the growing recognition of his more demonic heredity.

"I shall not raise a hand, but make sure your basher doesn't either."

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue's eyes dialate and shrink before it responds.

"Statement processed. Gratitudes. Nordom had no desire for combat with a stranger. Processing.....can Nordom purchase an alcoholic liquid refreshment for you?"

You get the feeling the rogue's trying to be polite, but it just hasn't mastered the subtleties quite yet.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The old man turned to Lok and quickly said, "Look! There is no need for hostilities. It was nothing, okay! Just some old business. Now let's just settle down and let the.... umm...." he paused as he tried to figure out what Nordom was. "...robot buy you a drink." Edward quietly sighed to himself. It was nice that the young man was so eager to help out his elders, but the professor was far from helpless and really didn't need the tiefling's assistence.

Oh well. The young always do like to be active...

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Jack watched silently as the group seemed to have claimed themselves down without a fight. A little surprising considering the tiefling he must be up to something else to back away from a fight. He never completely understood how Shemeska kept her Tieflings in line but he assumed it had something to do with brute force one of the few things the bastard plane touched creatures really understood. Though there could be exceptions as he smiled to himself and remembered alvahana a nice little serving girl he met in Curst. Now that girl knew how to have a good time and make an excellent traveling companion.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The half-elf walks in to the door, with a sword strapped to his back and a book underneath his arm. On the book's cover is written the words "Portals existing in dead magic areas, a survey by Vice Chair of Portal Research Bureau Yiur Terrasen." He signs his name in the book, and heads toward the bar. Before he makes it there he busts out laughing excessively loud. When he finally regains his composure he states:

"By the gods, I love this city, where else can you see an Ethergaunt, a Modron, and a Tiefling all standing in a line."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Lok releases his aggressive stance, the demonic features blending back into his smooth, handsome face. Turning away from the 'robot' and its companion, he nods to his charge.

"If that is your wish, sir" he stated. Turning back to Nordom he said, "Your offer is accepted. Wine."

Lok merely raises an eyebrow to the laughing half-elf. Until his sword comes into play, he was of no concern to the teifling.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The seemingly jovial pointy eared berk grins his way over to the bar, and opens his book. He looks up to order himself an ale, but then buries his nose back into the tome. He chuckles to himself, knowing how ridiculous he must look, a big warrior looking berk with his nose buried in a book in the middle of a bar. He didn't really care though, he'd been away from the city for too long. The crowds of Sigil were a much needed change of pace from his last job, a guard hired by the bleakers to protect them from the dangers of Pandemonium. He decied to stay here the night, read for a while, and get good and bubbed he had the money for it after all, he could visit his mother tomorrow.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue looked at the older gentelman as its eyes dialated, seeming to focus on him.

"Apologies, but your statement is 100% inaccurate. Nordom is a NOT modron.....accessing.....a rogue modron. Modrons are exemplars of LAW.....native to individuality. Nordom managed to attain individuality by breaking away from THE SOURCE of modron energy."

Nordom turns its attention back to the now much calmer teifling.

"Request processed. Query: What kind of wine do you desire? Red or white?"

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