The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

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System Admin's picture
Joined: 2003-11-25
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


(Open RP Location: Any may join this thread.)

The Fortune's Wheel is one of the most popular inns in the Lady's Ward, it is comprised actually of a collection of establishments - a gambling house, a bar, a bear-baiting pit, and above these on the second floor, an actual inn.

Mostly composed of stone, with wood paneling The Fortune's Wheel boasts a number of attractions beyond the obvious. In the bar there is a dragon's head - to all appearances still alive. Rumor holds that this is the owner of the bar who has simply gotten his head stuck in a portal. Few would ask him this though. Additionally the inn, or the gaming rooms are often frequented by the arcanaloth Shemeska the Marauder. Her lackeys, as well as her ever present mirror, are a usual sight here.

The food is good, the drink plentiful and the background music is accompanied by the sound of dice clinking in the background as fortunes and fates are exchanged. There are better places to lose one's shirt, but none quite so pleasant in the doing.

The tavern and inn is itself split up into several distinct rooms, The Common Room / Dragon Bar, the Bear Baiting Pit (off to the side of the common room), the Dicing Cup, and the Fortunes Wheel. Each of the rooms connects back to the common chamber, while stairs from the Dragon Bar lead up to the Azure Iris Inn, an expensive, but well worth the price, establishment.

Guards are discrete and largely unnoticed, and it's rumored that the dragon head (itself animate and usually quite verbose with patrons) can take action to quell unruly guests. This all of course is to say nothing of the typical patrons of the festhall having their own ability to handle any disruptions to their own affairs and well being. In other words, you could pick a better place to start a fight than here. But still, the conflicts and competing desires that seethe just beneath a polite and pleasant veneer of civility and social grace all run rampant here. And where powerful people have grudges and aims, there's always jink to be made by opportunistic bloods.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
"Welcome to the Wheel my fellow cutters, do take a seat

*digs her claws greedily into the thread*

Larger, more relevant and involved post tommorow

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Normally, patrons to the Wheel will sign their names into a large guest book at a table near the large, carved dragons head near the entrance of the establishment. Today that is no exception, save that anyone doing so will notice that while the first page is jumbled with some three or four dozen names, each scrawled on a seperate line of the open page, they're dwarfed by a single elaborate signature penned ostentatiously across the lower half of that same page and atop a good third of the earlier names.

Shemeska the Marauder, King of the Crosstrade

A small notation sits next to the fiendess's signature: "Holding business, both buying and selling, at the rear of the Dicing Cup chamber, near to the stairs to the Stargazer's Tower, in line of sight of the Fortunes Wheel room itself"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Wandering into the inn, Clueless took a long look around the place before spotting his current 'target' sitting at her usual table. She was in her place, as usual, with her boys hanging around. For once he'd even dressed up just a tad - favoring soft leather and green silk, though Razor was still strapped prominently over his back.

Playing casually though, he strolled directly past her table, ignoring her deliberately and obviously, wings flickering a blue green. He paused at the bar, ordering "...firewine. Strongest you have." from the barkeep before returning across the room towards the gambling, again taking that casual sauntering route before Shemeska's eyes.

He claimed a spot at the card tables, and settled in to convince half of the gamblers at the table that he was much drunker than he seemd to be while playing.

(ooc: tags - either shemmie for the 'insult' of ignoring her, or other players for a poker hand or two Eye-wink )

Pyretta Blaze's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The doors open again...

...and yet another figure walks in. She's tall for a woman, and moves with a strange mix of confidence and curiosity; taking everything in like a tourist, but definately not moving like one. She catches sight of the book and takes the pen in hand, signing carefully in a small neat hand: "Pyretta Blaze". She goes over the other names on the list, obviously making mental notes of each one. She beams as she puts the pen back and takes one more step, pausing like a model on a runway to take in the room before continuing.

Moving into the room, she nods and smiles at various faces that look at her; she moves somewhat like nobility, though she's dressed in the gear of an adventurer (no matter how well made or clean, the look is obvious). Long brown boots cover her lower legs and stop just above the knee; brown suede trousers can be seen above them. A black tunic completes the picture, very loose and laced (barely) up the front. There is a whip of well-kept black leather at one hip and a longsword at the other, and a pack on her back.

A quick stop at the bar: a few whispered words and a few clinking coins net her a glass of sparkling Elverquisst and a few apparant hints from the bartender; his finger points to several places in the room, including the table with the Arcanaloth and the gaming tables, as well as a small stage and a few other points of interest. The woman smiles and slips yet another coin into the bartender's hand, her fingers lingering on his for a moment before turning around and moving toward the games.

"So..." she drops gracefully into a chair at one of the poker tables, resting her pack between her shins and making herself comfortable, "I hear you gentlemen are playing poker." Pyretta smiles winningly. "Mind teaching a stranger in town?" At this she actually goes so far as to bat her eyelashes.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: The doors open again...

Clueless looked up as a new player joined the table, "That we are..." He smiled, taking a large sip of the firewine, before lounging back in his chair, wings flickering a bright green behind him. "What sort of games are you familar with? There's any number we can play...." Agile fingers shuffled the deck in one hand, flickering the card back and forth.

"Especially if you want to get anyone else involved..." He glanced around the room, then shook his head at himself. "What am I doing? I forgot to introduce myself." He offered a hand over the table, "Clueless, you are?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The door to the establishment opens, and the rather large Bob the Efreet steps inside. He stops, as is customary, at the guest log, and retrieves a special fire-proof pen from his pants to sign in with. Replacing the pen, he straightens and looks around, eventually sighting the arcanoloth he's looking for.

Bob strides over to where the Marauder sits and stands opposite her. 'You wouldn't happen to be too busy for a bit of business, would you?'


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Seated across the table from Clueless a well dressed young man glanced up from his cards and smiled at the newcomer. Placing his two pair, Ladies and Tiefers, facedown on the table the young man extended his hand politely, "Pull up a chair, maam. I am Aiolos, though you can call me Change." Picking up his cards the young man inwardly winced at his Ace high hand as he tosses a few chips into the center as a bluff. Watching the other players call, Change laughs as he puts down Aces full of nines. "Read 'em and weep, berks!"

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
Bob strides over to where the Marauder sits and takes a seat opposite her. 'You wouldn't happen to be too busy for a bit of business, would you?'

The Marauder casts a gaze across the room at the newcomers, deliberately avoiding any lingering look at Clueless, then focuses on the approaching Efreet. She looks up and slides her evening meal off to the side to pick at later and smiles up at the djinni-kin. The arcanaloth is dressed in a sleeveless green gown that glitters in the light, apparently made up of some sort of fabric made of woven glass beads.

"Well, that certainly depends on if the business is of any gain to one of us. Talk a seat and talk to me, we'll find out soon enough."

She flicks one of her canid ears to one side with a tiny movement and instantly two of her tieflings pull out a chair for the guest, place a glass in front of him and fill both his and refill hers to the brim with a deep reddish wine.

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
And yet another into their midst

Inside the inn steps a blue and yellow furred lupinal guardinal, wearing a light tan outfit, covered by a light gray cloak. Before she even signs her name she glances around the room, her gaze lingering over each person, ears lowering ever so slightly in displeasure upon seeing Shemeska and her guest. She sighs slightly to herself, and pens a name into the book "Fyrehowl" written simply, in planar common. A small sound of jink being placed on a bar as she gets a mug of ale, and steps over to the game table, watching as she asks to Clueless "Poker? or something else?"

*more quietly she asks intending clueless and not the others to hear over the background noise of the bar* "and who are your friends here?"

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

In one of the far corners of the inn, a dark-haired elf raises his head from the table. He gaze shifts between the lupinal, scribing something in the guestbook, and the King of Crosstrade, who is sitten across the table of an efreet. The lupinal lowers it's ears as it sees Shemeska sitting across the room. Ah, the ever-present conflict between good and evil. Such fun to watch.

He popped one of the fireseeds lying on the table in his mouth, and waited a few seconds before dousing the cold flames with a sip of firewine.

The lupinal walked over to some berks playing cards, without paying any further attention to the Marauder. Pity. A good bar fight would've been fun. At least, to watch.
The elf sighed and returned his attention to the small gem lying on the table, crowned with silver freckles of light.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

A quadrone modron casually walks into the establishment. It's pretty obvious it's a rogue; every once in a while it seems to convulse for a second for no apparent reason. The modron eyes the bashers playing poker and wanders over to the table.

"Processing....card to be five card draw? Query: May Nordom join the game? Nordom desires to take part in social interaction involving the risk of currency and valuable material possessions. Processing....'gambling'."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

[ooc: Oddly enough folks - if you would like I'll snag a pack o cards tonight when I get back from my movie, deal out some virtual hands and PM them around, gives us a bit o something to work with. Eye-wink ]

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Clueless smiled widely up at Fyrehowl as she said hello, having not expected to see *her* in this place - he made a mental note not to pick a fight with the Marauder even as he reached up to scritch behind one of the celestials large ears. "Poker right now, join up? We were just getting around to making introductions. Folks... this here's one of my close friends, Fyrehowl."

Clueless wrinkled his nose, "And Change here is winning," He shook his head, pressing the current pile in the other's direction with a smile. "Not for too long I think though..."

When the little walking dice came up to the table though, Clueless's wings flickered orange for a half second in surprise before he shrugged, looking at the rest of the table. "Sure, why not... anyone need a review of the rules before we start the next hand?" He inclinded his head towards Pyretta, knowing she'd already asked something to that effect.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

A tiefling dressed in flowing Cipher robes enters the room and glides wordlessly to an empty table in the corner. She simply sits silently, though it is impossible to tell if she is lost in contemplation or studying the room's inhabitants.

*OOC: Whoo! A new kip for planars!

Pyretta Blaze's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"What sort of games are you familar with? There's any number we can play...." Agile fingers shuffled the deck in one hand, flickering the card back and forth. "Especially if you want to get anyone else involved..."

"I'm familiar with several games," Pyretta nearly purrs. "It's these I'm unfamiliar with." She runs one slender finger over the deck of cards in Clueless' hand.

He offered a hand over the table, "Clueless, you are?"

The genasi laughs softly. "Pyretta Blaze. And I hope you're Clueless only by name; otherwise how will you teach me this fascinating game?" She slides her chair closer.

"Pull up a chair, maam. I am Aiolos, though you can call me Change." Change laughs as he puts down Aces full of nines. "Read 'em and weep, berks!"

Pyretta inclines her head graciously. "Thank you, Change...I suppose that's a good hand, then?" She smiles winningly.

"Folks... this here's one of my close friends, Fyrehowl....anyone need a review of the rules before we start the next hand?"

Pyretta inclines her head slightly, smiling at the lupinal, then turning the full weight of her attention to the well-dressed young man named Clueless. "I dearly hope he lives up to his name..." she thinks to herself.

(ooc note: if the red text gets annoying, let me know. Eye-wink)

Pyretta Blaze's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Out of the corner of her eye as she insinuates herself into the card game, she notices the small court held in the corner of the establishment by the Arcanaloth. "that would be Shemeska, according to the bartender...I'll have to visit with her at some point. See what there is to see. Wonder how best to approach?" Pyretta keeps her thoughts to herself as she plays her little-tourist-lost persona to the hilt. She observes those who approach Shemeska on the sly, first noticing the Efreet's entrance and subsequent audience with the Marauder.

"Her entourage is well-mannered and well-trained...could be an issue if there's trouble. We'll see what we shall see..."

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
An Entrance

Lok stepped sideways through the doorway, long spear drapped across his shoulders. His hands rested lazily over the weapon, keeping it pinned to his neck and back. A quick survey of the inn brought a tightening to hsi lips. His gaze fell upon the guestbook, to which he crossed, pulling the ancient, runic spear down and leaning it against his chest.

In bold, block print he simply named: LOK. A dollup of ink splattered at the end of his name, leaving a spidery mark. He snorted at the blob and straightened.

Avoiding eye contact with as many as he could, the tiefling glid across the floor. Aroudn tables, chairs and patrons, he danced. Once aat the bar he simply placed a coin down and said a single word, "Wine."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

ooc: welcome rhys! Smiling ah and lok, where did you get that icon? I like the style but i don't recognize the artist...

Clueless smiled at the genasi that was flirting like mad with him, and finished off his firewine, ordering another to follow. At the moment it didn't seem that the drink was getting to him much.

"Well..." The half fey leaned in, "A quick review of the rules." He leaned forwards, explaining the rules quickly to those at the table who may not be famiar with it. "Minimum bet, 5 gold. No maximum."

ooc: bear with me, as I don't get much of a chance to play RL - but here's what I'm working with for what folks are as ignorant as I...

"So who's in?" Clueless pushed a chair out for Fyrehowl with one foot even as he asked.

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
Poker Game

(OOC, I as well know well..nada about poker so i'll be trying to do the best i can)
*the lupinal breaks a slight smile as Clueless scritches behind her ears, clearly enjoying that altho you get the idea that it's only welcome becuase she knows him* "Sure, nice to meet you bothshe says as she nods in turn to Pyretta and Change. *as Rhys enters her ears swivel over in that direction before she herself turns her head, and then bows deeply to the teiflings* Good Day, Councilwoman Rhys. *she then brings her attention back to the game at hand, and sits down next to clueless, smirking a bit and jokingly states* Well, I'm ready to loose some jink.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

[OOC: Heh, heh, I love poker, been playing it for most of this last semester.]

Change smiled and tossed his five gold into the pot, "I'm in, I've been feelin' lucky this incarnation."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The door to the establishment opened and an old man dressed in strange clothes walked in. His eyes wandered the immediate area as if slightly confused. He looked down at the guest book and started to flip through the pages, perplexed.

After a few minutes, the doorman cleared his throat and stared down at the gentleman with a look of impatience in his eyes. Professor Davis looked up, embarressed, "Sorry about that, my good sir. I'm rather new to these parts and I don't know all the customs." The doorman rolled his eyes, "I would never have guessed. Please sign the guestbook..." The man looked back down and he chuckled inspite of himself, "Good gracious! Is that what this is? Oh well, in that case..." The old man reach into his overcoat and pulled out a small metal tube with a button on the top. He quietly pressed the button and dragged the metal tube across the paper. When he was finished, the name "Edward Davis, Ph.D" was inscribed in clear, well written, but humble letters.

With a warm pleasent smile, he walked to the main room got the bartender's attention and said in a friendly voice, "Excuse me, sir? I'm not in the mood for liquor tonight. I'll just have a coffee, cream with two sugars." The bartender stared at him blankly.

"Oh, for the love of---! No one's here has heard of coffee, either?" The old man sighed to himself. "Fine." I'll just have what that gentleman is having." He pointed to Lok's cup of wine.

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Just as the elf was weaving the last threads of his illusion-spell around the tiny gem, the entrance of another patron disrupted hi concentration. With a quick reflex, he caught the thread as it slipped his mental grip, but as soon as he saw who the new patron was, he let go of the spell.

The factol simply took a seat at a table, and sat there. Elethíus looked at the tiny gem in his hand. Bare, empty, lifeless. He took a small pouch from his robes and let the stone slide in.

The elf walked up to the barkeep to order another firewine and some fireseeds, instinctively pausing as he passed the tiefling with the black hair to make a small bow.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(OOC- I believe Rhys' avatar is by DiTerizzi, if I'm not mistaken.)

*The modron's eyes dialate and shrink as it surveys the table. Finally, the rogue begins to speak. "Greetings Councilwoman Rhys. It is....processing....agreeable to see you again... processing....Nordom is ready to partake in poker game. Query: what amount of currency is necessary to start the first hand?"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(Was curious about Lok's actually - not Rhys's - I know hers Smiling )

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(OOC-Whoops. Sorry about that. Read the message wrong... :oops: )

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

(NP- poker hands to come in the morning whilest I'm at work Smiling - my apologizes for the delay)

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


ooc: I got it from the WotC site and modified it to match Lok. they have many good portraits. You can either go and find one, or tell me what you desire and I shall try to match.

Lok turned slightly to regard the man. He blinked black eyes, not smiling.

"It is Wine.," He stated simply.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
'Well, that certainly depends on if the business is of any gain to one of us. Take a seat and talk to me, we'll find out soon enough.'

Bob sits in the proferred chair, and takes a sip from his wine before beginning his proposition. It could be that he's rude, or perhaps he's waiting a moment to see how impatient Shemeska is to hear what he's here for.

'Well, you see, I have this business deal with a young marilith. She's stumbled across a perpetually backwards hourglass, and has offered it to me in trade for finding a missing tiefer that she owns. Apparently the slave kid escaped through a shifting portal a few weeks ago, right under the nose of some guards. Chant is that she showed up in Sigil, but even the marilith's retrievers aren't able to find her. My employer doesn't care so much about the kid, although getting her back would be a nice bonus. The problem is that she stole a magical dagger with some potent properties, and that's really what I'm looking for, although I believe it is to be found with this missing tiefling. The girl's name is Marial, she has dark green hair and burn scars on her wrists.

'Now, my offer to you is an eternally beating squid heart and a pair of mechanical assassinating teeth for any information you have on this girl.'


Pants of the North!

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Lok" wrote:
Lok turned slightly to regard the man. He blinked black eyes, not smiling.

"It is Wine.," He stated simply.


Edward looked at the glass and shrugged. "Wine then, bartender." He was slightly afraid to specify the type of wine that he wanted. He was grateful that the residents of this bizarre parallel universe knew anything about wine at all, so he didn't want to push his luck by asking for Chianti. The bartender poured something in a glass and placed is in front of Edward. "That'll be twenty commons." The man rumaged through his pockets and placed a few coins on the bar. He took his drink and turned to the young tiefling. "You'll have to pardon me for copying your order. Wine is just about the only thing that I can understand in this whole city."

He chuckled to himself as he raised the glass to his lips and leaned on the bar so he could quietly watch what looked like a couple of people playing cards with a bipedal wolf and a walking, talking box.

The professer sighed at the absurdity of it all.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


"Did you fall out a window?" Lok asked, drawing off his wine. He didn't turn back to the older man when he spoke. The tiefling simply stared straight ahead, regarding the various bottle adorning the bar-back. His spear tapped a constant, slow rhythm against the bar. Lok's fingers barely moving to keep it in motion.

OOC: Look what I found: Dictionary

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Edward raised an eyebrow and glanced at the teifling out of the corner of his eye while he continued to watch the curious-looking poker game. "No, can't say that I have fallen out of any windows. Why do you ask?" Davis wondered if what he said was just another expression from the local lingo. It seemed to be spoken by everyone in this town. He decided to play it safe and just take he man's words literally for now.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Nordom the Rogue Modron" wrote:
*The modron's eyes dialate and shrink as it surveys the table. Finally, the rogue begins to speak. "Greetings Councilwoman Rhys. It is....processing....agreeable to see you again... processing....Nordom is ready to partake in poker game. Query: what amount of currency is necessary to start the first hand?"

"5 gold for ante..." Clueless answered the walking box, even as his hands flicked along the cards shuffling them absently, on looking around at the group as a whole - he put the now shuffled deck down in the center of the table, "Cut?"

Once someone had cut the deck, placing the bottom on top - Clueless began passing the cards out around the table, five to each player, and putting the deck down again, before picking up his own hand.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


"You miss the terms, Berk" Lok grunted, "Your words hold knowledge, but not of this place."

The Teifling lowered his head and sighed. Too much of his life matched this current state. Maybe helping some one else out of the Abyss would help him gather more luck, or power, or something, anything. He wasn't gaining any ground on his goal. Maybe a change of pace was needed.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The tiefling stopped just outside the door to the famous Fortune’s Wheel. With a swift confidence bought by years of practice, he pulled the lute from his back. In an instant, he had the lute detuned and the strings muted. Tonight was not a night for performing, but he would not leave his lute unattended.
His instrument now replaced over his shoulder, he stepped inside. Nodding at the ever present maitre d’, he inked a quill and carefully penned his name; Erte Dennijay. He stopped just short of replacing the quill, however. Carefully crafted witch-lights began dancing around the lute as Erte donned a pained expression. A look of frustration flashed in his glowing green eyes as he drew the quill back to the guest book, writing and Dianne. The dancing lights flashed out of existence as quickly as they appeared. He rolled his eyes, and tossed a coin to the doorman before heading over to the bar.
Catching the barkeep’s eyes, Dennijay calls his order over the din of the crowd, “I’m easy. Mead if you’ve got it, whatever these cutters are drinking if you don’t.” He drops the appropriate coins -- plus gratuity -- on the bar, and sets the silent lute on the floor beside him.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Change holds his cards in one hand wall spinning a small ball of growing translucent matter in his off hand. "I'll start the betting with five," Change said tossing the coins into the center.

Snapping his fingers, Change caused the ball of ephemeral matter to twist and writhe. The ball suddenly reshaped into a pinecone. Change raised an eyebrow, "I don't remember wanting one of these...."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


"Lok" wrote:
"You miss the terms, Berk" Lok grunted, "Your words hold knowledge, but not of this place."

Suddenly the old man's eyes lit up with recognition, "Oh! You mean, did I come through a portal?" He nodded and grinned. "I guess I do have 'Prime' written all over me, huh?"

He took another sip of his drink. "I just arrived in Sigil last week, in fact. Though, this is the first time I decided to go site-seeing around the city. I have no idea how I got here, either. Whatever brought me here took my house as well. The whole bloody thing! Right now, my home is situated in the---" He paused briefly as he tried to recall the name of the neighborhood. "---Clerk's Ward, I think..."

The professor realized that he was babbling and promptly returned to his drink.

"Erte Dennijay" wrote:
Catching the barkeep’s eyes, Dennijay calls his order over the din of the crowd, “I’m easy. Mead if you’ve got it, whatever these cutters are drinking if you don’t.” He drops the appropriate coins -- plus gratuity -- on the bar, and sets the silent lute on the floor beside him.

Edward, starting to feel a little tipsy, raised his glass to the newcomer, "I wouldn't worry about the lack of mead. This place has plenty of drinks. Nobody in this city seems to know what coffee is, though." He chuckled and raised his arm to shake hands. "I'm Doctor Davis, but my chums call me Edward."

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Edward Davis" wrote:
Edward, starting to feel a little tipsy, raised his glass to the newcomer, "I wouldn't worry about the lack of mead. This place has plenty of drinks. Nobody in this city seems to know what coffee is, though." He chuckled and raised his arm to shake hands. "I'm Doctor Davis, but my chums call me Edward."

Erte's eyes flash a bright green, and his constant smile grows a little wider. Carefully cleans his hands on his cloak before shaking, he says, "The pleasure's all mine, Edward. You may call me Erte; Er like you breath, Te like you drink. And this," Erte reaches down his his off hand and pats the lute at his feet. "This is Dianne. Her sweet voice has kept me warm many a cold night."

As Erte pulls his hand away, a small cheesecloth packet falls into Edward's hand. He smiles gently, saying, "Steep that in boiling water, sirrah. It should do the trick." Forestalling any talk of compensation, he puts both hands up, showing dual tattoos: golden rings in the palm of his hands.

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


Lok was never one for yammering. In fact, he was not one for conversations unless they provided valuable information or direction. Having thought of this, he began to wonder why he ahd wandered into a bar. His experiences had never really lead him to beleive that either would be found therein. As his new acquaintance began to expound upon himself, the tiefling strunk his spear soundly against the bar, drawwing attention.

"You speak to freely," Lok sounded more tired then angry, "Fast way to find yourself without any jink, or worse, bobbed in the quickest sodding fashion. Ask your friend there," He motioned with his glass to the minstrel, "I'm sure he has stories about cutters mounting Hercules' pillar types like you. Sneaking off with all your goodies before your head stopped spinning."

He signaled for another wine and stood from the bar. Turning his back on the two of them, he started to walk away.

"A word to the non-addled: Everything is a Bloodbath for you, Worms. Go home before you're hipped ."

OOC: Sorry about the denseness of the Chant. I like it. Oh, and Lok is just grumpy, nothing personal.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

*Peter Garnett stood outside Fortune's Wheel, taking in a view of the famous inn.*

Pete: So this is Fortune's Wheel. It's luck that English is identical to Planar Trade, else I'd NEVER be able to find my way around!

*Walking in, Pete notices the book of names.*

Pete: Guestbook... rrright.

*Pete signs his name, and proceeds to the bar area of the establishment. As he looks around, his eyes widen in surprise, and he runs up to one of the patrons.*

Pete: Well well... here it seems we have a very confused English Professor! It's nice to see someone else from my Prime here...

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

The rogue watched as the players each took a turn putting their coins into the pot....

"Acceptable. Nordom agrees to play..." With that, a small door on the side of the modron opens and out pops 5 gold coins. The rogue catches them all on the fly with its rear right hand and puts them on the table with the rest of the ante...

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Lok" wrote:
"You speak to freely," Lok sounded more tired then angry, "Fast way to find yourself without any jink, or worse, bobbed in the quickest sodding fashion. Ask your friend there," He motioned with his glass to the minstrel, "I'm sure he has stories about cutters mounting Hercules' pillar types like you. Sneaking off with all your goodies before your head stopped spinning."

He signaled for another wine and stood from the bar. Turning his back on the two of them, he started to walk away.


Erte watched, nonplussed, as the spear-wielding gentleman walked away. With a world-weary sigh, he finished his nearly-full glass of wine in a single swallow, then signaled for another glass. Erte rested his head in his tattooed hands above the bar.

The blood’s right, you know. On both counts.” Erte didn’t lift his head, but it was clear he was still talking to Doctor Davis. His cheerful voice was now morose. “Hermes knows I’ve buried too many good men after their mouths ran too freely in the wrong company. And there are more tales than you can count of some newly arrived clueless set upon by the post-knights. And slight few of them end happy.

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
*Pete signs his name, and proceeds to the bar area of the establishment. As he looks around, his eyes widen in surprise, and he runs up to one of the patrons.*

Pete: Well well... here it seems we have a very confused English Professor! It's nice to see someone else from my Prime here...

Erte’s face lit up once again at the newcomer’s arrival. Interrupting the young man, he says quietly, “First drink’s on me, friend. Pick your poison.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ante's up

(ooc: If everyones tossed ante in... I just need to know what cards yer ditching so i can deal another round.)

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)


"Lok" wrote:
"You speak to freely," Lok sounded more tired then angry, "Fast way to find yourself without any jink, or worse, bobbed in the quickest sodding fashion. Ask your friend there," He motioned with his glass to the minstrel, "I'm sure he has stories about cutters mounting Hercules' pillar types like you. Sneaking off with all your goodies before your head stopped spinning."

He signaled for another wine and stood from the bar. Turning his back on the two of them, he started to walk away.

"A word to the non-addled: Everything is a Bloodbath for you, Worms. Go home before you're hipped ."

Edward nodded and let the gentleman go. The poor tiefling was probably not in the mood for talking. He especially didn't want the old man to sit down and start to spin another yarn like he was giving one of his History lectures at Cambridge. Besides, it was pretty sound advice... or it would be sound advice if Davis hadn't already been hipped in Sigil for sometime now.

OOC: It's funny how the cant can sound insulting unless you know what the terms mean. hehe

The professor had put the cheesecloth packet into his vest pocket and turned back to continue talking with Mr. Erte, when a young man dressed in casual Earth clothing ran up to him and greeted the old man. "History Professor, actually," said Edward with a chuckle. "Well, well. I assumed that I had this whole universe to myself." Being well versed in lingistic he placed the accent almost instantly. "American, huh?" He narrowed his eyes. "Aren't you a little young to be in a pub?"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

With a broad grin that threatened to split his coppery face in half, the cuprilach strode confidently into the Fortune's Wheel. His clothes looked neat, his eyes typically featureless, but still somehow managing to convey confidence. He, like most of his cuprliach brothers, was cocky and full of himself -- but with very good reason. He was damned good at what he did.

By the Spire, a motley assortment had come in here. Two Primes sitting over there with some guy who carried a spear. Over here, we had a rogue modron and a bunch of mortal-looking folk playing cards. Then, off in the corner was Rhys, the Cipher factol. Tal waved cheerfully at the tiefling woman. Over there was Shemeska the Marauder. Where was Colcook, he wondered. He wanted to speak to the exile for a while.

Casually, the cuprliach loped through the tavern, watching to see which group would be more interesting.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
Bob sits in the proferred chair, and takes a sip from his wine before beginning his proposition. It could be that he's rude, or perhaps he's waiting a moment to see how impatient Shemeska is to hear what he's here for.

The 'loth simply sits back in her chair and looks over the others in the room with a faint look of concentration in her eyes as she focuses on each of them. She pauses for a moment with a faintly curious look as she lingers on the tiefling with the lute. A smile creeps onto her face before she passes over the card players and she seems to roll her eyes in the rough direction of the lupinal before turning back to Bob as he finally begins to speak.

'Now, my offer to you is an eternally beating squid heart and a pair of mechanical assassinating teeth for any information you have on this girl.'

Shemeska turns her head slightly as if considering the request, or the offer, or both before reaching over to her wine glass and taking a slow sip. Her eyes glance up over the top of the glass to the Efreet before she places it down again, slides her food over and starts to pick at it.

While outwardly she seems to now be ignoring the fire djinn her voice rings out clearly in his mind despite her lips not moving except to nip at a few bits of what resembles seared meat of some sort.

The offer is acceptable. This is our first time dealing with one another and so unless you wish to haggle, I'm in a mood to accept and deal straight off. I'm an amiable fiend, despite what some might say...

She glances over in the lupinal's direction before continuing.

Elysian waste of space... but as I was saying, you're looking for a certain tiefling with a dagger. I know of a guard at the Bottle and Jug in the Hive who distinctly recalls a green haired tiefling being beaten to within an inch of his life the other evening. This may be your mark, but because of... circumstances... that same tiefling has volunteered, so to speak, to fight in the pit in a week's time after they can move without wincing. They may still have the dagger, or it may have been taken as spoils of the house by the innkeep or one of his own.

She takes another sip of wine and hands a dish of grapes over to one of the tieflings standing near the table, "Peel these. You expect me to eat the skin? What's wrong with you?"

The tiefer nods obediently and does as asked while his mistress continues.

As well, this same tiefling, or one looking remarkably similar to them was seen in the Night Market attempting to sell some items. In this case the burn marks were noted... but I can't say if the dagger was sold at that time. If it was it may have switched hands since then. However if it was notable it would have been snatched up by a bastard child of an earth genasi and a half-ogre by the name of Turro Jasperkin. He'd likely have it if he found it notable enough to buy or steal. Drop my name and he'll give it to you, he owes me some favors. I wouldn't advise using that to get anything else of his though, I wouldn't appreciate it.

However... I take it back. You only need to pay me the mechanical device. I'm in an even better mood than I had hoped. All I ask though is that as you leave, go pay the barkeep for a 'Marauder's Mirth' and have it sent over to the lupinal there at the card table from 'waving at you from the bottom, see you there and enjoy the fall'

The 'loth smiles again, quite genuinely now. "I hope that was of help to you?"

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Erte Dennijay" wrote:
Erte’s face lit up once again at the newcomer’s arrival. Interrupting the young man, he says quietly, “First drink’s on me, friend. Pick your poison.
"Thanks. It's good to know that there's SOME friendly people in this city. I'll have some plain water."
"Edward Davis" wrote:
The professor had put the cheesecloth packet into his vest pocket and turned back to continue talking with Mr. Erte, when a young man dressed in casual Earth clothing ran up to him and greeted the old man. "History Professor, actually," said Edward with a chuckle. "Well, well. I assumed that I had this whole universe to myself." Being well versed in lingistic he placed the accent almost instantly. "American, huh?" He narrowed his eyes. "Aren't you a little young to be in a pub?"
"Yep, I'm from California. And with regars to my age, I'm not planning on ordering alchohol anyway... I just happened to know that this was a good place to meet people in Sigil."

"I think introductions are in order. I'm Peter Garnett. And you fellows?"

Lok's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Main Room

Lok moved swiftly away from the bar. Glass in one hand, spear in the other, he navigated the room to a nice wall. He set his drink upon the table-like ledge and leaned. He had been mistaken, there was too much movement here. Too much noise. Too much of everything. There were no answers. There was only the throng. As he grumbled, his eyes continually strayed back to the Prime Duo.

"End up in a Dustman's bag...


Twixt the Lady and the 'Loths...

Your Duty

Not my Concern...

Lok's Duty

Lady take your tongue!"

Lok looked around suddenly, realizing that he had been conversing aloud again with his haunt. Shouting the Lady's name was never a good idea. Anywhere. He scowled and tapped his spear against the floor three times as a warding.

Erte Dennijay's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

Erte shrugged and turned to get the newcomer his glass of water.

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
She pauses for a moment with a faintly curious look as she lingers on the tiefling with the lute. A smile creeps onto her face...

The minstril froze in place as a chill shot up his spine. He could not shake the feeling that some powerful, unknown force had taken notice of him. Reflexively, his left hand found the neck of his instrument. The feeling of being watched soon passed.
"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"I think some introductions are in order. I'm Peter Garnett. And you fellows?"

Regaining his previous aplomb, Erte passed the glass of clear water to Peter before presenting the ornately decorated lute. “Erte, pleasure’s mine, I‘m sure. And this beauty is Dianne. She gives me a bit of discord, so to speak, if I don’t introduce her as well.
Purposefully ignoring the disconcerting oath from across the room, Erte continued. “It would seem that my journey here was a shade more deliberate than yours?”

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Well... you could say that. See, I became aware of a portal to Sigil located in a shopping center on the Prime... specifically a Prime that has precious few portals, or magic of any kind for that matter. I recognised Sigil on the other side, and so I went to get geared up." Peter gestures towards his backpack, now on the floor next to his seat. "I didn't count on the portal being one-way though; now I'm stuck here until I find another portal back."

"Of course, I'm not quite as clueless as some Primes are. I packed some notes on Sigil and the planes in general. Most of it's common knowledge, but even that is useful to a berk like me."

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Fortune's Wheel (Lady's Ward)

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"Of course, I'm not quite as clueless as some Primes are. I packed some notes on Sigil and the planes in general. Most of it's common knowledge, but even that is useful to a berk like me."

Edward raised a bushy eyebrow and asked, "Where did you get your hands on planar knowledge in California?"

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