The Endless Sewers of Erebus

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Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Since it was mentioned, here's Erebus, the modern replacement for Pandemonium.

Endless Sewers of Erebus
It is the realm of infinite sludge-filled tunnels and rusty pipelines
It is where all things discarded eventually end up
It is the ultimate destination of the river Styx

Erebus is, by far, a sanitation worker’s worst nightmare. Old rusty pipes and labyrinth-like concrete tunnels stretch into mind bogglingly complex configurations only to disappear in the impenetrable blackness that surrounds all light sources. The first thing most people notice when entering Erebus is the complete lack of natural light. Without a flashlight or a flare, you will find yourself walking blind and just might end up lost forever in tunnels waist deep in vile, brackish sewer water... if you’re lucky. There are things swimming in the water. Things that have been living just fine without strange foreigners clumsily stomping through the water and waving around harsh, blinding light sources. Without being cautious, most newcomers will be pulled under the water by unspeakable horrors, never to be heard from again.

Erebus Traits:
Objective Directional Gravity: The strength of gravity is the same as on the Material Plane. But gravity is oriented toward wherever your feet are pointing. Thus, there is no normal concept of floor, wall or ceiling. Any surface can be a floor if you treat it like a floor.
Normal Time.
Infinite Size: While there are some closed off tunnels, the pipes of Erebus stretch off into the darkness with no apparent source or destination.
Alterable Morphic: For some strange, unexplained reason, this outer plane cannot be shaped by divine will. Naturally, this makes it very unpopular as a home for deities. Not that all but the most unhygienic gods would even want to call this place home anyway.
No Elemental or Energy Traits.
Mildly Chaos-Aligned: Lawful characters on the plane of Erebus suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.
Normal Magic.

Erebus Links:
Permanent portals exist between various planes and Erebus. By far the easiest way to get to Erebus is to hop on a boat in the river Styx and just keep sailing downstream. You'll get there if you wait long enough. Oddly enough, anything flushed down a toilet has a 1% chance of ending up in the endless sewer, regardless of whether your indoor plumbing is connected to a public sewer or septic tank.

Erebus Inhabitants:
Despite the first impression that Erebus is a quiet plane full of still, smelly water, the place is actually teaming with life. The natives of the endless sewers mostly fall into two categories: the creatures that live in the water (which can included monsters like aboleths, chuul, krakens, tojanida, dire crocodiles, etc.) and the creatures that live their lives hanging, climbing and swinging from the endless rusty pipes (chokers, araneas, phase spiders, monstrous spiders, gricks, etc.). Few, if any, humanoids can be found in Erebus without some serious searching. They are there, though. Most of them tend to congregate in the pseudo-city known as The Sanitation Plant.

Erebus Petitioners:
Petitioners are a rare sight outside of the Sanitation Plant since most are quickly pulled under the vile water and eaten within moments of arriving on Erebus. The few that survive look much like they did in life, with one major difference. They lack eyes or any other visual organ. This doesn't seem to bother them at all. They can even discern colours and read. Petitioners, when found, are always carrying out some predestined task. It can be anything, but it usually involves replacing pipeline, treating sewage, operating the machinery in the Sanitation Plant or something else that is important in maintaining the continued operation of the Endless Sewers. Erebus petitioners have the following special traits:
Additional Immunities: Cold, Poison
Resistances: Acid 20, Electricity 20
Other Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet, blindsight 40 feet (as the grimlock ability).

Erebus Features:
When Erebus mysteriously took Pandemonium's place in the Great Wheel, it started out as a relatively small plane. It consisted of only one layer with wet, concrete tunnels underground and a sky full of old rusty pipes with varying sizes and shapes pumping Styx water to places unknown. However, over the past few centuries, the Endless Sewers became more ‘comfortable’ with its position in the outer planes and grew in size. As time went by, the underground tunnels and the pipeline sky grew farther and farther apart. Eventually, Erebus divided into two layers: the long and complex stone tunnels of Cesspool and the infinite space of old rusty pipes known as The Iron Jungle. Both layers have no natural light.

The Iron Jungle
There is no up. There is no down. In this layer of Erebus, direction has no meaning. All that's here is pipes. Copper pipes, iron pipes, aluminium pipes, steel pipes as far as the eye can see, each one stretching on forever into the darkness. No two pipes are the same size; they can range from a diameter of several miles to no thicker than a strand of hair. Primate-like fiends have been seen swinging from pipe to pipe not unlike a jungle creature would swing from branches and vines, hence the name for this layer.

It’s easy to see how Cesspool gets its name. This layer literally looks like a giant collection of sewer tunnels that never end. In this layer, pitch-black stone tunnels weave in and out of themselves. Merging or dividing. Widening or narrowing. If it wasn’t for the lack of deafening wind, one could almost mistake this layer for one of the wetter tunnels of Pandemonium. When entering this realm, you will always find yourself waist-deep in the vilest, stinking water that you have ever had the displeasure of contacting. One should also note that this is the most dangerous layer as well. Vast arrays of aquatic creatures call this stinking filth-hole home, many of which are carnivores that have developed a taste for exotic meats (read: YOU!).

The Sanitation Plant: This is the final destination of the river Styx. The Sanitation Plant is an enormous industrial complex the size of a large city. Millions of gallons of Styx water are pumped into the Plant everyday for some enigmatic process called ‘refinement’. The smell of smoke and the screaming of loud machinery are always present as the petitioner workers work themselves non-stop to make sure that the complex continues to run smoothly in its operation. They don’t eat. They don’t sleep. They just work. When asked why they do this, most petitioners answer with something along the lines of ‘I work because it my job. Now, go away! I’m behind schedule!’ On-job accidents are common as the workers are prone to falling off of catwalks or getting caught in the machinery and ground into a fine paste. Yet, work never ceases. If one worker is killed, another one will always take his place in 1d4 minutes and continue his predecessor’s job as if nothing had happened. If a worker is forcefully removed from his post, he will do everything in his power to return. If return is not possible, the petitioner becomes suicidal.


Pants of the North!

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Reminds me of the Hive Worlds in WH40K.

Good stuff Bob Eye-wink.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Follow-up: What happens to the "refined" waters of the Styx once it leaves the Sanitation Plant? Where does it go? Do it rejoin the regular flow of the Bloor River? Is it bottled for nefarious uses and sold by devilish cartels? What?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Fell" wrote:
Follow-up: What happens to the "refined" waters of the Styx once it leaves the Sanitation Plant? Where does it go? Do it rejoin the regular flow of the Bloor River? Is it bottled for nefarious uses and sold by devilish cartels? What?
Maybe the now-purified water flows into the Oceanus.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Fell" wrote:
Follow-up: What happens to the "refined" waters of the Styx once it leaves the Sanitation Plant? Where does it go? Do it rejoin the regular flow of the Bloor River? Is it bottled for nefarious uses and sold by devilish cartels? What?

I didn't write this plane. So, I guess, it's open for discussion? Joining the Oceanus is certainly an interesting idea.


Pants of the North!

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Fell" wrote:
Reminds me of the Hive Worlds in WH40K.

Good stuff Bob Eye-wink.

Erebus was actually written by me. The original idea was that one of the evil gods (I don't remember which one exactly), in a scheme for even more power, opened a gateway to a long forgotten closed-off space in Agathion. In do so, he let out... something...

Something so great and terrible in power that, within seconds, it ripped the diety to shreds. Then it began to consume everything in its path and grow at an exponential rate until it started to feed on the plane itself.

Then, one day, when things looked truely dire, all portals leading to Pandemonium just... stopped working. All portals to Pandemonium closed or sealed themselves, never to reopen. All travelers on route found themselves blasted into the Astral Plane. Bedlam slid completely into the Outlands as the gate in the center of the town exploded into a million fragments. It was as if the planes themselves reacted to the... thing that was spreading in the windswept tunnels. It was as if the entire plane of existence was amputated like an infected limb.

For several years, there was a gap in the great wheel. Many people, especially the rilmani, wondered if permenent damage was done to the outer planes. They wondered if it was only a matter of time before the balence began to shift and the entire multiverse toppled into oblivion.

It was a relief to everyone when the portals to pandemonium began to open again. Bedlam slid back into it's previous position in the multiverse. Unfortunately, people started to become concerned when they discovered that the portals that once led to Pandemonium now led to another place entirely.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

This is a very cool addition to the planes. I had something similar as a country in my homebrew fantasy world. What it needs is detailed Troglodytes from Delicatessen. Eye-wink

Your description also reminds me very much of several scenes in Moebius' Le Garage Hermetique (if anyone is familiar with that awesome graphic novel).

What powers and proxies inhabit this place? Maybe Juiblex or Moander moved here after their setbacks?

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

With both Pandemonium and Erberus in existance, are there now 17 planes on the great ring?

Is Erberus just the fourth layer of Pandemonium now split into two layers that are nothing like Pandemonium (really making Pandemonium have five layers)?

I'm just trying to get the correct picture of the arrangement of these two planes in the grand scheme of things.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Err...I think that Ed is saying that Pandemonium has disappeared completely. Gone. Kaput. Kicked the bucket. This is an ex-plane. Erebus has replaced it, so there are still 16 planes and the Great Wheel is intact.

Personally I'd like to see Arcadia go the same way. ::Hrm::

...and a Hindu (Mount Svarga) plane take its place.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Krypter" wrote:
...and a Hindu (Mount Svarga) plane take its place.

Mount Meru, I think. Svarga was just the realm on top.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"Fell" wrote:
Follow-up: What happens to the "refined" waters of the Styx once it leaves the Sanitation Plant? Where does it go? Do it rejoin the regular flow of the Bloor River? Is it bottled for nefarious uses and sold by devilish cartels? What?
Maybe the now-purified water flows into the Oceanus.

That, I like.

Maybe, for a bonus feature, part of the Sanitation Plant could be an immense styx-powered hydro-electric plant that powers Logos, or powers astral storms... or maybe just keeps itself running.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Persephone Imytholin" wrote:
"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"Fell" wrote:
Follow-up: What happens to the "refined" waters of the Styx once it leaves the Sanitation Plant? Where does it go? Do it rejoin the regular flow of the Bloor River? Is it bottled for nefarious uses and sold by devilish cartels? What?
Maybe the now-purified water flows into the Oceanus.

That, I like.

Maybe, for a bonus feature, part of the Sanitation Plant could be an immense styx-powered hydro-electric plant that powers Logos, or powers astral storms... or maybe just keeps itself running.


What about instead of allowing the water to join with the Oceanus, the now "purified" Styx water is channelled into specially-crafted "nursery"-like structures on the Avernus where "styx-elementals" can be called forth from the purified water itself...

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Fell" wrote:
What about instead of allowing the water to join with the Oceanus, the now "purified" Styx water is channelled into specially-crafted "nursery"-like structures on the Avernus where "styx-elementals" can be called forth from the purified water itself...

Or what if no-one really knows, and lots of really interesting articles get written on it and sent through MyPW...[/unsubtle]

Dreamknight's picture
Joined: 2005-02-25
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Just curious, what happened to all the stuff that was bottled up in Pandemonium? Amputated with the plane? And what about the Deities that made their homes there?

A lot of gods are probably relieved, considering what was in there. Others are probably unhappy (I could see stashing artifacts their until needed) but relieved that whatever monster that was eating away at Pandemonium has been, at least to all knowledge, obliterated.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Dreamknight" wrote:
Just curious, what happened to all the stuff that was bottled up in Pandemonium? Amputated with the plane? And what about the Deities that made their homes there?

I'm sure there are older sewer networks still extant, though no longer used to channel water. Who knows what might be in them?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Or what might come out of them. Either way, it may just be that Pandemonium only looks different.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Question: How is this a chaotic evil plane? I mean, I can see the evil part, what with the incredibly creepy atmosphere, but where's the chaos? I mean, the petitioners are dedicated to doing a single task over and over, for crying out loud!.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

It was actually orginially meant to replace Acheron, so I had to rework it mostly at the last minute.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

"Edward Davis" wrote:
It was actually orginially meant to replace Acheron, so I had to rework it mostly at the last minute.
Yeah, I seem to recall when it was Acheron.

The petitioners... could dwell in the pipes, being rushed around eternally in the endless sewer system? Purification plant could easily run itself, almost as a replacement to the "hidden third layer"...

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I remember having wondered about that when I went back and read the original thread. Why exactly was it changed from Acheron?

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

The general concensous in the old thread was that they wanted to keep the old Acheron, so I caved. Puzzled

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Do you think we can still use this for UPS? Because this is really the Urban Plane that started it all.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I like Erebus, just more as a layer than a plane, for several reason:

1) Pandemonium is in itself a pretty cool plane and I wouldn't want it to be replaced.

2) Making the entire plane a sewer works limits creative interpretation of the plane.

3) Erebus doesn't capture the schizophrenia and paranoia that Pandemonium metaphysically represented. Also, it's too evil, it sounds like it belongs in the Abyss.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I'll read through it tonight. I liked it when UPS first started, but I'll have to see how it fits with the "big picture".

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
I'll read through it tonight. I liked it when UPS first started, but I'll have to see how it fits with the "big picture".
So, is everything that was written by the former UPS driving force (primarily Evil Sandwich and Pesephone) being reviewed to see if it fits in with the new vision (whatever that may be) of the new UPS editor...If so, that's really too bad as they really got the idea off the ground and kept it running for quite a while...I really liked a lot of their ideas... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I think it's getting looked at just to make sure everyone's on the same page with it. Ulden from what I understand was also one of the original people working on the threads. His 'new' vision isn't that much different from the old. He's also actually getting the project going after it sitting quitely for quite some time.

The last thing I think anyone wants to see is just assuming that the old stuff will fit in perfectly with the new stuff without even being read over - only to find out later that it's contradictory in the extreme.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

If you kick out pandemonium, what happens to insanity in peoples' beliefs? :oops:

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Added to Thread of Threads.

Overall the place is just as good as I remember it. The one criticism I have is the petitioners sound like they belong in Acheron instead of Pandemonium. I think we'll go with WN suggestion of making this a layer (or two layers) of Pandemonium, rather than an outright replacement.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

To make it more chaotic, perhaps the sewer waters have replaced the winds. In some places, they're sluggish and brackish; in others, they're a riptide capable of dragging you under and pushing along dangerous objects; in still others, they're whirlpools. The waters are constantly breaking through the rusty, leaking pipes of the Iron Jungle and the haphazardly laid stone and brickwork of the Cesspool, charting new and unpredictable paths.

Petitioners on the plane have two choices: they can work under the bosses of the Sanitation Plant, trying to patch up the plane so that the Plant gets a supply of sewage that's both strong enough to be useful and steady enough to be predictable; the Plant puts this to some use. The task is neverending and ultimately futile, though, so even petitioners that don't get washed into unknown regions by the currents eventually give up and join the petitioners that made the other choice: hurl themselves into the flow and give themselves up to the chaos of the turbulent filth.

As for what the Plant does, may I suggest that it essentially distills the waters, making various products. Since the incoming flow, despite their best efforts, is random, production is unsteady. Most of the Plant's output is water suitable for irrigation, and sodden biomass used as compost for a variety of crops in caverns nearby that require no light to grow; these feed the few living berks that call the plane home. They'll sell food and water, at vastly inflated prices. On any given day a PC arrives or stays, roll 1d20 for what other saleables the Sanitation Plant has managed to squeeze out of the sewage:

1-10 Potable water (good luck finding any elsewhere in the plane).
11-14 Unholy water
15-17 Toilet-flushable-size busted-maybe-salvageable junk
18-19 Living goldfish, baby alligators, or other small animals
20 Holy water (how'd *that* get in there?)

The rare actual valuables that get flushed -- lost wedding rings, hurriedly dumped bags of smuggled drugs, and the like -- are kept by the workers or by the Plant's bosses, or consumed by the Plant itself and spirited away to a hoard somewhere.

I'm not fond of the suggestions that 1% of all sewage heads to Erebus(a much smaller fraction would do, especially if the Styx is feeding the flows), or that the Sanitation Plant's outflow feeds Oceanus. However, I'm more open to the latter, since I vaaaaaguely recall that there was a suggestion in the canonical Baator that one of the plane's layers had a tributary that fed Oceanus. Not sure, though.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

'Jem' wrote:
To make it more chaotic, perhaps the sewer waters have replaced the winds.

Hmm, that would fit with last century belief that insanity can be healed with enemas Laughing out loud

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Actually, that just might work.

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
The Mockery of Order

I think that the infinite labyrinth of pipes could make another layer of Pandemonium based on the beliefs about neurotic behavior, and as a mockery of order itself. No one knows exactly what this Plant does, but everybody just keep working there. And if pushed away from their workstations, they just want to go back and keep the wheels of this useless plant running. For me, it's a perfect way to justify this layer on Pandemonium and to specify exacty what kind of people become petitioners of this layers - those workaholic folks who lost the purpose of their jobs in favor of the job itself.

Selpoivre's picture
Joined: 2005-07-18
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

'Almighty Watashi' wrote:
If you kick out pandemonium, what happens to insanity in peoples' beliefs? :oops:

personnally, I'd see the modern pandemonium looking like a huge asylum, with dark white corridors stretching forever (like the Arkham Asylum in Batman).

concerning Erebusas it is described here, I'd see it as a modern version of Carceri, or as a layer of this plane.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

personnally, I'd see the modern pandemonium looking like a huge asylum, with dark white corridors stretching forever (like the Arkham Asylum in Batman).

That's brilliant. I love that idea. Of course, it can't be just an asylum. Maybe it's more like M.C. Escher drawing, with impossibles stairs and weird corridors everywhere, things which defy logic.

Of course, my problem with Erebus is that it's too evil. I like the neurosis idea, definitely. If Erebus can be adapted to be a little less evil, I'm all for it.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I've tried to give both these layers a "horror" theme. I hope it comes through.


Pandesmos is a world shrouded in eternal night, winds rage terribly and awesome storms drench the land eternally. The land is covered with forests of dead trees and cold moors, the howls of wolves echo through the halls of ruined castles and flimsy villages. Every step of the way, Pandesmos is a gothic land of paranoia. There are villages here with little knowledge of technology past the medieval era, and are so insular that they distrust all outsiders. Visitors can expect to have the door shut in their face even in the most terrible of nights.

Werewolves, hags, vampires and their ilk exist sparsely in this layer, but the natives are deathly afraid of them. A terrible group called the Witch Hunters have vowed to fight them to extinction. Unfortunately, their cruel methods means a lot of innocent people are killed in their zeal. Villagers have been known to accuse each other of "association" with the creatures of the night to further their own petty interests, and the Witch Hunters are not descriminate about who they put to the torch.

There are doorways on Pandesmos which lead to the winding halls of Cocytus, floating in midair with no structure to speak of. They move when people aren't looking, begging people to open them to explore their secrets. The natives of this layer call Cocytus "the Evil Realm", believing it to be the source of all dark spirits.


What were once caverns have slowly given to a labyrinthine structure which even by a Planar's standards is mind-bending. Like a living nightmare, the entire structure resembles a mental asylum, the walls are clean and white, bars are shadowed by the moonlight on crisp walls as if the darkness itself is alive. There is no sense of space, janitor's closets can open to ballrooms, corridors can be endless in length and stairs leading upwards can sometimes bring you to basements, as if the architect was a madman. There are signs in halls and labels on doors, but they make no sense and sometimes they point to concepts like "enlightenment" or "fear". There's no maps in the entire building. There are barred windows outside that show scenes from the netherworld of Pandesmos, but it's extremely hard to get out of Cocytus. Occasionally, windows will show frightening scenes of the onlooker's own life, or some random scene somewhere on the planes.

The greatest danger is the constant psychological assault on the traveler. Visitors are plagued by phantom sounds and shadows from the corners of their eyes. Occasionally, inexplicable cold drafts chill the traveler to the bone and doors open and shut on their own. If the plane doesn't drive them mad, than the wandering wraiths and other creatures will, leaving them alone, frothing insane in a fetal position, but very much alive. The natives don't take kindly to rescuers.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Pandesmos as you've written it here reminds me very much of Ravenloft -- in fact, I'd rather see something that made it more distinctive.

Cocytus is better. I'd include lots of stuff like restraint beds, electroshock tables, and sundry warped medical paraphernalia, much of which simply appears in new rooms as the layer shifts about. Perhaps the petitioners native to this layer all have their own cell/room, and some of them also think they have positions as orderlies, psychologists, or nurses -- some of those "doctors" could fool a planar traveler for a long time, until they're strapped conscious to a surgical table and the doctor is coming at them with a scalpel. The inmates really *are* running the asylum.

Rumor has it that any planewalker who journeys to Cocytus produces a room somewhere in the maze with his name on it, and if he finds it, he's doomed to stay forever. (The last part is probably just a ghost story.) This actually means several beings' true names could be found there, which would give people a reason to brave the place.

Selpoivre's picture
Joined: 2005-07-18
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
Maybe it's more like M.C. Escher drawing, with impossibles stairs and weird corridors everywhere, things which defy logic.

that's an excellent idea ! it gives the asylum concept the chaotic twist it needed to suit the alignement of Pandemonium.

'Jem' wrote:
Pandesmos as you've written it here reminds me very much of Ravenloft -- in fact, I'd rather see something that made it more distinctive.

I had the same feeling while reading the text.

but this makes me wonder : what kind of place would symbolize the best the concept of madness/insanity ? the asylum is part of it, but it's not the only one... why not keep the old pandemonium concept (the infinite caves and the madness carried by the winds) and make it a layer of the plane ?

this way, we could have Pandesmos be "Mc Escher's Asylum" (the "surface" of the plane) and the caves be Cocytus ("beneath" the Asylum as we go deeper into madness)

what do you think about it ?

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I'd like to keep the Caverns, in one form or another-it was one of my favorite aspects of the Plane

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

'Selpoivre' wrote:
why not keep the old pandemonium concept (the infinite caves and the madness carried by the winds) and make it a layer of the plane ?

this way, we could have Pandesmos be "Mc Escher's Asylum" (the "surface" of the plane) and the caves be Cocytus ("beneath" the Asylum as we go deeper into madness)

what do you think about it ?

Pandemonium has four layers. That's room for the Asylum, the Caverns, and two others. I agree that the concept of Pandesmos could be made a little less Ravenlofty and more Outer-Planish, though.


Pants of the North!

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I'd like to keep the Caverns, in one form or another-it was one of my favorite aspects of the Plane

Sure. Though the caverns idea isn't bad, I'd rather not make the entire plane a giant system of caverns. IMO it made it feel kind of bland. Variety is the stuff of... well... fun.

Pandesmos as you've written it here reminds me very much of Ravenloft -- in fact, I'd rather see something that made it more distinctive.

I've heard of Ravenloft and I've read some about it, but I had Eastern Europe and old dracula legends in mind when writing it. After rereading it comes off to be a bit "primy". I thought it captured the paranoia, but now I have a better idea.

this way, we could have Pandesmos be "Mc Escher's Asylum" (the "surface" of the plane) and the caves be Cocytus ("beneath" the Asylum as we go deeper into madness)

I like this idea, but M.C. Escher's asylum doesn't suit the uppermost plane, it's too mad. The topmost plane should be the most innocuous, it's nature shouldn't be instantly observable.

OK, how about this:

1stnd Layer Pandesmos: Paranoia, accusation, rumor, deceit, ignorance.
2nd Layer Cocytus "The Asylum": Schizophrenia, fear, illusory terrors, loneliness.
3rd Layer Erebus: Workaholism, obsession, neurosis, schizoid, depression.
4th Layer Phlegethon "The Caverns": Anarchy, wildness, incomprehension, gibberish.
5th Layer Agathion "???": Hidden secrets, forbidden knowledge, isolation.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

If you want to play up a paranoia theme for Pandesmos, how about this:

Pandesmos: pandemonium really does reign here. Flashing lights, raucous sounds, and whirling motion all define this first layer, which appears to be an endless, dilapidated... but functioning... carnival or amusement park. Some of the attractions are attended, some are not; the attendants may be petitioners (petitioners on this layer are mostly aimless slackers who had just enough negativity to be noticeably unpleasant to others) or may be demons pretending to be petitioners. Pandesmos is divided into countless sections which manifest in many different ways: casinos with infinite ranks of slot machines and video poker kiosks, carnivals with rides and fireworks displays, funhouses, and more.

It all seems like it should be fun... but the music is always a little out of tune, the attendants are just a little wild around the eyes, the litter is just a little much, the food is all junk, it's always nighttime, and it's always going. Any unfortunate trapped on the layer is begging for some peace and quiet within days -- or he's snapped. Worse, every section has an entrance to the House of Mirrors.

The House of Mirrors is enormous, and exactly what it sounds like. It's also the way to get to the next layer, and is said to hold portals quite a few other planes as well. It's inhabited by doppelgangers and shapeshifters of all kinds, and some of the mirrors hold souls that don't belong to anyone on the outside. Lose track of your traveling companions for an instant, and whoever's walking next to you might not be who you think. For that matter, coming face to face with yourself doesn't necessarily mean you've hit a mirror. And the inhabitants don't always stay in the mirror maze.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I love the idea of descent into madness. However, might I suggest that the fifth layer might end up being almost an arcane library?


What once was comprised mostly of holes, has now become a musty, dust-filled library. It stretches on endlessly, but the books never are where they are said to be, nor are they ever on the appropriate rack. When you check the pages, the words are always illegible, shifting and encoded, (Decipher Script DC 30 to read) even when they are in one's native tongue.

Divination magics quickly become unstable, as they will read a fixed direction as being in each direction at once and none of them at all, rendering them often useless. If something or someone leaves sensing range, it becomes difficult to find them, as if the racks have suddenly changed positions. Eventually, the only thing left to do is wander around. After some time, one is left to simply sit down and attempt to read the ever-shifting texts, as some highly magical texts are portals to other planes, which offer those trapped a way out of this demented place.

If one tries to take a book away from the place, it will stay in another reality for 1d4+2 weeks, then it will suddenly disappear. For 'rare' books, this process happens more quickly, taking only 1d4 weeks. For exceptionally rare books, it will take 1d4-2 weeks. What is always left behind is a slip stamped 'overdue' where the book was when it disappeared.

What drives both petitioners and 'walkers to this place is knowledge. The petitioners found here tend to be those who will do anything for knowledge, no matter how close it may be to trivia. Those who are 'walkers tend to be in search of the arcane lore found here, even though there are the portals; all that has been collected over the entire multiverse is said to reside here, amongst the eternal racks.

(I understand this may be a bit Ravenloft-y, but I feel it captures a semi-modern tone and has it's own distinct brand of horror.)

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

This is a better written version of Cocytus, with some suggestions from other people worked in:

Cocytus resembles an mental hospital designed by it's own patients, a labyrinthine asylum seemingly empty of any rhyme or reason. The plane's nature has twisted and expanded the structure, it's claustrophobic corridors and chambers are impossibly and illogically laid out. Hallways twist and turn leading to nowhere, and anyone who bothers to draw a map notice that different hallways and rooms overlap each other regularly. There is no such thing as a dead end in Cocytus, paths will always lead to nowhere. Silence is predominant, but mad howls and strange gusts of wind occasionally burst through.
Barred windows allow moonlight to enter the Asylum, and the leafless trees outside resemble terrible monsters from the inside, casting disturbing shadows for short glances. Doors can lead to strange rooms, infirmaries where all the beds are stained with blood, bare chambers with only one piece of furniture, therapist's office with electric nodes attached to the sofa, everything is subtly dangerous, out of place, or just plain creepy. Beware of entering the patient's cells, there could be occupants, or worse, it could be expecting you...
Navigating Cocytus is extremely difficult, since it often changes layout, particularly to confound travelers. Cocytus does have signs and directions written on the walls as might be a regular hospital, but are written in a way that can't be understood or lead to abstract concepts like "fear", "death", or even "enlightenment". There are no maps in Cocytus.
The mad petitioners and patients are the least dangerous inhabitants of this layer. While they have been known to attack, they are often weak, and most often cower, sulk or rave in corners. Most of them are completely unaware of visitors. The patrolling wraiths, however, drain the sanity of anyone who dares the realm, and ghostly wardens while rare, are both very powerful, invisible, and completely silent.
There are places in the Asylum where reality has broken the realm like an unbound piece of yarn. Walls have broken down and floors twist madly through dark voids, become bent and elastic with a mad artistic imagination. Perspectives are deformed, stairways merge into one another that couldn't be possible. In these rare places, up is sometimes down.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Agathion has some promise, but neither the evil element nor the chaos element is strong enough. I think, as a rule, the bottom-most layer should be the most alien, remote, and strange. The Agathion depicted is far too down-to-earth, especially for Pandemonium.

I like Pandesmos, though I'm a little leery of making the entire realm a carnival, since the theme might get a little overwhelming (I understand this might be the point, but I don't like limiting options). However, it's a very good start. I'm thinking Pandesmos as a place where identity is a very fluid concept, constantly shifting and changing.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
I like Pandesmos, though I'm a little leery of making the entire realm a carnival, since the theme might get a little overwhelming (I understand this might be the point, but I don't like limiting options). However, it's a very good start. I'm thinking Pandesmos as a place where identity is a very fluid concept, constantly shifting and changing.

I *did* think the House of Mirrors was the best of the ideas there, and was a little hesitant on the carnival anyway. If you want to play with themes of fluid identity, the House of Mirrors is very good with that... what about making the entire realm a cavern system of mirrored passages? In fact, it could have been just an ever so subtle change from the original Pandesmos...

Selpoivre's picture
Joined: 2005-07-18
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I agreee with Jem for the House of Mirrors, but I would extend it to a demented funhouse : the layer could look like a grotesque carnival, populated by mad tourists or monstruous clowns. each and every attraction would have only one purpose : drive the victims mad.

think of the Carnival of the Dead in the Monkey Island series (minus the fun), or the movie "the house of 1000 corpes" (by rob zombie) Eye-wink

as I see it, the modern pandemonium would look like this :
1stnd Layer Pandesmos: The Demented Funhouse
2nd Layer Cocytus : The Asylum
3rd Layer Erebus : ??? something concerning the theme of obsession
4th Layer Phlegethon : Caverns of Madness (similar to the classic pandemonium)
5th Layer Agathion : Madness itself (everyone visiting it would see it as the manifestation of his own madness or terrors)

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

I *did* think the House of Mirrors was the best of the ideas there

Lol, I feel like a self-absorbed idiot. I reread it and picked up the House of Mirrors. Yeah, that is a good idea. Instead of a house of mirrors, you could have a crystal cavern instead, that'd go with the "cave" theme.

I'm starting to like the carnival idea, though. My vision might be better suited toward Carceri than Pandemonium. Incessantly bright and loud seems to give Pandesmos a lot of mileage. Of course, I'd throw in more than just a funhouse, I like Jem's ideas of casinos. Think insane pop-culture too, like weird Japanese gameshows, over-the-top bright fashions and terribly discordant pop-rock, the ultimate in cheesiness, a Tokyo on crack. It makes NO sense except to the petitioners, whom, after only a cursory talk, are shown to be utterly insane.

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Man, this is getting exciting! I just loved the idea of Pandesmos being a great insane carnival/funhouse/casino/tv show. But please, don't forget the clowns. Gloomy clowns are just the thing to scare.

The way some of you have pictured it, Pandesmos also becomes a great portrait of the industry that spins around fear and madness, and that is somehow tainted by it. The japanese terror movies could be a source for this kind of theme. Pandesmos is, therefore, spawned by common people's impressions of fear and madness, and not by mad people themselves. The lower layers do this job.

There's something cool on this progression of layers, as there's a sense of descending "de-civilization" on it: the surface, the corridors, the sewers, untamed caves and something beyond the mortal minds.

Since it was me that gave the idea of Erebus being a neurotic-spawned plane, i'll rework Erebus on this mood. When it's ready, it'll be posted.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

Since it was me that gave the idea of Erebus being a neurotic-spawned plane, i'll rework Erebus on this mood. When it's ready, it'll be posted.

Exxxxcelllent... (turns into Mr. Burns.)

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus

The Endless Sewers of Erebus

This is where purpose is lost.
The final destination of the River Styx.
The ending point of everything flushed down.

The third layer of Pandemonium, known as Erebus or the Endless Sewers, consists of concrete tunnels and rusted pipes where a thick and blackened filthy water runs. The stench of the layer is almost unbearable, and there's absolutely no source of natural light. Without light, berks who're stupid enough to walk around this place will lose track fast and die of starvation soon. But there are things in the dark, and these things will NOT die of starvation anytime soon.

Erebus Traits

Objective Direcional Gravity: Gravity pulls toward the closest wall, so a basher can stand on the roof or walls as if it were the floor. Thankfully, the water runs only in the floor, to whatever direction it goes/wishes (yes, water can run upward here!).
Normal Time.
Infinite Size: The labyrinth of tunnels and pipes draws impossible patterns in space, and seem to strech forever (but there are some deadends here and there, and water goes down on pipes when this happen). There's no way a basher could draw a map here, even with 3D modelling software on a notebook. The tunnels ascend, descend and swirl in patterns that defy the logic of urban sanitation engineering.
Alterable Morphic: Unless there's some real engineering re-working on the tunnels, Erebus keeps its shape, no matter how much will a power put on it (IF there are gods here, they surely are VERY stinky). Graybeards discuss about the reasons why Erebus happens to be this way, and some support certain theories based on this fact.
No Elemental or Energy Traits.
Mildly Chaos-Aligned: Lawful characters on the plane of Erebus suffer a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks.

Erebus Links

There are two main ways to this plane: you can hop on the Styx, and it'll someday reach the plane (as the plane is the river's final destination); you can also use one of the many portals that come here from Sigil's sewers (or you can just be flushed down by the Xaositects' big toilet seat that one of them build somewhere in the Hive, as some sort of bizarre "piece of art"). There's also a 1% chance that anything that is flushed down in the entire multiverse end here (which explains the massive amount of dead goldenfish that run on the water).

Erebus Inhabitants

Well, there are the things that live in the water (dire crocodiles, essencially, but there are some aboleths and chuul as well) and the things that live their lives creeping and crawling the endless rusty pipes (phase spiders, chaos beasts, gelatinous cubes and othyughs); ooze mephit are here and there, spawned from the very essence of the brackish water. There's no way you'll meet anything vaguely humanoid roaming this plane, except if you stumble in another party of explorers, or if you are in the Sanitation Plant's surroundings.

Erebus Petitioners

Walking nearby the Sanitation Plant (see below), bashers will certainly find the petitioners of this plane, repairing the tunnels' walls and pipes, installing lightbulbs and pumps, and doing other things that appear
important to the Sanitation Plant's functions. All petitioners have a construction helmet with a lightsource attached to it. The light's always turned, even if they're already installed lightbulbs on the tunnel where they are. They also have ID cards, with a picture and a bar code, and nothing else written. If any petitioner is asked of it's job, it'll answer something like this: "It's my job, and it's just that. Now, get out, 'cause I'm behind my schedule!". Essencially, the only thing they do is work the entire day, without sleeping or eating. They are never tired, and sometimes there's a coffee break, where they stop for five minutes to have a coffee, and they NEVER talk in these breaks. Erebus petitioners have the following special traits:

Additional Immunities: Cold, Poison
Resistances: Acid 20, Electricity 20
Other Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet (so, why in hell they use these light helmets?).

Erebus Sites (Well, there's just one, really...)

The Sanitation Plant (taken from the original post): This is the final destination of the river Styx. The Sanitation Plant is an enormous industrial complex the size of a large city. Millions of gallons of Styx water are pumped into the Plant everyday for some enigmatic process called ‘sanitation’. The smell of smoke and the screaming of loud machinery are always present as the petitioner workers work themselves non-stop to make sure that the complex continues to run smoothly in its operation. Work never ceases. If one worker is killed, another one will always take his place in 1d4 minutes and continue his predecessor’s job as if nothing had happened. If a worker is forcefully removed from his post, he will do everything in his power to return. If return is not possible, the petitioner becomes suicidal.

Theories About Erebus

There are many theories about the origin of Erebus and its particular traits, like the fact that powers cannot shape the plane with their willpower and the Sanitation Plant's functions. The discovery of this layer dates back 250 years ago, when there were some prime world that experienced a singular technological burst (which many of these primes called "Industrial Revolution"); some graybeards think that this plane was spawned as a result of this revolution, especially because of the workaholic behavior of the petitioners here. "The behavior is a result of this revolution, and the layer is a result of these people's beliefs that work should NEVER stop", they say.

There are some theories about the Sanitation Plant as well. Some say the dabus run the operation as a final treatment of Sigil's sewage, returning "clean" water to the Styx (as clean as it could be; it's the Styx, after all). This is just speculation, as no one has evidence on this matter, except for the fact that Erebus cannot be shaped by powers. Graybeards discuss that this has a relation with the dabus presence in the layer, and it is some sort of extension of the Lady's power.

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
The Endless Sewers of Erebus


I have one: there's this monster I think that fit perfectly in the layer's mood, but I could not find it in the english Monsters Manual Corebook. In my portuguese version of it, it's called "abocanhador matraqueante". It's that amoeba-thing with many eyes and mouths. Anyone can help me on this?

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