The Drow and Lolth in UPS

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Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

I came up with this while sitting in the library earlier today. I hope folks like it. Two quick things 1) the early part of the text fits with my post from the Changes to the Planes thread, just to give some reference. 2) I have create a little advanced tech in the post, but I hope its acceptable for the setting. Anyways, enjoy!

During Ragnorok, Lolth, the spider queen, like all other powers, somehow ended up on the primes as a mortal. But unlike most other powers, she didnt die there, she returned......

Lolth, using the wild magic surge reclaimed her divinity. Doing so restored Lolth to her former self, somewhat. She has since appeared as an ebony skinned elf of great beauty and splendour.

She did alter the demonwebs a little, but still has a love of spiders. However, she now hates Driders – including the remaining ‘mortal’ powers of the drow pantheon. So she invests new proxies and sends them out to hunt down and destroy Driders! Some Driders escape this purge and have hated Lolth and the drow ever since. A Drider god does exist, its bloated form even more gruesome that the former Spider Queens.

A major effect of Lolths restoration is that the Drow, who before Ragnorok had truly begun, had already made great massacres of many elven lands, faired better than most mortal races, their clerical magics were returned and proved more stable than other forms of magic, and cleansed many surface worlds of their surface kindred. However, their mastery of the surface worlds would not last, as with the skies clearing, they found the light of the now brightly shining suns not too their taste, so they retreated into darker places, the underdark, thick forests etc. With their retreat into the underdark, the Drow found that their old practices which made life in the underdark possible now faced uncertainty and sporadic dangerous side effects. So the Drow abandoned the study of arcane magics and sort mundane means of surviving their dark world.

Eventually, this lead to the development of one of the most technically competent races. Many drow males suffered heavily after Ragnorok, as their arcane practices were almost completely useless and with the abandonment of arcane magic, they turned their great intellects to technological artifice. Drow may not field the most advanced technology in the multiverse, but it is the most reliable and drow understand how to use it better than most. As befits the Drow, their technology is primary focused on warfare and survival. Many demon princes petition Lolth in the demonwebs, asking for her aid in their continuing blood war, asking for weapons, troops, but Loth rarely gives more than the merest gifts. It is widely known that many Demon princes would like nothing better than to ransack the demonwebs and pillage all of its military hardware for themselves, but the Drow know their trade well.

One of the few truly advanced pieces of technology that the Drow field is the short ranged Web Rifle. It fires a web of monowire at its target, ensnaring it, then constricting in upon itself, cutting the unfortunate victim to pieces in the process. Any struggling merely quickens the victim’s death. Only veteran troops are issued these weapons. Priestesses often attire themselves with a smaller version of the weapon, the web pistol, which functions much the same. Any individuals that let these weapons fall into enemy hands are dealt with quickly and harshly. It is rumoured that the Loths of Hades are offering a very large sum of credits to anyone that can acquire one of these weapons intact. Of course, the Loths deny such claims. One of the weapons features to prevent it falling into the wrong hands is that its ammunition, the monowire, is highly flammable and when packed density (like in the weapon’s clip), it can be explosive. The clips are therefore shielded against excessive heat (the weapon gives off little to no heat, useful against underdark predators that see within the ultra-red range), but the grip of the weapon contains a bioscanner, which if a non-Drow girps the weapons, triggers a spark within the clip and firing mechanism, resulting in a small explosive, the equivalent of an anti-personal mine detonation, destroying the weapon. Very few non drow even realise this features exists. When the elite patrol teams are issues with Web Rifles, and expect predator encounters, they are also equipped with heat dampening armour, to reduce their own heat signatures. The ammunition’s flammable properties have also lead to a favoured assassination method among Drow special operatives. The victim is caught within the webs, then the drow ignites the monowire (techniques vary), burning the victim’s internal organs and causing massive collateral damage to the victim and removing any remnant of the monowire from the corpse. This leaves very little direct evidence against any drow within the local area, even if police forces recognize the assassination technique.

So if some of that seems short-hand style, but I was writing it as it came into my head and just needed to get it down. If people like and approave of it for UPS, then i'll write it up properly


Dark_Reaction024's picture
Joined: 2007-09-30
The Drow and Lolth in UPS


Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

Thanks DR.

Just a quick addition to the weapon tech bit.

The bioscanner can not identify Transmogerified (sp?) DNA. This has lead to one of the few short coming of the technology. Drow transformed into different species can not use the weaponry, as they will trigger the self destruct device and members of other species transformed into Drow can make use of it as long as they remain transformed.....

When I say transmogerified, this is magical transformation. Any spell that alters the overall species of the individual is included within this.

On a side note, for Urban Planescape, I will be using the word Species to descrbie what are classically called races, as the word races within a biological context does not mean the same as species. The word Race within the biologcial context is equivelent to Sub-species. I feel that with the developement of modern science in UPS, this correct use of termnology would develop in place of older terms, at least in scienetific circles and lawful circles....


Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

What about Eilistraee? I'm sure she's still around, because now that her brother Vhaeraun and Selvetarm are gone, she's would have become stronger. Also, I'm sure that during the Pantheon War, her father Corellon Larethian and the rest of the elven pantheon would have given her some help/protection. What do you think?

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

In all fairness, I hadnt considered the wider elven gods. Eilistraee could well be around, and maybe the elven gods did help her out, however, I think I may have posted this somewhere else on the boards (or it may just still be bouncing around my head....)....

...UPS gives us an opportunity to be creative, so prehaps as writers for UPS, we should look to new powers, instead of old ones. I re-did Loth because she and the drow are quite iconic (imo) and so I wanted to re-write them for UPS. Co-insiding with looking to new works is that I feel that in modern society, people in general are more alone than ever (ironic really with the web and all), so to tie that in, I feel that its better to move away from the tight pantheons of the past and create loose pantheons or independant powers even. This may be because I came into planescape and dnd in general at the start of 3rd ed, where they originally trimed all of the racial pantheons down to just the head power but ... (also, i know that my version of the pantheon war is different from UT's, so sorry if that is causing cross wires with any folks)

But back to your original question and all, with all my write ups for UPS, I try to write about what does exist, not what doesnt, as it allows UPS GMs and players to include stuff that we as writers dont put in. If I (or anyone else) can come up with something for Elistiraee that helps UPS define itself, it would be very cool to have her in the fluff and up on the boards, but if we dont, individuals GMS and players can always use her still.

Oh and as for Corellon Larethian, never really liked him as the art work from deities and demigods ruined him for me Laughing out loud

Sorry if that went a little off topic from your original question....if I get a chance, I will have a think about how E. fits in


Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

Ok, well, had a couple of ideas for Eilistraee, but they have only given me more questions, so then I put them to everyone else

I see two very basic paths we can take with Eilistraee, either, she remains good and against her mother, or as a twist, she returns to her mother's side. Opinions?

Not overly related to whether she is good or bad, but an idea - the moon features heavily with Eilistraee, but that symbolism has evolved other the eons and now instead of the moon, it is a spotlight within a nightclub (thats my train of thought, not fluff really). Therefore, Eilistraee could now focus on nightclubs (as dancing was also part of her profilio). Which fits with modern culture. So then, what role does she play in the nightclub scene. Does see (as a goodie) watch over innocents, protecting them from the monters that luck in the darkness of the clubs (gothic punk, world of darkness sort of thing, ie vampires, seductive evil drow etc etc) or is she (as a villian) one of those monsters, seducing innocents into cluches etc etc....

So then, thats the basic idea for her, a goddess of nightlife/nightclubs, and we she can be good/bad in this, we just have to work it out (I say this as fans of her may not like her being evil) - though a 3rd option to the first question of good or bad is that she is evil but stil against her mother, and she seduces powerful mortals to her side from the night clubs to fight against her mothers minons???


Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

I personally think that we should keep Eilistraee good, because not all drow are evil (*cough*Drizzt*cough*), and they'll need a decent chance for help aginst Loths evil. But while I do like the nightclub idea, I think that by now Eilistaraee would be more excepted by non-drow, and she may have a planer faction or group consisting of both drow and non-drow do-gooders. So she and her followers wouldn't have to be as secetive as she is now right now.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

I agree that she doesnt need to be a 'drow only' power, far from it.

So then, we keep her good.

I still like my concept of her becoming power interested in the nightclubs/nightlife of modern society, as even though by modern time, drow would have overcome much of their light intorlerance, they would probably prefer to conduct themselves during the nighttime hours (I mostly thinking of standard evil drow, not regenades and the like).

Her followers would probably like to own their own night clubs, to keep such places safe and to be performers at night clubs/clubs etc. She would also probably have turned into an urban deity, hunting through the twlight of the cities of the multiverse, fighting off so many criminal activities that frequent nightclubs etc. The clergy might also have close ties with local police forces (especially night shifts).

My only sticking point is her weapon, the bastard sword. I dont like it for her in normal DnD/PS, as I really dont think it fits. I feel that her followers being in nightclubs/nightlife, would probably wouldnt been seen carry a 6ft sword round. So, maybe either dagger/knives (can be concealed) or pistols....actually yes, pistols sounds good, as you can conceal them quite well. Plus Gun-fu, aka dancing with pistols (think Equilibrim but more flowing) seems cool and helps us to bring UPS into the modern theme.

And yes, her chruch is not just a drow power anymore, instead anyone that works to protect the unknowing clubbers during the dart hours of the night may pray to her (bouncers, club owners, peformers, cops, PIs etc & regenade drow i guess)

Any thoughts?


Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

I need some info folks - in 'classic' planescape/forgottern realms [before 3rd editon], what plane does Eilistraee dwell on? Is she still in the Abyss with the other Drow Gods, or has she moved to less evil planes?



PS And yes, this is for the write that I've been promising for so very long Sad

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The Drow and Lolth in UPS

Eilistraee's realm is Svartalfheim in Ysgard.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Drow and Lolth in UPS



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