The Dragon Alliance

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Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Dragon Alliance

Tvuulkior knew: the objection that his former brothers in arms--his former githwarrior brethren--held toward his allegiance lay in misunderstanding. They saw only subservience to a tyrant of the Hells, a prohibited fealty to a dark Queen from outside the People. What they lacked was the proper vision, the proper appreciation for the potential that he envisioned.

Dragons were not simply allies, and not simply overlords. With Vlaakith dead, the best hope for the Sons of Gith lay in loyalty to Tiamat. There was a complex connection between dragonkind and the gith. A covenant forged in blood and magic and sealed by Gith herself--praised be the Warrior Queen! The Lich Queen, in her latter years, had even seen fit to arrange for the creation of a new bloodline--the next stage in the perfection of the githyanki body--in the form of Tvuulkior and his duthka'gith brothers. The power, rage, and indominability of true dragons flowed in his very veins, and it had no subtle effect in his outer character.

That was why these beleaguered enemies of Tvuulkior (yes, even some of the People were enemies now) could never understand his commitment to the Dragon Alliance. Tvuulkior contemplated this as he watched the desperate defense of the citadel collapse beneath his troops' siege. They had been taking orders from superiors in the githyanki legions for so many centuries that they had long forgotten the Warrior Queen's most important tenet: The proper path to ambition is directly over the carcasses of those who stand in your way. These githwarriors who defended the plots of a few petty warlords from Tu'narath were no longer his Brothers. If they were, Tvuulkior might have felt some remorse as they were burned alive in dragonfire.

The Dragon Alliance retreated to the safety of their former dragon allies in the aftermath of Sussurus. While the alliance with Tiamat and her chromatic dragons was initially ended upon the usurping of the Lich Queen, a group of githyanki--including a great number of the half-dragon duthka'gith bred by Vlaakith--managed to renew the accord for themselves. As a result, they have fared quite well during the civil war. Their Baatorian allegiance provides them with magic and territory, and they did not want for supplies in the early days of the war as other bands so often did. Still, they can count on no wide support on the Astral Plane, which they have largely abandoned, since the greater githyanki population regards them as untrustworthy and disturbing at best, and insane and treasonous at worst.

Many of the Alliance warriors see the dragons as a tremendous asset in the great bid to claim the githyanki empire. Others revere the dragons for their limitless might, unfathomable magic, and traditional attachment to the githyanki people. In fact, under the reign of the Vlaakiths, Tiamat was the second-closest figure in githyanki culture to a goddess, next to the Lich-Queen herself, among some circles. The draconic goddess is openly worhipped by some in the Dragon Alliance, and the presence of divine spellcasters (if still a small presence) is a benefit to their forces, which fight with zealous bloodlust in the war which grips the Astral Plane.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Dragon Alliance

So, here's a thread I've started to build up one of the warbands which battles in the githyanki civil war. Any suggestions on the rest of the details are needed now, including but not limited to major leaders (both githyanki and draconic) and a history of the group.

And if you'd like to make a thread and do some work on another warband, you are certainly more than welcome to do so.

Howarth Davin ag-Talaron's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Dragon Alliance

I'm with the resistance to the Duthka'gith bid to take over the race. No offense, but just because Paizo decides to ditch 25+ years of backstory for one (okay, three, including Poly, Dragon, and Dungeon) issue, does that mean we have to jump and upset the balance between and among the gith races?! Seriously, the whole effort (Sha'sal Khou, duthka'gith, and all) fits very poorly into previous sources of info on the githyanki. Why don't we just do the wise thing and ignore the whole business? I.e., Vlaakith CLVII comes out of the whole shebang intact, doesn't become a goddess, and the pact with Tiamat stays as-is.... The Sha'sal Khou, being incredibly poorly conceived in the first place (what githzerai would realistically trust a githyanki supposedly interested in reunification????!, and vice versa?) needs to go. It's just dumb. Half-dragon githyanki make sense, but since so Prime band of do-gooders could conceivably upset Vlaakith's plans (yeah, she's only 25th level, but she has a BUNCH of help), we can just assume the outcome of the Incursion storyline favors her. Since her plans are also just plain stupid (becoming a god), that fails as well due to simple error--her plan is flawed. She wins, kills the PCs, doesn't become a god because she basically has no idea how to parlay the dead god/dess on Pharagos or the Tu'narath god-isle into divinity for herself, and life goes on as it always has....

Sorry, had to say it.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
The Dragon Alliance

(Disclaimer: this may be something that has been discussed elsewhere, or may be considered off-topic for this thread. If so, I'm open to a seperate thread.)

Wow, I couldn't disagree more. As a 1E+ player, I see Incursion as jettisoning the things that prevented githyanki from being anything other than cartoony bad guys. The Incursion fits extremely well into the githyanki story. It removes two ridiculous flaws, and adds all sorts of interesting angles to the race.

The Incursion storyline doesn't change the rank-and file githyanki one bit, other than perhaps philisophically. They are still evil creatures bent on domination of prime planes. Only now, they don't sorta-kinda worship the Lich Queen. The very idea of an ex-slave race being slaves to a lich was always weak in my book. And the best rebuttal I've seen in the documentation was that the githyanki "didn't care" that she was a lich. Baloney.

If you want to talk about poorly constructed plot elements, you might want to start there. You can follow it up with the arbitrary idea that the Lich-Queen killed all githyanki upon reaching level X. That's a clumsy attempt at game mechanics, not a story.

In the end, the githyanki are more interesting now. The arbitrary level cap is gone, meaning that epic characters can fight epic githyanki for the first time. The inexplicable lich running the show is removed from the picture, meaning that githyanki can now persue a huge range of opportunities unavailable to them in the past. But overall the githyanki, long set in their ways, basically continue acting as they always did, except that their own politics will also distract them for some time. They keep hunting illithids when they can, and fight githzerai when they can.

So we lost nothing here, really.

In exchange, we gain political intrigue, a true free-for-all opening up all sorts of possibilities. We gain a wider variety of githyanki, with regard to levels, classes, alignments, even religions -- things simply not possible before. They become a full-featured planar race instead of being a two-dimensional cartoon. Prior to incursion, one githyanki was basically interchangable with another. That's just not the case for an actual race in d20 (much less a player race). You can now say that most of the githyanki and githzerai are mortal enemies, but a handful are trying to start a reunification. You could also have done that in 2E. You just have more basis for it here, because you have more options with these two arbitary game-mangling elements removed.

In short, there's not much you can't do with the new version of githyanki that you couldn't do before. And there's a lot more you can do. You'll have to convince me that this is a bad thing.

And like Wizards always says, you're welcome to skip the whole thing in your campaign. However, this forum is for discussing what would happen if you assume that the Lich-Queen is dead. If you're offended by the assumption of her being dead, then you're probably not going to enjoy participating in the discussions based on that assumption -- like this one.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
The Dragon Alliance

Well put Invisig0th! Not that change in a setting is always good (i HATED the faction war idea and won't use it in my game), but the "aftermath of incursion" storyline has so many interesting possibilities, escpecially when one considers it results in an easier (plotwise) way to introduce Githyanki PC's without having them be automaticly hostile to outsiders.

But back to the thread.......

Is the dragon alliance really off? In my own PS game, the Red Dragons no longer work with the Githyanki bands, except those that are part of the Dragon Alliance and the Cult of Tiamat, but are still friendly (as friendly as evil dragons can be, anyway) to Githyanki in general (i.e. won't eat 'em unless there's a real reason to). They still recognize the rings of Gith's bargan, and will be downright chummy with any Githyanki that bears one.

I've also introduced another dragon-related magical item called an "Egg of Tiamat." It appears as a largish marble with a single rune carved into its surface (which incidently remains upright no matter which way the orb is turned). If given freely as a gift to a mortal, it marks the bearer as having made a significant contribution to the (evil) Draconic cause, and therefore a (potential at least) ally of (evil) Dragonkind. It in no way physically protects the owner from dragons, but if presented with due reverance and politeness might keep one out of a (evil) dragon's gullet. Of course, good dragons will recognize it too...

There has to be a disadvantage (or at least an advantage for the dragons to have mortals carrying these things around), but seeing as how the EGG has no real powers the offset is much more subtle. The EGG contains a forming draconic soul, and it slowly absorbs energy off the mortal's aura. This means that an EGG caried by a wizard or sorcerer will eventually (after it is returned to the Dragons) be used to spawn a spell-casting dragon. One carried by a divine spell caster will become a scion of Tiamat. One carried by a warrior-classed mortal will become a Dragon of largest size and/or exceptional ferocity. The soul inside an EGG carried by a rogue or bard will become excepionally sly and cunning. Thus the power of the evil dragons increases with each EGG given away. However, it also means that any evil dragon who is ready to lay a clutch of eggs that kills the bearer of an EGG and consumes it will spawn a more formidable offspring (which it may or may not want to do.) Also, the dragons will eventually want the EGG back anyway, and when an Elder Wyrm shows up and asks you for something, it'd be a very bad idea to say "pike it", berk.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
The Dragon Alliance

Ah, I see the Ring of Gith's Bargain is actually fan content. Never mind.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
The Dragon Alliance

I'm not familiar with any rings related to Gith's bargain with Tiamat. Where is that from?

As for the Dragon Alliance, the Duthka'gith would run that show. There was little love for them before Vlaakith's demise, and at least some githyanki would see them as physical remnants of Vllakith's blasphemous gamble for godhood. I'm sure the word "abomination" is used. They would be the first to flee and regroup, for they have the least loyalty to the githyanki empire that was. Their loyalty was to Vlaakith, and she is gone.

As hybrid githyank-red dragons, I'm sure they would consider themselves the next evolutionary level above the githyanki. ("Duthka'gith are stronger, faster and smarter than their githyanki parents, and they know it.") And since they have only just recently acquired the ability to bear offspring, they are now a viable seperate species, no magical babies needed. They certainly are the best contenders for a renewed (and, of course, renegotiated) pact with red dragons.

So, given all that, Tiamat could now be considered to sort of have her own little army of githyanki-dragonkin. Perhaps this was her plan all along. Did she somehow manipulate events, going all the way back to her original pact with Gith, in order to bring about this advantagous result? Is this what she gained in that pact, having the wisdom to see how this could come about and work in her favor eons after the original agreement? I wouldn't put it past her.

So I see this Dragon Alliance as mostly duthka'gith, and more advantageous to Tiamat than to the githyanki. However, there would be githyanki that would enlist. The racial paranoid fear of slavery would come to the forefront as the githyanki see chaos spread through their society. The living embodyment of their freedom is dead, and no clear replacement has arisen. On at least a superstitious level, the fear of invasion and slavery would become an epidemic. Some of these fearful would cling to the strength of the duthka'gith, if the duthka'gith will have them. When you perceive yourself suddenly in a world of chaos and unpreventable violence against you, a natural impulse is to befriend the strongest ally available just to have some minimum degree of safety. The duthka'gith can offer such safety, and some will take them up on it.

This also raises questions. Will the githyanki who ally with the duthka'gith be second class citizens? The duthka'gith tendency towards bullying would almost guarantee it. What will other githyanki think of the "duth-lovers"? Probably not much. What will these githyanki use to replace the world of order that they have lost? How will it be different? how will it be the same?

It would be logical for the duthka'gith and their githyanki followers make a move to rule the githyanki. Having the githyanki under duthka'gith rule, and an alliance with the red dragons, would put enormous power into their hands. But it is also logical that the githyanki would immediately recoil from the idea as a slavery imposed by abominations. That's a pretty tough sell, and I suspect the duthka'gith won't be great at "winning hearts and minds". They're more in the "cleaving skulls and spines" camp. Which, I suppose, the githyanki would respect to some degree.

Overall, I'd say this faction has to be a factor in githyanki politics post-Vlaakith. The duthka'gith have no real reason to stay subservient to the githyanki, particularly if the red dragons abandon them. The githyanki are at their weakest state in millenia. A renewed pact with red dragons and a try at the githyanki throne are all predictable moves for the duthka'gith. Perhaps you cannot exactly define this as a "githyanki" faction, but it will certainly be a political force to reckon with nonetheless.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
The Dragon Alliance

Two more factiods from Dungeon 100/Polyhedron that might apply here.

Vlaakith bred the duthka'giths to lead the githyanki in the invasion -- to serve as generals, sergeants and champions of her mighty army. This vision has not been fully materialized, thanks in large part to the unforseen strongly chaotic bent of the duthka-giths Duthka'giths are indeed born leaders, but many of them demonstrate such impatience with the regimentation of githyanki life that they strike out independently, sometimes forming small, elite units made up entirely of their own kind to attack Pharagos in their own way, sometimes working alone to wreak destruction on whatever they happen to find.
Duthka'gith are not generally prone to the weakness of worship, but they tend to be particularly drawn to the messianic cult of Gith. In fact, many duthka'gith believe that Gith was transformed into a half-dragon during her stay in the Nine Hells, and that the breeding of the first duthka'gith is a sign that Gith's return is imminent.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
The Dragon Alliance

(sorry, hit quote instead of edit)

Boris the BugBear's picture
Joined: 2006-10-31
My take

There is lots of good stuff here, and I am currently writing up a miniture campaign arc/long adventure for the site based on this. I personally see a lot of incursion as being a little silly. I also think of the Githyanki without their lich queen a little sad. I also love the idea of the Githyanki gaining some interesting new perspectives.

I also want to point out that there is no reason for there not to be multiple factions anyways. It is true that the Githyanki lich queen does have a good amount of power, but the Astral is vast and the Githyanki are all over it. There has always been the potential for outpost fever and unique and charismatic warlords to manipulate and kill one another. Anyways, gotta get to the point of this.

The Half Dragon Half Gith fellas bring with them a lot of possibility. As was noted before, the chaotic nature of the beasts leads to lots of problems with interacting and planning with normal gith. Think of it like this. You are a member of an elite organization that has a clearly defined mission and proven method of achieving that. You are now approaching your most ambitious assault ever and someone half breed that was raised in a unique school, away from all of his peers and followers, now decides it is time to act, even though all the officers and soldiers you have already fought with say differently. What do you do?

Second, the fact that any creature is half dragon/celestial/fiend makes it not dragon/celestial/fiend. The Half Dragon Bloodline would never be accepted as equals by either race, reguardless of how smart, fast, or strong they are. This all falls into the "he may be higher level, but that doesn't make him smarter" category. There would really not be many LAWFUL githyanki that would ever place their full faith in these creatures. Furthermore, the Red Dragons would never really give a damn that these hybrids were half anything. They leave their own pure breed children to fend for themselves, why would they give a damn that a bunch of astral sycophants seem to think themselves special. A wyrven is more of a dragon than these hybrids.

In closeing, as cool as these creatures are, they will always have problems getting along with the Githyanki majority. They will never amount to more than peasants to any true dragon, and Tiamat would consider them even less important. While they may surround themselves with people that believe in their mission and vision, even these Gith are not going to trust their judgment or planing.

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