The Doomguard

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nick's picture
Joined: 2006-11-27
The Doomguard

In the new 3.5 setting, how would one go about becoming a doomguard? What 3 tests would be required to perform.

Moog's picture
Joined: 2006-11-22
The Doomguard

I don't think the rules version makes any difference to what tests candidates might be required to perform. That's up to the DM. Something in keeping with the faction philosophy though, certainly.

I dunno, maybe for one they'd be sent to tear down the supports from some crumbling buildings in a dangerous part of the Hive, maybe? Perhaps sacrificing their most powerful magic item to the Neg Energy plane? Maybe send them to cut down a magical tree in a glade in Arvandor, which is rejuvenating the surrounding lands?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The Doomguard

The main change, I think, is that it would be no longer required to prevent the dabus from trimming razorvine from a building for 24 hours (since the Doomguard isn't based in Sigil anymore). However, that's still a perfectly good test, since individual Doomguard members can still enter Sigil as individuals.

Any proof of one's ability to defend entropy would work. Prevent a hive of poisonous giant ants from rebuilding their nest for a day. Redirect a stream to erode the foundations of a castle, and keep anyone from doing anything about it for a year. Thwart a plan to make one of Yggdrasil's seeds fertile. Prevent a dying god from gaining new worshippers before it's too late. Chat with an avatar of Destruction Incarnate. Keep a dead modron from being recreated. Tarnish the silver of the moon.

nick's picture
Joined: 2006-11-27
The Doomguard

Don't forget, there are 4 fractions of the doomguard now. 1 fraction wants to slow entropy down as much as possible, and another is indifferent, but tends to side with the fraction. It's the ones that slow entropy that i want PCs to join.

How would one tarnish the silver of the moon:P

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
The Doomguard

That's your job to figure out, berk.

(Really, though, it depends on the gameworld. Perhaps the entire concept can be taken metaphorically... perhaps it can be taken literally. The given just has to be done well enough and be appropriate to the given task enough to qualify. That's all.)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
The Doomguard

'nick' wrote:
How would one tarnish the silver of the moon:P

Step one: give it an oxygen rich atmosphere. Step two: wait.

Anyway, I'd say that the Ashers wouldn't too hard to join. All you have to do is keep something from being destroyed instead of keeping something from being repaired.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Doomguard

'Kestral' wrote:
Perhaps the entire concept can be taken metaphorically... perhaps it can be taken literally.

Metaphor is literal.


Pants of the North!

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
The Doomguard

Aww, you know what I mean.

Either way, there are essentially two ways of going about it. One is to assume that the task was not meant to be literal, and instead is about some objective that isn't directly stated, but is effectively described by the phrase. Perhaps the real meaning behind the task is that one is to advance the coming of a Prime Material world's eclipse; in so doing, it 'blackens' the appearance of the moon 'tarnishing' it, and adding some chaos and entropy into the calendars of those watching the skies.

The other is to take the task quite literally, and would require going somewhere where one might be able to tarnish silver taken from the moon. If one is mixing some Spelljammer with some Planescape, this becomes much easier.

However, both tasks could be argued as being about applying reasonable ingenuity to the problem of advancing entropy. One is better suited to more logical characters/players, and the other is best left to those who tend to think more laterally.

Both approaches would be acceptable, if I were GM. YGMDMV. (Your GM's Decision May Vary.)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
The Doomguard

Eclipses? Bah! If you really want to be entropic about it, all you need is a small spelljamming skiff and sphere of annihilation. A little patience would be nice too. Honestly though, this seems a mite complex for an initiation mission.

Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
The Doomguard

It would seem that various negative elements would have a different view on things.

And tests would be based on that.

An idea is perhaps they use the original test as a template and go from there to show there to show there differences from the faction that was.

Theodoret's picture
Joined: 2007-10-29
The Doomguard

Tarnish the silver of the moon?

Bring the cult of a moon goddess into disrepute.

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