Are there dwarfs, elves, gnomes, and other prime races in the Urban Planescape? Or are there only humans and outsiders spawned by human belief? I assume we're not restricted to humans.
If the "demi-human" primes exist, where do they live? Not on Earth, obviously. So, other Prime worlds? Are they human-dominated too? If so, how did this happen, and why doesn't Earth know of these worlds? I assume there are dwarf worlds, elf worlds, etc., just as Earth is a human world.
If that is so, how does Urban Planescape justify the dominance of humans and human belief on the planes? In "rural Planescape" there were multiple Prime Material Planes/crystal spheres, all dominated by humans. In Urban, there is Earth... and then there are all these non-humans on their prime worlds, all channeling their belief into the planes. So, are celestials more dwarvish in UPS? More orcish? Yuan-tiish? Abolethish?
Do the outsiders need to be redefined to more closely resemble the non-humans, and to what extent?
They're probably wherever they went when humans last had magic and dwarves and elves; mayhap there's a set of demihuman primes, which were also Gith invasion targets, for example. Whether or not they'd have parallel technological advancement (though in specialised fields) is another area to consider.
I think the three questions here are:
- Do we want or need demihumans?
- How would they get there?
- Would they have their own special techy stuff?
( unless I've missed the point entirely