The Divine Locomotive

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TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Divine Locomotive

I've had an idea, I thought I'd share it and if you like you can add to it. It's not a fully fledged project like Urban Planescape, so feel free to shout out any idea you have.

Here is the deal:
Traveling through the planes is a colossal steam train, which is even more titanic inside, housing thousands of travelers and even native creatures. Some carriages are forests, some cities built on cities and others with different laws of nature!

The Locomotive is driven perhaps by an aspect of the God of Travel, or even the God of Travel in a purer form than worshipped could even be Aoskar.
No other God has a realm with the train, but perhaps you might find an old or dead god hanging out in a café or bar.

The Locomotive travels the planes constantly, making the occasional stop to let off travelers or just to let some folks explore the land. The Driver can even be asked to travel somewhere...but where he goes is his own business.

The different carriages of the Locomotive could even be considered demi-planes in a sense, not infinite, but each is very large.

So far I have:
The Drivers Chamber, very beautiful marble arches and pathways with paintings of many past eras, places and people. Much like Sensate Stones the painting can be touched to get a feeling or a moment. Castles hang in the air, inside live many powerful and ancient creatures that have left the planes for solitude. Some even swear to have seen the night hag Ravel in one of these castles, but she was Mazed years ago...
Following the paths leads to the Driver, merrily pulling golden gears and spinning wheels.

The Engine Room, much like a rusty, smog filled Mechanus. Thousands of workers, from golems to more magically inclined dwarves make sure the Locomotive keeps thundering through the planes. The train is held togethor on ancient and loosely defined magics, and with Far Realm spirits constantly slithering through the vents its a full time job for the Crew.

The Crews Cave-Home, under the Engine Room are uncountable maze tunnels crammed with little grottos and cottages. Travelers are warned not go in their alone, many nature creatures that leave the crew unharmed might not do the same for others...

The Wild-Top, on the top of the train is a mix of strange beings and terrain, few things can live through plane-to-plane travel, the few that can live here. The terrain is different every few miles, sometimes every few steps; dust from the Grey Wastes floats in the air, confused lightening elementals jolt from one stop to another and even puddles of enchanted Bytopian water can be found up here. If you can climb the side to get there that is...

The Sleeping Car, people have been asking why there is sleeping car when every city in Divine Locomotive have their own sleeping chambers. Truth is no one know what sleeps in that dark car filled with stacked containers of black metal. Containers are definetly not cargo because when all Locomotive goes to sleep and things are silent, the deep breathing of sleepers can be heard from within.
What sleeps there, nobody knows; some say they are pasangers who wait the last stop of Divine Locomotive, at the end of the multiverse.
One thing is for sure, folk who wander alone too long in that area are never heard of again, so the area is avoided by all except conductors, and even they go there in pairs.

A general idea of the train, all I know for sure is the place is controlled from the front section, the middle sections will have more cities and lower level adventures, the back end having more dangers and beauties.

Lists of ideas for native creatures go here;

The Crew
Conductors - Calm justice dealers and pranksters, they share a likeness to angels mixed with devils, but come in much more muted colours
Marble Maids - Lawful awakened marble golems, but they move in a much more light fashion
Dvergar - Little magical Master-smith dwarves that can fix almost anything...for a traveler though, it'll cost

Wild Natives
Kentiways - Talking crows
Soot Children - Engine Room mephits
Gear Spirits - Can be found doing seemingly random things like turning off lights and rearranging chairs.
The Butterflies in the Walls - Ancient Far Realms creatures that bend the walls into shapes to frighten intruders. The creatures are in fact tiny.

Current DnD monsters that could appear
Blink Dogs, as guards and sniffer dogs
Goblins, living in hideouts in dark corners
Steam, Fire and Earth Elementals, byproducts of the Engine Room

Powerful NPC travels
Nilaihah, the Poet-Angel - A Solar said to operate in Heaven & Hell, he leaves the train when it gets to the Abyss, say's what he has to then jumps back on and waits to get off at one of the high planes.

Konth - Once the God of Konthing, Konthing as since stopped existing. He is usually found playing cards, which he says is very much like Konthing, but without all the Barrads and Snids.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
The Divine Locomotive

I like Divine Lokomotive idea, so here is my idea. Hope you like it. Smiling

Sleeping Car:
People have been asking why there is sleeping car when every city in Divine Locomotive hawe their own sleeping chambers. Truth is no one know what sleeps in that dark car filed with stacked containers of black metal. Containers are definitly not cargo becaouse when all Locomotive goes to sleep and things are silent the deep breathing of sleepers can be heard from there.
What sleeps there, nobody knows: some say they are pasangers who wait the LAST stop of Divine Locomotive, on the end of the multiverse.
One thing is shure: folk who wander alone too long in that area is never heard of again, so area avoided by all except conductors, and even they go there in pairs.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Divine Locomotive

'Squaff' wrote:
I like Divine Lokomotive idea, so here is my idea. Hope you like it. Smiling

Sleeping Car:
People have been asking why there is sleeping car when every city in Divine Locomotive hawe their own sleeping chambers. Truth is no one know what sleeps in that dark car filed with stacked containers of black metal. Containers are defintlyt not cargo becaouse when all Locomotive goes to sleep and things are silent the deep breathing of sleepers can be herar from there.
What sleeps there, nobody knows: some say they are pasangers who wait the LAST stop of Divine Locomotive, on the end of the multiverse.
One thing is shure: folk who wander alone too long in that area is never heard of again, so area avoided by all except conductors, and even they go there in pairs.

Nice! I really like that. One of the ideas I'm working with is while the Driver is good or at least neutral, he has collected a whole host of things, trapped demons in the Locomotive along the way and such. And unlike the Lady of Pain, the Locomotive isn't always under his control.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
The Divine Locomotive

Ok here is another one:

The Smokestack (The Chimney)

The city of Chimney is shanty town who spiraly climbs from furnace to the top. It is place of home of poor, criminals, smuglers and all who wish to dissapear in chimney black smoke. The Chimney is ruled by 3 gangs of criminals: Fireeaters, who live closest to furnace, Soothchildren who claim the smokiest middle part, and finaly the Unmasked gang closest to fresh air, who are only denizens of Chimney who can take off their gas masks once in the vile. (Gas masks are most imortant survival gear to all non-elementals or non-fiends).

Aldough City of Chimney live on salvage and stealing from other citiy cars they produce quality weapons (Fireeaters), Gasmasks and pipeguides (Soothchildren), and finaly cans of fresh air (Unmasked), also Chimney is great place fo hide from authority or to travel without ticket (if you dont mind smoke that is), and finaly The Chimney is main part of Locomotive thermal system wich conects with other towns so it is great way to move around unnoticed.

Main pover in town are actualy smoke and fire mephits who once became tired by gang wars, so they gave gangs ultimatum: either stop fighting or we will plunge your homes into furnace below, and since no one realy knows how many mephits are out there covered with soot, the gangs signed to unease treaty.
Also, town has few laws but one is strictly enforced and severly punished: the harming and kiling of smoke mephits.
Yes, the mephits are quite the nuisance but they can manipulate smoke from the living quaters of Chimney (not to mention their ultimatum on gangs) and thus they make life in Chimney little more bearleble.

Native monsters: mephits, genasi, elementals, lesser fiends.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
The Divine Locomotive

The Casino:
Casino is prehaps the one of wealthiest cars of Divine Locomotive. Entire City car is one giant casino dedicated to games of chanse. Bright coloed and flashy it atracts wealthiest elite from all over the multiverse to test their luck and entertain themselves.

This gorgeous place is prehaps most chaotic place dedicated to luck in multiverse, see each grand casino there is actualy temple of one or another luck god.

In the middle of city is one gigant statue of green eyed godess, but no one pray to her and paque on statue bottom says only: The Lady.
Other stricking feature of Casino is Abrian race track wich encircles all the city and is stadium that can holld milions of beings.

But as all coins Casino has other side: Casino is place where Law and Chaos meet and mix together. You see Casino is actualy run by two schools of gambler phylosopy: one that claim the luck is nothing more than whim of chaos and it can´t be manipulated, other claim that luck is nothing more but odds and probablilty wich can be calculated and there fore you can control luck.
Becaouse of that Casino has suprisingly large number of rouge modrons and modron outcasts who work there as coupiers and card dealers side by side with red slaadi bouncers, becouse of their lawful and unbribable nature. Also each temple in Casino has OCR (Odds Calculating Room) in wich modrons and Moigno calculate odds of warious game of chanse.

Also Knoth calls this car his oficial residence.

NPC idea: Snakeyes is rouge modron gambler that is wery good in games of chance, and when asked what is his seceret, he simply says that he know when to fold from the game.
Dark: Snakeyes is still conected to ODEs system (see below) and is actualy searchng for new rouge modrons and the mysterious "oracle" to bring them into project.

Plot Hook: ODE: Odds Divination Engine, this is secret project of gamblers sect that belive that whims of luck can be predicted and calculated, so they plan to build machine that can do this, they all ready have large number of modrons and Moigno that do the calculating bit. They now need the last part of the engine: the living chaotic oracle, with the true gift of future sight. If they could find such oracle no secret of the future would be mystery to them.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
The Divine Locomotive

I think this idea is very interesting, so I'll keep ideas in mind. However, I think I almost would prefer it to be not about having cities, but multitudinous chambers and rooms and such. They could have different "owners" and themes to them. Sort of like rooms are "layers" and cars are "planes" in essence.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
The Divine Locomotive

bRA1N-b0X wrote:

Sort of like rooms are "layers" and cars are "planes" in essence.

Like multiverse in small compact way. Not bad idea. Smiling

Than it would be intersting to give cars and rooms some "plane" traits and effects on passangers, or prehaps certain cars were built for targeted passangers.

Here is another car idea:
Third Class Car
Idea is actualy wery simple, third class is actualy something like Gray Waste in small in wich poor of all kinds trawel across the planes. Unfortuntly their gloomy disposition towards life has bleed from them to car in wich they trawel, turning it in grey place witout any happines or color. But still it is the cheapest way of trawel.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
The Divine Locomotive

Um, is it just me, or do locomotives normally drive on rails? Well then, where are they? (Not that I do not like the idea, no!)

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
The Divine Locomotive

Oh, don't go bringing us down with your "logic" and your "reason," man! These are the planes! The rails could be the very fabric of reality. Perhaps it creates whatever rail it requires on whatever place it needs to.

Anyway, it really does pose some interesting considerations to, err, consider.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
The Divine Locomotive

bRA1N-b0X wrote:


The rails could be the very fabric of reality. Perhaps it creates whatever rail it requires on whatever place it needs to.

Or cosmic strings, if you prefer monorails. Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Divine Locomotive

'Squaff' wrote:
bRA1N-b0X wrote:
The rails could be the very fabric of reality. Perhaps it creates whatever rail it requires on whatever place it needs to.

Or cosmic strings, if you prefer monorails. Smiling

The train travels along magic.

I've sort of forgot abot this idea, but feel free to borrow it for a game and keep adding to it.

Bazimem, the half-djinni's picture
Joined: 2007-10-15
Divine Locomotive

I don't like this idea.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Divine Locomotive

'Bazimem, the half-djinni' wrote:
I don't like this idea.



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