The Deck of the Infinite Planes

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Deck of the Infinite Planes

This is a project that I am developing.

The Deck's origin is unknown but it is reproduced widely and with many variations all through the planes. Copies have been made both as mundane cards for games, as a ritual item for telling fortunes, magical cards, and artifacts. So many have been made that it is impossable to tell if there was infact an original deck or if the deck has slowly evolved into being. Most cards are steeped in overlapping and often contradictory allagory and symbolism.

In Sigil the most popular variation is called the Cage Deck, as described by a Govenor doing a paper on gambling and past-time games in the cage. The deck has xx cards consisting of 3 "sets" the trumps, the planes, and the suits.

The planes consist of 24 cards with the 16 outer planes (omitting the outlands), the astral, the etherial, the planes of fire, earth, water and air, shadow, and the prime with the cards numbered from greatest to least in that order (the ranking of the outer planes varies from printing to printing according to the sensabilities of the printer).

The suits consist of 70 cards divided into, swords, pikes(also called rods, wands, staffs, or spears), coins, cups and scrolls. Each suit has a power, proxy, exemplar, and petitioner with a set of numbered cards Ace through 10. Many decks are printed only using the set of suits and many games are played removign the other two sets from the deck.

The trumps consist of between 22 and 28 cards and are the most diverse set.

Currently there are five major editions being put out decks that claim to be the "Standard" deck.

The Hound's Deck of the Planes is produced by a retired lupinal adventurer in the lower ward and given to children along with a simple booklet of instructions enchanted to help the children learn how to read. It is accepted as one of the most popular gameing decks and is widely coppied. It has 22 trumps, the planes including the outlands (numbered 25 with Mechanis 24 and decending numbers alternating good/evil to limbo at 9) and the 5 suits.

Akin the Friendly Fiend is rumored to be responsable for the next most popular edition for gaming called the Loth's Deck, alternate rumors say that it was Shemeska that produced the first version of the deck. This deck consists of 23 trumps, 16 planes starting with Gehenna at 16 and the Waste at 15 and from there going around the great wheel, and omitting the Astral and the Inner planes, along with 6 suits, adding chains as the sixth suit.


Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Deck of the Infinite Planes

Well this is a sight! Believe it or not, I made such a thing not too long ago, the result of my efforts being the only official submission to PW I've ever made.

Sigilian Poker with deck and rules specifications.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Deck of the Infinite Planes

It looks like you resubmitted it to us - did you want me to replace the old version with the new one?
(New: [url]/node/])

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Deck of the Infinite Planes

'Clueless' wrote:
It looks like you resubmitted it to us - did you want me to replace the old version with the new one? (New: [url]/node/])
Both links reach the revised version ;D

Zaikoth's picture
Joined: 2006-05-07
An idea for an edition

The Genie Deck is a rather uncommon djinn-made deck that provides hours of enjoyment for Inner Planar creatures smart (and easygoing) enough to spend time playing games. It consists of the the elemental, quasielemental, and paraelemental planes (starting with air, ending with ice), 5 suits, and 27 trumps.

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