The Darker Side of the Factions

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Joined: 2006-08-31
The Darker Side of the Factions

Dispite there unitied front the faction interially have always had a difference of opinions on some things, some of these people split off and become sects some remain close to the core the group and remain a dark to this very day.


To the people whom 'feel' the universe must be must be done by doing so, very few things are seen as being out side of the groups norm.
To them pain is just part of the experince, however there is a group with in the sensates that is some times hated and others feared.

The Hearlds of Intensity

The Hearlds of Intensity, speak of a dark that some of the group fear is true.
Ever heard of the blind man who can hear his enemy approch even when to us they are silent or Deaf see the brillence and colour beyond our own, there art amazes and dazless.

The Hearlds say by cutting off one sense through magic means you can intesify your other senses.
They have brought some of the most fantastic experince to the sentoruims orbs.
The most famious of which was woman without any other sense than feel and a most adult sensations brought with it.

Some of group have gone extremely long times sense, but what the sensates fear most is some have gone to the extreme and used mundane scaring methods to remove a sense completely.

The group is lead by Vasam Cadnran
A master tranformagaist.
Vasam pratices what he preachs and is currently blind.

His Protected by his bodyguard Carns San
Whom has no sense of feeling without a sense of feeling Carns will contuine beyond his regular hit points until he is destroyed.
Also his immune to sneak attacks.

The Doomguard

It's hard to think some people whom want to bring and end to the multiverse have a dark side but is there.

The Enemy of the Mind

The Enemy of the Mind believe that then end of the whole multiverse is not need to reveal the truth however what is need is the removal of the mind.
The mind is what allows people distingue between things and give all of the talk some kind of higher meaning.
But the lower forms of life simply live, so they have come to the radical conculsion that it is the mind all secient life that must be removed from the multiverse.

This thinking has also made some of Transendent Order memeber turn stag and join in this new radical way of thinking.

The Athar

Belief means everything for the Athar belief means the difference between some power just being something powerful and a god.
Some Athar have started thinking that there is only one way for them to be able to truely spread there ideas.

The Asendant

Though it is almost blasphemus (to the Athar at least), these Athar believe that they can make a Diety, And when they do so they will ulitmently prove that powers are just powers not gods.
The only reason these people have not been expelled from the ranks of the Athar already is there poor standing at the moment, pratically beggers on clinging to life as the cling to the spire.

Many former Godsmen have joined with these people seeing similar point of view as before.

Just some ideas to kick start somethings or give you some ideas for adventure hooks.
Basicly I just thought that with such large orginizations surely there must be some people out there whom almost run counter too there ideas with there orginzation.

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