The Corporates: Take II

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WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Corporates: Take II

The Corporates

"You wanna solve all your problems, berk? Find out whose getting all the cash and kill them."
-Common Sigilian advice

The Corporations are among the most ambivalent forces in the Planes. On one hand, they've helped the Planes chug into the future. The Corporates petty struggles and competitions have generated vast amounts of technology and development, even the Planes of Chaos have seen some benefit, even if it's because they stole the tech off some military installation. And yet, they've also caused a lot of trouble and conflict, the average Joe Planar still puts their problems directly at the Corporate's feet. And, half the time, it will be their fault.

Y'see, the Corporates have an awful lot of power. The Planar Trade Consortium, once one of the biggest commercial powers has now retired to the backseat and become a lobbying group for the Corporates, encouraging Sigil, the Primes, and planar nation-states to loosen their grips on the economy and leave it to the good ol' sisters Supply and Demand. Most planar states, however, cast a suspicious eye at the Corporates, because there's all sorts of bad blood.

The Planar Trade Consortium (the PTC) used to be huge. They had figured that this black substance, called "oil", would one day make them rich, so they spent a lot of money buying up all the sites where they could get it, even if they had to build a fortress in the Abyss (which they did, ever heard of the 661st layer of the Abyss, the Black Ocean?). Originally, oil was used to light street lamps, but when some wise cutter found out they could build generators and cars and plastic, well, oil began to see really, really high prices.

The Planar Trade Consortium had an extremely tight hold on the oil market. Whenever a new oil well was discovered, the PTC would find some way to take it over through purchase or subterfuge. Eventually, The Authority (more on that later) ordered the PTC to split up or the PTC would be forcibly split. Estavan told the Authority to stick it up their ass, and The Authority never directly responded back. Instead the PTC suffered massive internal corruption (most say encouraged by The Authority), and like an old man with clogged arteries the PTC as a corporation bit the bucket, it's prior holdings sold off to the highest bidder.

Another score for the Corps was the Astral War. Y'see, the Astral War what established some of the most powerful and oldest corporations, like the current top-dog Valor Inc. In the rush to get weapons both sides bought as much as they could, not really caring who was selling what to whom. Now, some companies stuck with one side, others giving to whomever had the money, and some damn-right excited at the prospect of war. The Corps have been known to instigate wars so that they could get more customers.

Planars recognize five different "blocs" of corporations with similar histories or traits. These blocs are listed here, in order from strongest to weakest.

The Astral War Bloc
These corporations are among the oldest and most powerful, they were crucial in the arms race in the Astral War, some aligned with one side (such as Ortho Industries and Astral Manufacturing Inc.) or dealt with both sides (such as Valor Inc.). There aren't many, but they're all pretty powerful and established. From strongest to weakest, Valor Inc., Orthos Industries, Solaris Pharmaceuticals, Astral Manufacturing Inc., Mechanus Research and Technology Company, Goldcounter Industries, and Gunniver & Sons.

The ex-PTC Bloc
These are the organizations which used to make up the PTC until they split off, including the old PTC itself. There used to be hundreds, but out of that only about two dozen still exist today. Most of them are still pretty powerful. From biggest to smallest Black Ocean Oil Co, Acheron Refineries Inc., IPTC (Inter-Planar Transport Company), Hurcule Robotics & Plastics, the PTC and many more.

The Faction Bloc
These organizations are companies which are strongly aligned with or owned by certain factions. Hardhead Inc. (actually a conglomeration), companies owned by the Fated, Doomguard military research, and many others are part of the Faction bloc.

The Net Bloc
These are the "newcomers", so to speak, and the ones that profit the most from cyberspace. There are constant newcomers, and most die before making a profit. However, some have made millions and have enough money to threaten even the Astral War bloc. These include, from strongest to weakest,,, and, as well as thousands more. Not quite as rich but not really mentioned much are the "adult" bloc, the most powerful is

The Prime Bloc
These companies originated on prime worlds, also called the "clueless" bloc. While they haven't got much of a foothold on the planes they're hard to get rid of, especially since they almost completely dominate their native worlds. The Prime Bloc is dangerous but small, but there are many hundreds. They've got their own lobbying organization, the Prime World Advocacy Group, and have been instrumental in getting planars to pay some more attention and respect to the Primes. Haverstadt Textiles is counted the most powerful prime corporation (and the most infamous), followed by Carter Ore and Minerals, Puretina Water, and many, many more.

The Belief Bloc
These three companies make up the weakest bloc and the strangest. These corporations actually were spawned by pure belief, they were never founded, they are purely based on people's perceptions of corporations. In effect, they are caricatures of real-world corporations, and something of a joke among planars. They also have a tendency to act bigger than they actually are. They include Celestia Productions, Baker and Thompson Finances, and Darkness Inc (yes, that is the real name).

The "Other" Bloc
There are those companies that don't fit into any of the major blocs, the ones which predate the Astral War yet didn't profit, or whose operations are so esoteric or illegal there's no point, or they're just too small to be corporations, and any number of reasons.

More to come...

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Corporates: Take II

I'll point out that the Catholic Church is the world's oldest corporation (followed by some universities, if memory serves).

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Corporates: Take II


A preview:

Ulden Throatbane:

The whole "corporate domination" theme also seems to be a little bit too far on the Lawful side of the scale.

Xanxost can't eat stock options, after all, except if elves are in stock.


WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Corporates: Take II

I'll point out that the Catholic Church is the world's oldest corporation (followed by some universities, if memory serves).

Universities, while being privately owned, aren't listed because they don't control vast resources like other corporations and do not shape planar policy.

As for the Catholic Church, whether you are right are wrong is unimportant. It's a totally seperate issue.

If I'm not mistaken, you are mistaking "the oldest and most powerful" for THE oldest and most powerful. I'm simply trying to say that these corps are particularly well-established.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Corporates: Take II


I was just saying that Corporations can turn up in unusual places.

And according to Wikipedia, the Catholic Church is the oldest corporation (here).

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Corporates: Take II

Sigil Stock Exchange (SSE)

The Cauldron. The Asylum. Cathedral of the Bouncing Lines. The Battleground. The Bag. Sigil's Wallet. The Cesspit. These are some of the many names given to Sigil's Stock Exchange, the SSE.

The Market Ward can be said to be a fairly orderly district. This is in direct contrast to those who visit the Sigil Stock Exchange. For one thing, architecturally, it's a monstrosity. The Dabus probably have a good reason for burying it one of Market Ward's back alleys, it's been compared to a great bulbous nose or a misshapen beehive, and a lot worse. Some say it resembles the plans of a drunk modern architect. It makes some of the structures in the Hive look downright quaint and debonair.

It's not much different inside. The Cauldron would be dimly lit except for the flashing monitors of lists and lists of numbers constantly being updated. It has a large central chamber, which nevertheless is almost always ill-ventilated (which is why they call it "the Sweat Room").

What's more amazing, however, are the people that go there. It looks like the entire multiverse is having a block party in that room, only barely tolerating one another. In one corner, a group of buisnessmen protected by bodyguards stare tiresomely at Xaoxitects doing "morning stock market rituals". In other, a devil and a demon trying to ignore each other by buying and selling furiously. Guardinals discuss which companies are environmentally friendly while the yugoloths discuss profit. And at every level, these investors, far from mild mannered, are assertive, smart and tough.

Law and chaos intermingle like bad smells, fusing into something entirely different. Like it or not, mostly everyone who does business at the Stock Exchange follows an entirely different beast, a strange mixture of science and law with esoteric superstition and pure chaos. It leaves philosophers with a traditional bent scratching their heads. Some chaotic people are specially attuned to the stock market's essential randomness and are just as proficient, if not more so, than the lawful investors. And, ask any chaotic investor, and they'll say it beats mundane jobs any day.

Any alignment can become an investor, but they each have different motivations do so.

Lawful Good: Lawful Good characters have an agenda to support and invest in companies which promote the general good, even if these companies don't perform too well. Some of Arcadia's and Celestia's Planar Lords do send permanent missions to the Stock Exchange, although the job is notorious for making celestials jaded.

Neutral Good: These characters usually invest for themselves and use the money to do good. They don't feel the need to "support" good companies and corporations, but it's possible that they'd prefer the underdogs.

Chaotic Good: A rare alignment in the Cauldron, Chaotic Good characters probably find the SSE too indirect and too boring to bother with it. However, some do use the stock exchange to make money without holding down a regular job, and they like to sew the seeds of chaos by promoting the benevolent underdog.

Lawful Neutral: Theaw characters have the tendency to try to see patterns in the stock market, and are usually obsessed with the performance of the company over anything else. These are some of the most well-researched investors, they have portfolios of financial statistics and special (usually secret) formulas for predicting where stocks are going next.

Neutral: These bloods invest for themselves, probably on the side as well as holding down a regular job. A few invest to keep the balance between good and evil, law and chaos.

Chaotic Neutral:
Some say these folks "infest" the SSE. There's not as many of them as some claim, but they are loud, unpredictable and obnoxious. They aren't really good at knowing how the companies perform but are very good at knowing how stocks perform, making many of them very rich. These bloods have a tendency to view the stock market through a metaphysical or superstitious lens, and often have strange rules ("don't sell on Saturday, never buy on Wednesday!"). Some chaotic neutral character have become stock market gurus in their own right.

Lawful Evil: These folks are out to make money, period, not really caring about the ethics of the company in general. They are long-term investors, and put pressure on the company to adopt policies which will make a profit (if not very ethical). These investors are looking to gain power, maybe on the seat on the Board of Investors in the next Big Thing, if they aren't already. These are ambitious and dangerous bloods.

Neutral Evil: These bastards are notorious for investor frauds and scams, and aren't looking to make money from companies but rather other investors! These folks are the epitome of selfish and greedy, and won't bat an eye when betraying you. They won't even make excuses.

Chaotic Evil: A Chaotic Evil investor combine the greed and treacherousness of the Neutral Evil investor with the randomness of the Chaotic Neutral investor. These folks are willing to sabotage entire economies to gain loads of money, but it's the sense of power and the spread of chaos which makes things sweet for them. Chaotic Evil investors are even rarer than Chaotic Good ones, but are the most dangerous and do not care about the imbalance and destructiveness of their actions.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Corporates: Take II

The Sigil Stock Exchange is not the only one in the Multiverse, or even the Outer Planes. Many companies that operate on one or a small group of planes, or operate mostly on the Inner Planes, will choose a different exchange:

Element Market (Inner Planes): This is actually four exchanges linked together in real time: Ignit-X in the City of Brass, Market Bubble in the City of Glass, SkyCap in the Citadel of Ice and Steel, and Terre-Commodities in the Great Dismal Delve. Stocks and futures first offered on one exchange can be purchased on any of the other three.

Glitterhall Exchange (Oinus): The former realm of Abbathor has been converted into a currency exchange by a coven of enterprising night hags. In addition to trading stocks on the Lower Planes of Conflict, Glitterhall Exchange is also the only market where Abyssmal and Infernal currency can be traded freely. Just be sure to watch your pockets.

Bytopia Board of Trade (Dorthien): The BBT is the premier commodities market on the Upper Planes. It started out as a way for Bytopia's trading guilds to figure out the price of goods, but has since blossumed to encompass trade activity that ranges from Arcadia to Ysgard.

The Forum (Olympus): Established by dissastified Fated near Mount Olympus, the Forum is one of the riskier stock markets in the Multiverse. In the short run, you'll either make a fortune or lose all that you put in-there isn't much in the middle. Bloods with the stomach to stick it out typically make out like bandits (sometimes literally), although there's always a sod or two that gets it in the pants. Lots of start-up companies make their IPO on the Forum.

-coming up: Limbo Market and the Azzgrat Index.

Unski's picture
Joined: 2006-05-11
The Corporates: Take II

It wouldn't be too far fetched to assume that Baator has owns sidecompanies, which own their own sidecompanies, which then own a large share of various other planar consortiums. Especially the good-aligned ones. Think of the irony.
After all, if you cannot beat them, cannot hire them, buy everything around them.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Corporates: Take II

EDIT: Added "Faction Bloc".


It wouldn't be too far fetched to assume that Baator has owns sidecompanies, which own their own sidecompanies, which then own a large share of various other planar consortiums. Especially the good-aligned ones. Think of the irony.
After all, if you cannot beat them, cannot hire them, buy everything around them.


Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Corporates: Take II

Or course, who's to say that the Upper Planes aren't doing it back?

Just because you're "good" doesn't mean you can't be sneaky.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Corporates: Take II

Certainly - Arcadian corporations for one could answer like with like - as could the archons. I could see the eladrin working on this as well from the sneaky side of things. Corporations aren't all a lawful thing after all, you can have corps that are fairly chaoticly arranged - most good gaming companies or other creative industries are like that.

As a side note, I've set up a proto-stock market in the gate town of Automata in the PSCS, it might be worth working that into the set of markets as well as I definately put that in with the implication that over time it would develop into something more like a modern stock market. If you want I can copy and paste the Automata entry to here for perusal. Eye-wink

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Corporates: Take II

You don't need anyone's permission to post stuff.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Corporates: Take II

I know. Eye-wink But I wouldn't wanna bore people with somethign they're not interested in looking at either. Eye-wink

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Corporates: Take II

'Clueless' wrote:
I know. Eye-wink But I wouldn't wanna bore people with somethign they're not interested in looking at either. Eye-wink

How about adding it to the "Towns and Cities" thread?

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