The Brood of Tanar

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Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
The Brood of Tanar

So, some time ago I read something of four different races of fiends in the Abbys, not counted Dagon's lot. They were described as being the brood of some other, most visious fiends. One of them wa Tanar. I don't remember the others. Can anyone recommend a source on this? Is this anything near canonical?Cause, I completely forgot were I found it.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The Brood of Tanar

Well theres the bebliths or spider demons, n' bodaks n' shadow fiends I think as well as the ancient Tanar'ri whove been penned in the dead book of course or have gone on vacation maybe.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
The Brood of Tanar

Demonomicon of Iggliwiv lists the major categories of Demons and they are: Tanar'ri, Obyriths, Loumara, Beasts, Servitors and Created.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The Brood of Tanar

'Kay' wrote:
So, some time ago I read something of four different races of fiends in the Abbys, not counted Dagon's lot. They were described as being the brood of some other, most visious fiends. One of them wa Tanar. I don't remember the others. Can anyone recommend a source on this? Is this anything near canonical?Cause, I completely forgot were I found it.

You're thinking of The Slayer's Guide to Demons, from Mongoose. It's canonical for Mongoose, but not WotC. It's an interesting book, worth getting in my opinion, though the art is poor and it's not proofread very well.

The demonic "broods" described in that book are:

The brood of Tanar (tanar'ri), who rule the Abyss since the Brood Wars long ago.

The brood of Van'g (van'g'ri), insectoid demons.

The brood of Jar'taska (jar'taska'ri), shadow demons.

The brood of Nuyul (nuyul'ri), psionic mind worms, incorporeal beings of madness incarnate.

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