The Book of Erotic Fantasy

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

I see there is a D20/D&D compatible book out on (ahem) SEX! My question is, does anybody out there actually USE the book? Is there really a need for such a book (I can see maybe a need for rules on who/what can crossbreed with who, but other than THAT...) I can see it now: "As you walk into town, a woman holding a screeching infant steps forward and points at you. She demands that you pay her child support, as you are the father of her child.... (sorry, the dice roll was a natural 20...)"... I'm not even going to comment on the pictures in this book!

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

I've only heard rumors of its legendary uselessness so far.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

I remember reading a great online supplement that broke down the rules of sex for 2nd edition campaigns. Really, if your players are able to handle it and take it to a fun place, it's just like any other angle.

Besides, I'd rather have people discuss and play with the idea then just pretend like people in the D&D universe don't copulate and all children come from storks.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13

Oh, sure, characters have children the same way as in real life, but I don't think most players chose to play out the specifics in actual play... I'ts kind of like the old joke about whether Flash Gordon did it with Dale Arden; the answer was "never on sundays!" (the strip ran only in the sunday paper...)

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

You don't have to, but you can.

Though I'm a big fan of Jeet Kune Do-Rule-Jitsu (just make up the rules as-need while you roll), I've got no beef with somebody who wants to set down the rules and regulations governing pregnancy. I think the idea of defining everything in D&D is a little silly (come on, do I really need a chart breaking down every skill's DC?), but some people find it fascinating. Besides, if your players are mature enough to handle it without it de-evolving into a drama-fest (a sizable feat, I'll admit), why not go for it?

For me, D&D's about collective story-telling. Sometimes, those stories may involve sex, pregnancy, and kids. I might not need rules to explain how to roll with it, but someone else may. So--hey, so long as it's not just crude and stupid--why not?

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

I agree with the mighty hippo on this one! Although the book sounds like a larf.

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

I think I once saw a copy.... It's vaguely amusing, but I really can't imagine the situation where it would actually be used. What the publishers were thinking, I can't imagine.

Although I can imagine the child support situation with one of my old sorcerers. He was very fond of Charm Person and Suggestion...

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

It's a good book, one of the best written I've seen so far, if you like that sort of thing in your campaign. It takes a very straightforward, methodical, approach to things, not the OMG Sex LOL that you might think.

It also has a certain infamous "What's New With Phil and Dixie" comic.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

My DM and his wife have a copy. She really likes the imagist class that casts non combat spells based on the appearance ability score. I think it's pretty dumb myself, although a few of the adventure hooks are interesting.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

Including "mature" content is one thing.

Number-crunching pregnancy, "social" disease, and the duration and performance level of... you know... is disturbing to me.

"Roll d20 to see if your girlfriend becomes pregnant!"
"Can I use my feat to gain a bonus to my saving throw?"

Some things probably shouldn't be statted.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

There are *some* useful things in it. Like, the goblin creator goddess is pretty awesome, filling an important hole in the goblin and bugbear pantheons.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

'Zimrazim' wrote:
"Roll d20 to see if your girlfriend becomes pregnant!" "Can I use my feat to gain a bonus to my saving throw?"

I dunno, I think that could get hilarious really fast.

But I always roll with pretty silly folks.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
There are *some* useful things in it. Like, the goblin creator goddess is pretty awesome, filling an important hole in the goblin and bugbear pantheons.

That is pretty much it, in a nutshell.

The parts that do not deal with 'Sex and D&D' are well written and fairly useful. The rest is just either silly or more realism than I need in my escape from it.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

It is a decent book, addressing some topics which may or may not enhance your game play - much like the Book of Vile Darkness.

For the most part, I liked it. It discussed the views on sex and fidelity among some common DnD pc and monstrous races, standard views on sex determined by alignment, it had a few interesting religions, added a few good ideas such as Imagist and Tantric Sex, etc. While not everyone's cup of tea, it does cover a mostly unexplored area of the game ... in a mostly mature fashion. Many of these rules would serve to make city adventures a bit more colorful and - considering the nature of Sigil - might open up whole new adventure concepts based upon moral alignment and inter-breeding.

Just like the afore mentioned Book of Vile Darkness, it adds potential spice and detail to your game, without ever suggesting it should become the central focus. I don't regret buying it.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

Does it contain any prestige classes? Smiling

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

Yes, it does, but I don't remember which ones. I only looked at the book for a few minutes once in a store.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Yes there are ... let's see ..

The Disciple of Aaluran is a priestess of a sex god, with a couple abilities designed to make them more attractive, and access to the "pleasure" domain, introduced in the book.

The Divine Celibate believes in maintaining the purity of her body and gains certain resistances to poisons and charm/sex spells in order to reflect this. She also receives a Unicorn mount, access to a few divine spells and the ability to turn evil outsiders.

The Dominator enjoys having power over others and knows how to break wills and use pain to his advantage. Typically magic users, Dominators use their understanding of the arcane to make others serve them.

Fey Enticers are the most seductive of the faerie peoples, using their knowledge to make themselves even more beautiful, even more alluring than others of their race. The mere sight of the most skilled Enticer can enthrall their poor, mortal victims.

Frenzied Disciples* are mad, chaotic hedonists - bacchanalian disciples of pleasure, passion and pain for its own sake. The Disciple focuses the majority of its power though wild dances which can mesmerize, seduce or terrify a victim before she rends them apart with her clawed hands.

The Harem Protector is a eunich dedicated to protecting the harems and concubines of his masters. To this end he becomes immune to seduction and resistant to all attempts to magicall charm him away from his duties - the Harem Protector is pure dedication.

Knot Binders of Kaladis* are servants of the god of unions, contracts and sacred vows. A kind of "justice of the peace" in many nations, the Knot Binder is granted full power to observe and ratify legal unions. Unlike some ten-penny social servant, however, the Knot Binder believes in the sanctity of the unions he creates and has powers which allow him to see through lies, determine when a party has been unfaithful to his vows and even geas the participants of a union so they cannot break their word.

The Metaphysical Spellshaper feels spells, rather than just casts them. Utilizing his own vitality, the Spellshaper is able to push the prameters of spells beyond even what the metamagical feats allow, and may do it faster than most other mages.

Pierced Mystics* are masters in the art of body piercing who have learned to harness the potential of the body and their own magics to imbue their pieces with bits of magic. While these benefits primarily favor the Mystic herself, lesser skill may be granted, temporarily, to those the Mystic fits with one of her special pieces.

The Rake* is the ultimate seductress, utilizing her body and understanding of sexuality to distract and enthrall others, while using her equally skilled tongue to tease secrets out of her lovers lips. Where the rogue lives by his quick feet and wits, the Rake convinces her victims to gladly give up their fortunes and sacred trusts to her irresistable allure.

The Sacred Prostitute* embraces those who wish to show their respect to her chosen diety - demonstrating the love of their god through tenderness and sexual healing. The term Prostitute is really misleading, as she is as much therapist as sexual partner, opening the eyes of recipients to the joy and peace to be found in love.

The Voyeuristic Seer demonstrates a mastery of scrying open to few others - using his heightened sense of insight to more easily and more effectively pick out the secrets of those he spies upon.

Some of these prestige classes are pretty good, some are pretty mediocre and some are downright blah ... I have indicated the classes I particularly liked with an asterisk. I must note, though, that some - such as the Frenzied Disciple - are more interesting in concept than execution.

Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

'Jack of tears' wrote:
For the most part, I liked it. It discussed the views on sex and fidelity among some common DnD pc and monstrous races, standard views on sex determined by alignment, it had a few interesting religions, added a few good ideas such as Imagist and Tantric Sex, etc. While not everyone's cup of tea, it does cover a mostly unexplored area of the game ... in a mostly mature fashion. Many of these rules would serve to make city adventures a bit more colorful and - considering the nature of Sigil - might open up whole new adventure concepts based upon moral alignment and inter-breeding.

I cast my lot in with the Jack of Tears, it is a well-written book given the subject matter. Although, I don't think you would want to leave it lying around for youth in your household to pick up.

The story line hooks are interesting and have already encouraged me to plot/plan a few spin-offs from them. The rules for actual consumation are a bit of a stretch but if handled in a mature circle could open up a rather interesting bout of role-playing. At least from the "thought process" behind the character angle. I recall a particular player from a group I gamed with in H.S. that had a deadly addiction to perceived pretty females (in the game). What can I say, hormones of a teenager in full swing. I used it against him EVERYTIME.

[excerpt]" . . . you enter a room enveloped with flowing curtains from wall to wall. In the center of the room is what appears to be a writhing female form covered by a silk sheet on a stone slab.

Player: I rush in to snatch the sheet off.

Me: As soon as you pull the sheet from the slab, the curtains also drop from the wall. To your disappointment, there wasn't a physical form beneath the sheet, however the curtains were concealing an undead horde of armed skeletons."

Ahh . . . good times, good times!

Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

Making said "female form" actually be Pale Night would have been fun, too.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I once had a pc seduced by the "maiden" they had rescued from some devils. The maiden, of course, turned out to be a Succubus and very nearly drained the 12th level character to death.

Another time I had a player who always lied on his die rolls, and had even given himself enough xp to increase a level, so I set him in a situation where he had the opportunity to seduce a beautiful woman in a bar. The player flubbed so many die rolls in order to get her into bed it was hilarious! Being a kind gm, though, I only drained him of the one level he'd stolen for himself ...

not sure I would have been as forgiving these days.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13

I have to admit, I DID like the naked Nymph... but I don't buy books on the basis of one picture!

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

Oh, how many does it usually take? Laughing out loud

You know, I might just have to revise my views on the book, some of those PrCs look interesting *and* usable, Harem Protector and Frenzied Disciple in particular.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

To be honest I would love to own all the DnD book thingies just because, well I have no reason why I would, I mean I don't even play the damn game. But hey I'd add the book of erotic fantasy to my list anyday.
For the ultimate porographic RPG experience!

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Tsk, tsk...

What next? Giving stats to real-world celebrities like Britney Spears, Linsey Lohan, etc... ?

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

Not quite sure how that actually applied to the discussion, but you can't tell me you haven't statted up historical figures before (at least in your head) ... not quite the same as statting up modern celebrities, but not such a vast step away either.

KismetRose's picture
Joined: 2005-08-26
The Book of Erotic Fantasy

I recently rewrote my review of the Book of Erotic Fantasy because I've used it a good deal, and my group has gotten good things out of it.

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