The Book of Balance

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Joined: 2004-12-19
The Book of Balance

The Book of Balance


Every adventurer has a relationship with evil. Those that find it useful embrace it, and bring suffering to the world. Those that fight it know its pull, its lures, and how to best to combat the creatures that are spawn by it.
Likewise, those same adventurers know of the forces of good. The celestial armies that fight to bring hope and justice to the planes. But the world is not so easily divided into black and white, there is the middle ground, the shade of gray that goes virtually unnoticed.
True neutrality. Based in the Outlands of Concordant Opposition. Embodied by the Rilmani, it serves as the border between extremes, the middle ground of good and evil, anarchy and order. And yet…
And yet when the stage is set, Good and Evil are the players most seen, with Law and Chaos as much more subtle skirmishes. Between the inter-planar tug-of-war that these battles of morality represent, neutrality has been, so far, sitting quietly ignored on the side lines, noticed only when it stands up to speak.
That is about to change.

The Nature of Neutrality

What does it mean to be neutral? What the defining line between a character who becomes the tool of dynamic equilibrium and one is simply plagued by indecisiveness? How can you tell neutrality from indifference?
The answer is simple. A neutral character stands in the middle of the conflict and rather then join the fray on one side or the other, chooses to stay above the conflict and mediate. A tool of balance fights alongside whichever army is losing, until they no longer are. Naturally, the actions of a neutral character border on being chaotic, if it were not for how calculated their efforts were.

Neutral Acts:

Mediating a situation

Choosing to, rather then let a conflict continue, create balance. This can take many forms, from destroying both sides equally to working toward a compromise. Normally, it takes at least some political power or element of destructive ability to get enough attention to ensure a response from both sides. A neutral character never judges the acts on one side to be right or wrong, such concepts are meaningless. Both sides are treated equally.

Social Equality

A truly neutral character never considers anyone to be below them. That would require one to be more important than another. However, they never consider anyone to be above them either, which can lead to problems. They understand the concept of authority; such an idea as leadership is required to prevent degeneration and chaos. But the idea that you should bow to someone simply because they were born to higher status than you is just silly. Bowing to them because they wield power, on the other hand…

Indiscriminate Aid

The aiding of any creature, no matter their alignment or allegiance. Normally, this would be considered a good act, but when you are just as likely to nurse back to health the paladin of law as the Abyssal hellspawn he is trying to kill, things get complicated. Nevertheless, this is not a true neutral act without…

Indiscriminate Killing

That’s right. It’s neutral as long as you don’t pick and choose. It’s not killing for the sake of killing, or for the joy of killing, as those are obviously evil motives. This, combined with the above, make neutral characters widely unpredictable.


Spire Climber
Climbing the Spire make everything else look easy
Prerequisite: Must have climbed the spire to a height of no less than 500 feet.
Benefit: After climbing the spire, climbing all other structures seems easy. You gain Climb as a class skill, and a + 4 bonus to all climb checks.

Neutral Essence:
You have a bit of Rilmani blood running through your veins, and are better for it.
Prerequisite: True Neutral, must be taken at level one
Benefit: Acid, shock and sonic resist 2

Neutral Perspective
You have taught yourself to be open to all ideas, but believe in none
Prerequisite: Any neutral, can not worship any deity or idea
Benefit: Gain a +2 bonus to all charisma based skills, except Sense Motive. In fact, being so open to ideas make you consider things that most would not, lowing your Sense Motive by 2.

You have the ability to temporarily negate someone’s alignment.
Prerequisite: Diplomacy +6, True neutral
Benefit: With a successful diplomacy check, you can change a persons alignment one step toward neutral for a number of round equal to your character level.

Prestige classes:

The Gray Mage
Hit Die: d4
It is often easy to see who will win the day in a battle. When one side is made of hulking Ogres with axes and the other side the humble farmers who are trying to defend their land, it is even easier. After a devastating defeat, survivors will often complain that they were horribly outmatched.
While it is often impossible to completely even the playing field, the Gray Mage can often come very close.
The Gray Mage does not join the weaker side; however, it merely negates much of the advantages of the other side. They, in fact, don’t fight at all. On the battlefield, the Gray Mage is easy to spot- simply walking through the battle, not attacking at all, at least, not in an obvious way.

Alignment: True Neutral
Spells: Must be able to cast: Cat’s Grace, Bull’s Strength, Bear’s Endurance, Fox’s Cunning, Eagles Splendor, Owls Wisdom, and Bestow Curse.
Class Skills:
Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), (Str), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Listen, Sense Motive (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis)
Skill Points at Each Level: 3+INT mod

Table: The Gray Mage
Level/Base Attack Bonus/ Fort Save/ Ref Save/ Wil Save/ Special/Spells per Day
1st 0 +0 +0 +2 Field of Neutrality 60ft +1 level of existing class
2nd 1 +0 +0 +3 Balanced Battle, Redirect +1 level of existing class
3rd 1 +1 +1 +3 Neutral Penetration +1 level of existing class
4th 2 +1 +1 +4 Field of Neutrality 80ft\
5th 2 +1 +1 +4 Accelerated Balance +1 level of existing class
6th 3 +2 +2 +5 Greater Neutral Penetration +1 level of existing class
7th 3 +2 +2 +5 Field of Neutrality 100ft +1 level of existing class
8th 4 +2 +2 +6 Balanced Spellcasting
9th 4 +3 +3 +6 +1 level of existing class
10th 5 +3 +3 +7 Greater Field of Neutrality +1 level of existing class

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: None.

Field of Neutrality: The Gray Mage begins to radiate pure neutrality, which has a harmful effect to all alignment-based abilities. Any spell, or spell like ability, that has an alignment descriptor or is granted by an Alignment based source (such as the cleric domains of good, evil …ect) suffers from the impeded magic trait. In order to be cast or used, the caster must make a Spellcraft check with the DC equal to (10+the spell level+). In addition, all aligned weapons (holy, unholy…) have only a 50% chance of working properly. DR Vs an aligned attack is halved. This ability is subject to Spell Resistance. This ability can be surpressed or resumed at will.

Balanced Battle: All creatures, allies and enemies alike, within range of the Field of neutrality must make a will save (DC= 10+ Gray Mage’s caster level) or have all of their ability scores slowly move to 10 at 1 point per round. If it is above 10, it lowers by 1 every round until it reaches 10. If below 10, it becomes the reverse. In addition, all damage reduction is lowered by 5. When using this ability, the Gray Mage may move, but is not allowed to cast any spells or attack. This is active when the Field of Neutrality is active. After any such effected leave the field, they regenerate (or lose) the lost (or gained) ability points at a rate of 1 per hour, regardless of their activities.

Redirect: When using either Field of Neutrality or Balanced Battle, the Gray Mage has the ability to, once per round, deflect one attack. Rather than take damage, the damage is shifted to the closest living creature, be it ally or enemy.

Neutral Penetration: This grants a +2 bonus to all checks to penetrate Spell resistance when using the Field of Neutrality.

Accelerated Balance: The DC for Balanced Battle increased by 2, and now shifts all ability scores to 10 at 1d4 points rather than 1 point per round.

Greater Neutral Penetration: This grants a +4 bonus to all checks to penetrate Spell resistance when using the Field of Neutrality.

Balanced Spellcasting: All spells and spell like abilities within range of the Field of Neutrality now have the Impeded magic trait, as described above.

Greater Field of Neutrality: All alignment-based spells and spell like abilities cease to function, as is under an antimagic effect. In addition, all aligned attacks no longer work, and DR/ any alignment is negated. All within the field are treated being of neutral alignment, thus negating any class abilities requiring a fixed alignment.

The Rilmani Agent
In the Outlands, the plane of absolute neutrality, live the Rilmani. Mysterious creatures that work behind the scenes, even capable of manipulating the Yugoloth puppet masters. However, there are times that even a Rilmani needs help. It could be as an informant, a spy, or anything that requires a third party.
That’s where the Rilmani Agent comes in.

Hit Die: d6
Alignment: True Neutral
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Skills: Gather information + 8, Bluff +6
Feats: Investigator
Special: Must have made peaceful contact with a Rilmani, and accepted at least one assignment from them.
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Move Silently, Sense motive, Sleight of Hand
Skill Points at Each Level: 2+INT mod

Table: The Rilmani Agent
Level Base Attack Bonus/Fort Save/Ref Save/Will Save/Special
1st 0 0 2 2 Detect alignment, Social manipulation+2
2nd 1 0 3 3 Modify Memory 1/day
3rd 1 1 3 3 Misdirection at will
4th 2 1 4 4 Between the Lines
5th 2 1 4 4 Social Manipulation +4
6th 3 2 5 5 Modify Memory 2/day
7th 3 2 5 5 Pass without trace
8th 4 2 6 6 Permanent Mind Blank
9th 4 3 6 6 Social Manipulation +6
10th 5 3 7 7 Modify Memory 3/day, Hide in Plain Sight

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: None, but a Rilmani agent may have to use nearly any weapon when under cover, so a Rilmani agent has at least some training in as many weapon types as possible. Any penalties for using a weapon of armor they are not proficient with only incurs half penalties.

Detect Alignment: A Rilmani Agent can cast Detect Good/Evil/Law/Chaos at will, as per the spells of the same name.

Social Manipulation: A Rilmani Agent learns to solve problems without resorting to violence, which attracts attention. A 2nd level, they gain a +2 to Bluff and Diplomacy. This increases to +4 at 5th, and +6 at 9th.

Modify Memory: Sometimes, accidents happen. The maid who wanders into the room at exactly the wrong time. Such simple situations are easily solved by a little enchantment. Works as the spell of the same name.

Misdirection: As the spell, usable as long as the Rilmani Agent is conscious.

Between the Lines: As the feat.

Pass without Trace: The Rilmani Agent no longer leaves a trail unless they wish it.

Permanent Mind Blank: As the spell, continuos.

Hide in Plain Sight: A Rilmani Agent has the Ability to hide, even while observed, as long as he is aware of his observed state.

The Neutral Soul

Being neutral is tougher than it looks. It’s surprisingly easy to take a side. However, there are some that not only remain truly neutral, but reach a state of neutrality not often seen in mortals. In fact, such people actually begin to embody neutrality to such a point that they begin to take on aspects of the Rilmani, the exemplars of neutrality itself.
Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that almost all of these so called ‘Neutral Souls’ have at least a bit of Rilmani heritage in their background.

Hit Die: d8
Alignment: True neutral
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feats: Neutral Essence
Special: Must have spent at least one month in the Hinterlands, or climbed the Spire at to up to 500 feet at least three times, on three different sides of the Spire.

Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any two), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Skill Points at Each Level: 2+ INT mod

Table: Neutral Soul
Level/BaseAttackBonus/Fort Save/Ref Save/Will Save/Special
1st 0 2 0 2 Lesser trait
2nd 1 3 0 3 Lesser trait
3rd 1 3 1 3 Lesser trait
4th 2 4 1 4 Lesser trait
5th 2 4 1 4 Medium trait
6th 3 5 2 5 Medium trait
7th 3 5 2 5 Medium trait
8th 4 6 2 6 Medium trait
9th 4 6 3 6 Greater trait
10th 5 7 3 7 Greater trait

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:

Rilmani Traits: Each level, a Neutral Soul can choose one new trait that she gains from the Outlands.

Lesser Traits:

Detect Alignment: A Neutral Soul can cast Detect Good/Evil/Law/Chaos at will, as per the spells of the same name.

Poison resist: A Neutral Soul gains a bonus to any fortitude save vs. poison equal to the number of levels in Neutral Soul.

Shock Resistance: A Neutral Soul gains Shock resist 5, which increases to 10 at fifth level, and 15 at tenth.

Darkvision: Darkvision 60ft.

Comprehend Languages: As the spell, but continuous.

Tongues: As the spell, but continuous.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A Neutral Soul retains its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, it still loses the Dexterity bonus if immobilized. If a Neutral Soul gains uncanny dodge from another class, it automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Medium Traits:

Antithesis (Su): a Neutral Soul’s attack carries additional damage corresponding to the targets alignment. Chaotic creatures take 1d4 lawful damage, evil creatures take +1d4 holy damage, good creatures take +1d4 unholy damage, and lawful creatures take +1d4 chaotic damage. Thus, a chaotic good creature would take +2d4 points of damage in addition to the physical damage of the attack. A Neutral Soul can suppress and resume this ability as a free action.

Damage reduction: Gain DR 10/ good or evil or law or chaos

Summon Rilmani: Once per day, you can attempt to summon 1d3 Plumachs with a 45% chance of success.

Gaze Reflection: At will, a Neutral Soul can attempt to create a shimmering, mirror–like area of air before them that moves as they do. Any gaze attack is reflected back upon the gazer if the gazer tries to make eye contact with the Neutral Soul (the Neutral soul suffers no effects from the gaze attack). Such creatures receive a saving throw vs. their own gaze effect. This ability does not affect vision or lighting and is not effective against creatures whose effect comes from being gazed upon (such as a medusa). This ability has a 20% chance of success, however in the event of failure, another attempt can be made as soon as the next round.

Swift Strikes (Ex): A Neutral Soul can use a standard action to make a full attack. After using this ability, the Neutral Soul is fatigued for 1d4 rounds. It cannot use swift strikes while fatigued.

Greater Traits:

Rays (Su): A Neutral Soul gains the ability to project silver rays of light from their hands. These rays inflict 2d10 points of force damage, and are effective up to 100 feet (no range increment).

Summon Armor (Su): A semi-translucent suit of full plate armor appears whenever the Neutral Soul is threatened by an attack. It cannot be dispelled, but it is negated in an antimagic zone, or if the Neutral Soul is unconscious. It never affects the Neutral Soul’s speed, skill checks, or weight limit

Element Attunement (Su): A Neutral Souls now possess a very useful and powerful natural defense – when entering an elemental plane, they instantly attune themselves to it completely, gaining the benefits of the avoid planar effects spell.

The Blade of Balance
Hit Die: d10
To qualify to become a Blade of Balance, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: True Neutral
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Skills: Diplomacy 5, Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks.
Feats: Power Attack
Special: The character must have made peaceful contact with a Neutral outsider who was summoned by him or someone else.

Class Skills
The class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Ride (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Table: Blade of Balance

Level/BaseAttackBonus/Fort Save/Ref Save/Will Save/Special /— Spells per Day —1st 2nd 3rd 4th

1st +1 +2 0 0 Antithesis +1d4 -0 — — —
2nd +2 +3 0 0 Aura of Calm, The Way of Balance -1 — — —
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Turn/rebuke undead -1 0 — —
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Antithesis +1d6 -1 1 — —
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Neutral Incarnate 1 1 0 —
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 -1 1 1 —
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Antithesis +1d8 -2 1 1 0
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 -2 1 1 1
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Equal Punishment -2 2 1 1
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Antithesis +1d10 -2 2 2 1

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Blade’s of Balance are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor, and with shields.

Antithesis (Su): a Blade of Balance’s attack carries additional damage corresponding to the targets alignment. Chaotic creatures take 1d4 lawful damage, evil creatures take +1d4 holy damage, good creatures take +1d4 unholy damage, and lawful creatures take +1d4 chaotic damage. Thus, a chaotic good creature would take +2d4 points of damage in addition to the physical damage of the attack. This increases to 1d6 at 4th, 1d8 at 7th, and 1d10 at 10th.

Aura of Calm (Ex): The Blade of Balance has a certain air of confidence, which has a calming effect on those around him. The Blade of Balance, and every creature of less HD that is within 60ft, is under the effect of a Calm Emotions spell.

The Way of Balance: Being in the service of balance prepares one for almost anything. A Blade of Balance adds their charisma bonus (if any) to all saving throws.

Turn/Rebuke Undead: A Blade of Balance can either weaken, or strengthen undead. As a servant of neutrality, they do not have to choose one of the two, they can use either of them as the situation calls for. They Turn or Rebuke as a cleric of half their character level.

Neutral Incarnate: Following the way of Balance is difficult, and any who try face the constant peril of accidentally straying from the path. Under trying circumstances, a Blade of Balance may not always see the way to remain neutral. Sometimes it helps to have a mentor.
At 5th level, the Blade of Balance enters a meditative trance, and calls forth a part of the essence of neutrality itself to become a guide. With an hour of quite meditation, the Blade of Balance can call a Minor Neutral Incarnate, as described in the neutral monsters section. This works just like a normal Neutral Incarnate, however it has no ability to posses people, and the Blade of Balance can communicate with it through meditation.

Equal Punishment: A Blade of Balance can choose two sides of any argument or conflict. This can take such forms as good/evil, law/chaos, Githzeri/Githyanki, or two opposing factions. Once per day, when a Blade of Balance makes a melee attack again a member of one side of the conflict, the closest creature belonging to the other side of the conflict takes an equal amount of damage.

Blade of Harmony Spell list
1st Level: Detect good, Detect Evil, Detect Law, Detect Chaos cure light wounds, inflict light wounds, magic weapon.
2nd Level: bull’s strength, cure moderate wounds, Daylight, darkness, eagle’s splendor, inflict moderate wounds, shatter, Protection form good/evil/law/chaos
3rd Level: cure serious wounds, inflict serious wounds, protection from elements, Discern Lies, Greater Magic weapon
4th Level: cure critical wounds, freedom of movement, inflict critical wounds, Dispel good, Dispel evil, Dispel law, Dispel Chaos

Fallen Paladins
Blades of Balance who have levels in the paladin class (that is to say, are now ex-paladins) gain extra abilities the more levels of paladin they have.
A fallen paladin who becomes a Blade of Balance gains all of the following abilities that apply, according to the number of paladin levels the character has.
1–2: Antithesis +1d4 (this stacks with the Antithesis that all Blades of Balance have)
3–4: Lay on hands. Once per day, the Blade of Balance can use this supernatural ability to cure himself or his Neutral Incarnate servant of damage equal to his Charisma bonus x his level.
5–6: Antithesis damage increased to +1d6.
7–8: The Blade of Balance gains a +1 to all ability scores.
9–10: One Equal Punishment per day, this stacks with the one received at 9th level
11 or more: An ex paladin of this stature immediately gains a Blade of Balance level for each level of paladin he trades in.
The character level of the character does not change. With the loss of paladin levels, the character no longer gains as many extra abilities for being a fallen paladin.

Neutral Monsters

Neutral, Minor ***Neutral, Major
Tiny Outsider (Extraplanar, Neutral, Incorporeal)***Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Neutral, Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)***7d8+7 (38 hp)
Initiative: +5***+5
Speed: Fly 40 ft.***Fly 40 ft.
Armor Class: 19 (+2 size, +5 Dex, +2 deflection), touch 17, flat-footed 14 ***19 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +4 deflection), touch 17, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/–***+7/–
Attack: Incorporeal touch +9 melee (2 Charisma damage) ***Incorporeal touch +12 melee (2 Charisma damage)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +9 melee (2 Charisma damage) ***Incorporeal touch +12 melee (2 Charisma damage)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.***5 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Ability damage, possession***Ability damage, possession
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/good or evil or law or chaos, darkvision 60 ft., immunities (cold, electricity, fire), invisibility***Damage reduction 5/good or evil or law or chaos and magic, darkvision 60 ft., immunities (cold, electricity, fire), invisibility
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +7***Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +8
Abilities: Str – , Dex 20, Con 11,
Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 14***Str – , Dex 18, Con 12,
Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 18
Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +9, Hide +20, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (the planes +9, any one other +9), Listen +10, Search +9, Spot +10 ***Bluff +14, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +14, Hide +18, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (the planes +12, any one other +12), Listen +13, Search +12, Spot +13
Feats: Ability Focus (Possession), Flyby Attack***Ability Focus (Possession), Neutralize, Flyby Attack
Environment: The Outlands***The Outlands
Organization: Solitary or cluster (1-4)***Solitary or cluster (1-4)
Challenge Rating: 3***5
Treasure: None***None
Alignment: Always True Neutral***Always True Neutral
Advancement: 5-6 HD (Tiny)***8-14 HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: –***–

A small swirling streak of multicolored light flows through the air around you, and you have the feeling it is judging and estimating you somehow, but you do not know on what principle.

Incarnates are sapient embodiments of abstract principles. Minor incarnates typically embody a specific aspect of an alignment, while major incarnates embody the alignment as a whole. Incarnates are attracted to similar energy sources which they feed upon. Thus, a good incarnate is attracted to paragon of virtue, while an anger incarnate is attracted to an angry person.
Neutral incarnates prefer Neutral-aligned hosts because of the common mind.

An incarnate knows of only one method of solving disputes – take possession of a creature and show it how to behave properly.

Incorporeal Traits: Cannot be harmed by nonmagical weapons, and has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from any corporeal source (including magical weapons), except for force effects or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. Can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at will. Its natural attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. Always moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn't wish to be.

Invisibility (Su): An incarnate is perpetually invisible. It appears as a multi-colored ball of light if one can see invisible.

Possess (Su): When an incarnate brings its opponent’s Charisma down to zero, an opponent of HD lower than the incarnate’s HD minus 2 falls unconscious, and begins taking Constitution damage from subsequent attacks; it cannot be possessed. If, however, the opponent’s HD is higher than that limit, he must make a Will save (DC 16 for a minor, DC 19 for a major incarnate) to avoid becoming possessed by the incarnate. Regardless of his save result, all Charisma damage suffered from the incarnate is immediately restored. Making this saving throw renders the creature immune to further attempts of possession from the same incarnate for 24 hours.
If the possession is successful, the incarnate can communicate with its host via telepathy and can control all actions as if the host is dominated by the incarnate. If the action is against the host’s nature/alignment, he can make a Will save (DC 16 for a minor, DC 19 for a major incarnate) to avoid taking the action. If he rolls a natural 20 or beats the DC by 10 points or more, the incarnate can be driven out.
Despite having the ability to control the host, Neutral incarnates generally do not do so, except for when they do. While possessed by an incarnate, the host is immune to all mind-affecting effects and cannot be possessed by any other creature. No attacks directed against the host can affect the incarnate except attacks that banish extraplanar creatures (banishment, holy word, etc.).

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
The Book of Balance

Why? Because with the BoVD and the BoED, it was about time.
Any suggestions are welcome.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Book of Balance

What are the 'virtues' of the nuetral incarnate? I know the good ones are usually things like 'happiness' etc, and the evil ones things like 'pride' etc... what are the nuetral ones?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
The Book of Balance

'Clueless' wrote:
What are the 'virtues' of the nuetral incarnate? I know the good ones are usually things like 'happiness' etc, and the evil ones things like 'pride' etc... what are the nuetral ones?

Need, Will, Cunning, Alertness, Agility, Power, Thought? Perhaps?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
The Book of Balance

I couldnt think of any at the time, so I simply figured that, being neutral, all of them were the same and there were no specific types.
I gues there could be types such as 'indifference', but who wants whats essentially an invisible floating Bleaker?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Book of Balance

"What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?" - Zap Brannigan

"I hate these filthy neutrals, Kif! With enemies, you know where they stand, but with neutrals—who knows. It sickens me." - Zap Brannigan

"All I know is my gut says maybe." - President of the Neutral Planet

"If I don't make it, tell my wife, "Hello."" - President of the Neutral Planet, upon facing his impending doom

"Sound the beige alert." - President of the Neutral Planet

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
The Book of Balance

Yay Futurama!

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Book of Balance

There are at least two kinds of Neutrality in PS canon: xenophobic indifference (the kamerel from Tales from the Infinite Staircase) and their usurpers, the warriors of Balance, the rilmani (from, well, everywhere). I think there might be a third form of neutrality mentioned in canon PS -- certainly, the Demented (now starring in their own major motion picture, D-Men, script by Shemeska the Marauder, ocarina solos by Rip Van Wormer) are a newish form of neutrality, albeit an evil variant -- but if not, we can certainly brainstorm a few: aggressive expansionism; alien mindsets unable to comprehend our notions of morality or ethicality; something like Banks' Culture, characterized by tolerant memetic fluidity; and I'm sure there are tons of others.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Book of Balance

Watch the behavior of Clueless from Shemmie's storyhour as well - he is in fact TN completely.

He's too calculated to be chaotic, too whimsical and jumping ahead on instinct to be lawful. Too non-selfless to be good, and too gentle to be evil.

He sways between the extremes constantly but the character is a completely and utterly coherant character - because he is *goal* orriented. He has something to *do* and he aims right for it while not going to an extreme to achieve it. Nuetral is very much possible to RP without falling into the rather bland and senseless interpretations it's had in the past.

If you think about it really - most people in real life come down fairly nuetral.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Book of Balance

'Clueless' wrote:
He's too calculated to be chaotic, too whimsical and jumping ahead on instinct to be lawful. Too non-selfless to be good, and too gentle to be evil. He sways between the extremes constantly but the character is a completely and utterly coherant character - because he is *goal* orriented.

Which is essentially what I meant by the Demented being a canonical PS reference to another kind of neutrality, although the Demented's harnessing of both extremes is probably a deliberate ideological strategy instead of simply a lack of focus. [Or focus on other things, whatever.] In some of my writings -- thankfully unfinished and unexposed -- the rilmani get threatened by a new usurper, this time harnessing the power of Oscillating Balance (i.e. switching between good and evil, order and chaos, on a balanced whim) in pursuance of their as-yet-unexplained aims.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
The Book of Balance

'Fidrikon' wrote:
Yay Futurama!

Best. Rilmani. Evah.

Well, not really, those guys were way too passive to be Rilmani... But they did make up for it by upping the funny.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
The Book of Balance

'Clueless' wrote:
What are the 'virtues' of the nuetral incarnate? I know the good ones are usually things like 'happiness' etc, and the evil ones things like 'pride' etc... what are the nuetral ones?

I would say that it's a balanced center of self at the core of anything that could be thought of as Neutral. On the other hand, a healthy emotional disconnect could also help distance a character from the temptations of good/evil & law/chaos.

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