The Bloodcrow

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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
The Bloodcrow

I think I already saw a very rough concept for this prestige class somewhere, but since I might need it soon in one of my campaigns, I thought I'd give it a shot myself. I borrowed the gorging ability from the Khaasta racial class found on this site.

Get in, get the stuff, get out

The Bloodwar spanns planes, millenia, worlds. It is, by all likelyhood, the greatest conflict ever fought, the bloodiest war ever waged. It is more extreme in every sense and kind than every other war. And as normal wars attract scavengers, pillagers and looters, so does the bloodwar. These are the bloodwar pillagers, the canniest, fastest and most hardened pillagers ever seen, called Bloodcrows.
Mostly tiefligns and humans walk this path, as do lesser fiends who deserted the great armies of the war. No one knows the countless portals, pathways and hideouts of the lower planes better than they do and they are invaluable sources of information, if their trust can be gained.

Skills: Knowledge the Planes: 9 ranks, Appraise 4 ranks, Hide 9 ranks, Survival 9 ranks.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Endurance

HD: d8
BAB: As a rogue, 3/4 HD
Saves: Good Fortitude and Reflex saves
Skills: 6/level
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Knowledge (Local, the Planes), Move Silently, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope

Class Features:
1 Battle hardened mind and body
2 Self-sustained: Food
3 Hoppin'
4 Improved Speed: +5 ft., Self-sustained: Sleep I
5 Slippery Mind
6 Self-sustained: Water
7 Camouflage
8 Improved Speed: +5 ft., Self-sustained: Gorge
10 Effortless Hoppin', Self-sustained: Sleep II

Battle hardened mind and body: The Bloodcrows are a tough lot. They have seen cruelties that would drive others beyond madness, survived sicknesses that would kill others. For that reason they gain a +1 resistance bonus to fortitude saves against poisons and diseases and to will saves against fear effects and effects that cause insanity of any kind. This bonus improves by +1 every even level in this class.

Self-sustained: The Bloodcrows are able to endure terrible conditions on their quest for the bodies and treasures of the battlefields. At second level, they gain the ability to go for long periods of time without eating. He may go for up to one week without food before noticing the first effects.
At level four, they may survive with very little sleep. They can go on for up to three days without sleep and four hours of rest have the same effect on them that eight hours would have on others.
At sixth level, they learn to go by with only one gallon of water for up to three days without suffering any effects of dehydration and they double their constitution score to determine how long they are able to survive without any water at all.
At eight level, they learn one of the most important lessons of surviving: The best place to store food is inside your own body.
The Bloodcrow can gorge itself on food and water, eating and drinking several days' worth in a single sitting in order to store up nurishment. The character can eat a number of days food equal to his Constitution score, and will not need to eat again during that period. Unfortunately the gorging process leaves the Bloodcrow bloated and drowsy for a number of hours equal to the days of food eaten. This effects the character like a Slow spell.
At tenth level, the Bloodcrow needs no sleep at all to survive.

Hoppin': The signature technique of the Bloodcrow is what they simply call "the hoppin'". Greybeards have described it as "retroactive delay of the collapsation of transdimensional pathways". In short this means that the pillagers can keep portals open for a short time. Whenever they use a planeshift, gate, teleport or dimensional door spell, have one of these cast on them or walk through a portal or colour pool, they may decide to concentrate (a process costing one move-action per turn) to keep it open for up to one round per two class levels. This ability only works for the Bloodcrow himself, he can't keep portals open so that others may walk through them. This even allows the Bloodcrow to go back through one-way portals they entered through. If any kind of portal key is necessary to use the portal, the Bloodcrow doesn't have to provide it a second time.

Improved Speed:
The Bloodcrow always remember one thing: Getting away from the armies is the only way to survive them. At 4 level and again at 8 level they get a 5 ft. enhancement bonus to their land speed.
Slippery Mind: It is nigh impossible to hold a hardened Bloodcrow , regardless whether you try it in mind or in body. Because of that a pillager of fifth or higher level may reroll any failed will saving throws one turn later.

Camouflage: A Bloodcrow of seventh or higher level may hide in any kind of terrain on the lower planes, even if it doesn't grant concealment.

Effortless Hoppin': At tenth level, the pillager perfectionates his use of the hoppin' ability. He no longer has to concentrate to keep the portal open.

So, what do you think about this? Worth it? Flavourful? Any suggestions for additional abilities?

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
The Bloodcrow

I really like this idea and this is a really solid shot at it. I believe the old idea you're referring to is on the 'Blood Crow' thread. I particularly like the 'self-sustained' and 'Battle hardened mind and body' abilties. Both seem to be essential for someone making their living on the lower planes.

I've only given it a quick scan but perhaps it's a little over-powered. Perhaps lower the move bonus to two +5 mods?


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
The Bloodcrow

Ah, yes. Bloodcrow. I'll change the name, if there are now reasons against it, since I really like that name, it's short, concise and has a lot more meaning behind it than just pillager.
Lowering the speed is ok, I guess, but I don't think it's overpowered, especially since the hoppin' is the only ability I see as useful in combat, the others are for survival.

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
i like it

i like it ithink it is a good idea and the power distribution works out well

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The Bloodcrow

'Eldan' wrote:
Ah, yes. Bloodcrow. I'll change the name, if there are now reasons against it, since I really like that name, it's short, concise and has a lot more meaning behind it than just pillager. .

I think Blackthornes is the guy who first posted about the Blood Crow (I posted the 'Resurrecting the Blood Crow' thread later). He still pokes around these boards, I think, so a person could always ask.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

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