"The Awakening" OCC

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Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

'Benyamin' wrote:
'Dialexis' wrote:
Ah no problem.

But actually, if Trias doesn't mind, I don't care if he lets you "be/have" Eldreesh. The only thing is that he wouldn't have wings, since medium half-dragons don't have wings (only Large or bigger ones do).

As for picking up the breath weapon, just pick up the Assume Supernatural Ability Feat.

True, though never quite understood the size restriction on dragon wings when half the other temps had wings.

Anywho, that sounds good, 'cept the Wis restriction would be a problem. Ol' Argint doesn't have that high enough at the moment. Such is the life of a character. Laughing out loud

If you ever want to fly, either change form into a Raptoran (Races of the Wild) or an Avorial Elf (Races of Faerun). Both have nice flying capability. There may be other flying humanoids, but none pop into my head at the moment.

Can't help with the low Wis (besides amulets and other such things).

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

True enough. Thanks for the options. I'll be scouring the MMs, SRD, and PSCS for other fun critters to slip through. Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

New Feat:

Advanced Change: You can change into a creature that has a template

Prereq: Change Self, Wis 15+ECL of template

Normal: You cannot

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times: each time for a new template. A Doppleganger cannot change into a template that has a higher ECL than its own current ECL.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

So many feat choices...how is a poor doppler to decide? Laughing out loud

Glad to see you're back, Trias! Hope your trip went well.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Nice feat! And glad to hear you are back as well.
Benyamin, I'll try and get you the Mindspy PrC, but things have been a little busy.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Understandable, D, so no worries.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Thanks, Benyamin.

Trias, I'll wait for your lead on the IC thread (i.e for you to post and tell me where you "drop" me in)

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Trias, just to let you know, Phae'dyiin is all updated and ready to run -she is posted on thetangledweb.net -search by her name.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Swhoot!! The story RAWKS!!!! Guess Argint isn't the only shifter with skillz. hahaha...

Can't wait to see where this goes!

On other news, I finished my book! Sent it off to be edited last night. Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Though I'd love to play with that spell, Argint can only snag 0-1st level at the moment. Sad

Here's a link: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050107a

I'd post it...but I realize it'll take up too much space.

Pertinent info:

Steal Spell (Su): A spellthief can siphon spell energy away from his target and use it himself. A spellthief who hits an opponent with a successful sneak attack can choose to forgo dealing 1d6 points of sneak attack damage and instead steal a spell, or the potential to cast a specific known spell, from his target. If the target is willing, a spellthief can steal a spell with a touch as a standard action.

The target of a steal spell attack loses one 0-level or 1st-level spell from memory if she prepares spells ahead of time, or one 0-level or 1st-level spell slot if she is a spontaneous caster. A spontaneous caster also loses the ability to cast the stolen spell for 1 minute. If the target has no spells prepared (or has no remaining spell slots, if she is a spontaneous caster), this ability has no effect. A spellthief can choose which spell to steal; otherwise, the DM determines the stolen spell randomly. If a spellthief tries to steal a spell that isn't available, the stolen spell (or spell slot) is determined randomly from among those the target has available.

For example, a 1st-level spellthief who uses this ability against a 1st-level sorcerer could choose to steal magic missile. Assuming the sorcerer knew that spell, a successful steal spell attack would eliminate one 1st-level spell slot and temporarily prevent her from casting magic missile. If the same spellthief stole magic missile from a wizard who had it prepared, the wizard would lose one prepared magic missile spell (but wouldn't lose any other magic missile spells she might also have prepared).

After stealing a spell, a spellthief can cast the spell himself on a subsequent turn. Treat the spell as if it were cast by the original owner of the spell for the purpose of determining caster level, save DC, and so forth. A spellthief can cast this spell even if he doesn't have the minimum ability score normally required to cast a spell of that level. The spellthief must supply the same components (including verbal, somatic, material, XP, and any focus) required for the stolen spell. Alternatively, a spellthief of 4th level or higher can use the stolen spell power to cast any spellthief spell that he knows of the same level or lower (effectively, this gives the spellthief one free casting of a known spell). A spellthief must cast a stolen spell (or use its energy to cast one of his own spells) within 1 hour of stealing it; otherwise, the extra spell energy fades harmlessly away.

As a spellthief gains levels, he can choose to steal higher-level spells. At 4th level, he can steal spells of up to 2nd level, and for every two levels gained after 4th, the maximum spell level stolen increases by one (up to a maximum of 9th-level spells at 18th level).

At any one time, a spellthief can possess a maximum number of stolen spell levels equal to his class level (treat 0-level spells as 1/2 level for this purpose). For instance, a 4th-level spellthief can have two stolen 2nd-level spells, or one 2nd-level spell and two 1st-level spells, or any other combination of 0-level, 1st-level, and 2nd-level spells totaling four levels. If he steals a spell that would cause him to exceed this limit, he must choose to lose stolen spells sufficient to reduce his total number of stolen spell levels to no more than his maximum.

A spellthief can't apply metamagic feats or other effects to the stolen spell unless the specific spell stolen was prepared with such an effect. For example, a spellthief of 6th level or higher could steal a wizard's empowered magic missile, but only if he specifically chose to steal empowered magic missile. If he chose to steal an unmodified magic missile, he couldn't steal an empowered magic missile, a silent magic missile, or any other metamagic form of the spell. A spellthief couldn't steal an empowered magic missile from a sorcerer, since the sorcerer applies metamagic effects upon casting and thus has no prepared empowered magic missile spell.

This ability works only against spells. It has no effect on psionic powers or spell-like abilities (but see the steal spell-like ability class feature, below).

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Trias, let me also commend you on the awesome "interlude" -sets the stage and assurance that this one campaign with direction. (Of course, I'm partial to who's on the giving and recieving end of the 'hurt' too).

I do have bad news: X'boryn has essentially told me that he wants to back out (its a play-by-post thing it seems). That said, can we do as we talked beforehand and have me take over (at least till this encounter is resolved) Xasskorn (I have access to his character sheet). That way we can move forward.

Also, thank you sooooo much on the info on the Rethans -it was exactly what I was looking/hoping for (OOC and IC too).

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

I thought the Rethan's info was intriguing as well. Did the Knowledge(local) turn up anything on the Runner's Guild? I'm unfamiliar with the organization.

Knowledge(loc):20 Runner's Guild

Above is the roll from the IC.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Shoot, I keep missing these things:

Runner's Guild:

A group of cutters headquartered in the Clerk's Ward who serve to provide licensing and authorized documentation to applying Sigilians and Businesses. This includes certain forms personal identification and commercial licenses not given by the City Court, nor Hall of Records. More uncommonly known- their front of operations is as stated above. They are actually a theives guild - specializing mainly in forgery, information brokerage, and intimidation. Unlike some shadier organizations, the Runner's Guild does not usually deal in espionage or assasinations. It is one of the worst kept secrets in the Cage, that the Runner's Guild is unsurprisingly owned by none other than Shemeska the Marauder.

This is to everyone - next time I overlook things like that, please don’t' hesistate to remind me in OOC. Dialexis, I'm glad to hear that you liked the interlude - I'm sorry to hear that X'boryn will not be playing, but please let him know that he is welcome back if he changes his mind. As for Xasskorn, (after this encounter) I will give you the option of either fully RPing him alongside your character, or perhaps having him wait somewhere for the Whitewhisper until he is needed (in essence, he'll be a sleeper - joining and leaving the party at your convenience). I'd prefer one of these options instead of concocting some unfortunate end for him (like Tsuru) - though resurrection (for him as well as Tsuru) is never out of the question, should Azure or X'boryn decide to return after their characters have been 'killed off.'

Finally, Ben, it’s good to hear that you’ve sent the book off! I’ll be sure to buy/order a copy when it’s completed. Do you have a website?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Shoot, I keep missing these things:

Runner's Guild:

A group of cutters headquartered in the Clerk's Ward who serve to provide paperwork and authorized documents to applying Sigilians. This includes certain forms personal identification and commercial licenses not given by the City Court, nor Hall of Records. More uncommonly known- their front of operations is as stated above. They are actually a theives guild - specializing mainly in forgery, information brokerage, and intimidation. Unlike some shadier organizations, the Runner's Guild does not usually deal in espionage or assasinations. It is one of the worst kept secrets in the Cage, that the Runner's Guild is unsurprisingly owned by none other than Shemeska the Marauder.

This is to everyone - next time I overlook things like that, please don’t' hesistate to remind me in OOC. Dialexis, I'm glad to hear that you liked the interlude - I'm sorry to hear that X'boryn will not be playing, but please let him know that he is welcome back if he changes his mind. As for Xasskorn, (after this encounter) I will give you the option of either fully RPing him alongside your character, or perhaps having him wait somewhere for the Whitewhisper until he is needed (in essence, he'll be a sleeper - joining and leaving the party at your convenience). I'd prefer one of these options instead of concocting some unfortunate end for him (like Tsuru) - though resurrection (for him as well as Tsuru) is never out of the question, should Azure or X'boryn decide to return after their characters have been 'killed off.'

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Shoot, I keep missing these things:

Runner's Guild:

A group of cutters headquartered in the Clerk's Ward who serve to provide paperwork and authorized documents to applying Sigilians. This includes certain forms personal identification and commercial licenses not given by the City Court, nor Hall of Records. More uncommonly known- their front of operations is as stated above. They are actually a theives guild - specializing mainly in forgery, information brokerage, and intimidation. Unlike some shadier organizations, the Runner's Guild does not usually deal in espionage or assasinations. It is one of the worst kept secrets in the Cage, that the Runner's Guild is unsurprisingly owned by none other than Shemeska the Marauder.

This is to everyone - next time I overlook things like that, please don’t' hesistate to remind me in OOC. Dialexis, I'm glad to hear that you liked the interlude - I'm sorry to hear that X'boryn will not be playing, but please let him know that he is welcome back if he changes his mind. As for Xasskorn, (after this encounter) I will give you the option of either fully RPing him alongside your character, or perhaps having him wait somewhere for the Whitewhisper until he is needed (in essence, he'll be a sleeper - joining and leaving the party at your convenience). I'd prefer one of these options instead of concocting some unfortunate end for him (like Tsuru) - though resurrection (for him as well as Tsuru) is never out of the question, should Azure or X'boryn decide to return after their characters have been 'killed off.'

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Shoot, I keep missing these things:

Runner's Guild:

A group of cutters headquartered in the Clerk's Ward who serve to provide paperwork and authorized documents to applying Sigilians. This includes certain forms personal identification and commercial licenses not given by the City Court, nor Hall of Records. More uncommonly known- their front of operations is as stated above. They are actually a theives guild - specializing mainly in forgery, information brokerage, and intimidation. Unlike some shadier organizations, the Runner's Guild does not usually deal in espionage or assasinations. It is one of the worst kept secrets in the Cage, that the Runner's Guild is unsurprisingly owned by none other than Shemeska the Marauder.

This is to everyone - next time I overlook things like that, please don’t' hesistate to remind me in OOC. Dialexis, I'm glad to hear that you liked the interlude - I'm sorry to hear that X'boryn will not be playing, but please let him know that he is welcome back if he changes his mind. As for Xasskorn, (after this encounter) I will give you the option of either fully RPing him alongside your character, or perhaps having him wait somewhere for the Whitewhisper until he is needed (in essence, he'll be a sleeper - joining and leaving the party at your convenience). I'd prefer one of these options instead of concocting some unfortunate end for him (like Tsuru) - though resurrection (for him as well as Tsuru) is never out of the question, should Azure or X'boryn decide to return after their characters have been 'killed off.'

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Bad internet connection = quintiple post Sticking out tongue

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Finally, Ben, it’s good to hear that you’ve sent the book off! I’ll be sure to buy/order a copy when it’s completed. Do you have a website?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Why yes, you do!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Thanks, Trias! And no worries about the oversight--it happens from time to time no matter the gaming format. Eye-wink

Thanks for the kind words! We're working on a separate website for the book. Hopefully that will be up within the next few weeks, as the more tech-oriented members of the crew have been plugging away at it.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC


I agree completely with your proposal -he may very much want to join later -(same thing with the others).

Thus, after this 'mission' with the Rethan Babau, Phae'dyiin will escort Xasskorn to Lady Talia at the Silk'n'Secrets to stay and do 'business'. (This of course assumes we both survive...).

That said, if we couldn't get the scroll from Queezrow, then they would have procured it from anywhere else -even the friendly A'kin if necessary .

(In order to speed things up, would you mind if I roll/do Xasskorn for this encounter -considering that it will take less time since we had already gone over our plan and all) -I'll assume yes, since you have said as much earlier.

That said, I'm going to post 'for Xasskorn' over on the IC thread since things are in his corner now...

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Definitely, Xasskorn is all yours.

And the Dimensional Anchor Scroll still isn't bought yet. It may take some fishing around.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

I wouldn't have undergone any of the events of the attack until the scroll is attained -let me know if you need me to make an Know (local, planes, arcana) or Gather Info check.

*It's a common fourth level scroll -in the city of Sigil, how hard can it be to get (I'm willing to spend the time tracking it down)

-And yes -assuming we can say that I obtained the scroll (or do through some actions you need to run), then yes, Xasskorn will accept the telepathic relays from the dretches -however, due to their limited intelligence, he maintains for them to keep to their assigned duties.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
"The Awakening" OCC

I said this in the in-character thread, but I thought I may as well repeat myself here as well.

I'm going away on thursday for ten days, and will have no access whatsoever to the internet.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Alrighty, Cern! Hope your trip fares well; you'll be missed, though I'll be also busy moving that weekend so I don't know how active I'll be on the forums for the weekend.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Ahhh bloods, sorry for the slowness, I'll have full internet access in about a week.

Also, Dialexis, I did not mean to be difficult (not to you, at least, just to your character). If you need the scroll for this encounter, then by all means, it's yours. It's the Cage, after all and how hard could a 4th level spell be to find?

I was simply exploring future avenues of molestation for The Whitewhisper. Don't worry... well actually DO worry - I'm still scheming Eye-wink

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

not a problem at all (unless it is a problem if you know what I mean...)

Anyways, Phaed'yiin and Xasskorn just wait as is their plan.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Hello all! I've been busy trying to acclimate myself to the new campus, so I've been on hiatus mentally...as it is hard to focus on the thousand things of academia and its beauracries. However, I hope to get this internet deal fixed within the coming week and I'll be primed for peeling primes. Eye-wink

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
"The Awakening" OCC

I'm back! I'll post later today or thisevening.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

I'm back too!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Ben, go ahead and post as frequently as you'd like in the Awakening (not just on weekends--unless, of course, that is as frequently you'd like to post).

The Prologue is over, and the first chapter is about to begin in full steam!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Alrighty. I'm trying to square Argint's perspective and mannerisms back into place, so that is the main delay. Other than that, I'll try to keep pace and savor the storytelling. Can't wait to see where this goes!

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Guess who's under the briiiiidge...

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