"The Awakening" OCC

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Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Cool picture nonetheless! What race was Tsuru??

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

'Benyamin' wrote:

Hope I didn't confuse ya (sorry if I did), but this is the OOC thread. Eye-wink

Figured your post might be important to the storyline, so that's the only reason I'm chimin' in.

No biggie, I just put the same thing into the game thread. It also gave me a chance to play around with images- the upload worked, but my experience is that it works for a few days, then the image cannot be viewed, so let's hope it stays for a while, then I can start adding images to the game!

Also, I'll NPC Aras until/if Cerunnous returns.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

That would be sweet!

Alrighty. Hopefully some of the old guard will drift in to swell the ranks again. But I'm definitely invested in seeing where this Harmonium serial bomber strikes next!

Would Argint have any info on the exact relationship his Guild has with the Harmonium? Would it be Economical as well as Ideological??

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

The seers guild seeks balance in the universe, though they are not gung-ho like the other factions that seek to impose their ideology on others, or enforce their ideology on the streets of Sigil (unlike almost every faction in Sigil, or the Rilmani.). they are officially peaceniks.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Ah, the wiles of the shapeshifter...it sure makes cityscape games all the more interesting! Smiling

I'd personally enjoy sliding through crowds, turning into different people...it'd open plenty of opportunities to learn cultures and personalities.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Dopplegangers make perfect investigators

btw: for this game, you'll only need to make disguise checks when you are emulating a specific person in front of a close friend or associate.

Man, it seems fun just walking about the Harmonium compound, unnoticed. There's a lot of possibility! Especially if you're in the mood to cause a little trouble Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Dopplegangers make perfect investigators

btw: for this game, you'll only need to make disguise checks when you are emulating a specific person in front of a close friend or associate.

Aye, and it fits right in to the personality.

Still need the Bluff checks, right?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

'Benyamin' wrote:

Still need the Bluff checks, right?


Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC


Oh yeah! I'm trying to work out the angles of approach so that I can maximize on the talent.

Would a Wis/Int check be necessary to memorize a person's features/gear to add a circumstance bonus to Disguising as them?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Aaah good idea - that definitely sounds like a plan -

Just an idea tell me what you think:
IF you decide to take 10 when morphing:

for personality- you can add your Wis or Cha bonus (whichever is higher) to the Bluff/Diplomacy checks.

for appearance - your Cha or Int bonus (whichever is higher)


Here's another approach
If you decide to take 10:

appearance: make a save (Cha or Int, whichever is higher) DC varies, and if you pass, you get a circumstantial bonus (which would usually be higher than your Cha or Int modifier alone, but that's only if you make the save- so it's a little risky)

same goes for personality, except the save either Cha or Wis.

Whaddya think?

maybe we can alternate bw the two, or perhaps use another way.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Aaah good idea - that definitely sounds like a plan -

Just an idea tell me what you think:
IF you decide to take 10 when morphing:

for personality- you can add your Wis or Cha bonus (whichever is higher) to the Bluff/Diplomacy checks.

for appearance - your Cha or Int bonus (whichever is higher)


Here's another approach
If you decide to take 10:

appearance: make a save (Cha or Int, whichever is higher) DC varies, and if you pass, you get a circumstantial bonus.

same goes for personality, except the save either Cha or Wis.

Whaddya think?

maybe we can use both

The irony is that Cha and Int are equally +4, as he is a man of wit and persona. lol.

To make things interesting, let's say that we use the first set for someone he is intimately familiar with (say party members for future reference)...someone he's been around enough that he could give a semi-good impression off hand, like any berk does on occasion to poke fun at a friend.

Use the save for someone he's met infrequently, just seen, or studied only for a few moments.

It allows you to have a reasonable scale to work with that is balanced.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Use the save for someone he's met infrequently, just seen, or studied only for a few moments.

It allows you to have a reasonable scale to work with that is balanced.

That sounds perfect!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC


What is Aras up to while I'm off running around? Or the other party members for that matter?? I don't expect ya to NPC them all (that would be like running a puppet show by yourself!), but I was curious as to how you've decided to deal with them.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

If Azure doesn't reply within a week, he's dead. If he does, he was healed by a Hardhead cleric.

Cerunnious- he has decided to investigate further, and will meet Argint (or the persona of Argint that he knows) at the great bazaar's auctioning block.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
If Azure doesn't reply within a week, he's dead. If he does, he was healed by a Hardhead cleric.

Cerunnious- he has decided to investigate further, and will meet Argint (or the persona of Argint that he knows) at the great bazaar's auctioning block.

Definitely understandable.

Hm, alrighty, though I'm wondering when, cause Argint has a good bit of ground to cover here unless he's otherwise derailed.

How is the Seer's Guild reacting to the explosion?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

hehe, sorry about that. We'll say Aras decides to meet with Argint in 3 days -4 hours before antipeak.

How is the Seer's Guild reacting to the explosion?

you don't know for sure until you go check- but they most likely are concerned like (almost) every other Cager.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
hehe, sorry about that. We'll say Aras decides to meet with Argint in 3 days -4 hours before antipeak.

No worries. Alrighty. If he leaves a note at the front desk, Argint will definitely make a point to meet him.

'Trias' wrote:
How is the Seer's Guild reacting to the explosion?

you don't know for sure until you go check- but they most likely are concerned like (almost) every other Cager.

Alrighty. Just figured some more would've ran out to join the Harmonium around the outpost's fringe.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

'Benyamin' wrote:
Cool picture nonetheless! What race was Tsuru??

Rat man, so it was a bit easier to kill him off Laughing out loud

Alrighty. Just figured some more would've ran out to join the Harmonium around the outpost's fringe

some locals did crowd around, but were promptly dispersed by the investigators. No one in particular from the Seer's Guild.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
'Benyamin' wrote:
Cool picture nonetheless! What race was Tsuru??

Rat man, so it was a bit easier to kill him off Laughing out loud

Haha! Ironic that his murderer slipped into the sewers of Undersigil. Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

by the way, i love how we've been tag-teaming the IC and OOC thread for the last 90 min!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
by the way, i love how we've been tag-teaming the IC and OOC thread for the last 90 min!

LOL! It keeps the plot flowing smoothly, suren! Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Alas, I'm sorry i had to go and break the chain - I'm in EST - we should coordinate so that we can try and set some kind of record

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Alas, I'm sorry i had to go and break the chain - I'm in EST - we should coordinate so that we can try and set some kind of record

It's alright. I had to leave for a time as well. I'm Central (US), so we should be an hour apart (unless I'm mistaking EST to stand for Eastern Standard Time).

Yes, I think it'd be hillarious to find ourselves running two entire threads through the works of "Most Posts within an Hour" Laughing out loud

I wonder if Clueless gives awards for such things...I could go for a copy of Planescape CS. lol.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

'Benyamin' wrote:

Yes, I think it'd be hillarious to find ourselves running two entire threads through the works of "Most Posts within an Hour" Laughing out loud

I wonder if Clueless gives awards for such things...I could go for a copy of Planescape CS. lol.


Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

I forgot to say that Argint's father worked for Sigil Yard back in the day.. Eye-wink

This is getting to be quite interesting! I love the twists and turns this is headed..

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Thanks, I'm really liking how you're roleplaying the Doppleganger - I'm in a lot of PBP games already, but if I do another one later - I'm really considering playing as one - seeing as how much fun it can be.

I also like the small party format. There seems to be a lot of time for character development, and 'exploration.' I encourage you guys to do anything you want - especially if something feels like it's too constrained, or forcing you follow the story - do what a Chaosman would do -go planewalking for fun, pick fights with local thugs, visit the sensoriums, or maybe rob a store -mix it up!

I'm going to be leveling you guys up in a short while (a 2 level jump from 3 to 5), so that I can open up a few more possibilities.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Thanks! Yes, they give you plenty of roleplay options if you are in a city campaign. And in planescape, Sigil offers a beautiful opportunity to do so...if I had thought of it, I might've tried a doppleganger mage inside the Git'Riban game. Laughing out loud

Yes! I've been surprised with how smoothly it runs and keeps the plots from muddying up. I'll be sure to do something interesting things with Argint...probably soon, too. Eye-wink

Alrighty! I need to look at this build, since the Spell Thief needs to be more careful in a smaller party. He can get himself killed quick in a solo battle, but is very useful with a cohort. However, I'm sure I can wiggle the stats around to make him more free standing, such as a level in fighter to gain another feat and some better hp. Still...I love the skills and versatility of the class too much to stip it completely. Smiling

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Alrighty! I need to look at this build, since the Spell Thief needs to be more careful in a smaller party. He can get himself killed quick in a solo battle, but is very useful with a cohort. However, I'm sure I can wiggle the stats around to make him more free standing, such as a level in fighter to gain another feat and some better hp. Still...I love the skills and versatility of the class too much to stip it completely. Smiling

Just to let you know- if you look in the right places, you will find cohorts without too much trouble (heck, they might even find you) - to help balance out the party (eg. beef it up /give it more of a 'basher' status). This way, you can concentrate on being the Spell Thief.

But then again, it would be useful for Argint to take a level or two in fighter.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Ben, for reference (and so that we're on the same page..er map) I'm using the Sigil map and venues list from planewalker.com. You are on Smith Street of the Lower Ward, left of the great foundry.

In the Venues list, you will see that L11 is the Harmonium's Lower Ward Garrison (In this game - the Tower). Nearby is the Foundry, The Red Pony Alehouse, The Seers Lower Ward Guildhouse (formerly The Black Sail and Tavern Inn), and Sod's Dirk Forge.

Rules for Traversing - Every 2 miles = 1 hr (at normal rate). We'll say that it takes 5 hours to walk directly to the opposite side of the Ring.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Alrighty! I need to look at this build, since the Spell Thief needs to be more careful in a smaller party. He can get himself killed quick in a solo battle, but is very useful with a cohort. However, I'm sure I can wiggle the stats around to make him more free standing, such as a level in fighter to gain another feat and some better hp. Still...I love the skills and versatility of the class too much to stip it completely. Smiling

Just to let you know- if you look in the right places, you will find cohorts without too much trouble (heck, they might even find you) - to help balance out the party (eg. beef it up /give it more of a 'basher' status). This way, you can concentrate on being the Spell Thief.

But then again, it would be useful for Argint to take a level or two in fighter.

Might have a few such compadres from the Guild, too. Eye-wink

Yep, I'm definitely contemplating those extra combat points and feats. lol.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Ben, for reference (and so that we're on the same page..er map) I'm using the Sigil map and venues list from planewalker.com. You are on Smith Street of the Lower Ward, left of the great foundry.

In the Venues list, you will see that L11 is the Harmonium's Lower Ward Garrison (In this game - the Tower). Nearby is the Foundry, The Red Pony Alehouse, The Seers Lower Ward Guildhouse (formerly The Black Sail and Tavern Inn), and Sod's Dirk Forge.

Rules for Traversing - Every 2 miles = 1 hr (at normal rate). We'll say that it takes 5 hours to walk directly to the opposite side of the Ring.

Gotcha. Thanks!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Ben, for reference (and so that we're on the same page..er map) I'm using the Sigil map and venues list from planewalker.com. You are on Smith Street of the Lower Ward, left of the great foundry.

In the Venues list, you will see that L11 is the Harmonium's Lower Ward Garrison (In this game - the Tower). Nearby is the Foundry, The Red Pony Alehouse, The Seers Lower Ward Guildhouse (formerly The Black Sail and Tavern Inn), and Sod's Dirk Forge.

Rules for Traversing - Every 2 miles = 1 hr (at normal rate). We'll say that it takes 5 hours to walk directly to the opposite side of the Ring.

Gotcha. Thanks!

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Ben I lost your character sheet- would you mind pming or emailing it to me ([REDACTED]). Thanks. I do have the email of your equipment, but not of the rest of the character sheet.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Ben I lost your character sheet- would you mind pming or emailing it to me ([REDACTED]). Thanks. I do have the email of your equipment, but not of the rest of the character sheet.

Will do both, to give ya an insurance copy. Eye-wink

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

I've been giving each persona a name, cause I think Argint will have a repetoire of backgrounds to use when he does his rounds. I wouldn't be surprised if the Guild had several flats rented out in different areas for him to use, the neighbors unsuspecting of the old granny next door who rarely comes out due to her frailty. Or the imp prestidigitator who toys with the arcanists of the Market Ward. Or the baker...ah, I have a thousand characters in one. How lovely. Smiling

Oh, I'm thinking about a feat tree that would work great with this ability. Assume Supernatural Ability and the Improved ASA. The only jimmy is the Wis req. of 13 for the first and 17 for the latter (though I find it odd, since most shifters are arcane wielders). I'll post 'em later, if you need me to. They're in Savage Species.

Or maybe we can come up with our own feats that allow for similar enhancements to the doppleganger's transcient nature.

Just some ideas before I head for bed. lol.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Sounds good! You can, of course, modify feats to fit better with Argint.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Sounds good! You can, of course, modify feats to fit better with Argint.

Thanks! Alrighty, I'll think of some possible feats and post em up for you to critique.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Ben, just to let you know (so you don't wait for my post). I'm going to bed now, but we'll need to tag-team again soon!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
Ben, just to let you know (so you don't wait for my post). I'm going to bed now, but we'll need to tag-team again soon!

Alrighty! Rest well. I need to get some rest, too.

Thanks for the added fun of this gang-bust run!! It's been an exercise in exploring the race...and gathering new gear. Eye-wink

I'll be sure to continue the main plot as well, but I've enjoyed this alternative way to prep...fleshing the land of Sigil out in true, vibrant storytelling! Smiling

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
"The Awakening" OCC

I'm back! So pleased the game's contintuing (again)

I'll just read up on the IC thread and then probably make a post.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
"The Awakening" OCC

Okay, read up a bit. Now, where is Aras, and what is happening to him? Once I know that, I can get stuck back in.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Hey Cernunnos, glad that you're back, right in time when the game is at full speed!

We'll start Aras out in the Seer's Guild still in the Lower Ward. Aras and Argint have agreed to meet at the auctioneer's block in the Market Ward in three days - three hours before Antipeak. It is the next morning, and Aras is fully rested.

Tsuru has died, and Phaedy'inn and Xaskorrn are nowhere to be seen

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Hey, Cernunnos! Hope we can work things out as a crew, though I'll think you will find Argint an interesting comrade. Eye-wink

Hopefully, we'll have plenty of insight to share once three days have passed. I know we'll have plenty of tales!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Oh, I love using the "only a favor" line...a DM's favorite tool for plot twists. Funny that a PC gets a turn at it. Smiling

should Argint be more than he seems.

Ah, the prescience of a commoner... Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

Cern, what class is your Hobgoblin? Just curious for party balance.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

(Power) Ranger

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Funny that a PC gets a turn at it. Smiling

I'm not laughing- leave my NPCs alone!Laughing out loud Especially someone helpless like S..Selp Leh

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
(Power) Ranger

Woot! I've been wanting to play in a stealthy party; this might be a chance to run those ghost tactics. Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
"The Awakening" OCC

'Trias' wrote:
(Power) Ranger

Woot! I've been wanting to play in a stealthy party; this might be a chance to run those ghost tactics. Smiling

I'm not laughing- leave my NPCs alone!Laughing out loud Especially someone helpless like S..Selp Leh

Oh, I'll leave him alone. For now. Eldreesh will just remember where he might find a kip to stay at when the heat is on. Smiling

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Oh, I'll leave him alone. For now. Eldreesh will just remember where he might find a kip to stay at when the heat is on. Smiling

I hear Undersigil is homely this time of year.

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