Uhmm, where did everybody go? "We" paid the tout, so does he lead us, or what?
"The Awakening" OCC
err.. i thought you didn't , i thought you all just gave the money to Aras... the tout is still tapping his feet waiting to actually be paid.. sorry, should I have assumed that I was paid?...(this is my first time DMing a message board..) I'll get it going then...
Forgive me for the confusion, I think it should be obvious that all of you paid me, but since no one excet Aras wrote about actually giving it to the tout - I assumed that the tout is still unpaid...
game will continue shortly
Sorry for the misunderstanding -the disconnect might have been on our end.
Glad to hear that the game is on!
Just wanted to make it clear that my lack of posting isn't due to laziness, misfortune or lack of incentive - I'm just waiting for something to happen that Aras can respond to with more than just an "Oh, okay then."
The Game has really sloooooooowed down now -- any suggestions on what I can do as a DM to help speed it back up. I'm open to ideas and critiscm.
Hmm, that's a very honest and open question (and I commend you for even asking it).
On one hand, these slow-downs tend to occur on forum/online games -especially at the beginning as everyone considers if they like the style/mix/plot.
On the other hand, there does seem to be a sort of negative inertia.
Part of that is that you a bunch of players/PCs on the bench, waiting for... something.
That said, I love the campaign, the foreshadowing and your description (verbal and nonverbal -i.e. relative to NPCs). And definitely with your prologue, there is a mystique, a hint of something grand -a campaign existent.
However, I wonder if the others are waiting (as Cernunnos said) for something other than "Oh, ok" to happen.
True, we could talk amongst ourselves for days -but, most players aren't going to invest that much time if they don't feel that the campaign itself is going somewhere (i.e. rather than floating nebulously in a setting).
Sure, PCs/Players love freedom, but too much freedom causes not enough direction -which causes frustration and confusion.
(I know at least from X'boryn, is that he is just waiting for the "game" to start).
D&D is an adventure game -granted, that doesn't mean hack-n-slash/combat, but does mean adventure -adventures where the PCs are the stars/main-players.
So, essentially, I think we need plot advancement (i.e. figuring out 'housing' is necessary, but surely isn't adventurous).
But once, again, I love what we have and reeeeeeaaaaaally don't want it to die.
So, in the interest of inertia, feel free to take a little liberty with the PCs in order to "speed up" the plot into the advancement of "adventure".
My two cents (and hopefully recieved in the manner I intend).
Do the PC's Rest, or would you like to talk for some time? If you are all going to sleep, let me know
As sleep is not necessary for the Whitewhisper, Phaed'yiin will see the others settle and then travel back to the Silk'n'Secrets to check in with her "boss". (We can handle that with emails or pms if you wish).
Yes I am here. And Dialexis is right I'm just waiting for something to happen.
I am definitely getting a good picture of everything that is going on infront of and around me. I like your descriptions and individual personalities for the NPCs. Good stuff. Can't wait to get this thing on the row-add (as they say)
I had stated that I was following the group about in the business. After the giving of the coin I didn't see a situation where posting would of been necessary.
I will go ahead and sleep. I see no reason why not.
Time-line wise, Phaed'yiin is assuming the others go to sleep -she stays until they all seem settled. (So, I guess I am waiting to post IC until the other players verify that their PCs go to sleep).
Sorry I havent posted in a while, exams and work have got me down, hopefully by Friday afternoon, I shalt be free at last...
That is no excuse...I don't accept that at all...
Just kiddin. No worries, do whatcha gotta do.
After several moves and buying a new computer, I'm back and constant. Apologies for any slowdown.
Nice to see I didn't miss much...
Umm... I'm waiting to see what happens when Aras gets outside... I check daily, but nothing is being posted. Has the game died?
I certainly hope not, I was just starting to get properly into it!
Yea, that would certainly be a bummer but that is what it seems...
Just when something happens it kicks the bucket.
I hope someone comes along and proves us wrong
Yeah, even though I've only recently joined, I definitely want to see this game develop further.
A post from Trias might catapult the game back into swing, methinks.
O'course, I've no notion of what he has going on, so I guess we just wait and hope to see a new move soon.
Ok, so I'm sorry for going AWOL - classes, MCAT, etc... It's a chain reaction - first I stop posting regularly, then I haven't in weeks - then I'm simply embarrassed to post because the players have become disillusioned/disappointed...etc
but now my schedule has cleared up and I'm asking for a second chance. here's what I can tell you with certainty- for at least 2.5 months (until mid-august) I will be easily capable of regularly posting and running the game.
Please reply if you are interested in picking up where we left off, and next time I decide to stop posting due to scheduling reasons, etc. - I will let you know well beforehand- so that perhaps we can put the game on "Hibernate" rather than let it go completely - and have a ballpark date of where we can restart.
so once again, plz reply of you guys want to "re-awaken"
I'd really like to continue this campaign, I have a lot of ideas
Sure, I'm game.
:Yawns: Hurm...oh, yes, I'm game!
As to the incessant work delaying ya, I understand. Just got finished with exams myself. Hope everything turned out well for ya.
w00t! the game may continue! I'm definitely up for this. Would've posted sooner, but I haven't checked the forums here in a while.
haha, awesome!, Just waiting on Jasper DM, xborryn, and Dialexis. I guess we can take replacements, but I'd really like them to continue as well - I suppose they haven't checked the forums in a while either..
Would you 3 (Benyamin, Azure, Cernunnos) like to continue together, and I can NPC the remaining 3 (and then maybe if no word from the other 3 after a month - I guess I can cut them loose, and rerecruit to balance out the party)
If it's alright with the other guys, I'll be fine gaming. I hope the others appear soon, but I would love to see this game get off the ground.
I'm game...
Tsuru is padding quickly outside towards the disturbance...
In fact, I'm not willing to let the musical die either, I'm currently trying to come up with lyrics about sigil based on a popular TV show tune
Yes, please let's continue
I'm well up for carrying this game on!

Woot! I was missing the bardic mayhem! Glad to see both games getting some new life!
Game is back
Just a thought, the Argint character... seeing as he hadn't posted anything up until our emergence from the hat-building, how are we handling him?
Are we just imagining he was with the others all along, or shall we say he was, for whatever reason, also lodging in the guildhouse, and is only just coming into contact with Aras, Tsuru and the rest now?
Just so as I know how to handle him IC.
Ah.. apologies for not clarifying that earlier -
Argint was lodging in the guildhouse, for whatever reason, and you three are only just coming into contact. - he came out with the rest of you.
Aye, my apologies as well...maybe when this preternatural cannon ball slows down enough to let us breathe, we might be able to sort the details out between Argint and the party.
ben, can you give me the DC for not slipping on the oil
According to the SRD, it's 10reg+5 for severly slippery: 15 total
(Looked under the balance skill).
If missed by 5, a person goes plunk.
Here's the link:
O'course, dunno what situational modifiers go into a person blazing a trillion squares a round is either.
I'll make it DC 20 due to her/its unnatural speed - in either case, she falls. And thanks for the link
A note about standards:
For clarity and aesthetic reasons, I request that posting follow the following format (not in this thread, but in the game thread)
Actions/ PC Narration - Normal Font
Thoughts - Italicized
Dialogue - Bold & Colored
OCC (not in this thread - but in the Game thread) - Small Font ( I am currently making it small and italicized, but I'm realizing that it's a bit difficult to read), so from now on, let's simply use small.

No problem!
For clarity and aesthetic reasons, I request that posting follow the following format (not in this thread, but in the game thread)
Actions/ PC Narration - Normal Font
Thoughts - Italicized
Dialogue - Bold & Colored
OCC (not in this thread - but in the Game thread) - Small Font ( I am currently making it small and italicized, but I'm realizing that it's a bit difficult to read), so from now on, let's simply use small.
Will do! Thanks for the heads-up!
Tsuru, I was wondering if you had any way to bind this lass?? Perferably with a spell, since a chord prolly won't hold her...but I wanted to check, since her initiative comes before any of ours.
I have to re-do Tsuru, but I do know that as a monk I have improved grapple. What I was going for with the flying kick wasn't so maucc to do damage, but to knock the girl as she slipped so that she was sure to go down.
Hi guys,
I won't be able to post for a few days, my internet connection got fried by lightning.
If Trias wants to take Aras over he will basically tag along and fight anything that needs fighting. His usual taciturn nature should mean that this strong, silent aproach won't be too out of character.
no problem- actually the timing is good. i think Azure will also be coming up with a character sheet during the next few days, so this game will be in a little lull for next week, but we should get back to speed after that
Okay, my internet is back but, on Thursday, I'm going to Glastonbury festival, and won't be back to civilisation until next Tuesday.
And thus begins my very very busy summer
I'm back to parts of the world which have internet access now. Ready to continue as soon as everyone else is.
Azure, are you still in? Can you plz make a damage roll in the game thread.... also I'm waiting on your character sheet
Trying to stir the harmon--hornets' nest.
Ahh yes, the forgotten game - thank you Ben, for re-catalyzing the Awakening (which, ironically, is asleep more often than not)...
I'm more than willing to continue with Cerunnos and Ben (and Azure, If you're still in, though I haven't heard from you with respect to this game yet).
Just a heads up though- once the school year starts (September), I will probably suspend it (or post rarely, say, perhaps on weekends or days when I'm not swamped).
Now this is not to say that it can't be fun, but let's just hope this is not your only Planewalker game, because you may get bored due to the slow pace (or maybe really excited, because every weekend, i'll leave you with a cliffhanger?)
Furthermore, this is not to say that Rey'arteb, and Drum (my other two characters) will be slowed down as well- I will keep the PC posting regular, but as most DMs will agree; it takes a lot more effort/time to DM a PBP than be involved as a PC (that's what I learned last school year, when I went AWOL).
So thank you for reading my dissertation. I do hope you guys enjoy the story, and I'd love to continue it, with regular posting at least during the summertime.
I'm more than willing to continue with Cerunnos and Ben (and Azure, If you're still in, though I haven't heard from you with respect to this game yet).
Just a heads up though- once the school year starts (September), I will probably suspend it (or post rarely, say, perhaps on weekends or days when I'm not swamped).
Now this is not to say that it can't be fun, but let's just hope this is not your only Planewalker game, because you may get bored due to the slow pace (or maybe really excited, because every weekend, i'll leave you with a cliffhanger?)
Furthermore, this is not to say that Rey'arteb, and Drum (my other two characters) will be slowed down as well- I will keep the PC posting regular, but as most DMs will agree; it takes a lot more effort/time to DM a PBP than be involved as a PC (that's what I learned last school year, when I went AWOL).
So thank you for reading my dissertation. I do hope you guys enjoy the story, and I'd love to continue it, with regular posting at least during the summertime.
*resounding claps* Bravo! Bravo! Er...yes, I fully understand! I'd be glad to play as often as allowed.
I was inspired to cast Raise Game on as many threads as I was in. lol.
I hope to see where this machination gets to, and I hope the others agree with an enthusiastic WOOT! to begin again.
Only with your "Raise Game" can we collectively 'Resurrect' and bring it fully back to life
Sweet! I hope so!!
I'm definitely intrigued to find out what's happening. Any of the Harmoniums' shouting any ideas on what this critter is??
I'll do the listen check here, to keep the thread running smoothly.
Listen: 12
Everyone is silent. A woman in silken Orange robes bearing the insignia of the Hardheads (though not armored, or armed) emerges from the quickly dispersing wall of guards to examine Tsuru. Within a minute, her thin fingers stop examining the dead ratman, and several others dressed like her examine the area... Perhaps the Harmonium's version of "Investigators," though not nearly as ruthless as the Sodkillers.
The woman, a short, blue eyed elf, approaches Argint.
Are ye all well blood? she pauses, That's the third time that's happend this week, first the Hall of Speakers, then the Mortuary, and now the Harmonium Archives. Both times it looks like that bally Athar at the Spire does the same thing - doing the liquid dazzle, and escaping. It's right Groke, that's what it is.
Here, let me heal ye :
She places her bony fingers on Argint's shoulders, and a pale blue glow emerges from her hands.
I'm just playing around with the image posting, pay this image no heed:
Oh, I guess I missed your guys posts -sorry about that. I'm definitely good for proceeding.
X'boryn is here awaiting something to post about.