"The Awakening" OCC

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Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

you know the drill..

The investigator has made a sense-motive check. Fortunately, you guys have nothing to hide with respect to this murder.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Okay, Dolmen is basically going to go get the wooden greatclub he left in the alley. If anyone draws or lays hand on him to stop him, and won't back off, he's going to entangle as many as he can, cast "magic fang" on his fist, and pound his way there. Gonna roll intimidate, to see if he's putting off enough badass waves to keep everyone away.

Edit: Heh, guess not.

0 Bonus for Intimidate to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

That reminds me, let me roll for my first action.

Survival and Search, as he looks over the body, trying to catch some clue as to the killer's identity. However, he is not touching the corpse. Dolmen would consider that disrespectful at this point.

8 Bonus for Survival(Track) to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 15.
-1 Bonus for Search to do
I rolled 1d20+-1, the result is 6.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

The body seems ... fine, except for the face that is contorted permanently into a chilling scream. There are no marks on the body - your best guess is that this woman died of fear, although you cannot be certain.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Oh yeah, it's probably -on- now...

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Jasper, the following is what Lokaski tells Dolman telepathically:

"If you so much as think about moving another inch, you will regret it for the rest of your very short life"

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Wow, I can't think of when -this- has happened before...lol. Unfortunately, being a deific engine of retribution has made mister Dolmen a bit ballsy. Pitching initiative, and activating my Entangle spell-like ability, centered on myself. (40 ft radius spread, 1 minute, Reflex DC 8 )

By the way, what kind of weapons are these...shortswords, spears, what are we talking about here?

One more thing, before you adjudicate this... besides my body, what's the local plant life? /looks around for razorvine

-1 Bonus for Initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+-1, the result is 12.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Azure, your character's tatoo protects him from the spells 'detect thoughts' and 'detect lies,' however, the investigators attempt to overcome this psionically (DC 15+2 Wis = 17). The fist investigator failed to do this by himself, so they now link thier minds to attempt to break through. (each added investigator would add +5 to the attempt, while Lokaski would add +10 to the attempt). In this case, Lokaski doesn't attempt to read Tsuru's thoughts because he is being distracted by Dolmen - however that ultimately makes no difference).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

haha, sorry jasper, didnt see your previous post - no local plant life to be found - this area of the Lady's Ward is "well groomed."

Also, these are double-edged longswords (two-handed) with a minor enchantment (+2)

Also, I am confused as to your latest post - did you actually cast entangle like you said in the OCC (glowing green sockets?) or have you decided to back off (drop the vine)

please clarify

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Dropping the vine as part of activating the spell-like ability. The glow and gurgling's cosmetics. I'm big on special effects with my magic. Damn, slashing weapons... if I can't cause general chaos and escape with this, I'm kerdoomed. Also, I left the description vague, as I assumed these guys had actions ready to try to pincushion me "if I swung", hoping the spell effect catches them by surprise. If it's "Does anything suspicious"...oh well.

And "Lady's Ward"? I thought the scene was in the Hive. Explains the massive number of well-equipped guards... makes no clue in the planes how Dolmen got dragged into the Lady's Ward all the way on the far side of the Cage from his turf... I'm afraid I have seriously miscalculated. Maybe an errant portal or something of that nature? Oh well, that's table vertigo for you. Much like a Cipher, pretty much stuck now... didn't think I'd be testing out that "Can I die" question this early, but eh, so spins the Wheel.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

I'm confused on two accounts:

1. The description says we are in the Hive, but Trias just said we are in the Lady's Ward -which is it?

2. I see rolling occur here -is that how we are going to run it (i.e. description on the game thread and rolling here?) Isn't that unnecessarily complicated? I'll do whichever, just let me know.

*Granted, I think that having an OOC thread is still great for the Players and DM to communicate about stuff OOC.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

You are in the "opposite side" of the Hive - looking into the Lady's ward - that is where things are 'somewhat less serene.' The Hive would not have such an overbearing presence of armed guards as the Lady's ward

Whichever works better, or that you are most used to - the important thing is to be consistant -

let's just then have all the rolls in the in-game threads instead of here..

Hope I cleared things up

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Sounds fine to me.

Ok, I;m just going to put this here -as far as I (and Phaed'yiin see it, there is virtually no chance of fighting our way through this.

(but please, players correct me if I am wrong about something here):

1. We are facing at least three beings (investigators) who have some clearly substantial mental power -with Lokaski being the most powerful, utilizing abilities far out of any of our reaches.

2. These investigators are leading 4 groups of guards (approx. 15 each) that have us hemmed in. They all seemed to be armed in extremely good gear, wielding exotic weapons that suggest skill but also magical power which denotes further skill.(i.e. each of the 8 guards surrounding Dolmen has a weapon that is more powerful than any of our weapons -granted, this is not knowledge that nay but Phaed'yiin with her Spellcraft has seen, but it should be apparent about the other issues).

3. Not so much an issue for the N and C types, but us L types (being 4 out of the 6 PCs), remember, these Sodkillers do have the authority to be doing what they are doing -attacking them is an unlawful act. (Granted, I am not saying they are who they seem to be or that they will carry out true justice, but we don't know that).


That's essentially a group of nearly 50 high-class, armed to the teeth soldiers -with mental/spell power support.

What, against 6 PCs and maybe 2 aasimar (which we don't really know anything about as none of use have paid any attention to them) and a Barbazu -which being LE (assumedly) is still L and isn't going to directly attack legitimage authority.

So, best case, we'd be looking at 9 versus 50ish -do the math...

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Oh, yeah, I'm screwed. But that Entangle should screw up a bunch of warrior-types long enough for you guys to scatter. I hope you guys take the giant clue of me glowing and being all creepy to get the hell away from me before 40 feet span of plants come grabbing for folks...Then, I can either escape, or play dead, or, well, get my name carved onto that fun pillar outside the Mortuary.

Also the Barbazu doesn't necessarily consider Sigil's authorities as applicable to him. Being lawful evil in this case is hardly a guarantee he's going to take this all in stride.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Dialexis, 3 investigators - in addition to Lokaski - that makes a total of four.

Jasper - you don't have to continue your course of action - you can dismiss your ability (can't you?) instead of following through on the entangle -- which would be percieved as a hostile action and incur the attacks of 8 guards on your character - 4 of whom are not in your immediate nor peripheral vision.

but hey, who listens to sound advice these days - go ahead and do what you will - but it's almost a guarentee that someone will have to shell out the jink for a priest to raise Dolmen once he's dead.

Finally, the guards will only attack if attacked - therefore if all the PC's decide to fight, there is still no guarentee about the aasimars nor the barbazu, who for all you know could simply aid the guards in an effort to have themselves released sooner.

So, to reiterate - 6 PC's VS 50ish and possibly 3 more fromt the other prisoners. I'm sure you guys can find a better way out of this - perhaps diplomacy -- or perhaps you could just wait until Lokaski releases you - most of you being lawful and all....

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

I'm sure you guys can find a better way out of this - perhaps diplomacy -- or perhaps you could just wait until Lokaski releases you - most of you being lawful and all....

Right -which is exactly as Phaed'yiin has been advocating...

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Took me a bit to find a course of thinking that would make him rethink his usual berzerker tactics... I think I found it...

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Very nice job Jasper (not only in deciding not to commit PC suicide, but also in the manner in which you Dolmen reverse his decision -very good story/plot weaving).

So once again, nicely done. (same goes for Aras not "jumping the grenade").

So, fearless DM, what's next?

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Yeah, he/I were both acting on the belief that this was the Hive, that there were alleys, shadows, razorvine, and people adverse to such a blatant display of lawful authority. Situational modifiers that may have made that tactic just "Slim chance" instead of "doomed". A small army over a single dead woman in the Hive meant something was seriously fucked up. A Blood War attack force of succubi, or some such, all disguised, perhaps. Perhaps not interested in drawing attention to themselves with a battle before real guards showed. In the Hive, the plan -might- have worked... in the Lady's Ward? No chance in hell. These guys are real, and more than willing to flex. And once I smash even one of them, it was going to be bloodworks.

Also, that really gives me a great idea for last game play, in that desc... gaining some charisma, and rebuilding my body out of solid wood, shrubbery, grass and cobblestones, expulsing the dead elements as I become less obsessed with vengeance for the dead, and more clear-headed. Becoming more...humanoid, and less elemental. Something to think about. Let's see how the story plays out, and see if more civilized agendas rise, and divine decrees fade, as I much prefer to let character development run with no hands on the reins.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

What's with the lag?

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Well, I'm still at swordpoint, kind of waiting for that to clear up...

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Ah, yes, I guess my comments were moreso directed towards fool888 and Azure since it has been a "long time" since they posted.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Just picked up the latest issue of Dragon, the charnel custodian art from p. 79 looks very like my conception of the appearance of Dolmen's kind. He's somewhere between that, the skuz, from page 81(same issue), the vine horror of the Fiend Folio, and the necromental of Libris Mortis. I'm probably going to sketch him, scan and post it here, so you can all get a peek into what I'm envisioning when I describe him... it's too bad my art skills are rather withered...and I never have done well with textured space.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

'Dialexis' wrote:
What's with the lag?

Although you were talking about the two PC's, I apogize for being a bit slow (this week and next are exam weeks so i've been a bit busy studying). I will post later tommorrow.

Also, I apologize for not being clear in the first place that we were starting in the Lady's ward, not the Hive. I'll try to be more clear in the future about things of importance like that Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
"The Awakening" OCC

sorry for the lag...mid-terms and craziness this week. Expect me to post much more on the weekends than during the week.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Ah, no need to apologize -that lag is perfectly understandable (and super-estactic that we'll be starting back full sway "again"!?).

What about fool888? Still there?

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Despie being a double-post, I figured it was ok since 4 days have passed.

First off, I am having a great time and really, really enjoy everything all of you have written (that's both a ver sincere compliment to Trias on the great campaign thus far -and foreshadowing of awesomeness to come, and to all the players).

Secondly, it has been a very nice surprise to see how well our "group" has come together -and so naturally thus far too.

Somewhat following that, I, like Cernunnos am having a seriously hard time seeing why "in-game" Phaed'yiin would want to travel with Dolmen (at least thus far). I (Dialexis) love Dolmen and want to play with him and love Jasper's great work. However, that's why I feel so stuck. I really don't want to just do something that get's us together, but totally violates her ethos and persona.

So, any DM help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

(Also, a forewarning on any reaction she may give to a proposed union -its nothing personal at all).

Lastly, what about fool888?

(If he wants to play, I'm fine with that, but its not fair for the other 5 PCs to be stalled for a PC that has only been posted once. Am I being harsh? -I hope not)

But once again -really like the campaign and hope to see this thing continue at full speed!

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Ironically, it'd be perfectly clear if anyone got hurt. Eh.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

'Dialexis' wrote:
However, that's why I feel so stuck. I really don't want to just do something that get's us together, but totally violates her ethos and persona.

So, any DM help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Working on it!

ps. dialexis I finally checked my email and got yours, so I have replied to that email you sent me a while back

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

'Dialexis' wrote:
However, that's why I feel so stuck. I really don't want to just do something that get's us together, but totally violates her ethos and persona.

So, any DM help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Working on it!

ps. dialexis I finally checked my email and got yours, so I have replied to that email you sent me a while back

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Trias -good to hear!

I also sent a reply back to your email -check at will.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

How's that once a day plan working out for ya? Laughing out loud

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC


I know that X'boryn and I are still good (and wanting) to have more replies/posts, but are waiting for (at least in my current case) for Trias to respond to my email, as well as whatever he said he was going to do to help "allow" Phaed'yiin -in game- to accept Dolmen into the group.

So... I'm still here and waiting with abaited breath.

Being that this Thursday, well after the week ends, I would imagine that Trias would be able to DM a little more (what with exams ending) but that's just my wishful guess.

Here's hoping.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Exam tonight, and one tommorrow afternoon @ 4 - wish me luck..

Dialexis - you don't have to wait for me to answer emails or the such, don't let me slow down the character development/relationships - go ahead and venture out together -- or separately if you would like. I have contingencies, just in case the party does decide to break up. I want to see what you guys decide to do, then react accordingly (not vice versa). So go right ahead and play it out how you would like to play it out. I'm here only to define the setting, you guys are here to define the characters.

Also, I will send out emails tommorrow to help move the story along - but before then, go ahead and do/say whatever you wish - don't let me hold it up. If you want to venture forth past the blockade of guards, go right ahead (or you could just stay there and bother the guards some more)... But by no means should you guys wait for me -play it out yourselves and have some fun!

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Trias, good to hear about the upcoming "boost". Relative to the waiting, you had said you had something in the works to help with the Dolmen issue. Sorry if I misunderstood.

Looking forward to the email -and good luck on the exam (may you roll many 20's on your Know (X) checks!).

-oh, and I hope that everyone knows that I am in no way perturbed, even if Phaed'yiin seemed to be (same thing with X'boryn/Xasskorn).

And once again, I really love everyone's posts/playing/PCs!

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

heheh, email coming soon everyone, not tonight though.. stay posted!

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Hmm, that DM laugh could either mean Trias did well on his exams and is in a good mood, or, exams were really rough, and no, us, the measy PCs, will be his vindictive rage...

Either way, I'm excited (and I hope that exams did go well for Azure & Trias).

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Ah. The Lower Ward, time to crack out my sightseeing references...

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

You all can explore the Lower Ward and then return to the Silk'n Secrets back at the Lady's Ward. Or you could return there immediately (via another path than the street that you just traversed). Or you could explore the rest of the city and then come back to the Silk'n Secrets. I guess whoever convinces the rest of the group to do what they want wins out here.

...Although I doubt that at this point, Dolmen will garner much support for his plan to return to the Hive to reclaim his weapon...

Who knows?

Roll Diplomacy checks, if there are disagreements.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

He's decided to check out these baths... maybe a cleansing and the attentions of a gardener might undo some of the despair of the populace clinging to his roots. However, he is rather impulsive, for a shambling muck beast... a little alley struggle could set him utterly off. But he's already decided Aras and the ratman are worth listening to, so as he has no other immediate rushed goals, he'll wander around with them.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Sorry for the delay -my work site is undergoing some serious rennovations, and so my only time to reply is at home now. This shouldn't be a big concern, since it will be temporary and I can still commit to posting daily -or very near to it.

(The immediate issue was waiting for Trias' email -and then taking Sunday off -religious observance*)

*So, I won't be posting Sundays, but I hope this isn't an issue.

Oh, and very nice picture again Trias (and why did you delete the earlier picture/post?).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

no concerns at all Dialexis

I'm assuming the eariler post you were talking about was the first planescape pic i posted - worry not, that will be up shortly in accordance with the gameplay.

Also, everyone let me know if they would like a map of the immediate area (i tried the clock-directions - tell me if they work for you guys or not). Finally, dont' mind the paltry descriptions (the description of the buildings and people was more a list) as the PC's approach each person or area - more detail will be provided - for all the Sensates in the group.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
"The Awakening" OCC

Yes on the maps, preferrably here, so as not to break the tables in the RP thread. All the detail I can get is preferable.

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
"The Awakening" OCC

I agree with JasperDM, a map posted in this thread would be good.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

I agree with my fellow compatriots -although I'll throw out a disclaimer: if it means having greater story progression vs. maps, then I'll definitely choose the former over the latter (i.e. if we are going shopping, then a map isn't so necessary, but if we are in the middle of combat in a convuluted street labrynth, then yes).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Done and done - although lacking the visual appeal of the first image in the thread Laughing out loud

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

strange, it appears that some of our recent posts got deleted

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
"The Awakening" OCC

Yes, that is strange -luckily, it seems that only Cernunnos' last post was lost (which I believe he just said Aras went to meet the tout -wary and looking at the tout -i.e. Spot check=19.

It was a double-post, and so maybe Cernunnos meant to erase one and accidentally erased two?

Cernunnos's picture
Joined: 2007-01-16
"The Awakening" OCC

Despite my recent history of double-posting I don't think that one was a double, and I definitely didn't try to erase it :shock:

Do you think I need make the post again, or could we safely proceed based on Dialexis' accurate description of it?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

actually, i posted after cernunnos and that post was deleted as well - furthermore, i also posted here on OCC, and THAT post was also deleted.

No worries though - let's just pick up where we left off from Dialexis's response.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
"The Awakening" OCC

Does anyone know where Xxborryn went?

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