The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

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TheRoastSlinky's picture
Joined: 2005-02-03
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

Atomic Wastelands of Hades

It an endless glassy plain of evil.
It is the spring of eternal apathy and despair.
It is the result of the Blood War.
Hades sits at the nadir of the Lower Planes, in the center of the Blood War. The eternal battles of the Blood War have turned its grey plains white with atomic fire many times. Streams of blood from the great battles between demons and devils run across its plains, through massive craters and destroyed terrain. Hades is the defining nature of true evil.
In the Atomic Wastelands, the pure evil of the plane acts as a powerful force, dragging creatures down to the glassy soil. Even the everburning rage of the Abyss and the terrible plots of Baator are secondary to the eternal hopelessness of the glassy, radioactive plains. The despair of Hades slowly kills the soul inside of a visitor, just as its radioactive wastes slowly kill their bodies. If they survive the radioactivity and the eternal battles, a visitor will simply give up on its life, forgetting everything and becoming a hopeless petitioner.

-Normal Gravity
-Normal Time
-Infinite Size: The glassy wastelands of Hades extend forever, though its well-known realms are finitely bordered.
-Divinely Morphic
-Radioactive: The endless battles of the Blood War have left their mark. Any living creature in Hades without some kind of protection takes 2d6 points of Constitution damage every day (Fort saving throw against DC 24 halves the damage)
-Strongly Evil-Aligned: See MoTP
-Entrapping: See MoTP


The radioactive, sludge-filled River Styx flows through the uppermost layer of Hades, and a few shrunken tributaries reach deeper into the plane. Not many of the ferrymen of old still ply its length, but there are a few willing to ferry travelers... for a price.
Portals to other planes are mainly found on the first layer, Uranos. Portals usually appear as glowing, gunmetal bullets. Portals can be found leading to Carcieri, Gehenna, the Outlands, or the Astral Plane.


Permanent, non-petitioner inhabitants are uncommon on Hades, as its original yugoloth inhabitants are long gone, most to Gehenna. However, demons, devils, slaadi, formians and even the occasional deva or celestial can be found battling others on the planes (or in the skies above), or deserting from their units.

Hades Petitioners
Petitioners in Hades are those who were apathetic to the suffering of others, living without caring.
Petitioner Immunities: Radioactivity, cold
Petitioner Resistances: Fire 20, acid 20, electricity 20.


The three layers of the Atomic Wastelands are bleak, glassy plains, occasionally illuminated by an atomic explosion or the battles of the various creatures across the plains. There is nothing but dry, grey clouds and fiendish planes in the skies above.
The featureless wastes cause visitors to lose all happiness, laughter being swallowed up by the endless despair.


The first layer of Hades is the most irradiated of the three. Eternal conflict between the many factions of the planes has turned the rivers red and the plains glassy. Thousands of fiendish tanks blitz across the plains, massive artillery emplacements continually bombard the ground without regard for targeting, terrible aircraft fight in the sky, and horrible fiendish infantry march across irradiated ground, capturing some minor outpost or fort. The ground itself is terribly scarred, with glassy soil or massive craters dominating the landscape. The sounds of explosions and of thousands of guns chattering can be heard across the entire plain.

Khin-Oin Biological Warfare Laboratories: The tower once known as the Wasting Tower is now a massive modern biowarfare laboratory, boasting of hardware any Material Plane terrorist would drool over. From the outside, it looks like a glittering spinal column, every so often erupting in sparks or sludge as some disease or weapon is "tested". It is filled with thousands of yugoloth researchers, and their various thralls and slaves, all answering to the oinoloth on the Siege Malicious. Any disease found on any plane, magical or artificial, as well as many crafted by the researchers in the tower, can be found in its many stockpiles or vats.
The current oinoloth, the an ultraloth prince called Lirandacius, defeated the previous oinoloth, the prince Mydinarchlarus, only 50 years previously, and many of the slaves in the tower once were yugoloths who opposed his rise to power. The current oinoloth is especially interested in the Ebola virus, and is continually fascinated by its powerful effects on most creatures. His test chambers are filled with the dying moans of celestials, fiends and mortals alike, each of them affected by some strange variant of Ebola.

Hadetto: A massive slum-city-township, Hadetto is filled with those who ignored the evils of apartheid or segregation in life. Those within its walls are used as slaves for yugoloth war factories, churning out the machines used to devastate the Lower Planes. The petitioners of Hadetto are more solid than those outside its grey, concrete barriers, and are always accompanied by a yugoloth slavedriver. Any conceivable weapon, magical or not, modern or not, may be found within the arms markets of Hadetto, for a price.


The second layer of Hades is a misty, dead forest. It is far less war-torn and irradiated than the first, mainly because of the poisonous mists rising from the ground. Anyone in Stiflheim must make a Fort save (DC 20) every hour or take 1d6 points of Con damage, partially from the mild radioactivity and partially from the banks of poisonous gas. Visible-spectrum vision on this plane is limited to 60ft, and other forms are limited to 100ft, due to the everswelling mists.
The main inhabitants of this layer are fiendish mutated creatures, immune to the deadly gases. Anyone with reason to stay on this layer for any length of time must be careful of the deadly wildlife and plants.

Ft. Innocence Lost: The largest concentration of non-petitioners living on the layer is the survivalist bunker of Ft. Innocence Lost. Visible from the surface only by a small hut and the ruins of an ancient town, the bunker is inhabited by approximately 5,000 mortals who have abandoned what they see as the 'hopeless' Prime Material Plane. The bunker is about 200 meters below the ground, and the rooms are cramped. Due to the efforts of their wizards and engineers, the radiation, gases and entrapping dangers of the plane above are negated inside the Fort. Those within the bunker are always quiet, unless they are stirred; in which case they are angry, loud and deadly. Planewalkers with reason to enter the bunker generally complete their business quickly and leave, to avoid insulting their hosts.
The mortals within the town do sometimes have to replenish their supplies, and leave to find food, fuel and supplies on the surface of Stiflheim. They may be recognized by their dark green survival suits and their logo, a red crosshairs on a blue background.

Testing Station 117: Testing Station 117 is a special punishment reserved for those scientists and weapon-makers who, in life, developed new weapons, especially the chemical kind, and then didn't care how they were used or who used them. The petitioners are eternally subjected to "tests" of various fiendish poisons, delightedly administered by the yugoloths who maintain the station, who are always pursuing the 'perfect poison'.

The Roots of Yggdrasil: The Roots of Yddgrasil touch down into the realm of Hel, the Norse of god of dishonorable death. They are twisted and bent by the poisons that fill the plane. Hel lives in her massive, terrible palace, where thousands of petitioners and mortal servants continually work to stock up her arsenals and prepare for the battles of Ragnorak. The center of her palace is a massive nuclear silo, filled with thousands of nuclear weapons, as well as a few Negabombs and terronuclear weapons.


The final layer of Hades is an eternal park of dying trees, shriveled flowers and grey-brown grasses. It has not changed much in generations, for the layer is simply apathy's physical form. The Blood War rarely reaches to these depths, though a few elite squads of fiends may travel down to retrieve a particularly important soul from the depths of the Underworld.

The Underworld: Contained within massive marble walls, the Underworld is the final resting place of all petitioners of Hades, as well as many other souls somehow snatched up by the darkness of the Underworld. Its only entry is a massive, tarnished bronze gate, guarded by Canarianas, a gargantuan three-headed dog, welded together from the bodies of petitioners. Within the gates, the Underworld is similar to Pluton outside, except for the writhing petitioners, slowly being sucked dry of emotion and consumed by the darkness. If a wrongfully taken soul is rescued, it may be returned to the plane that it should have traveled to in the first place. Many travelers to Hades come here to free a trapped loved one from the Underworld. Also, fiends of all sorts roam the Underworld, looking for suitable souls for one diabolic purpose or another.

The Base of Olympus: The foot of the great mountain still reaches down into Hades, with the magnificent palaces of Hades the god covering its lower slopes. Many petitioners here are stolen from the Underworld, eternally drifting through the massive black halls, devoid of caring and emotion. Hades himself often wanders the corridors in contemplation, appearing as a tall, handsome, dark man. The palace itself has changed little in its three thousand years of existence, though instead of tridents and spears, any warriors within the walls carry AK-47s and wear night-vision goggles.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

"TheRoastSlinky" wrote:
Khin-Oin Biological Warfare Laboratories:
I love this.

One thing though... I would imagine that the test chambers are filled with all manner of races - from the mundane to the most magically gifted. The researchers at KOBWL are going to want to ensure that their "products" works against nearly every creature known to exist.

This is especially true if they want to open onto the weapons market running across the Modern planes with the intention of starting a trade in high-quality arms, viruses, and other nasties.

I like that idea that a particularly vile tyrant of some city-state on some forgotten Prime world might send a representative to KOBWL to scout for a biological viral weapon that his lord can use to cripple a neighbouring country and invade...

Sliver Overlord's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

Since this is a psuedo-D20 Modern setting, Would it not make more sence to use the radiation posioning rules in D20 Future ?

The Rules can be found in the Future Enviroment Section of the Modern SRD

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

I figured that the residence of Hades on Pluton would be the multiverse's largest bank, huge doric columns rising forever into the darkness, treasury notes forever dangling too far from the reach of grey-faced applicants and a giant three-headed agency called Cerberus Credit Systems asking you "annual income", "credit rating" and "marriage status". All surrounded by Asphodel Real Estate Holdings. Eye-wink

After all, Hades was Pluto to the Romans, god of the underworld and *wealth* (hence plutocrat, plutocracy).

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

2d6 Con damage is pretty stiff for a ubiquitous planar trait. And how do you manage damage per day? Do you take it at the end of each day? Every morning? As soon as you arrive and then every twenty-four hours thereafter?

I think it might be better to stick exactly to the way d20 Future handles radiation.

But besides that, I really like the idea of the Grey Waste as a nuclear desert. I think having lots of scorched craters miles in diameter, magically-infused fallout, incinerated cities, and a giant launch site and research based named Kin-Oin would be cool.

Sliver Overlord's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

It Seems that they wer using a simmilar methoid becouse after 24 hours exposure to a Severely irradiated enviroment does 2d6 con damage.

Radiation can be naturally or artificially produced. All stars produce radiation in some variety, and planets closer to these stars typically suffer more severe effects than worlds farther away. Many starships and other pieces of technology incorporate radioactive parts and fuel cells that can flood an area with harmful radiation when ruptured or exposed. Ancient alien civilizations might leave behind powerful artifacts that emit harmful radiation. Whether the source of the radiation is natural or artificial, any character in an environment rich with radiation may suffer some negative effects for exposure.
When characters are exposed to radiation, they may be afflicted with radiation sickness. Radiation sickness functions exactly like exposure to any other disease, following the normal rules for diseases. The Fortitude save DC and the effects of radiation sickness vary with the dose of radiation to which a creature is exposed.
Radiation exposure has five degrees: mild, low, moderate, high, and severe. To determine the degree of exposure, start with the type of exposure: either an irradiated area (such as the area near a nuclear explosion, after the fact, or a lab that has been flooded with radioactive gas), or a specific source of radiation (such as a lump of radioactive material). Then consult Table: Radiation Exposure to determine the degree of exposure based on the total time of exposure within a given 24-hour period (rounding up).

    Table: Radiation Exposure
    ————————— Time of Exposure (Minimum) ————————
    Situation 1 round 1 minute 10 minutes 1 hour 1 day
    Character in irradiated area:
    Lightly irradiated mild mild mild mild low
    Moderately irradiated mild mild low low moderate
    Highly irradiated low low moderate moderate high
    Severely irradiated moderate moderate high high severe
    Character exposed to radiation source:
    Lightly radioactive materials mild mild low low low
    Moderately radioactive materials low low moderate moderate moderate
    Highly radioactive materials moderate moderate high high high
    Severely radioactive materials high high severe severe severe

The degree of the exposure determines the severity of the radiation sickness, as indicated on Table: Radiation Sickness. At low levels, radiation sickness is a slow disease. Often, a sick character suffers no severe short-term effects. This is reflected in the fact that even with a failed Fortitude save, the character might not suffer any Constitution loss.

Table: Radiation Sickness
Degree of Exposure Fortitude Save DC Incubation Period Initial and Secondary Damage
Mild 12 1 day 1d4–2 Con*
Low 15 4d6 hours 1d6–2 Con*
Moderate 18 3d6 hours 1d6–1 Con*
High 21 2d6 hours 1d6 Con
Severe 24 1d6 hours 2d6 Con
* Minimum damage 0 Con.

Radiation sickness is considered a treatable disease that can be cured using the “treat disease” aspect of the Treat Injury skill. Treating radiation sickness requires a medical kit. Advanced medicine (such as neutrad) and advanced technology (including nanites and cybernetic implants) can also eliminate radiation sickness or obviate its harmful effects.[/][/code]

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

I'll vaguely second Rhys on this one. It should probably be either changed to use d20F radiation sickness, or rewritten along the lines of:

"Any living creature in Hades without some kind of protection takes 2d6 points of Constitution damage for each full day of exposure (Fort saving throw against DC 24 halves the damage). Exposure periods less than a day deal 1d6 constitution damage (fort save vs DC 12 to halve)."

Eyeohn's picture
Joined: 2005-01-13
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

I love the idea of The Underworld as a bank. Im currently running a plotline in a normal planescape setting in which a character is indebt to the church of hades. Its turning out well. I think turning Hades(the god) realm into a massive bank or even adding insurence and law agencies to it would be great for Urban Planescape.

Forged's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

I just got an awesome idea, imagine a major person died, and the PC's are tasked by an insurance (spelling?) company with searching hell (or wherever he's should have gone) for his soul before it becomes an unreconizable petitioner. They need to make SURE he is dead and not coming back before they will pay out his life insurence....

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

Is the Town in the Center still around?


Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

This is very similar to how I was working the realm of the god I was working on. I like it, although I feel it probably should use the radiation rules from d20 Future.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

Hmm,yugoloths with viral weapons that's kinda expected.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

Makes sense. After all - with some mental gymnatsics you can view the tannarri and baatazu as infectious agents of the yugoloth as well - in incubation certainly - but they displaced the 'cells' of the original host/plane.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

I'm going to be composing the New Norse Pantheon (ie post-Ragnorak) soon, and I was thinking that Hel would be replaced by Anthraxus (who occupied Power's realm as soon as she landed in the Dead Book). I was wondering if anyone had an alternative suggestion?

Schloss Ritter's picture
Joined: 2007-01-31
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

Of all the plane article titles, this was the first to catch my eye. Kudos on a great write-up (to whoever the original author is). I look forward to further completion of this setting.

Though I may never actually get to play.


Nothing to see here. Move along.

SorcererWithoutACause's picture
Joined: 2007-02-19
great stuff

Wonderful stuff. Perfect for a modern Hades.

A few questions/comments.....

1.) You say that the Yugoloths left Hades for Gehenna long ago (damn 3.0 sometimes) but they are found prominently throughout each layer. While i love our 2nd edition 'loths, the first ed. idea of them on the three lower planes of conflict always seemed to work best to me.

2.) Where are the Night Hags in this? Have their forms or "goals" changed at all? Could be interesting to explore.

3.) Great work again. Smiling

Lundi's picture
Joined: 2005-05-20
Some night hag-related thoughts.

-Night hags, if they had some more focus on coin, would perhaps be the best prospectors for loans and others, within Pluton, thus allowing them to keep a place within the lovely urbanized Hades. Even better, though they aren´t really focused in coin, they could be the "most generous" prospectors for loans and others, if one can somehow make the prospector chosen to be a night hag (they proudly take their time). They aren´t fools, though, and as aware as they are of their fame, they expect noticeably better treatment and some pampering (which they enjoy it ´cuz they are ass-ugly and they know it, although they enjoy more the part where someone pampers them than the part where they are pampered).

JAW, they could keep their "nonstandard biz" thing. Night hags look to me like consummate anachronisms, although I think perhaps they need a new alignment of "often neutral evil" instead of "always neutral evil", reducing the amount of neutral evil in night hags by about 60%.

That will allow for some night hag action where they are the old lady whose window you break while playing soccer, and then have to apologize to despite you think she´s "always neutral evil" and quite barmy to boot, who haunts your nightmares as long as you avoid an apology until one day you can no longer withstand the guilt and prepare for a soul-eating fiend, only to find a rather nice lady, who will talk to your parents and tell them she wants you to replant her whole garden of Poisonous Drug-Extracting Carnivore Abyssal Superintelligent Bloodthirsty and (worst of all) Expensive Yet Care-Dependant Plants. If you survive for 20 minutes, she brings you milk, cookies (although they´re homemade... Laughing out loud ), and tales of yore and yonder... mayhap stirring up teh fires of teh soul in teh kid so taht she teaches ´im some supernatural skill as long as he keeps pruning the poisonous garden (y´now, night hags teaching characters without any class level [yet] classes as supernatural as rangers and monks, or if you are too sensitive to spell-like abilities, sorcerers...). Makes for some interesting backgrounds, right?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

'Lundi' wrote:
I think perhaps they need a new alignment of "often neutral evil" instead of "always neutral evil", reducing the amount of neutral evil in night hags by about 60%.

I don't think that's a good idea.


Pants of the North!

Lundi's picture
Joined: 2005-05-20
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

Well, if we don´t make them less evil, everything works just as fine. Thanks, Bob.
Now, let me see. I´ve brewed up some hags. Which one should the bulk of her race be the most like?
P.S: There´s a blatant reference in their names... it´s completely intentional. Don´t take them seriously and don´t use them as NPCs. If you do, change their names before one of your players makes a female elan skirmisher bounty hunter who goes off to hunt Xeg-Yis in Spelljammer!

-Brinstar (NE night hag) lives in Pluton, inside the First Bank of Hades, where she works as a prospector for loans and insurances. She´s not particularly generous, but she´s more likely to allow improbable loans or insurances. She never relies on documents to decide the availability of her services, though; she prefers to see things herself. She´s never seen without her ioun stone, dark blue rhomboid spinning around her head.
The gist is, the saying "a bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove you don´t need it" doesn´t hold true when Brinstar is the one approving the loan. She values more the will to repay than any possibility of doing so (which winds up deadly for her clients). What comes to those who can´t pay, as she always says "is out of my control. I just approved the loan, the rest was up to you".

-Chozodia (NE night hag) has a kip in Sigil. A very reclusive person, she tends to her little garden and keeps to herself. When seen outside of her house, she´s always chasing off cranium rats with a shotgun, swearing like a mephit. When she does kill one, she makes her stew with them... or so do the rumors say.
The gist is, Chozodia has a heart of gold (as critters from Hades go...), and would help anyone who was so kind as to ask. She has no patience for no one, though, and will resort to her shotgun as soon as it looks like the right thing to do. For anyone who is sweet enough, Chozodia can prove a great ally.

-Tourian (NE night hag) is barmy except by night hag standards. She lives around metropolises, and catches children who venture out at night to eat them. At times, she haunts the dreams of some other beings, always as monstrous as herself. RP-wise, she seems little more than a fight to prevent further harm.
The gist is, killing her might be the most stupid thing one can do. She knows a lot more than anyone about the wicked of the city, whose dreams she rides everynight.

-Crateria (NE night hag) lives in her kip down there in the first layer of Hades. Unaffected by the radiation, she deals in the nonmagical yet exotic as per yore. She´s never interested in the same thing twice, yet her wares are always the finest. Mostly, she deals in anti-radiation charms of her own making.
The gist is, Crateria can sell many a quest item. The price is always another quest to pay, huh.

-Kraid (NE night hag) lives currently in a small city in Acheron, after having spent centuries planewalking. The aggressive nature of the plane led her to discover punk rock, which is her current interest. She´s had her navel, tongue, earrings and brow pierced with glistening cold iron rings. She´s a popular among the Sensates and the Fraternity of Order. Note her songs sound like terribly vague gibberish on many topics to the uninterested ear.
The gist is, her songs are compressed deeply. When you play them backwards, the words becomes screeches, and the screeches become words. The message stays vague, but the eye of the beholder carries the beauty with itself; use Kraid´s songs to give clues to your players. An interested listener will always find something that relates to his current situation. If they miss it once, allow them a retry listening backwards.

But telling yah the truth, I think I´ll start a fanfic... tangentially on the topic.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

I don't like the idea of making it this hostile. Perhaps make certain area free of the radioactivity. Otherwise low-level players pretty much can't go there.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

'Lord Zack' wrote:
I don't like the idea of making it this hostile. Perhaps make certain area free of the radioactivity. Otherwise low-level players pretty much can't go there.
Well, to be fair, Hades is not exactly a place low level characters should be anyway. There are certain spells that many planewalking travelers have in their arsenal to protect from hazardous planar effects like the heat of the Fire plane or the life draining of the Negative energy plane. I would imagine there would be similar magic available to stave off the effects of the radiation. You just need to be sure to enter the plane prepared, like any sensible planewalker.

Dark_Reaction024's picture
Joined: 2007-09-30
The Atomic Wastelands of Hades

There are certain spells that many planewalking travelers have in their arsenal to protect from hazardous planar effects like the heat of the Fire plane or the life draining of the Negative energy plane. I would imagine there would be similar magic available to stave off the effects of the radiation.

Considering the bent of the Plane (Radioactive Wastes) and the tech level on this, it seems kinda obvious the answer here- radiation suits. Hell, perhaps even an enhancement to armor (+2 equivalent?) that protects against radiation.

The final layer of Hades, in my mind, would be exactly whats missing.... youve gone from all out wastelands on the first layer.... then moved into slightly less destroyed areas on the second.... and considering that this is a semi-modern style setting.... a city seems the only thing missing.

A massive city, that at one time was 'prosperous' (by Hades' terms) and full of activity... until the bomb(s) hit. Then, in one fell swoop, the entire thing turned to rubble.

Now, theres nothing but a stinking mass of semi-melted steel, glass and flesh. Any number of irradiated creatures roam this landscape- mutated terrors, mechanical monstrosities that were sent in to clean up the damage and got side tracked or damaged, insane results of the nuclear blast (creatures half melded to the ground, or have had liquid steel fused to a limb or their entire body).

A few small groups are STILL making an attempt to clear the rubble- locked away in tiny bunkers, breeding with each other for decades (inbreeding being the result) and with no way to truly escape the bombed out death beyond their bunker door (the out-dated radiation suits they wear give only a 10 minute window outside of the bunkers); they have basically held on to the only thing they remember- their mission to clear the city. Nothing else matters.

(NOTE: This is reminiscent of video Ive seen of the attempt at cleaning up Chernobyl (sp?), in which, because of the heavy radiation, soviet soldiers were sent out in small teams to clear heavily irradiated rubble from the reactor core- usually having a survival window of less than 5 minutes outside protective bunkers..... )

And still, the fighting continues- small bands of heavily armed warriors, wearing the latest anti-radiation gear, battle it out over the smoking remains and glowing pools of irradiated blood, acid and ichor. Faint clacking of automatic gunfire can be heard at all hours. Snipers hide within the burned out, half-melted spires of forgotten sky scrapers; hoping to pick off weaker targets for any resources they can get.

Its not uncommon to see Abyssal/Baatorian Special Forces moving throughout the city limits- many a powerful artifact was lost in this radioactive quagmire, and more than a few demons/devils have been tasked with recovered just such an item.

But even for them, the monstrous results of the radiation are more than a handful- even the slightest cut in one's radiation protection, and they are as good as dead. At some places within the city (especially the burned out hulk of the multi-core fussion reactor, the first of its kind) the radiation is powerful enough to make protective measures meaningless- hair falls out in clumps, eyes burst and the skin begins to bubble before you even realize youve stumbled into these death traps, making a radiometer a must have for exploration.

Located in a massive, lead-plated bunker in the middle of the city ruins lies the Waste's Bank. Here, funds cannot be frozen and information regarding customers is strictly guarded- much like the facility itself, which is under 24 hours surveillance via CC television, divination magics and the hulking security (most are Balors with 10+ Fghtr levels).
The bunker is shielded against the heinous environment above, leaving guests to handle their business in comfort. A number of portals connect directly to the bank, leading to almost every plane on the Great Wheel- this gives customers the chance to enter the bank, without having to make the long journey through the wastes and surrounding wilds.

Again, just my 2 cents Smiling

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