The Astral War (Project 2)

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Astral War (Project 2)

In the first years of the Revalationary Era, a new wave of raids was launched by the Githyanki on several Prime Worlds. These attacks might have been of little significance to the rest of the cosmos if not for one detail-they were all colonies of Ortho. The planet that gave birth to the Harmonium mobilized its forces to bring the fight for peace to the Astral Plane.

The Astral War would last over two centuries. The forces of Ortho found common cause with the monastic Astral Norse and the enigmatic Fraal, while the Githyanki were aided by the Doomguard. In their efforts to gain a decisive edge, both sides harnessed the technological revolution taking place in a few corners of the Prime Material. In doing so, industrialization spread rapidly throughout the Multiverse. Despite the limited scope of the Astral War (in comparison to the apocalyptic Pantheon War or the unending Blood War), it nevertheless brought great change to the cosmos.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
The Astral War (Project 2)

So the astral war was a techno revolution for the multiverse speeding up the spread of technology and creating the need for it?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
The Astral War (Project 2)

Two hundred years is, on the Prime, a very long time; I'd imagine that playing out like the Hundred Years War, with brief interludes of fighting between long stretches of bickering and rearming. A cold war with the Astral Plane is a frightening thought, which would explain pouring such an effort into research. So, it's a cute timeline. There's other possibilities that emerge here, too. The obvious one for me at the moment is that the Primes could try taking Pitiless as an Astral lab or as a staging point or something.

And, Perro: an important note about the Outer Planes is that a need for technology isn't something that's ever likely to exist there. The Outer Planes are the home of ideas and concepts, so what'd influence them most is Primes believing in technology.

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