The Ancient Bretheren

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
The Ancient Bretheren

I read that a recent issue of Dragon (or maybe Dungeon) discussed the Ancient Bretheren and listed five known members, including the Lady of Pain, Asmodeus/Ahriman, Jazirian, and two others... who were the two others, and was there any other goodies from that article that we should know about? Thanks...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
The Ancient Bretheren

I can't help you, but I take issue to that article (even though I haven't read it Laughing out loud ) because it puts Asmodeus on a rung of the cosmic ladder he shouldn't be on. The Bearnloths, and the progenitor races for Good, Law, and Chaos aren't as powerful as the Lady (in my game anyway), and Asmodeus should be a far cry from being as powerful as even one Baernloth IMHO.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
The Ancient Bretheren

That's how I've always seen the heirarchy, with one exception. Baernaloths in their prime were massively powerful, and there may still be some at those levels of power. Apomps, for instance, if he's still even a Baernaloth. The Baern encountered in PS cannon are pretty weak, having given up on their former glory out of boredom, or apathy, or for some other less explicable reason. That doesn't mean they don't still have knowledge beyond anyone's imagination. They just don't care enough to use it mostly now.

Most of that Ancient Bretheren stuff came from "The Guide to Hell" and subsequent releases from WotC, and I'm always leery of that. I'm not ruling it out, I just don't trust it implicitly

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
The Ancient Bretheren

Hmm. Besides what I read here, I don't know a huge amount about PS cannon in the books. Cannon or no, I'd still make them hugely powerful because I prefer eviler campaigns--I'd say they just weren't particularly concerned with small things.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The Ancient Bretheren

'Anime Fan' wrote:
I read that a recent issue of Dragon (or maybe Dungeon) discussed the Ancient Bretheren and listed five known members, including the Lady of Pain, Asmodeus/Ahriman, Jazirian, and two others... who were the two others, and was there any other goodies from that article that we should know about? Thanks...

They only listed four. Here's the quote:

"Another possibility proposes that this entity [the Serpent] is one of a number of unfathomably old beings known as the Elders or Ancient Brethren (see Die Vecna Die). Who are what these beings were or are remains unclear, but Asmodeus, Jazirian (god of the couatls), the Lady of Pain, and the Serpent are all rumored to be of this ageless heritage. A connection between these entities and other creatures born of the times before the multiverse, such as the baernaloths and the draeden, doubtlessly exist. "

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