The Abyss and other quaint places

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WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Abyss and other quaint places

Hi everyone, I'm new.
I'm not sure if anyone has covered the Abyss yet, but I have only one real suggestion for now. Either the Abyss, or the Nine hells, or both, should have an elevator. Laughing out loud

Unski's picture
Joined: 2006-05-11
The Abyss and other quaint places

The Abyss hasn't got a thread yet, Baator has a few, though none listed as official.

Yeah, but an elevator in Baator should be reserved only for the social elite. I mean we can't let all the commoners use OUR elevators just like that. Which is why we positioned armed guards around it, who can shoot on sight.

In the Abyss it would ALWAYS be broken. Even if a minor demon lord sends someone to repair it in order to move troops, the moment it's fixed a random tanar'ri runs and smashes it apart.
Could be a humorous, yet incredibly frustrating event in the lives of random planewalkers.
And even if the elevator was somehow actually working, the only buttons inside are "1" ,"Infinite" and "Don't Push".

Edit: Eeek! I pressed WithoutNationality's PM button instead of New Reply! Blushing!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Abyss and other quaint places

Armoured guards that shoot on sight is too...Tanar'ri-like for the Baatezu

An elevator with NO buttons, that will appear in doorways when you don't expect it, and take you to visit the one Lord of the Nine you particularly didn't want to visit-that's how the Baatezu would set it up

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