Tech Level?

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Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Tech Level?

Hey all. Its been awhile since I was last back here, been out of town for a bit but I'm back and looking to use UPS to playtest a new ruleset I've been working, just for this summer. I've started to start getting the blocks of work done into my head, but one thing I cant find at the moment is the actual tech level for UPS.

So the question is, what sort of tech level are we dealing with. Current earth like tech (nuclear power, projetile firearms etc), more cyberpunk like (with cyberspace and cyberware) or even further ahead with laser weapons???

And then that leads to magi-tech - does it exisit in UPS and if so, how does it interact with normal tech and with normal magic (I'm guessing source material like shadow run and rifts would might be exmaples of it?)



PS I've never looked at urban arcana for d20 mordern....I will try and get a look tho at some point

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
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Technology is modern level. Magic is common but low-level (anything above 5th lvl is highly restricted, and requires special preperations for anyone who isn't a Power or Quasi-Power). Magic-technology combinations are currently ad-hoc. No hard and fast rules.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Cheers UT for the info. I assume then that cyberware and such things are not included or are very very rare (I'm a cbyerpunk fan). If so, I was thinking ,that even though the rest of the multiverse might not yet utilise it yet, mechanus may have developed cyberware and the first products of that technology are making their way onto others planes. Having it, but having it rare may make for an interesting hooks and goals for characters??


Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
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Well cybertechnology has caught on in one corner in the multiverse...the Abyss. The Tanar'ri have no qualms about trying to graft, sow, or staple machines onto themselves and/or other Tanar'ri. Demogorgon and his hordes have shown particular zeal in this field-UPS depictions of the Prince of Demons includes chrome scattered around a figure that's horrific to begin with.

In a funny way, the Abyss has acted as a Silicon Valley for the Planes...if you considered rampaging, soul-destroying technology "funny"

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Nice Twist! So are there some sort of loosely organised corporations down in the abyss that developed this, or did they just steal the technology from a prime??

Has Baator discovered this line of technology yet and if so, has it engaged in any major (corporate) espionage yet?


Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
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It's not really technological development as it is a manifestation of some of the more horrific aspects of technology. Corporations imply order, which is abhorrent in the Abyss. Instead, several greater demons thought it would be twisted to rip the arm off one of their lackeys and stick an assault rifle in its place. That is how cybertech was introduced to the Planes.

Given its chaotic upbringing, the Baatezu are having a devil of a time reverse engineering it. More importantly, it hasn't caught the attention of any Lords. This will likely change when cybertech begins to develop on the Prime.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Fair enough, nice pun btw...... Smiling

So is it assumed then that the highest form of techology on any prime world is modern then or will you be leaving 'gaps' for DMs to put in other stuff if they want?


Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
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Ultimately it's the GM's decision. I decided to include the Fraal in the setting to allow for futuristic technology. The standard setting will assume the Fraal keep it to themselves, ut you could easily make it different.

Karno_Fevik's picture
Joined: 2008-03-02
Tech Level?

I am thinking the base tech level will be modern. No lasers. No spaceships. No light sabres. Just Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane.

RE: Magically enhanced technology.

The way I am going to run this in my game will be similar in a way to D&D. Enchanting an item is not terribly difficult - however like in D&D - only Masterwork items can be enchanted.

The caveat here is obvious - mass-produced items such as guns, computers, cars etc can't possibly be of masterwork quality if they are mass-produced on an assembly line or in a factory. The level of craftmanship required for a masterwork item is considerable - only the finest materials, worked with care, and handmade. So finding a handmade gun or a handmade computer or a handmade car is very rare and very expensive. Most people who would have or use a piece of enchanted tech have needed to get it handmade for them, and it is most likely a unique item.

I like it this way because in a way it allows the obvious thing people think of - woohoo keened vorpal bullets fired from a hasted minigun - but without making it a game breaking, fiend-insta-kill, munchkin machine. And it allows for all of the normal D&D items that would still be present somewhere in the planes, so you don't have to totally nerf the campaign or limit the PCs to mundane items.

One more thing: This is more related to magic than tech, but I am also thinking I will make Cleric, Sorcerer and Mage NPC classes. High level spells exist and are available somewhere, but not to the PCs. Only classes from the D20 books are allowable for PC classes.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Nice take on how magic items work with tech Smiling If i used d20 modern, I would use that rule, but I just do fluff for UPS :mrgreen:


Karno_Fevik's picture
Joined: 2008-03-02
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Another idea I had today was to add something similar to Arcane Spell Failure Chance to it.

So perhaps there could be some technomagic that was available for cheap, but it tends to be kind of bodged together and inelegant. So you could get an Icy Burst Shotgun without breaking the bank, but give it 25% Arcane Failure Chance like with a Mage or Sorcerer wearing armor. Maybe even throw in something like 5% chance the arcane energy hurts the wielder instead, just to be evil.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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The caveat here is obvious - mass-produced items such as guns, computers, cars etc can't possibly be of masterwork quality if they are mass-produced on an assembly line or in a factory. The level of craftmanship required for a masterwork item is considerable - only the finest materials, worked with care, and handmade. So finding a handmade gun or a handmade computer or a handmade car is very rare and very expensive. Most people who would have or use a piece of enchanted tech have needed to get it handmade for them, and it is most likely a unique item.

The only problem is that if its simply a matter of the items quality, than mass production is still possible.

You can mass produce a titanium, laser -sharpened longsword with a silk grip. This sword would be drastically superior to any sword in the typical DnD setting, and it would be impossible to surpass the sharpness of the blade without industrial machinery, which if it existed could be used in mass production instead of the laser-sharpening.

So, if you want to make masterwork (or magical) items uncommon, you'll need to use a different element. I'd suggest that you make it not the quality itself of the item, however useful it may be, that makes it abel to be infused with magic. After all, its still the same material, just in a different shape. Why would magic care if its slightly sharper or not?
Instead, make it the process by which an item becomes masterworked, that extra effort poured in, that gives the item that spark. By definition, that CANT be mass produced.

It also opens up the possibility of other ways that an item might gain this sort of spark, without an increase in quality. Like a sword thats been passed down in a family, even though its not of superior quality.

Karno_Fevik's picture
Joined: 2008-03-02
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*sees avatar icon* Fellow Fallout Fan!

I did say it has to be handmade - it isn't just a matter of quality. A Mercedes is a higher quality car than a Kia Sephia, but neither one is handmade. Now a Rolls Royce? There's a handmade car, and the price reflects that.

So in the same vein, a titanium, laser-sharpened longsword with a silk grip would be a very nice sword - but would it be considered a Masterwork item? Not if it was produced on an assembly line somewhere. Only if it was handmade. In any case, the rules for enchanting swords in D&D are already pretty straightforward. So really it's just taking the D&D rule for only being able to enchant a masterwork item and trying to find a way to apply it to modern technology.

So I guess I'm just saying that we agree with eachother. Being handmade would give it that spark.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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'Karno_Fevik' wrote:
So in the same vein, a titanium, laser-sharpened longsword with a silk grip would be a very nice sword - but would it be considered a Masterwork item? Not if it was produced on an assembly line somewhere. Only if it was handmade. In any case, the rules for enchanting swords in D&D are already pretty straightforward. So really it's just taking the D&D rule for only being able to enchant a masterwork item and trying to find a way to apply it to modern technology.

While I agree with the idea that only a handmade item has the soul of crafting put into it to allow an enchantment to hold, I don't think that's the same thing as being masterwork. That mass-produced laser-cut sword could very easily be of superior quality (and deserve the +1 to hit) without being able to be enchanted.


Pants of the North!

Karno_Fevik's picture
Joined: 2008-03-02
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'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Karno_Fevik' wrote:
So in the same vein, a titanium, laser-sharpened longsword with a silk grip would be a very nice sword - but would it be considered a Masterwork item? Not if it was produced on an assembly line somewhere. Only if it was handmade. In any case, the rules for enchanting swords in D&D are already pretty straightforward. So really it's just taking the D&D rule for only being able to enchant a masterwork item and trying to find a way to apply it to modern technology.

While I agree with the idea that only a handmade item has the soul of crafting put into it to allow an enchantment to hold, I don't think that's the same thing as being masterwork. That mass-produced laser-cut sword could very easily be of superior quality (and deserve the +1 to hit) without being able to be enchanted.

Maybe there needs to be a name for this handmade, enchantable tech quality then? I was thinking Masterwork could be the term, but I think you two are right. Masterwork might not be specific enough for exactly what would need to be done for enchantment to be possible. It would need to be specific enough that in-game mechanics wouldn't be slowed down by the DM or Player trying to figure out if a weapon or other item was enchantable.

I think for regular melee weapons like swords and daggers and things like that, Masterwork as a name and a quality would be sufficient just like it has always been. But for cars and guns and laptops, maybe a name like "Eldritch Tech" or "Arcane Capable"? This term would mean that it was made by hand of the finest materials for the express purpose of being enchantable. It would be ridiculously expensive and rare. Like if that very nice titanium sword is a Mercedes, Eldritch Tech is a Bugatti Veyron - to continue the car analogy.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Tech Level? about we keep it nice and simple......Hand've already been using it to describe the necessary requirements for such an item, why not stick with it, plus it shortens domws nicely to HC....


Karno_Fevik's picture
Joined: 2008-03-02
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'Kal' wrote: about we keep it nice and simple......Hand've already been using it to describe the necessary requirements for such an item, why not stick with it, plus it shortens domws nicely to HC....

Heh. Yeah. I like simple. Hand-Crafted works for me. The opening to the Magic Items and Equipment section could have a little blurb that says what the term means in-game.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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'Kal' wrote: about we keep it nice and simple......Hand've already been using it to describe the necessary requirements for such an item, why not stick with it, plus it shortens domws nicely to HC....

Curse Occam and his razor.


Pants of the North!

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