Tasked Genies

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crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

Some examples of Tasked genies; A Djinni winemaster, Marit traveller, a Dao miner and an efreet slayer

seraph's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Tasked Genies

Oh yes, I have been meaning to contact you since the transitive planes pdf. Would you like to be credited as "Crapcore" or as your real name? In any case, you can let me know at avangion[AT]rocketmail.com.

Nice. But marid traveller? There was a traveller tasked genie? Where is it from?

The winemaker doesn't seem to match its description; "This erect creature has the head of a cat, body of a dog and a long elephant trunk." Below is the pic from Al-Qadim MC13...

seraph's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Tasked Genies

The tasked genies from Al-Qadim MC13 below. There are a few more from MC Annual #1.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Tasked Genies

These are all by Baxa... I did an art project on him for my first semester this year.....and alot of his work is amazing, it would be very hard to top those drawings.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Tasked Genies


Well, that's not very constructive. "The original artist was awesome... I don't think anyone can do better."

The WInemaker looks kinda silly in my opinion. Of course, its a silly chimeric creature, but it definitely could have looked less ungainly (Baxa's not Crap's).

Now, onto Crap!

The Dao Miner is supposed to be hairless with a bullet-shaped head and large digging claws (I think).

I like the Slayer alot, though I think he should have noticable wings of some kind. ((Oops, looks like the SLayer's not supposed ot have noticable wings... or its description doesn't say so. Ignore me!))

Yer art style is interesting for a monster type book. Its very precise with dark lines and definition I wish you'd work better with proportions, though. Lengthen them, shrink the bodies a bit. I understand style (heck, my stuff isn't usually anatomically correct either) but in your work everything has a tendency to come out looking so "Chibi".

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Tasked Genies

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
I understand style (heck, my stuff isn't usually anatomically correct either) but in your work everything has a tendency to come out looking so "Chibi".

That's okay for genies, I think, who tend to be pretty creative with their shapes and forms.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Tasked Genies

I'm just saying I don't think many people can top Tom baxa, that wasn't even directed at crapcore, who I think is also a finominal artist. The comment was directed more at seraph than crapcore. I really don't think anyone could outdo these genies.

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

@ sereph: I favor to be creddited as my real name, "Ron Schuijt". And for the Marid, it was supposed to be a herdsmen, but without a herd...my bad :oops:

As for the wrong details, I couldn't find any decent descriptions with google (and the zipped file with descriptions gave an error), so I collected what I got and fired away, hoping to get some feedback here, so thanx for those pics of tasked genies, the next drawing will be more accurate.

@ Primes, I agree with the winemaker, I will try to find some way to make it look more of a genie. And the big heads are an anatomy-issue I just can't get rid off, but I always say, it's better to have a head who's to big than one who's to small Cool

@ Blackthornes: Tom baxa has done some great work, like scary fairy's and army's of the abyss, but we shoudn't compare our stuff too much to the original, not only because we are working as fans and not as pro's, but also that new styles and interpetations can make the art more refreshing than just copying it, or only trying to be better than the originals.

More drawings comming soon

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Tasked Genies

'crapcore' wrote:
@ Blackthornes: Tom baxa has done some great work, like scary fairy's and army's of the abyss, but we shoudn't compare our stuff too much to the original, not only because we are working as fans and not as pro's

Don't undersell yourself. The only comparison you should be making between the way your work looks and the way Baxa's does is that Baxa is crappy compared to the way you could be if you really tried.

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

well thanx rip, I will try to make the best of it Cool

Here some new (with basic colors for fancyness), tried to do them one by one this time, meaby putting them together if they are all inked and coloured.



In total I found 13 types of tasked genies, I think i will illustratie 4 or 5 of them, more would take too much time.

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

It's back, bigger, badder, with cooler weapons and with some fast shading: the Slayer

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

a Miner

I don't really know what to do with the winemaker. It's just such a...wierd guy

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Tasked Genies

I like where you're going with these, crapcore. While the first try was so-so, the last slayer and the miner are great.

You don't need to illustrate them all, if you don't like the winemaker just skip it. Ideally, I'd like to see a single picture showing 3 or 4 different tasked genie types together, maybe the layout of that first post?

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Tasked Genies

I agree with Nemui. The first set all together is awesome! If you aren't feeling good about a picture, someone else will pick it up or leave it like in the MM Laughing out loud


crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

The architect with shading

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

And last but not least: the guardian with shading

I think I'm going to put the slayer, miner, architect and gaurdian in one composition like in the first picture, I don't think I will colour them, that would just cost a great amount of time and the outcome woudn't even be that much better than the one in black/white.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Tasked Genies

if you don't want to color them, maybe you can make someone else do it ;D

*rasies hand to volunteer*

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

Had more time today than I thought so ehm...tadaa!

Meaby scaling it a little or changing composition, for the rest I think it's so good as finished.

And Princessbunny, are you a little proficient with photoshop? because if you are really eager to colour them (and have that damn amount of time to do so) I could email you the original files (about 20 mb).

Greetz crapcore

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Tasked Genies

'crapcore' wrote:
Had more time today than I thought so ehm...tadaa!

Meaby scaling it a little or changing composition, for the rest I think it's so good as finished.

Agreed. The texture of the blades is odd somehow, but i like it.

Again, great job!

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

is this any better? what do you guys/girls think?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Tasked Genies

The architect is badly placed. His hand becomes lost in the center of the image, creating a jumble of lines and details that is hard to resolve. It'd be easier to differentiate if they were different colors or colorized, but the grey just makes it too complex.

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

I had the afternoon off so I just fired away, it seemed that the colouring wasn't that time-consuming as I had thought, thank the powers for photoshop Cool

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Tasked Genies

That's some nice work, I especially like the Guardian and the colored quartet is nicely done as well...I loved DMing Al-Qadim...

crapcore's picture
Joined: 2005-07-20
Tasked Genies

Thanx for the comment, but does anyone know how to uploade a pic into the projects folder?

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Tasked Genies

They look great Laughing out loud I'd ask clueless on how to add them into the projects folder...I don't know myself Laughing out loud

Edo's picture
Joined: 2007-03-01
Tasked Genies

Two faced guy looks great.
Throught not nosed winemaker;) .

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