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Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

I've been working on this creature with MakThuumNgatha's help. I'd like to submit it to a Creature Codex article but I'm not sure how to submit, or whether it belongs on the forum instad, and anyway I'm interested if anyone has any feedback about it first.

The Planes of Wood and Flowers I read about in the Codex of Demiplanes. Flowers is the positive energy quasi-plane attached to Wood, which may or may not be an element in the normal sense.


Concept, description, and ecology by Vaevictis Asmadi
Stats, appearance, and special abilities by MakThuumNgatha

This is intended to make an interesting and thought-provoking sort of antagonist, especially for Druids, and a lesson in the balance of nature. People often think of death as being always bad; the Tanzu demonstrate that life is never that simplistic. Druids probably spend a lot of time preventing the destruction of wildlife, but they would have to stop the Tanzu’s actions or the ecosystem would be damaged and eventually, completely collapse.

Large outsider
Hit dice: 8d8+40 (76hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 feet, climb 30 feet.
Armor class: 24 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +12 natural)
Base attack/grapple: +8/+16
Attack: Long spear +14 melee (2d6+7/x3) or claw +14 (1d6+5)
Full attack: Long spear +14/+9 melee (2d6+7/x3) and bite +9 (1d8+3); or 2 claws +14 (1d6+5) and bite +9 (1d8+2).
Space/reach: 10ft/10ft.
Special attacks: Aura of life, spell-like abilities, spellcasting,
Special qualities: Negative energy vulnerability (+50% damage), positive energy protection, acid resistance 10, regeneration 5, SR 16, damage reduction 5/magic.
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +10
Abilities: Str 21 Dex 16 Con 21 Int 12 Wis 19 Cha 14
Skills: Listen +15, Spot +15, Spellcraft +12, concentration +16, Knowledge (planes, nature) +12, survival +15, hide +7 (+13 in forests), move silently +10, climb +20.
Feats: Great fortitude, combat casting, spell focus (necromancy).
Environment: Quasi-elemental Plane of Flowers
Organization: Solitary, band (2-5), or party (6-14)
Challenge Rating: 8?
Treasure: half standard coins, standard goods, standard items.
Alignment: Usually neutral.
Advancement: 9-16 HD (large); 17-24 HD (huge).

The creature before you looks like much like a stick insect, but it has only four legs, two of which hold it up right in a manner perversely similar to a human, and its front legs end in vaguely humanoid hands that hold a spear. Its head is that of an insect, but its eyes display undeniable intelligence. Its body is covered in living plant growth and it stands nine feet tall.

All Tanzu speak their own language, planar trade, and either terran, aquan, auran, or ignan.

Combat: Most Tanzu dislike killing innocent people (according to their definition of “innocent”) and prefer not to kill until they’ve tried at least entangle, and some sleep-type spells. They will usually try first to persuade attackers to stand down and make peace, explaining that they are only benevolent beings intent on helping all living things. But they will stop people who repeatedly try to impede their projects, and will kill people who insist on attacking them, since obviously such people are violent, life-hating, death-loving evil people. They summon Wood Elementals, and some bring lesser beings from their home plane and the Plane of Wood as retainers to defend them. If forced to fight themselves, they first use their spells to weaken, entangle, and confuse the opponent before closing with claws, jaws, and weapons.

Positive energy protection: Tanzu are immune to any potentially harmful effects of positive energy, such as those of the Positive Energy Plane.

Regeneration: A Tanzu takes normal damage from fire and negative energy.

Spell-casting: Tanzu cast spells as 7th level clerics with access to the domains of plant and healing. Spells per day: 6/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1. DC 14+spell level. They always cast cure spells (as opposed to inflict spells), spontaneously.

Spell-like abilities: at will- entangle, goodberry, plant growth, consecrate. 3/day- negative energy protection, spike growth, cure serious wounds, death ward, cure disease. 1/day- mass cure light wounds, wall of thorns, summon nature’s ally V (can only be used to summon Elementals from the Plane of Wood or Quasi-Plane of Flowers).

Aura of Life: Once per month, a group of at least three Tanzu is able to create an Aura of Life centered on a point of space of their choice that extends out in a 300-foot radius per Tanzu involved and lasts 1 year for each Tanzu involved. All beings within the aura mature at the normal rate but after reaching maturing only age at one fifth the normal rate. Similarly, all inanimate objects decay and deteriorate at one tenth the normal rate. Within the aura, living beings have only one fifth (20%) of the normal likelihood of catching any particular disease, and are three times as likely to recover. Creation of this aura takes one full day of Tanzu chanting in a circle. This aura can only be eliminated prematurely with a limited wish, alter reality, wish, miracle, reality revision, or with epic magic or divine intervention. All Tanzu are continuously surrounded with this aura with a radius of 200 feet.
If the Tanzu are interrupted while creating the group aura and forced to stop chanting, such as to defend themselves from attack, they must start over from the beginning.

Habitat/Society: Tanzu are native to the Positive Quasi-plane that borders the “Elemental” Plane of Wood. The plane is a world of perpetual growth unlimited by disease, aging, death, or decay. The Tanzu strongly believe that death, aging, and decay are wrong and unnatural, and oppose them with the same fervor with which Celestials oppose Fiends. These Outsiders try to spread their plane’s influence on the Prime Material, casting spells to arrest the processes of death and decay, “cleansing” areas of Prime worlds from the “corruption” of death. They generally tolerate death in the form of predation, although they do nothing to encourage it.

They try to make friends, or at least extend their influence, to the people who live in an area they’ve decided to live in. Many take a crusading view, trying to teach and “enlighten” people about the wrongness of death, and this message is often received favorably by Primes. They might come to a village, offering immortality and a cure to all diseases. They use their aura and spells if at all possible, but they also try to prevent deforestation, teach people about medicine and sanitation, and help combat the influence of death cults, disease gods, and the like.

Unfortunately, all the Tanzu’s activity greatly unbalances Prime Material ecosystems. By arresting all death and decay, they prevent the cycling of nutrients and the decay of corpses. At first, a glut of never-rotting carcasses attracts enormous numbers of carrion-eating animals. Later, when prey animals stop aging and catching diseases, the predators that usually pick off the infirm animals become unable to catch a meal. In desperation they often turn to eating livestock and children from the nearest village. The repeated use of plant growth: enrichment is no more environmentally friendly than industrial chemical fertilizers, eventually choking lakes and rivers with slime and causing rapid overgrowth of tangled weeds that can overrun villages and farms. But without the constant input of enrichment in lieu of decay, the soil is soon exhausted of all nutrients; crops fail, and plants concentrate their energy on vegetative growth, ceasing to produce flowers and fruit. The imbalance can develop gradually for many years, but if Tanzu are allowed to operate in an area for decades or centuries, the situation will eventually spiral out of control, causing regional ecological collapse. Even after the Tanzu leave and area (generally blaming their failure on the corruption in the Prime Material and the forces of death) it may take a century or more for the soil fertility and the ecosystem to recover.

Tanzu also work hard to stop forest and prairie fires. In the long run, this practice makes forests extremely vulnerable to massive, uncontrollable fires that kill trees, unlike natural forest fires which clear brush and leave most mature trees alive. In a grassland, the loss of fire often allows trees to take over the landscape, destroying the habitat of prairie animals. Tanzu also see no problem with invasive species, and do not comprehend the massive damage they can cause to Prime ecologies. On their own plane, all species of plants live together without driving each other extinct. The Tanzu are not the least put off when a single species of weed overruns fields, gardens, sidewalks, roofs, and houses, and they can’t understand why anybody else is bothered.

Their general attitude toward the Prime beings they encounter is polite and helpful, but they are also self-righteous or condescending (depending on the individual) toward any who disagree with them. Trying to convince them that death is necessary for Prime ecosystems to function is like trying to convince an abolitionist that slavery is necessary for the economy. They just don’t believe it, and they won’t listen. Some will be polite about it, some will get in-your-face and obnoxious, and some will patiently try to persuade the misguided. But changing even one Tanzu’s mind would be an amazing, Herculean feat.

The Tanzu’s home plane is like the root or bud of the Wood, it is the source of growth (fed by the Positive Energy) that blooms and grows outward, maturing in the Wood Plane, and finally aging and dying in the quasi-plane of Rot. The Tanzu’s philosophy is in complete harmony with their own plane and works perfectly well there, but that world is only part of the functioning whole that is the Wood Element. However, they believe their world is the pinnacle of creation, and every place else is tainted and oppressed by death and must be “saved” and “purified” and so forth. They’re convinced everybody else is misguided or misinformed.

Tanzu are somewhat perplexed by the undead. They don’t really know what to do with them. Their existence stalls death, but they are animated by Negative Energy, which diametrically opposes the Tanzu’s quasi-plane, and often created by clerics or mages in service to death gods. Therefore, most Tanzu tend to destroy them. But they aren’t as interested in this as they are in preventing mundane death.

Ecology: The Tanzu’s unnatural effect on Prime Material ecosystems is described above.
Tanzu are unable to reproduce their own race except on their home plane, and their reproductive cycle is unknown. Individual Tanzu always claim to be hermaphroditic. However, like all Outsiders they are capable of creating Planetouched offspring, and some Tanzu do this as a way to spread their planar influence on the Prime. These offspring are sometimes taken back to the Plane of Flowers to be raised there.

Tanzu avoid eating since it tends to cause death and taint their bodies with the influence of death, but they are willing to drink water (or mercury, or anything else not derived from living beings) for social purposes when interacting with Primes.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14

I haven't really given the stats a thorough read, but I like the concept. Unfortunately, it's the kind of concept one rarely sees in a traditional fantasy setting, because it goes against certain cultural thought patterns that are very ingrained in us. (i.e., More Life = Always Good)

Druids in D&D usually aren't dealing with "the (name of species) are drastically overpopulating the forest, ruining the ecosystem!" Instead, "the undead minions of Evil Cleric X are ruining the forest, let's team up with the Champions of Weal and destroy them!"


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12

'Zimrazim' wrote:
I haven't really given the stats a thorough read, but I like the concept. Unfortunately, it's the kind of concept one rarely sees in a traditional fantasy setting, because it goes against certain cultural thought patterns that are very ingrained in us. (i.e., More Life = Always Good)

I don't see how that is unfortunate; if anything that is precisely what makes this race interesting. Planescape is without question the most ideologically driven DnD setting (and it is certainly not a traditional fantasy setting), and this factor is definitely most interesting when players are confronted with alien ideologies that cause them to question their cultural assumptions. This fits that bill. I could take this argument to the extreme and say that the existence of this creature forces people to consider the negative effects of over population and excessive healthcare in our world. But I am not necessarily saying that, and this creature was in no way created to promote a particular political agenda.

Vaevictis, while I like essentially all of your write up (and the changes you made to the life aura are all acceptable in my eyes); one change should be made: eliminate the reference to the 5th level "fertilizer" plant domain spell. There is only one spell of each level per domain, and for the plant domain the 5th level spell is wall of thorns. If you want them to have a fertilizer cleric spell that is fine (it would probably be better suited as a spell like ability), but write up what the spell does; and it will almost certainly be lower than 5th level. I particularly like how you present their relation to the undead, it is at once logical and counter intuitive.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

"Traditional" fantasy settings bore me, since "traditional" often means an uncreative, mashed-together copy of Tolkien without any of the depth and originality that makes Middle Earth awesome: generic uninteresting elves, dwarves, and humans mixed up with some random dragons and monsters.

OK, the fertilizer spell should be a cleric spell? Isn't Plant Domain already cleric spell? Did you mean an arcane spell instead?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Um. I think there may be some crossed wires here. Fertilize as mentioned in the write up is a spell-like ability for the creature. He hasn't defined a separate clerical domain at all. I don't think he needs to change anythign cause he's already got it like you asked? (Or did you already change it before I posted?)

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

Yeah I changed it.

I'm a she.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12

Vaevictis, I was just saying that it can't be a fifth level spell from the plant domain; since there is only ONE fifth level spell from the plant domain (as with any domain) and it is wall of thorns. You should still write up exactly what fertilize does.

Regarding traditional fantasy, I largely agree with you; but I hope you didn't include the Forgotten Realms in your condemnation of mishmashed Tolkienisms.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

No prob. I was just confused there. Eye-wink And so am I - so I suppose we both get that a lot.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14

"Traditional" fantasy settings bore me, since "traditional" often means an uncreative, mashed-together copy of Tolkien without any of the depth and originality that makes Middle Earth awesome: generic uninteresting elves, dwarves, and humans mixed up with some random dragons and monsters.

Gosh, I wasn't complaining that the tanzu aren't 'traditional' enough. I was taking the opportunity to complain about how sodding boring and unimaginative 'traditional' fantasy can be. Laughing out loud


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
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Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

'Zimrazim' wrote:
Gosh, I wasn't complaining that the tanzu aren't 'traditional' enough. I was taking the opportunity to complain about how sodding boring and unimaginative 'traditional' fantasy can be. Laughing out loud

Aye. Though I don't know much about FR, I can say that the elvish races in FR that I know of are the biggest example of Tolkien-copying that I've ever seen, with the exception of Drow of course.

MakThuumNgatha, I'm not sure what you're saying then about Fertilize. Can it be a clerical spell and just not have a domain? Does it need to be an arcane/mage spell? Can it be a spell-like ability?

I typed up what it does, as a spell-like ability.

Fertilize: Once per day, a Tanzu can use a spell-like ability which fertilizes one acre of land. This effect functions like a large dose of industrial-strength chemical fertilizer, and is about as environmentally friendly.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12

Yes fertilize can be a clerical spell and it can be a spell-like ability; it just can't be a domain spell (unless you created a new domain). By a description I mean a full description with numerical values like those found in the player's handbook (or if for some unthinkable reason you don't have that, you can look at the 3.5 system reference documents: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/srd35 ).

Yes the Forgotten Realms was heavily inspired by Tolkien just like most fantasy, and this is clearly seen in the elves, dwarves, and orcs; but while originality is of course important, what is more important is how everything in a setting fits into a coherent, logical, and above all interesting whole. In this regard I believe that the Forgotten Realms eclipses the Middle Earth that inspired it, and is overall the best example of "High Fantasy" that I am familiar with. Of course, it is still vastly inferior to Planescape.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

'MakThuumNgatha' wrote:
Yes fertilize can be a clerical spell and it can be a spell-like ability; it just can't be a domain spell (unless you created a new domain). By a description I mean a full description with numerical values like those found in the player's handbook (or if for some unthinkable reason you don't have that, you can look at the 3.5 system reference documents: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/srd35 ).
I will look at that, thank you. I do not own any 3e books. Is that really the whole of 3.5e core rules? I don't know that I can put numerical values, though, to something that simply improves the yield of plants in a region. It doesn't cause immediate growth. It adds nutrients, so to speak.

More description of its effect is here:

The fertilizer spells are damaging to the environment, choking lakes and rivers with slime and causing rapid overgrowth of tangled weeds that can overrun villages and farms. Without the constant input of fertilizer in lieu of decay, the soil is soon exhausted of all nutrients.

Basically, the effect is to increase how much the plants can grow. But repeated uses of it, especially when decay is prevented, make the soil unable to support any life without more fertilize spells. Once the ecosystem is dependent on the Fertilize and decay has stopped, the whole system becomes dependent on the Tanzu. When they leave, the decay will eventually come back, but it will take decades at least to restore natural soil fertility.
The Fertilize is almost more of a flavor thing, that has an effect on crop failure and the environment, not an immediate effect like other spell-like abilities. It isn't something you can really see in action.

The FR stuff is far more than most fantasy a copy of The Silmarillion, mainly in that the Evermeet and the races of the elves were copied directly from it. Internal consistency is, I agree, more important than originality, and I have no clue how internally consistent FR is. Anyway this is very OT, I'm sorry I brought it up.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12

I suppose that since the fertilizer spell does not produce immediate effects, it doesn't need a write up like other spells; though it should still be stated how long the spell takes to cast and how large of an area it effects. It sounds like it would be a level 2 spell, definitely not 5.

You have no reason to apologize for going off topic.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14

'MakThuumNgatha' wrote:
Yes the Forgotten Realms was heavily inspired by Tolkien just like most fantasy, and this is clearly seen in the elves, dwarves, and orcs; but while originality is of course important, what is more important is how everything in a setting fits into a coherent, logical, and above all interesting whole. In this regard I believe that the Forgotten Realms eclipses the Middle Earth that inspired it, and is overall the best example of "High Fantasy" that I am familiar with. Of course, it is still vastly inferior to Planescape.

I would say that early D&D was probably influenced a lot by Michael Moorcock's novels too, especially the Elric of Melnibone series. (Read those, then read Gary Gygax's Gord series.) Probably the most obvious and long-lasting influence care of Moorcock is the Law -- Chaos alignment axis. And then you have the Melnibonean deities appearing in the first edition of Deities & Demigods. Laughing out loud


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

Looking through the spells, I think Fertilize is very similar to Plant Growth. I only knew about the Overgrowth form of Plant Growth, but the Enrichment form is very similar to Fertilize. It covers a much larger area of land, however, and the Tanzu can use it at will. I may not need to make Fertilize a separate ability at all.

The negative effects of using it frequently are the same, however, regardless of how it is accomplished.

EDIT: now updated

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

I think I'd like to submit this for possible inclusion in the Creature Codex, if that is alright.

I don't know whether it should be an "article" or an "entry" nor how to submit it. I've poked around the main PW site and I haven't figured out how to submit things. I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but can anybody please tell me how to submit? I clicked on "Make this a PW article" but I don't know if that was the thing to do. It did not bring up any submission form anyway.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

The 'make this an article' option for forum posts is for convinence. That handled the submission for you completely, including cleaning up the BBCode and dropping it off with the editors. If you look under the my planewalker box on the main page, look for where it says 'My Submissions' and you'll see your article there in my editting queue.

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