Taking the quest for Truth too far...

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Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Taking the quest for Truth too far...

I know that you've been thinking about it. And if not, you should have.

Members of the Revealing Light hate secrets. I mean they LOATHE them. If there is little to no information on a certain subject, most Shiners would jump at the chance to do everything in their power to shed some light on it and share their findings with the multiverse. Their devotion to the pursuit of truth at times can go way beyond fanatical. So, I always wondered. How would they go about shedding light on one of the greatest secrets of all?

Sigil's very own Lady of Pain.

Thoughts? Ideas? Unfortunate stories to tell?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Taking the quest for Truth too far...

For some time I've had a method for gathering information about the Lady without any possibility of detection (provided that She is subject to the rules).

1) Acquire a Helm of Mindblank, with a minor curse that keeps it from being removed. Only once this is firmly on your character's head may he begin to pursue his goal.

2) Acquire three other magical items: a ring of +30 to Gather Information, glasses of true seeing, and an amulet of alter self.

3) When contacting those with information/theories/screed about the Lady, never let on that it's your actual objective to learn about it (this requires a Gather Information check at -20 as stipulated by the ELH). In addition, alter self when there are no dabus around (checking first with the magic specs) to keep it from being clear that it's all the same person.

Result: You are invisible to all divinations and mind-reading, so you are shielded from discovery in that regard. You never appear as the same questioner twice, so you are shielded from discover in that regard. While none of this gurantees that the information you recieve is ACCURATE, it at least means that you CAN gather the information without winning an endless vacation on your own personal demiplane.

Dreamknight's picture
Joined: 2005-02-25
Taking the quest for Truth too far...

Hmm… I'm not so sure that would work. The impression I've gotten is that the Lady of Pain is a rule unto herself within Sigil.

My idea: gather information on her everywhere except Sigil, and never enter Sigil ever again. Ever. Thus, you get incredible amounts of knowledge without needing to worry so much about the Lady of Pain's bladed shadow finding you.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Taking the quest for Truth too far...

I think you guys misunderstood me.

I didn't ask about how you would try to find out and succeed. I just want have a discussion about the methods that Shiners would try. Story ideas about famous Shiners that tried and either died, disappeared, went insane, gave up, etc. Or maybe... just maybe... a few Shiners actually did find out something. But the truth (the TRUE truth) scared them, so much, that they refuse to remember what they learned. They literially willed themselves to forget so that they wouldn't feel compelled to share it with anyone else.

They also say that the Bleakers have an entire ward of their sanitarium devoted to Shiners that tried to gather knowledge about the Lady of Pain...

And found out too much... :twisted:

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Taking the quest for Truth too far...

'Edward Davis' wrote:
They also say that the Bleakers have an entire ward of their sanitarium devoted to Shiners that tried to gather knowledge about the Lady of Pain...
"There's only one Bleaker who makes any sense", you are told upon entering the Sanitarium.

"She keeps reciting the same phrase over and over, like it is suppose to mean something. She's so desparate... it's like her recitations are the only thing keeping her mind afloat".

You are left in the room, bright light surrounds you from every direction. In the centre source of the light, or what you believe is the centre, a quiet cracked voice, perhaps once feminine in pitch, echoes over and over the same chant...

"Seek the secrets of Sigil. Learn them. Know them. And ye shall know the dark of the Great Lady."

-- To know Sigil, is to know the Lady of Pain.

You listen intently, wondering about the person behind the voice. As a Shiner, it is your duty to know the Dark. You know this. But for a moment you have fear. "If I learn about Her Serenity"... you pause for a few moments, allowing the words to take hold. "Will I also end up the same way?"

-- There's only one way to find out. You are a Shiner after all.

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