Super Heroes in Sigil?

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Eyeohn's picture
Joined: 2005-01-13
Super Heroes in Sigil?

I was thinking on influence of earth/modern culture in the planes within the urban planescape and suddenly super heroes came to mind, do you think some modern humans would be influenced to take on masked persona and attempt to fight off evil in Sigil or similar places in a horrible Cliché fashion? I can just imagine an "O-Man" running around Sigil with a cape in tow, to appear before evil do-ers as a bad Omen for business.

Now some might think that adventurer's have been doing this kind of thing for ages. However, I imagine with the increased in population and with modern culture, Fame is far more of a curse that it would be in a traditional game. Of course apathy has always been a part of my sigil and I don't think that will change (people still don't care what dragon you slew) but with Boy bands and such other unfathomable horrors introduced into planar culture, I imagine the masses whipped into frenzy easier under certain circumstances. Such as in the presence of a famous Rock star ("I have a piece of his hair!!!" "I got some of the skin from his back!!") Or other such celebrities. The point, fame may be less than desirable and adventurers may want to keep a lower profile in some cases and perhaps even adapt an alternate identity! Such as O-Man!

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Super Heroes in Sigil?

where do think captain autism came from he is the avatar of stupidity and in Mps he could just be some guy that flys around

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Super Heroes in Sigil?

It is not that I don't like this idea, rather it is the fact that introducing such a concept into this project would seem, to me, to be taking the idea of a MODERN Sigil... too far.

Might I suggest that instead of trying to capture that "Super Hero" spirit from comics and other similar mediums, you instead try to develop a new type of planar creature framework that reflects the concept of "super-powered" beings on the planes. What I'm suggesting is rather, the concept of a SUPER HERO as seen and interpreted from a PS perspective, rather than from an Earth standard. For example - A champion of a particular planar race... or the valiant protector of a planar domain somewhere in the multiverse.

At the very least, this idea does have potential. If handled properly.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Super Heroes in Sigil?

the avatars are in there own right superbeings correct why not them?

GOD's picture
Joined: 2004-12-08
Super Heroes in Sigil?

Um, If the lady doesn't like gods in sigil, why would she let avatars in?

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Super Heroes in Sigil?

"GOD" wrote:
Um, If the lady doesn't like gods in sigil, why would she let avatars in?
Because, while they have some divine power, they still aren't gods. She's peery about them, but as long as they can resist causing trouble, she leaves them be.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Super Heroes in Sigil?

She doesn't, though. I don't think avatars are permitted in Sigil.

I should probably check to be sure.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Super Heroes in Sigil?

"Kaelyn" wrote:
She doesn't, though. I don't think avatars are permitted in Sigil.

I should probably check to be sure.

Whoops, sorry. I meant proxies. I think proxies are allowed in Sigil, but now I'm not so sure.

I think we'll need an official answer on this one. Puzzled

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Super Heroes in Sigil?

Proxies are allowed in Sigil (as long as they're not the 3e proxies with a divine rank).

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Super Heroes in Sigil?

"sphagetti man" wrote:
where do think captain autism came from he is the avatar of stupidity and in Mps he could just be some guy that flys around

As someone diagnosed with a condition on the Austistic spectrum, I take offense. Autistics are not stupid. We do, however, get angry when people insult us.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Super Heroes in Sigil?

"nick012000" wrote:
As someone diagnosed with a condition on the Austistic spectrum, I take offense. Autistics are not stupid. We do, however, get angry when people insult us.

I concur. While not autistic myself, I have known a few quite intelligent autistic people.


Pants of the North!

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Super Heroes in Sigil?

I was under the impresion that autisics were actually extreamly intelligent, but have difficulty interacting with other people. Sorta out of touch, but by no means stupid.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Super Heroes in Sigil?

"deadone" wrote:
I was under the impresion that autisics were actually extreamly intelligent, but have difficulty interacting with other people. Sorta out of touch, but by no means stupid.

Sort of. Some true Autistics do have less than average IQs, but it isn't neccessary for the diagnosis. Neither is a high IQ. The condition I have, Asperger's Syndrome, requires an intelligence of at least average, though many Aspies have above average IQs.

On a different note, I think it is entirely possible to have superheroes in modern Planescape (without any special rules). This is because once you hit high levels in a d20 game, the power levels definately qualify for the term 'superheroic'. And from there, all you need is a good marketing campaign.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Super Heroes in Sigil?

'Kaelyn' wrote:
Proxies are allowed in Sigil (as long as they're not the 3e proxies with a divine rank).

Might I ask the reason? Was this in the Planar Handbook or something? Not criticizing, just asking.

As to the Superhero thing I think it would be a fun thread to develop. I would approach it like the War In The Astral, detail it out as an alternative. If we keep it modular it can be used as a variant. The two would be mutually exclusive as there are no Superheros in that storyline, if there were we would probably not have nuked the Githyanki City (Tu'na-whatever).

I do like the idea of dropping a Fantastic Four style team into SIGIL....

Lets go with it and also develop the modifications to the storyline of the Astral War so that DMs have the option of using one or both easily.

So whaddaya think?


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