summers twilight: draft

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Joined: 2007-05-16
summers twilight: draft

Summers Twilight is a realm with definite borders but a non stable internal geography. A distance of 60 miles that takes 2 day to cross may take 4 days and 100 miles on the return (or even 1 day and 30 miles). The realm is bordered to the north with a great Loch (Cold Lake) and to the South, East and West but a great birches forest (the Birch Forest), the center of the land is heather covered hills (the Purple Hills). Summers Twilight is a circular realm with a 300 mile diameter. The Birch Forest forms a crescent whose horns touch the edges of The Cold Lake, between the loch and the forest lays the Purple Hills. If it were possible to view the realm from above The Cold Lake and Purple Hills would form a circle with a diameter of 160 miles within the crescent of The Birch Forest. The land is a circle within a circle. The entire realm is encircled by a low lying stone wall (3-4 feet tall) that is punctured at the four cardinal points of a compass by gates, if one passes thru the gates they can enter the other realms of Tir Na Nog. If one were to just look over the wall they would see the Debatable Lands in the distance, about mile away hills covered with strange monoliths and dolomites. If one were to try to hop the wall and walk toward the hills no mater how long they walked they would never be more then 50 yards from the wall. At times other gates may randomly appear in the wall, these being portals to random lands.
Summers Twilight is inhabited by many sylvan creatures, minor fey, humans, hobgoblins, and Svirneblin (looking for a more Celtic term for the gnomes). At the center of the forest rises a mountain at whose base lays a castle where the Esyllt hold their parliament. The forest is also inhabited by Svirneblin who mine under the trees for veins of precious metals. The Purple Hills are inhabited by of semi-civilized hobgoblins who raid each others cattle and trade with the humans of Kirkbeck. The humans mainly inhabit a town on the Eastern shore of the loch named Kirkbeck. Roaming the lands and interacting with the svirneblin, hobgoblins and humans are the tinker goblins, traveling in small family groups in wagons pulled by shaggy ponies. The forest is also home to less friendly creatures; giant bears, trolls, shape shifting hags and a rumored black dragon.

Places of interest:
• Dwarfie Stone: A stone on the southern slopes of the Purple Hills, inhabited by a twisted fortunetelling fey.
• Kirkbeck: A town built around a temple dedicated to Brigit and Goibhniu. The forge at the heart of the temple doubles as a portal to Goibhniu’s realm.
• Black Pool: A mix of swamp and fens to the southeast of the Purple Hills, lies half within the Birch Forest. It is about 50 miles across and 40 miles wide. It is inhabited by trolls, wrights, hags and the rumored black dragon.
• Parliament Hill: The mountain at the center of The Birch Forest where the Esyllt hold their Parliament.
• Stone Ridge: A trading village where the Svirneblin gather to trade the ores that they mine from the earth of the forest.

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