Summer Campaign run with Pathfinder: Advice wanted

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Summer Campaign run with Pathfinder: Advice wanted

Hello all, been a long time since I posted to these forums but now I'm thinking of running a tabletop Planescape game over the summer at a local game shop in Raleigh called Game Theory using the Pathfinder rules.

Right now I'm still brainstorming plot and outlining what I want out of the game. I've already decided that the starting level will be around 5th to allow for more powerful planar races as PCs. It will be post faction war. And will probably start off in or around Sigil.

I am honestly contemplating having the PCs meet as a group by being the handful of berks that fall into a sinkhole in the middle of a Sigil street.

Not sure what to do beyond the sinkhole. I could:

Have it lead to an underground/abandoned gallery or mall of shops and storefronts, part of a city below the city streets.

Have them discover a large stone portal through which something fell when it activated thus causing the void for the sinkhole.

256 dead modrons.

...I'm still thinking and its late.

I really want to know if anyone has any advice for Pathfinder or conversions or just wants to speak up.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Summer Campaign run with Pathfinder: Advice wanted

Not much has to be done for playing with Pathfinder, beyond revising some things like feats, and determining what CMB and CMD are. I've played in a bunch of games using Pathfinder rules based out of modules written for 3.5. But don't assume that everything is exactly the way it was in 3.5.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Summer Campaign run with Pathfinder: Advice wanted

First Adventure Hook: The Devil’s Details

Feht of the Third Shackle is a Hamatula with a plan and big problems. He has been ostracized from his regiment and no others will take him and on top of that he had been mutilated his beautiful spines cut off one by one by his former fellows. He fled the planes of tyrannical order to Sigil in hopes of making his fortune and demonstrating his usefulness and abilities in order to regain the place rightfully his. Now he has found a way. After the war between the factions records and memories were lost but not the laws and he has found a law that will get him set up with land and a place in the city of doors a step he is certain will lead to his greater destiny.

A somewhat little-known and forgotten law of Sigil is that when new land or space in the city of doors is discovered its officially recognized owner is the first being to occupy it. Feht found such a place while hiding from some Amnizu, having scrambled down the sewer drains under an office building in the Clerk’s ward, near where it meets the Lady’s. Trying to keep out of the wet filth at the bottom of his hiding place, Feht instead fell through the side of the small tunnel he was in and down a dusty shaft into, of all things, a disused closet inside of an abandoned tavern, inside an abandoned underground mall under the streets of Sigil once open to the sky above but sealed off and paved over with a large ugly iron statue sitting in the middle of the ringed courtyard being used as the main support for the pavement overhead.

Feht’s mind whirred with the gears of possibility running in his head as he worked to think of a way to turn this to his advantage. He had been working as a law clerk in the ward to earn some keep as with the Hall of Records gone extra help from anybeing competent with the law was needed and soon he knew what he could do. He had preparations to do.

Feht needed to be the first to discover this land and needed it to be accidental and its access disconnected with the office above, or else the office’s owner would own his new property as well.

Originally, Feht’s plans were to weaken the statue and supports with acid and try to be there up top when things gave way. But as luck would have it, further proving his destiny, he found an active portal under the statue bound by a decorative ring of stone paving. He figured out he could rig it to activate and the statue would just fall through to…he didn’t care where. He took his time to set things up just right, having the access passage collapse behind him to hide his original entrance route and a way to activate the portal so he could be sure to be “innocently” walking over the place when things went off.

Finally, he decided that he should have some unwitting accomplices along, to make it look more random and throw suspicion off of himself, besides he figured it would be hard to time things so he were the only person on the street.

Feht waited for a likely looking group of lesser beings to come across the pavement before activating the portal and things came crashing in as his plans went into motion. Lucky for his new partners, they’d have a knowledgeable sigil law clerk with them to defend their rights.

PC Involvement:

The PCs come into all of this one moment being on a Sigil street the next having fallen down amist dust and rubble.

Feht: “Oh! What surprise and astonishment! We seem to have fallen into an unknown chamber of some kind!”

He gets up scowling as he has to change his act from using a fake injury he had planned to feign to limping with an unplanned and very real injury. He was sure he checked for silver in the area! He growls as he pushes the remains of a crushed goblet out from under his leg.

Feht: “Is everyone who is alive still unharmed or at least in a capacity to help themselves?-Good! I will take a look around and see if there is a way out of here. “ Pause for effect, “You know this space looks abandoned and unknown! By the law we may be able to take claim of it. I have seen records of similar cases in my job as a law clerk. Lucky, I’m down here with you, uh, bloods!”

Initial Adventure:

After Feht ropes the PCs into being his accomplices, for all his suspiciously bad acting, he askes them to keep the place occupied while he goes to file the right paperwork as soon as possible. Note: he is right about the legal standing of the PCs, and in-fact he’d have been able to claim to the place without the ruse if he had known the law better as the tunnel he used would not have constituted a true connection the the office above. The will-full damage the the city street above was still a crime.

The PCs and Feht have to wait for a guard patrol to come along and help them out, if they can’t climb out themselves, and Feht wants the patrol to come along as they would be the first ideal witnesses to the “discovery”.

The tunnel Feht fell through was dug by a small colony of cranium rats still occupying the place. They will make the first combat encounters for the PCs. If they don’t decide to kill feht…which would be a bad idea…not sure what would happen.

Further Adventures:

The PCs will need jink to set up shop in the City o’Doors so there are quite a few options.

Feht, being unwilling to leave his new home for more than thirty minutes at a time, would be more than willing to send the PCs on errands. He has managed to save up enough of a nest egg from his work the past couple decades in Sigil

Major NPCs

Feht of the Third Shackle

Feht is a hamatula with all of his spines cut off, part of his punishment he endured before being cast out of his unit. He is a creature of law and evil to every last vile little bone in his body. He bears the scars and humiliation of being cast out and made to wander as an example for a massive disgrace and failure on his part and is utterly despite to get his revenge and show them all.

He arrived in Sigil just after the Faction War and has worked since then as a legal clerk and researcher.

Feht will not leave his new home for any reason as ownership of land in Sigil gives him respectability and status, and he is somewhat wanted in his home plane, but he will need supplies and things to start up his business. Lucky for him he fell in with some strapping adventurous types who would be willing to work for some jink and a share of the profits.

I am still debating what baatazu race to use for Feht. It is between Hamatula, Amnizu, Erineys, and perhaps others. Needs to be small enough to hide, crafty, and used to working with others. I may make him a disgraced Amnizu.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Summer Campaign run with Pathfinder: Advice wanted

A couple of questions:
-Does Feht plan to share ownership of his new space with the PCs? I could see using them as squatters while he goes to file his claim but from what I read above, I got the impression that you plan to use them as co-owners which seems odd to me
-If Feht HAS to initially enlist the PCs as co-owners, would his partners start succumbing to "accidents" leaving Feht the sole owner?
-In either of the above cases, I would suggest having Feht polymorphed or under an illusion to appear as a non-fiendish race or else the PCs may not want to co-operate
-Alternative idea: Feht was in the final steps of process of creating the sinkhole when the PCs unwantedly walked into the picture and all of them fell into the hole.
-To make it further complicated, perhaps the clerk with whom Feht has to file papers is out taking a walk on his lunch break. And unfortunately for Feht, the clerk passes by the hole, sees the PCs (after they have cleared out the rats, etc.) and informs the party that they might qualify as owners of this new space (all before meeting Feht who waits impatiently back at the office). If the PCs became the sole owners despite Feht's complicated planning, he would be seriously teed off

I read that hamatula "serve as guardians of vaults and bodyguards". While I could see Feht wanting a space of his own (this being in his nature to guard something), I'd be curious to hear more of the long-range plans he might have to use this space to further his promotion

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Summer Campaign run with Pathfinder: Advice wanted

Sorry, I just looked at the time stamps and noticed that this was a long-dead post. Then why did it show up in the "recent Posts" list?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Summer Campaign run with Pathfinder: Advice wanted

Sometimes happens when a spammer adds a linkpost which Clueless deletes with the speed of Rhys. :^)

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: Summer Campaign run with Pathfinder: Advice wanted

Long dead or not, the plothook with Feht sounds great and I might just steal it Smiling

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