I've run a search but I didn't find anything to help with this. Is there anywhere I can find the exact racial ability score modifiers and various other racial features for a Succubus? I'm looking for something akin to the '[Race] as Characters' section for some creatures in the monster manual. If there isn't anything like that, what are your lot's ideas on the subject?
Succubus PC Creation
Thanks for the reply. I had to take a moment to work out exactly what you're telling me to do with all those acronims, but I think I understand now.
Um, all I have are the 3.5 CRBs, and the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book... and Star Wars. The rules for monster PCs are in Savage Species or something like that, right?
The GM for this game said they'd work something out if I didn't find anything, but I figured I'd try.
No, the rules are in the very back of the monster manual along with the rules for advancing monster HD.
Savage species provides monster-class prgressions for many monsters in the MM and other books. Many of these are broken beyond mortal comprehension. It isn't nescesary--or even remotely useful, for that matter--for playing monster PCs. It (allegedly) enables monsters with high CRs or LAs to be played at lower levels. In the case of an outsider like a succubus this shouldn't even be possible--a lower powered version ought to be a lesser Tanar'ri, not a less powerful succubus.
Oh, ok, I pretty much never look back there. Thanks again.
Good call Dire, I should have thought of this
And, also, thanks for your reply, Wei
Cool, so... will this work?
if you're asking "should I use these stats?" then the answer is a resounding YES!
Monsters get the +1 to any stat every four levels like characters do too don't they? So remember to take a couple(?) of those bonuses off their stat adjustments. How many natural HD are they again?
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Six. I'm also planning to add class levels though.
Problem with adding on the HD base bonus is that it was included in the ability score modifiers. Considering the modifiers that are taken this way are a bit high (since WOTC hasn't been kind enough to tell us which stats go where) it's probably best to ignore the +1 bonus from HD unless you have the ability scores printed in front of you (as is the case with the mind flayer).
So, what would the class skills for the first six HD be?
Dire, I just posted it on enworld
SO very true. What's the theoretical number of melee attacks per round (assuming a full attack action) for a mind flayer ranger with the full two-weapon fighting and multiattack feat lines?
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
I'm thinking I should take some flight feats. Flight would definitelly be helpful in a place Sigil. Well, outside of the lower ward at least.

"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"
--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)
Best way to handle this is to take each score and subtract 10 from it and then round that value down to the nearest even number. It doesn't take into account the actual array, but it's close enough. The rest is pretty easy. The scores I got are: +2, +2, +2, +6, +4, +16. Remember, SR scales with HD and SLA DCs change for higher ability scores. Otherwise follow the rules for monster PCs. Oh, and remember the +8 racial bonus to spot and listen checks.