Submiting Problem

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Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Submiting Problem

Ok I was submiting two things of gear in the front and the section on it that says place what it does here does not work.

I had to add the info on what the gear does in the first part for it to show up at all. :shock:

I think that is a big bug that needs to be fixed.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Submiting Problem

"Law" wrote:
Ok I was submiting two things of gear in the front and the section on it that says place what it does here does not work. I had to add the info on what the gear does in the first part for it to show up at all. :shock: I think that is a big bug that needs to be fixed.

Mmm. *confused*
Could you go through that again, because you completely lost me, your description of the problem is more than a little vague.

1) What type of equipment were you trying to create?
2) What error message (if any) did you get?
3) Could you describe *exactly* what you did and *exactly* how it broke?

Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Submiting Problem

Ok I summited some gear (Cloths to be exact). No there was no error thing it just droped stuff.

The section that says put what it does here (the last text entry box) when I put the info into it and then summited it in droped the info from it. So it was like I did not put anything there.

So I placed the info on the one part that did show up (the how it looks part the first bid text entry box) to make it look right.

Is that a better way of putting it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Submiting Problem

Yeps. Tells me what I needed to know (that a field in the form is not saving information).

Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Submiting Problem

When I summit other stuff if I find simler problems ill let you know. Also when your do fix that little bug I will then send my stuff in (found the right section for it now just need to edit it so it is right).

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Submiting Problem

Should be fixed. Let me know if you have any further trouble.

And of course - general entry advice - you have no word count, feel free to use your space. Smiling

Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Submiting Problem

Well the two items are added. Now all we need to do is have someone go through and update the older items (so there more then just fluff, it would be nice to have some cruch to go with it). But thats anouther thing.

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