Styx Oarsman Map

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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Styx Oarsman Map

What are you opinions on the Styx Oarsman map that will be included in the 3.5e Expedition to the Demonweb Pits? WotC put up a Map-of-the-Week preview of it here. I don't think that it has been officially mapped before, although I would love to know where if it has.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Styx Oarsman Map

Above link seems broken: The Styx Oarsman


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Styx Oarsman Map

Seems serviceable. I'm not screaming "Wow, what a cool take on that inn!" but I don't see anything to object to, either.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Styx Oarsman Map

Why do I suddenly see another lawsuit in the Portal Jammer's future?

It's an interesting map, certainly, but it's not really how I would think of the Styx Oarsman, though I can imagine Rule-of-three sitting in the forecastle dispensing his wisdom.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Styx Oarsman Map

'Arytiss' wrote:
Why do I suddenly see another lawsuit in the Portal Jammer's future?

Wait, what?! No! We had that first! ... We'll just have to sic Nisha on em. Eye-wink

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Styx Oarsman Map

Just out of the curiousity of one who has not yet finished reading Shemeska's Story Hour - what connection is there between the Portal Jammer (previously Portal Schmortal, previously the Ubiquitous Wayfarer) and the Styx Oarsman and what exactly do you mean by "another lawsuit"?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Styx Oarsman Map

I believe it has come up in the storyhour already. But - here's how it follows in the storyhour:

The Portal Jammer is called such as a joke based on its previous incarnation as PortalSchmortal and that the party had a spelljammer sans helm. So, under the oh so carefully considered plan (read: 3 whiskeys and a glass of fey wine), the Jammer came about by renting a lyre of building and crafting the inn to have a spelljammer 'crashing' into the top at a quirky angle. Hence - the 'potential' lawsuit with the Styx Oarsman for copycatting.

Now the *first* lawsuit was after we got all the Factol dolls from A'kin's auction - another inn, The Twelve Factols, owned by the head of the Innkeep's Guild, Bren Ohm. Mr. Ohm still has not invited the newcomers into the Innkeep's Guild. (The Jammer - proud member of 'That Other Innkeep Guild' since founding...) The presence of the dolls as entertainment and toys on the premises apparently was too much 'infringement' on Mr. Ohm's 'gimmick'. Personally, we think Nisha left something icky in his drink and he just doesn't like us. We would like to remind Mr. Ohm that our inn is armed, with catapults and ballista on deck. Eye-wink

For canon/Planewalker canon: Of course you can assume none of the above is relevant. Eye-wink

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Styx Oarsman Map

Ah. I never really made the connection about the whole ship-hull in the roof thing. Also, I either did not reach or did not notice the bit about Ohm's lawsuit.

Personally, I think the best thing to leave in people's drinks, when possible, is a portal key to whatever portal happens to exist in the bound space of the cup. That way, when they try to down it, the usually heavier portal key goes through first, activates the portal, and causes a cupful of drink to mysteriously disappear. Then again, I haven't had much sleep lately.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Styx Oarsman Map

'Iavas' wrote:
Ah. I never really made the connection about the whole ship-hull in the roof thing. Also, I either did not reach or did not notice the bit about Ohm's lawsuit.

Personally, I think the best thing to leave in people's drinks, when possible, is a portal key to whatever portal happens to exist in the bound space of the cup. That way, when they try to down it, the usually heavier portal key goes through first, activates the portal, and causes a cupful of drink to mysteriously disappear. Then again, I haven't had much sleep lately.

Or alternately (fingers crossed) sucks the persons face through to Carceri Laughing out loud


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Styx Oarsman Map

'Azriael' wrote:
'Iavas' wrote:
Personally, I think the best thing to leave in people's drinks, when possible, is a portal key to whatever portal happens to exist in the bound space of the cup. That way, when they try to down it, the usually heavier portal key goes through first, activates the portal, and causes a cupful of drink to mysteriously disappear. Then again, I haven't had much sleep lately.

Or alternately (fingers crossed) sucks the persons face through to Carceri Laughing out loud

"Has anybody seen my face? It seems to have disappeared inexplicably during a glass of Gehreleth's Bite."


Pants of the North!

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Styx Oarsman Map

Portals don't usually work like that, but if I were DMing I would totally allow it.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Styx Oarsman Map

'Duckluck' wrote:
Portals don't usually work like that, but if I were DMing I would totally allow it.

Why not? Sigil, bounded space, key... what am I missing? Granted, there is not a portal in all spaces, there is only a 50% chance that if one exists it leads opens into the cup rather than out of it, and there is no reason that the key is physical - but, dangit, I was always a proponent of the Lady having a sense of humour.

Or... are we talking about the whole face being sucked through thing... because that can be arranged with a slight modification of the portal and a hefty bribe to the DM.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Styx Oarsman Map

There is at least one example of a guy who got caught in a portal as it closed. Half of him is in Sigil, the other half elsewhere, both halves alive and aware of each other.

*scratches head* For the life of me I don't recall where this guy was written up or the details though - I just know he's out there.

Ordbyrht's picture
Joined: 2005-10-13
Styx Oarsman Map

'Clueless' wrote:
*scratches head* For the life of me I don't recall where this guy was written up or the details though - I just know he's out there.
Leyruss Arn, he's in the Appendix of Uncaged: Faces of Sigil. Planar wards placed by the Grixitt destroyed a portal to Gehenna that the tiefer happened to be straddling.

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