Story plot

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Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Story plot

Hi, I’m new. Nice board, here. Smiling

I‘d need some inspiration and help of you wonderful guys who have a lot more planescape-knowledge than me, for the story of a campaign I would like to create.

So, imagine some cunning but clueless primes are stranded on a remote island in the southern sea (which is another story) and now they seem to have no means to leave the island. They start to explore the place and, after some troubles with the creatures in its jungle-like forest, they discover some structure which to explore is the only clue how to get off. Now that building - a tower or the like - happens to be a hatchery of githyanki (that’s how the reproduction-places are called, isn’t it?). No large defense here, because the giths don’t expect an attack (mainly because of the creature that caused the bashers to be shipwrecked) and by infiltrating or fighting through the place the heroes can find a portal right to the astral plane into a githyanki citadel. There the best way to escape the dead-book is to flee as fast as possible. Nevertheless the bashers find an artefact before they give the giths the laugh. Their way takes them through some encounters in open astral space with a flying trade ship, a small settlement and a gith attempt top get their artefact back (the githyanki citadel is near the Elserrym-cluster y’know). Finally the heroes make their way to leave the Astral and find a color-pool right into the Cage...

I need inspiration for a story where the heroes are hunted by the githyanki and by another unknown group who are interested in the artefact themselves and/or got it stolen by the giths at first. The general ‘plot’ should involve some interesting twists (the first maybe that the githyanki agents who chased the heroes are killed by the other involved group I mentioned above), exploring a part of Sigil, mysterious NPCs, of course plane hopping, and an epic showdown (that means ‘great and important’, not a battle using epic-rules Eye-wink ).

- what artefact could it be that is so important but does not make the PCs overly mighty?
- who could be the mysterious enemy/ies that chase the heroes?

I know it’s a lot I am asking, but maybe some of you have fun using their skills and knowledge to help me creating a fascinating adventure.

Thanks a lot in advance Smiling


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Story plot

Hmmm, well, if it was an artifact from the time of Gith, it could have more religious then stratigic value. I can see the Githyanki killing anyone and anything to get it back, and possibly the Githzeria trying to destroy just to piss off the Yanki. Or, possibly, if it was an Artifact of Gith, that was taken from body of a powerful illithid as a trophy, then it could be of great importance to the Illithid. Most likely because it contains a power that the Illithids are thankful the Githyanki, and the players, don't have a clue about. Or combaine the two. Rrakkma three way battle for control of the artifact extravaganza!

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Story plot

The artifact could be a gilded egg containing a Githyanki prodigy. It wouldn't be an artifact per se, but a very powerful githyanki individual. The lich queen would probably be opposed to the being, so the githyanki the PC's killed would be a splinter faction trying to overthrow their queen.

Now, depending on if the PC's keep the egg or not, they're drawn into a rather delicate position. If they keep the egg they could influence the prodigy toward their own wishes when its growing up, or they could sell it to the highest bidder.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Story plot

It could also be somethign of religious or otherwise signifigcance to the illithid race. The Githyanki have been keeping it from the illithids for reasons such as keeping it out of the mind flayer's hands so they can't use it and/or just to tick them off.

Add in that such an artifact is bound to have a lot of lingering psioinic traces, strong emotions associated with it, or other such things - and our McGuffin could be an astral storm in a bottle.

If you want to get *really* mean, the thing is just as mysterious to the illithids and to the githyanki as to anyone else. It truly belongs to Anubis, ex-power and Guardian of the Dead Gods, and he would like it back before the balance of reality falls apart, thank you very much.

Or alternatively, tie it to the bebilith. They're astral 'natives' as much as anything else could be, and have a spider like form and nests on the Astral... and some rumors hold that they are the collective manifestation of the guilt and repressed remore of the Abyss. They hunt tanarri, and tanarri are scared of them and won't hunt back. Have the PC's be carrying around something the bebilith call: "The Mother's Egg" I'm sure you can think of ways to mess with the players from there, please involve Pale Night - she needs to get out of the house some.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Story plot

'taotad' wrote:
The artifact could be a gilded egg containing a Githyanki prodigy. It wouldn't be an artifact per se, but a very powerful githyanki individual. The lich queen would probably be opposed to the being, so the githyanki the PC's killed would be a splinter faction trying to overthrow their queen.

Could be Gith herself.
When Gith and Vlakith went to talk to Tiamat, only Vlakith came back from the negotiations saying that Gith had 'sacrificed herself' to make the deal with Tiamat and that Gith had named Vlakith her successor. The only witness to this event is Tiamat and we all know how trustworthy *she* is. The whole deal smells just a little fishy.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Story plot

The idea of involving the illithids I like best. That could be a great way to put the PCs between the fronts and gives me some options to include twists. And of course the illithid mastermind would use a group or sect as minions so no one guesses that a mindflayer pulls the strings (At least nobody who gives the PCs trustworthy information).

Since the artifact *has* to be taken by my players in order to let the adventure begin at all, it should be something they will want to own or, that looks important. I do not want them to sell it for a few bucks to a Sigilian shopkeeper or throw it away to avoid trouble. Eye-wink

What about that: The players, over time, could find some pieces information about the artifact and maybe about some of useful powers it has? Search for its details also offers a great reason, why the heroes should visit other planes at all.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Story plot

Hmm. If the artifact is a gith egg of some sort, then maybe the creature inside it (either the prodigy or Gith herself) has established a mental link with one of the players. probably the first one to touch it.
If the item talks to a player, it can either convince them, or use suggestion to make the player keep it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Or they can be cursed into not giving it away - or if it does establish a mental bond - it can start causing severe pain if taken away from them. (Like a familar bond strained and then tormented?) That does sort of assume a certain minimal level of intellegence on the part of the object.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Story plot

'Clueless' wrote:
Or they can be cursed into not giving it away - or if it does establish a mental bond - it can start causing severe pain if taken away from them. (Like a familar bond strained and then tormented?) That does sort of assume a certain minimal level of intellegence on the part of the object.
If the egg is a githyanki prodigy it could probably possess some intelligence in that effect. Or the egg could be enclosed inside an artifact of great power that protects it until it hatches. That would be cool and quite interesting.

Maybe the creature inside is the first baby between githyanki and githzerai since the two gith races parted? Both races would like to have the egg destroyed simply because they still want to believe that this is impossible.

The question then remains: Who made the egg, and who made the artifact?

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Story plot

Let's make it a random plane shifting device. Whenever it is handled with panic or alarm, it randomly teleports the user and others in a close area. The device is seemingly completely unaffected by any planar blocking as it may even teleport in or out of sigil (on occasion). Also the device does not teleport the user to a safer place, just a different place. They may find themselves in abyss while fleeing from Tanar'ri in Sigil. This is probably why Githyanki haven't used it. Now, since the users are constantly being chased, they are mostly scared to death and that makes them shift planes pretty often. And While they are jumping from baator to beastlands to (here's plenty of planar sightseeing for you!) Carceri to Elemental Plane of Air, they find themselves drawing more and more attention from fiend and angel alike. Finally PCs find themselves in Sigil, surronded by company of Baatezu, at least two times their number Tanar'ri, several archons and some one hundred innocent people(consisted mostly of old man, woman and children), and their teleportaiton artifact not working(Perhaps broken, perhaps out of energy, who knows? Perhaps this was the intention of the device all along; all artifacts are supposed to come with a curse.) Add a few faction members, a group of inevitables from Mechanus(these people are creating a too much chaos you know, appearing out of no where and all), and a number of Illithids just to spice it up. Here is an epic showdown for you; but don't worry, it will become a "struggle of survival in epic proportions" once The Lady makes her final appearence. She always does, and when she does, somebody is sure to be flayed.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Story plot

Although you may believe otherwise, I am still working on the project. Smiling
The idea of connecting the artifact to the illithids sounds most attractive to me. The idea of the relation to Gith is interesting, but I don't think that this fits well in my concept.
So I still need an artifact. It has to something that dangerous and mighty, that it could bring lots of trouble about the planes (you know, I’m not that much into epic stuff, but my players want something world-shaking), if it falls into the wrong hands when the PCs fail to destroy it.

Here is my current idea of how things could go on:

Part I - Escaping the Astral plane and the githyanki persecutors.

After the heroes tumble into the githyanki fortress and steal the artefact (it has to look powerful, seducing; since the Astral is all magic, they'll probably steal it anyway to check it out later... and to be trapped in my plot, then), they are being chased through the astral void until they finally find a color pool / portal / gate / elevator to Sigil.

In the City Of Doors they will see that they are still chased by giths and also some other group (agents of the illithids from various races, like a sect and/or gangsters) that seems to have interests in their artifact but that - just as the githyanki - shows no interest in keeping the PC's lives after they get what they want. The heroes find someone who seems to know a bit about the artifact, which leads to

Part II - Negotiating the cold and merciless cogs of Mechanus.

The heroes have to find a way through the Clockwork Nirvana to reach the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment where they can find out the truth of the dangerous artifact and how to destroy it...

Part III - Destroying the artifact in the nightmarish depths of the Abyss.

This part probably will be pretty straight-forward since the heroes have to reach the place, where the artifact can be destroyed, facing opposition of the groups of antagonists, as well as the roaming fiends. Finally, in the great showdown, they destroy the artifact and save the multiverse from great danger. Hopefully they chose to use cleverness rather than force to get there. Smiling

During all the time the characters may face encounters that have nothing to do with the main plot but give them more freedom to do what they want and give them the opportunity to gain more experience. That may allow seeing more of Sigil and maybe taking them on short trips to other planes.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

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