Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Wei, would you like me to

Wei, would you like me to send you a new sheet with Canzon fully equipped?

The old sheet I PM'ed you was when she was fresh out of the fire, without any gear.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
weishan wrote: OOC: I don't

weishan wrote:

OOC: I don't know (as in can't remember) whether Sidhartha knows about the ship, but if he did he definitely doesn't have the skills to navigate a spelljammer (he'd make a fine pilot, being a high level caster, and such, but he doesn't stand to gain very much by doing so--and even as a not-especially-evil-character, the kindness of his heart isn't really a likely explaination.

While i know its not a step up in power or anything, it does make it more plausible to work with the group (Bruce particularly), and while he does not have the pilot skill atm, he does have the higher spell casting ranking and planes knowledge to be a planar navigator,  (with the Planar Sextant)




You return to a very angry wizard, who glowers at you as you enter his shop. He is wearing your cloak. After some cursing, he informs you that he can't remove the the cloak and can't afford to find someone to remove it (even with the extra money you've given him). As far as you can tell, the cloak has no other effect than being infuriatingly unremovable (also nigh indestructable according to the wizard), but items like this are hard to magically analyze, and you couldn't say. (You are sure he's being honest) You suspect the mage will cause trouble if you don't pay enough for him to get someone else to remove it--it's only a minor nuisance since he's already been paid some extra, but his cooperation is important if you want your ring commisioned, there's quite a while until it's ready.

Does he actually have the money that is needed for this cockup? And what ring commision are u on about?, what i meant was, was that he had already created my ring, the intellignet one, so no ring in creation atm.



Your sister actually makes a point of grilling you for news--for her part, nothing interesting has happened, but she's aware of some sort of conflict on Baator (as do you, Hell's gate is more heavilly gaurded and by more senior Devils). (What you say is up to you, but remember, Canzon has rather more information than you, try not to mix stuff up, but don't bother hunting back through the thread, if you're telling anything less than all you know.)

U will have to help me here a bit, i havent a clue what i do or dont know, lol, besides that i was involved in a dodgy and interesting package delivery, but, what use is it for me to tell my sis?, will she give me things in return or not? Is it worth anything to me to tell her anything at all?


You probably can't buy much of anything worth buying by selling the treasure you've found, if that influences anything you want to keep please say (if not, you can sell all of them at 1/2 market price as usual)

Meh, then i will keep all for the moment, unless i need to sell stuff to come up with enough money to rectify the earlier cockup Sticking out tongue

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Fair, enough, you've

Fair, enough, you've justified it well enough, but looking at things from the perspective of forming a block to protect yourselves from the fiends, you may well want to RP that further, Bruce and Sid probably have rather a lot to say about the matter. Your sextant won't help with a spelljammer, but knowledge the planes may be able to help--albiet at a penalty because it's not the right specific skill (not really an issue, because you probably wan't be going anywhere).


Ah, brain soup and a long absence. THis goes for everyone, please keep an eye out for things like this and remind me if I screw up.


He needs 500 gp more somehow, you can sell stuff if you want or pay out of pocket. You may also want the cloak back, a near-indestructable (as far as you can tell) cloak has all sorts of amusing uses. (as OOC knowledge, the cloak would have cursed you with bad fashion that couldn't be hidden by illusion or transmutation barring a limited wish or similar spell Smiling nothing serious...actually probably gravely serious for  a Rakhasha, heh.)


It depends on your relationship with your sister. Rakhasha aren't all sociopaths (like virtually all Baatezu, Tanar'ri, and' Loths) so they can have positive relationships with people for reasons other than self interest (constrained by caste and such, of course). If so, you'd tell her because she was your sister. If your relationship is out of nescesity or obligation (but stable), you'd probably tell her as a matter of duty, making your patron angry is bad, and it hurts your relationship. Anything less than that, and it's a question of whether the risks of giving away secrets outweighs a positive relationship with your patron who provides information, and some measure of security.


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ooc:I've written of 500

ooc:I've written of 500 gold,

"Next time, don't try magical clothing on before you have done all u can to find out what it does, your costing me money unneeded i think, but to not strain our association, i will pay the additional fee required..." + roll to support my "being hice to him"

26 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+26, the result is 39.
weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Oh, Dunamin, I missed your

Oh, Dunamin, I missed your question, yes, you can PM me your sheet with equipment.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Is the compass Bruce is

Is the compass Bruce is babbling about the same thing as my Sextant?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Drum Reporting for Duty!

Drum Reporting for Duty!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
OOH! Is there any particular

OOH! Is there any particular type of attack you'd want to carry out. Hell's gate is pretty heavilly patroled at the moment, It should be great fun. Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
My posting will be more

My posting will be more intermittent and shorter for the next two weeks-ish--I'm on vacation and won't always have computer access. Just letting everybody know.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
weishan wrote:Oh, Dunamin,

weishan wrote:
Oh, Dunamin, I missed your question, yes, you can PM me your sheet with equipment.

Done. Smile


Oh, I'll also be abroad on holiday 22nd Dec to 2nd Jan, so I might be posting less frequently then.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
If u could do more in

If u could do more in regards to my sister, then she could feed me background fluff top help me with any sidequests i might want to do, just like our Conzanzobar or smthng is

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Merry Christmas, hope all

Merry Christmas, hope all you guys and gals have some happy holidays! Smile

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Seconded. Enjoy whatever

Seconded. Enjoy whatever winter holiday you chose!

And remember: No one gives someone a mephit for Christmas. It's just rude.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
BERK wrote: And remember:

BERK wrote:

And remember: No one gives someone a mephit for Christmas. It's just rude.


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Hey, I got a mephit for

Hey, I got a mephit for Christmas Frown.


I am back.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Welcome back, sorry about

Welcome back, sorry about the mephit (my devil duties to Deliver Evil demanded it).

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
I'm still getting back into

I'm still getting back into the whole school thing and I've been stuck with a bunch of projects. This weekend looks sane and free. Sorry for the delay. Those of you who are taking the oportunity to adjust background/motivation, please do that as soon as you can.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Alright, so I gave a lot of

Alright, so I gave a lot of thought to figure out a plan to disrupt the meeting Shemeska may have with Zraekos - one to avoid direct contact with Shemeska and her people altogether (alternative options just seemed less feasible).


The idea is to sow disinformation to give Canzonzia time to identify Zraekos and associates and figure out a way to get the information she needs. When the woman Canzon has manipulated delivers the message, it will hopefully be urgent enough that it will be whispered into Shemeska's ear, and make her break off the meeting for the time being.

As the participants exit the meeting room, Canzonzia will assume that anyone who is not with Shemeska is with Zraekos, and those outside the meeting room who reacts to the unexpected incident are possible spies of his. Then Canzon will likely try and tail the group, until she has a good shot at stealing records or taking a captive.


That's the general plan, let me know if there's any parts here that are implausible and I'll edit or react as appropriate.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Capturing one isn't a

Capturing one isn't a simple matter--Zraekos is a pit fiend. A disposable distraction of some sort would be invaluble.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I was afraid of that, I'm

I was afraid of that, I'm not planning to capture Zraekos himself. Canzonzia isn't capable of capturing anyone with at-will teleportation, either - those who don't "pop away" after the group leaves the Fortune's Wheel is probably fair game though. Anyway, taking a captive will probably be last resort. Devils love keeping records, so I'm hoping there'll instead be opportunity to steal those (particularly a mirmir), or impersonate one of their superiors (perhaps Zraekos himself) and bluff the target into revealing the information I need or give me any records.


I'm thinking distractions can be provided through any number of on-the-spot persuaded or mind-affected disposable bystanders - if the meeting wasn't already in process, I would have taken my time making some preparations.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
I'm sorry about the delays

I'm sorry about the delays again. I'm nearing the end of my semester, so all sorts of interesting things are getting thrown my way right now. Hopefully I'll find time to get at least something up sometime tonight (giving priority to Burning Spear, who's kind of been left out of the individual part of things in the event I don't have time to write a full post)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Post is up. Sorry for the

Post is up. Sorry for the slowness. I should be more free now.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Hmm, now how to get Zraekos

Hmm, now how to get Zraekos seperated from his goons so Canzonzia has a chance of snatching the records... I'll have to think about that one for a while.


Hey Berk, I only just now noticed that your avatar also looks like a bandaged man Laughing. Is that what Bruce looks like?

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Kinda. I found it a while

Kinda. I found it a while ago, but Bruce doesnt wear goggles. So imagine that, but with one normal eye and one brass eye.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
didnt i buy Berk a goggles

didnt i buy Berk a goggles of nightvision? Sticking out tongue

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02

weishan wrote:


You don't see any magical auras that would sugest scrying sensors of some sort, furthermore, you don't sense any illusiion auras either. You are reasonably confident that you have shaken whoever or whatever is following you, but if they saw you change shapes (you can't tell), then they will still be able to follow you, or at least make a sound guess as to who you are. (OOC: Where do you intend to go from here?)


I purposefully went to dark hiding spots where i could change without anybody seeing me, it seems u r making my abilities useless, or anyway impossible to use them or something... i am not sure how to continue.


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
So much for putting days

Frown So much for putting days upon days work into keeping my cover.

I have no idea how Zraekos identified me (or at least recognized me for a spy), nor how I could have avoided it.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
You didn't die when the

You didn't die when the fireball went off, combined with the fact you were near the contract gave him at least enough suspicion to kill you to make absolutely certain. Past that, he doesn't know who you are.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Oh well, as long as

Oh well, as long as Canzonzia has managed to avoid a lifetime of elite assassination attempts...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Veeery interesting . Has

Veeery interesting Smile. Has the contract been signed yet by either Zreakos or Shemeska?


I didn't expect to be out of trouble yet, though I did have some considerations regarding scrying and teleportation. Namely, wouldn't the conventional use of such tactics be useless while Canzon keeps the papers in one of the extradimensional spaces of her haversack? Scrying should just reveal the dark space the pocket gives access to, teleportation does not work across planar borders, and there isn't enough room in the dimensional space for most devils to fit in case of a plane shift or the like.


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Contractwas signed by both.

Contractwas signed by both. On annother rather amusing note, if you teleported into a bag of holding, etc, it'd be possible to cut or pop it, but, that's a good point with the scrying.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
I don't care about DPing on

I don't care about DPing on the OOC thread. I'm not actually disrupting anything Smiling. BERK, do you want to give more info on the bar or should I (don't care, but you can give yourself more connection)

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Not really. Bruce hasn't

Not really. Bruce hasn't been there in a couple decades. It could very well be that the bar has changed hands in the meantime. But thats up to you.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
It was sweet going on a

It was sweet going on a little spy mission and pulling it off Smile. The next assignment certainly looks interesting, too, though I'm unsure how to approach it - should I eventually travel to the Wasting Tower and snoop around? Or perhaps even Maladomini?


Anyway, since Canzonzia has some time going about her usual business in Sigil, it would be nice to get the group gathered again. In-character, I can't really think of a good reason why she would do so at present, though...


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
You can't travel to Khin

You can't travel to Khin Oin. It's wards kill non-loth fiends (mortals can enter, but they can't really go anywhere *interesting*). The arms shipment side-plot is intended to be a long one for your part though. Depending on how you approach it it could lead a lot of places, but it would probably start in Sigil.

As for a reason to get back together, it has already begun. Won't say more.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Put me in, Coach!

Put me in, Coach!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
It shall be done as soon as

It shall be done as soon as I finish naming a few NPCs with ties to you.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Apologize for the delay. I

Apologize for the delay. I haven't had time to write a long post recently. I'm constantly running away from and to places, the computer among them. (Various family things had to get done, and all that).

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
No probs, we all get busy

No probs, we all get busy sometime. Don't beat yourself up over it. Smile

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02

weishan wrote:


You kick in the door after two tries (the wards seem to make it more difficult) and enter your study which is now a dreadful mess.

OOC:I see it as:

....General living..../ ....guest receiving room....

..Dining room..Hallway(incl stairs up..Kitchen...

Where in this picture of a floor plan do you see a study of mine? the study he has is a secret room and the sleeping quarters is upstairs, i dont understand why you keep getting these facts wrong?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
That is an error in words.

That is an error in words. Observe the previous posts which do in fact refer to the room as your receiving room. Also, you would do well to be less confrontational in your posting.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
weishan wrote:That is an

weishan wrote:
That is an error in words. Observe the previous posts which do in fact refer to the room as your receiving room. Also, you would do well to be less confrontational in your posting.

I wasn't partcularly confrontational in state of mind when i wrote this, i was generally puzzled how u made these errors... nothing more, apologies if it came across otherwise.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
I make absentminded errors

I make absentminded errors like that when I try to do several things at once (like levitating Smiling) or when I'm trying to type quickly.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
OOC: Clever (I assumed a DC

OOC: Clever (I assumed a DC 20 ref save, which the dwarf failed, unfortunately for you). You were far too clever for your own good--portable holes and bags of holding don't mix. Bear in mind Sigil does exist on the Astral, but it's confined from the rest of the plane. I'll give you the

You barely register the fact that the dwarf went tumbling into your impromtou trap, as a silvery rip in space opens up, and begins dragging you inexorably into the Astral.

You recognize where you are, seeing silvery fog in all directions around you. The dwarf and your portable your hole are nowhere to be seen. You don't know where the nearest color pools are, but it's safe to assume they lead back to Sigil, or so you've heard. Eventually you will reach the boundry of sigil's astral space, and you can follow that in a loop until you find a portal.

OOC: I won't deprive you of your encounter, and I'll make shure Chaad gets his 20,000 gp back somehow, but surprises like this are great fun.



OOPS!  I guess the dwarf had a bag of holding.  Crap.  Oh well, unexpected surprizes are fun.  BTW, I don't think any color pools lead into Sigil.  I think I have to find an arch with a portal.  Fortunately, as a Kaasta I'd know enough about planar travel that if I find a color pool to, say, the Outlands, I should be able to get back to Sigil fairly quickly.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Azure wrote: OOC: Clever (I

Azure wrote:

OOC: Clever (I assumed a DC 20 ref save, which the dwarf failed, unfortunately for you). You were far too clever for your own good--portable holes and bags of holding don't mix. Bear in mind Sigil does exist on the Astral, but it's confined from the rest of the plane. I'll give you the

You barely register the fact that the dwarf went tumbling into your impromtou trap, as a silvery rip in space opens up, and begins dragging you inexorably into the Astral.

You recognize where you are, seeing silvery fog in all directions around you. The dwarf and your portable your hole are nowhere to be seen. You don't know where the nearest color pools are, but it's safe to assume they lead back to Sigil, or so you've heard. Eventually you will reach the boundry of sigil's astral space, and you can follow that in a loop until you find a portal.

OOC: I won't deprive you of your encounter, and I'll make shure Chaad gets his 20,000 gp back somehow, but surprises like this are great fun.



OOPS!  I guess the dwarf had a bag of holding.  Crap.  Oh well, unexpected surprizes are fun.  BTW, I don't think any color pools lead into Sigil.  I think I have to find an arch with a portal.  Fortunately, as a Kaasta I'd know enough about planar travel that if I find a color pool to, say, the Outlands, I should be able to get back to Sigil fairly quickly.


Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!  HAH!  That was awesome.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
O DM, i have some trouble

O DM, i have some trouble with a lead to where this is supposed to go.... hmmz Smiling


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dire Lemon

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!  HAH!  That was awesome.

That was pretty much my reaction too.  The Portable Hole + Bag of Holding trick!  :D


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Burning Spear: A clue has

Burning Spear: A clue has been provided, and you can investigate it as you choose. To save you some IC time though, the two bodies were enchanted to protect against speak with dead and similar spells, so there's no need to try that.


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
well, i dont see the clue u

well, i dont see the clue u planted, other then i will go for the scroll of teleport, and find out where it ends its destination, or is it a general one? and ingame is there a possibility to divine the writer of a note?

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