I have arrived.
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)
Welcome to the gang!
Everyone say hello to the newest victim and try to look happy so he doesn't run away just yet.
Also, recruiting is now closed.
Thanks Dunamin, and welcome Jurgen!
Trias, nice job on Drum's speech patterns (thought patterns?) in your recent post. I find it very hard to replicate the speech patterns of the psychotic (in Drum's case, I'm guessing, the schizophrenic) when I'm writing.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Yeah, that's a well-written and very disturbing insight into Drum's mind! :shock:
Makes me think of him less as a happy-go-stabby madman and more classic-horror-cannibal madman...
Congratulations, Trias, you've made aoXs rants both deeply disturbing and relevant. For and soXa and applesauce!
Sorry to everyone else for the IC clutter.
He he he!! thanks! I tried.
I'm going to post a bit later in the day. Trias, and Dunamin, I know you're here (there's a reply to your post somewhere in there, Dunamin ). Also, I'm wondering where BERK is.
Eh, I'm a little unsure what Bemekt currently expects of Canzon. She doesn't want us to speak directly of what business she has with Oliver Corin, but I presume she don't want us playing a tiresome guessing game either...
I'm tempted to simply post "Well?" just to put the ball back in her park, but it seems sort of tedious. :|
Did anything come of Canzon's or Trift's roll?
Bemekt is getting around her contract by not actually telling you who her target is, just saying "see that guy" in context. You could ask about her directly about Oliver, or you could wait and ask someone else.
Anyway, I'm pretty lost on how to continue this but I guess I'll think of something eventually...
And i wonder where Berk/ Bruce is hanging out at
Oliver is definitely her Bemekt's target (if she isn't lying). No sense motive is required to tell that.
Very nice depiction, Jurgen! Seems sort of reminiscent of Warhammer 40k.
That would be what it'd be. Jurgen doesn't have internet this weekend, but I was talking to him, and he just wanted to add that the armor and scary 40k weapons aren't a part of his description. (Because that would be unfair )
I'm sorry If I mislead you Wei, but I do in fact have internet access, it is just that the time I can access the internet is when my father feels like I should go on the Internet. Most depressing. But yeah unfortunatly, (or fortunatly for everyone else) Fenrik does not have a bolt pistol or force sword.
Just a note ahead of time: I'll be gone on Roskilde Festival from 29th of June to 6th of July.
I'm going to be gone for about a week. Unfortunately, I don't have time for annother post. I've got to finish getting ready.
I'm back. My house got hit by lighting (yes, I'm quite serious), so I had to wait until I had internet again to post. I'd apologize for the slowness, but that would imply I was Zeus or some other lightning diety
In any case, I think we're getting bogged down in this section of the game, so I'm going to push everyone ahead (including Bruce and Sidharta's little battle) we need toget back to the main plot before the game gets completely derailed. I'll have a post describing what happens up shortly.
Wei, I’ve sent you a PM with stats on the new brachina Canzon – let me know what you think. A couple of questions, though:
1. Does Canzonzabar sound inherently masculine? I could edit the post where she gives her new name to rename her Canzonzabine or some such.
2. Did identification of the item from Carceri turn out to be a portable hole, or was it something else?
You still havent told me what amount of money/ items i got from the raid on the mage, untill u do that, i cant post...
Dunamin: I reckon most Baatezu names would be gender neutral.
Burning Spear: Oops. I'll get that up later tonight.
Does Canzonzabar sound inherently masculine? I could edit the post
where she gives her new name to rename her Canzonzabine or some such.
Canzonzia perhaps? Canzonia?
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
"Hello", (i forgot to react, so busy fighting the dm in pm's etc. :D
Does Canzonzabar sound inherently masculine? I could edit the post
where she gives her new name to rename her Canzonzabine or some such.
Canzonzia perhaps? Canzonia?
hehe, Canzonzarinda? Canzonzarelly or rella... lol..
I had considered using Canzonzabine to use wordplay with concubine (since she's a pleasure devil), but Canzonzia isn't too bad, actually.
Hell, why not. Canzonzia it is.
I *blew* my comp's powerpack up, dont know why or how, bought a new one, but it does not want to power up my comp, so i have brought it to the shop to get checked out... i'll get back asap..
Sorry. My days are 48 hours long *headsmack*
I'm having PC trouble, and will be gon for a week from august 4. Sorry, hopefully the school year will be easier (heh. ironic, but probably true for me)
you should have been back by now, this thread and its ic thread is getting stale
I'm still alive, but I can't post frequently at the moment (real life currently owns me). I don't know when things will become a bit saner, but annother week or two should see me posting at least a bit--though probably not daily.
Real life is making regular posting impossible at the moment. I think it's nescesary to put this game on indefinite hold. When I get things together again, maybe we can continue it if anyone still had the patience. Sorry.
Sorry to see the game on hold, but I understand. Hope we can get back to it eventually.
I'm back. It took rather longer than expected, though. Anyone who still wants to play (I'll be surprised ) should probably sound off. If some people don't or aren't here at the moment, we'll deal with recruiting as needed. I'm aiming for a slightly slower and more text-heavy game this time. I've learned my lesson, and posting 5-6 times per week with real substance will do better at keeping the game alive and well.
Welcome back Wei, glad to hear you're set to continue!
I wouldn't mind picking up the game again at some point. I had a great time playing Canzon, and since he just underwent major character change (baatezu promotion!) I'm eager to see how it turns out.
And of course, it seemed like the plot was coming to a critical turning point with civil war brewing in the Nine Hells and possible frame-up attempt for the assassination of a baatezu noble...
Am still here and willing to play as well, except we have to sort out the mess of spells/ casting blabla
Okay. a few things.
--First. I'm inclined to keep the game moving as it was, but I'm leaning to a much less combat oriented approach (I've learned my lesson). The difficulty is understandable, I think. Combat tends to drag in PbB, especially in high magic, high powered campaigns. I'm not sure how best to approach this, but I'm leaning towards a more cinematic and narrative approach (out of combat as well). Especially against mooks and minor characters. (Canzon can seduce, or decieve any random non-essential mortal at a bar (or anywhere else, but hey.), Bruce and Sidhartha can find pretty ways to detonate/maul/smash/fry mooks, and Yebena always makes her knowledge checks unless there's a plot critical reason she should roll instead. If anyone wants to change their characters in response that's perfectly okay. You'll still need dice. Don't worry More epic battles will be rolled as normal, but I may find ways to condense them somewhat to facilitate moving things along.
-Second. I want to reward PCs for developing characters, and adding to the narrative in the game the story in PbP is the priority. Better writing and more in character responses will benifit you. (I haven't the foggiest idea how specifically, but we'll figure that out later.)
-Third. Yebena is admitedly a problem--or at least my earlier portrayal of her. It's inconsistent, and lame (at best). I'd appreciate if you ignored some of my earlier lameness--it was beccause the whole dark evil plot was still being hammered out by your note-shunning DM. I'll clarify this later, and I'll fix some inconsistencies and lameness retroactively--if your DM needs to retcon a PbP game, you KNOW he needs notes. I'll deal with the details later.
-Fourth. In my travels, I've found an interesting system that approaches D&D as a point buy system. It is entirely compatible with D&D and works at the same power level, but it allows characters to do other things than fight. If you want to use it, it's entirely optional. If you don't you don't have to. Also, it's free. Analyzing things, Canzon would benefit the most from this (by far because you can play down combat for skills an such), Sidhartha would be mechanically weaker in terms of BAB, saves, etc, but might wind up as a better-rounded character, and a stronger and more flexible spellcaster. Bruce would probably not be much changed, either way barring any character adjustments. I'll be using it interchangeably with regular 3.5. Frankly I don't care which you use.
It can be found here: http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=51255
-Fifth. I'm inclined to remove the house rules I've put in place (Except LA/CR rules if you stick with the regular D&D angle). It'll make stuff easier, and with them in place the two systems are incompatible. And they're more work than they're worth.
-Sixth. Recruiting will happen as needed we can conclude as soon as everyone sounds off again.
What house rules exactly are you removing? I don't remember what they were originaly, and I don't know if Bruce used any.
As for eveything else, sounds fantastic.
That's part of the reason I'm removing them, LOL. But I'm pretty sure you didn't.
with all your ideas of wanting me to change my character, i think his fundamental game mechanics that make him will get killed, so i would rather remake him in that new system instead of rebuilding him
I didn't follow that But either way, you'll do fine mechanicaly.
Also, I don't particularly care about how your character is built from a mechanical standpoint. I'm just making sugestions. If you want to stick with your original char it won't hurt you much.
i dont like the "much"bit , will read that booklet, but i dont understand anything of it atm.
I'll respectfully decline the new system for now - it would simply be too time-consuming an affair to read through, wrap my head around, learn the new system, and then decide whether it appeals to me. Thanks for the offer, though.
I'll be honest about Yebena - I used to not much care for her as a character. Not because of identity-crisis or extremely arrogant personality (Canzon is definitely no better!), but more because she seemed a bit too omnipotent and all-knowing to relate to as a fellow PC. If she was less untouchable both socially, knowledge-wise, and combat-wise, I think she'd be much more interesting to interact with.
All the other points you put forward look excellent to me though! I far prefer games that are strongly story-driven with emphasis on furthering the plot, rather than fiddling with complex game mechanics and time-consuming shopping headaches (but of course, I realize this is hard to avoid at high-level 3E play).
All in all, thanks for continuing to provide a great game!
I happen to like shopping lol.
But i'll agree on Yebena with you...
The IC thread will now be returned to life (Does anyone have a 5,000 GP diamond on hand, because I don't) Expect posts tomorow. I won't get much of anything up tonight.
Details of any gear Canzon wanted to sell and buy before promotion is in the old PM I sent you with the new brachina sheet. Only thing unaccounted for should be the stuff from the sword archon hideout, which never got defined.
Anyway, I'm ready to go. Eager to see where the plot takes us and hopeful that it will tie the PCs together in more than a casual mercenary way.
I'm still a bit slow. I've not gotten itno the rythym of things yet. Expect something friday.
Hey, not everybody likes playing in Evil-Aligned (tm) campaigns. It's okay! :mrgreen:
Seconded. We all have different tastes in style and theme, that's all.