Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

In the interests of space saving, I'm going to reply by PM so it doesn't derail the OOC thread.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Poking Dunamin.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Sorry about the slowness, CanzonzaBond is back now. Cool

Briefly looked through the houserules, seemed fine with me (though I hope mages are not given too much edge... they already dominate high-level play enough as is). As long as the game is enjoyable, rules don't matter that much to me - and I'm sure we can later discuss the rules constructively if any parts should turn out to be less fun on the whole, right?

Anyway, since there are many of them, I petition that we get brief reminders when houserules are about to come up in play, because I'm sure to forget a lot of them. :oops:

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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The counterspelling rules shouldn't change the balance of class power either way (though they do make a caster heavy party more powerful against a spell casting enemy). The hope is to make magical combat more diverse than: *casts spell* "Save or die"

The modifications to intimidate change the balance of power slightly since they give the party's (or an enemy) Face a bit more power to influence the outcome of a fight instead of avoiding it entirely.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)


Tyui's picture
Joined: 2007-07-23
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

I am back from the dead... kinda. My bad for slacking when there are people trying to get in...
Eru'Maho really wasn't working, because I honestly couldn't think of a reason for him to stay with the party, and plenty of reasons for him to split. This next character should have the right balance of quirkiness and motivation for him to work.
Also: no more pronoun confusion! Yay!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Sorry, had been considering who for Canzon to next talk to and what to say but got sidetracked with a busy life. I'll make another post soon.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Recruiting Annother new Player:

I am looking fo annother new player for this campaign since we only have 3 posters. Character creation guidelines are on the first page of this thread except that you may not play a primary spellcaster (the party has too many as it is). We need a combat or suppourt character of some sort.

I will take the first strong, compatable concept. A fairly quick character creation turnaround time is ideal, and regular posting is also important. Just PM me your idea.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

'weishan' wrote:
Recruiting Annother new Player:

I am looking fo annother new player for this campaign since we only have 3 posters. Character creation guidelines are on the first page of this thread except that you may not play a primary spellcaster (the party has too many as it is). We need a combat or suppourt character of some sort.

I will take the first strong, compatable concept. A fairly quick character creation turnaround time is ideal, and regular posting is also important. Just PM me your idea.

I have a friend who is often online and is interested in a online game...
any specifics i need to know about?, if i am to put him in this game?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

You can contact him and tell him to PM me a concept assuming he's familiar with PS cannon (also remind him that he's competing for a spot, probably). I kind of feel obligated to check if any members already on the boards want to play too though, so I definitely don't want to make a definite statement on yes or no yet. Because as it is there are more people on PW who want to play than there are games.

One big measure of compatability right now would be the talkiness of the character. I'm much more inclined to accept a character with strong political ties and motivations (that fit, obviously).

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Just bumping this thread up. It's still possible to get in. You are competing now though. Ideally, I'd like to see a few prospective characters to see which fits what already exists.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

am discussing with krappleby what we can do to make the concept fitting...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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am really hard trying to think on what my reply should intail, but i feel very 'fucked' atm Smiling (in deep shit)

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

OOC: SR applies to spells that have a magical effect on the target directly. Fireball targets an area.

In many other games there s no distinction between area and targeted spells, magic resistance is magic res., only D&D makes distinction in effect, which imo is a bad implementation of rules system...just had to say so... not trying to discuss the possibilities with the DM.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Just bumping the recruiting-ness. It seems that our first voulenteer hasn't replied in quite a while. Anyone interested, please post here and say so and PM me a concept. See the recruiting post on this page, and the character creation details on the first page.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Hey, do you really need another player?

Ever since Trias vanished I've been missing Sigil.

What's the style of this game?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Well, I'll leave it to our DM to introduce the campaign in full, but I think the basic premise is experiencing perspective from powerful planar Evils.

Plot-specifically, I think Wei may have recently laid the foundation for a campaign arc about a great upheaval in Baator, since our group has just delivered a powerful weapon which supposedly could kill even a Lord of the Nine.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Well um... I don't really like playing evil characters and I especially don't like playing terribly violent ones, so as long as the game isn't geared towards that I should be ok.

I'd have asked Azure about Git'Riban because I've been following it more, but don't think I'd enjoy slaughtering a whole bunch of prostitutes... or whatever it is they're doing right now.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

the prostitutes might be thralls of a mind flayer, that is why we attacked them Smiling, but thats another campaign Sticking out tongue

play a pacifist demon? Laughing out loud rofl...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

You don't have to play evil--Bruce is CN, and Sidharta isn't very strongly LE. Your character does need to be able to cooperate with the more unpleasent elements of the party, however (Yebena, Canzonzabar, and Su'oure Drum).

Stabitty death definitely isn't the main focus of the game. Some stabbing is innevitable, but I reward PCs for avoiding combat. This will especially be the case later in the game when your enemies are a great deal more powerful than you.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

'Burning Spear' wrote:
the prostitutes might be thralls of a mind flayer, that is why we attacked them Smiling, but thats another campaign Sticking out tongue

Slaughtering a bunch of innocents because their might be a few unwilling servants of evil hidden in their midst isn't exactly... not evil. And Jeez, they're prostitutes! That's like killing a sanitation worker or a sweatshop worker/Walmart Employee! You should feel very very bad!

Another thing. Male characters whose first reaction to a female character of immense beauty is "Kill!" Do they not have testicles?! But now I'm just ranting.

'Burning Spear' wrote:
play a pacifist demon? Laughing out loud rofl...

Actually I was something close in Trias's game. I wonder if I could bring Samael over to this one... No wait, I forgot Samael is totally screwed up because we thought the ECL of an incubus is 6 when it's actually 12. Speaking of which, what level would I make a character if I were to do so?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
'Burning Spear' wrote:
the prostitutes might be thralls of a mind flayer, that is why we attacked them Smiling, but thats another campaign Sticking out tongue

Slaughtering a bunch of innocents because their might be a few unwilling servants of evil hidden in their midst isn't exactly... not evil. And Jeez, they're prostitutes! That's like killing a sanitation worker or a sweatshop worker/Walmart Employee! Have you no balls?! You should feel very very bad! That's another thing peeve of mine. Male characters whose first reaction to a female character of immense beauty is "Kill!" But now I'm just ranting.

Sorry for off topic,

If u read carefully,i know at least i am trying to keep casualties to a minimum on part of the Greenskirts.. i killed the dwarf because he clearly stood out for me, and the Andro, as well, if all it needs imo is to kill her/ him, then that is all i will do to these... i am not to slaughter them...

I like killing (as the character anyway), but it should be more 'equal' warriors who try to kill each other preferably.. in this case the Andro will be killed, and that will be it.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

No need to defend yourself. I'm just stating an opinion based entirely of subjective feelings. I just get bugged when I read stuff like that and feel a bit unsettled for a while. Though if you all had merciful weapons it'd be quite humorous. It's odd how death drains the humor from things for me...

That second bit is about the pyromaniac on the top floor btw, not you.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

no worries, i was explaining my thought logic, not defending as such, its a roleplay game, and fighting is part of it, "in slaying the 'monsters'"...
or maybe 'defeating' is a better wording, not to kill but to subdue or even circumvent the whole hurdle.. that would sometimes be better as i dont like blood myself, nor the killing of 'innocents', but sometimes you cant evade the kill...and you have to, as detaining might create more problems then its worth Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

16th level. I estimate equivilant level for high CR creatures as roughly CR+4 or HD +0 if it's greater than CR +4. This will change depending on the creature chosen, but it is a good general guideline when picking class levels.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Ok, so an Incubus would be... ECL 10?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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11 if you just do 7+4 (and use the MM succubus as an incubus) however, the incubus is pretty weak for a CR 7. Bear in mind the problems playing a demon--even if it isn't CE--would entail. You have to get employed by a Baatezu. If you can justify it well, go ahead, but you will suffer as a Tanar'ri.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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Huh... I got no idea how I'd justify being hired by Batezu. I mean, my character wouldn't mind working for them as long as he had people with him he could trust not to try to kill him just because of what he was. He doesn't necesarily have to be working for the Batezu either does he? He could just have decided to help the party with whatever their goal was for some reason without any diabolic contract. That certainly seems more Tanar'riish. Perhaps he's got his own motivations, maybe it's just money, maybe something more.

Still, I suppose if you're really against it I can make something else.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

PM'd you.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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PM'd you back. Please like it, or at least consider my idea and propose something new if you think it could use improvement.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Got it. Chek your PMs.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

'weishan' wrote:
Got it. Chek your PMs.

Done, and replied... Maybe we should just keep talking in PMs, or an instant message program even. Do you have Steam, Ventrillo, or Teamtalk? I'd prefer Steam because it's easy to just jump right in. I don't currently have MSN or AIM installed.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

My computer is...interesting. To say the least. I can't use most instant messaging software for whatever reason.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

'weishan' wrote:
My computer is...interesting. To say the least. I can't use most instant messaging software for whatever reason.

Well, Steam isn't an IM program. It's a digital game distribution and organization software that also has chat functionality.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Dire Lemon, i had asked Weishan exactly the same, lol, but with a string of different programs...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Yeah, I know it's a pain. I hate my computer so very much.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Hey guys and gals, I'm back - wei, are you still looking for a new (er.. "old") player.

If it's okay with you, i'm willing to come up with a backstory to explain Drum's absence.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

A convincing explanation and story of where you were is all you need. Just try to catch up on where the plot is at. (I was recruiting to fill Tyui's empty spot, not yours. I was actually counting on you showing up again some time around about now anyway--most colleges being out by now and all.)

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Fantastic!!! As soon as I'm caught up with the reading, I'll write-in Drum's filler. I'm already grinning thinking about the others' response when they realize they haven't seen the last of him

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Hey weishan, did you see my PMs?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

I've had a bunch of short-notice projects recently. (I'm still in school. There is no escape). Hopefully I'll be able to post soon.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

NP Real life is more important. If you get the chance though I'd like to know if you've seen my PMs.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

I'm baaack!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Dire Lemon has decided not to join, which means we're still looking for annother PC.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
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I'm a sissy... :cry:

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
I'm a sissy... :cry:

Hey, not everybody likes playing in Evil-Aligned (tm) campaigns. It's okay! :mrgreen:


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

The ministry of re-education will see you shortly. :twisted:

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Augh! Evil jerk guy avatar!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Ichmiru Gin isn't a jerk, he's the warmest, fuzziest evil bastard in the history of ever.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

I've asked around with some of my friends and found someone who is interested, so recruiting is temporarily closed.

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