Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Poking again

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Sorry for being AWOL - Family + academic commitments = literally not even 20 minutes to take a regular breather here.

In the meantime Wei, please don't kill off Drum (haha, jk, I know you're not that kind of DM.. right?!) I'll be posting sporadically until the end of May, so perhaps you can automatically use DM fiat for him instead of waiting for my response, or if that gets annoying, he can disappear until I start posting regularly, and I'll come up with a story. It wouldn't be hard to believe someone like Drum would randomly disappear for extended periods of time.

we cool? Cool

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Okay, no problem.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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I think Honesty amongst the party of evil is the best way we can go about to keep the piece, no?, peace indeed, i dont know where my spelling went when i wrote this sentence... Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Keeping the peace? Yeah right. :twisted:

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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interesting that people now start asking about items that were already 'claimed', while no one seemed to be interested in them in the first place, nor identifying them... Smiling

Tyui's picture
Joined: 2007-07-23
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The purple Uaphes font... It burns my eyes...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Sorry for the long absence, guys.

I’ve been writing on many projects lately relating to both studies and gaming, which might have put me into a sort of writer’s block lately. One thing that’s currently draining my creativity a lot is preparing the “final sessions” for a three year running campaign with my local group, along with a particularly tough course I’m following.

At any rate, I’m back now and will read up on the game and post very soon.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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our DM is hiding, hehe, he is online, but u cant see him, drat Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Post ninjitsu. Hobby.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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I thought that keeping chitchatting was not usefull till a certain extend, so i stopped after a nice word...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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A merth is 1000 jink? so 10.000 'gold'?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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correct. I would appreciate if whoever is here would post, I want to keep the game going to prevent it from stalling.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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Both of Bruce Maxson are still in the game.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Yeah, but I meant in the IC thread Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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I'm still here and will post IC soon, just been fairly busy lately.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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tsk tsk, not even a nice supportive message saying how nice Bruce and i were rolebabbling? :mrgreen:

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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Question, can i form myself into another looking Rakshasa? the ability says humanoids, but just changing my own form while retaining my own race and abilities? is that more to ask? Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Wait, Demogorgon has died? Demogorgon? :shock:
The only part of the developments you mention in brackets that I was aware of, was Glasya couping the Hag Queen.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Demogorgon got his block knocked off in one of those Dragon adventures that I can't remember the name of for the life of me. Laughing out loud I don't usually assume Dragon stuff to be cannon, but in this case, some turmoil is nescesary in the Abyss to justify the unholy sheenanagins (I don't know how to spell that word) going down in Baator.

He might reform eventually, but that's outside the scope of this campaign.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Wowsers, any word on the responsible parties? Orcus and Grazz ganged up on him?

weishan's picture
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And some celestials too. I'm pretty sure Grazz would prefer to stay the hells away from a demon lord Laughing out loud

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Oh, right, Graz'zt. :oops:

You wouldn't think it was a name you easily confuse, but with them bloody githzerais...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Waiting on BERK or Burning Spear.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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wil;l reply uin a bit, sorry, had soem power problems, therefore no comp for a day and a half... Smiling, but I am Back Laughing out loud

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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The only problem i have is comming up with something that BERK will not try to torpedo into the ground, so far all my ideas have been met by a; no i dont want you to do that kinda attitude... so i am atm at a loss a bit as to what to write...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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right, subtlety is over i guess, shall i disintegrate a piece of non supporting wall so we can gain entry or just take out a part of a corner to effect a cave in? :mrgreen: , but seriously?, now what?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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What you do is up to you, but sucess and failure at this task does little to change the plot of the game as a whole, you can and may possibly fail at this task.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Waiting on Dunamin.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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15D6 force dam with nothing but a reflex safe is sick (no spellresistance makes it even more sick)! IMO... Sad

Magic Missiles is the only decent offensive force spell, and u get spell resistance for a more reasonable amount of damage...

And what book is it out of?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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15d6 damage triggered only by opening (by force) a sealed door as a 6th level spell is not nearly so sick, however (though it is permanent).

It's a terrifying spell if you're the attacker, but it's 10 minute casting time, 500 gp material component, and fairly limited scope (that is, it can only target, doors, windows, etc.) makes it utterly worthless as an offensive spell. It can also be dispelled with some dificulty (considerable dificulty, in this case, actually) or disarmed with a DC 31 disable device check.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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Besides the fact that we had not even touched the door, and does casting Disintegrate on the door count as using force according to the spell descriptor? (which i had not yet cast anyway)

"Bruce gets no response to his knocking. "
or does simply knocking on the door count as forcefull breaking and entry?...?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Nodody would have answered, and one of you, and one of you would have had to break it down somehow, catching both of you in the blast eventually. Bear in mind that the conditions you specified (If Bruce hasn't opened the door by then) were fulfilled, which is why the door was disintigrated.

Destroying the door in any way triggers the spell regardless of whether a victim is in range or not. (This is not IC knowledge, though.)

On a more positive note, this is on the list of better outcomes (though not the very best, there were a few ways to get in unhurt). If a wall was disintigrated, for example, I planned on giving you 1d4+1 rounds before all three stories of the (teleport warded) house collapsed on your heads, traping both of you inside the ruble for a very long time and then putting you up against angry guards when you finally blew your way out. Positive thoughts! Muhahaha! :twisted:

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Sorry about the slow posting lately. My exams are over for now, though, so expect me to post frequently again.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Poking BERK and Dunamin

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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I'm really sorry to do this, but I am just swamped for work right now. I have multiple projects running right now, and more than a few of them are due within days of each other. I don't think I can handle the posting diligence that a battle would require until the 22nd.

Much apologies, but No Fun For Berk Until... (NFFB4/22/08)

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Okay, I'll NPC Bruce until then.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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at least we can continue now... thnx for the message Weishan/ Bruce...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'weishan' wrote:

Yijral is a fairly rare case in that she is a female livrezu. (While they do exist, Baator usually takes a dim view of female falxugons and livrezu because they like to maintain an exact 50-50 balance of male and female Baatezu--being lawful and all. Erineyes and Brachinas ruin this proportion unless another two similar castes are all male.) Yijral is not a great sorcerer, considering her rank and age, but she is very skilled at corrupting mortal wizards, which more than compensates for this deficiency. Also unusual is the fact that she chooses to appear youthful and good looking (as opposed to ancient and wise). You would assume this is why she is better at corrupting mortal wizards. Yijral works for the Ministry of Magic’s (OOC: make a snide Harry Potter joke if you dare…) office in Cainia, and the souls she corrupts go to her superiors there. She is sitting next to Yebena attempting to start a conversation. Yebena is unenthusiastically nodding, shaking her head, or making noncommittal growls in reply.

Hehe, let me know if they start pulling out wands and shouting "Expelliarmus"!

Seriously though, all the NPCs sound awesome! Except for Hadon, of course, Canzon would badmouth him and make jokes about the stench of the Palace of Filth hanging around this rival. :mrgreen:

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Just letting everyone know, Tyui will be returning with a different character (You'll see). His life has become less complicated, and this new concept fits better with the plot of the campaign.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Posting a few new houseruled uses of skills to get some use out of them at higher levels.

Also, in the same vein, not everyone has listed their Knowledge (The Planes) specialties in their character sheets. (See the Skills section in the PSCS section for rules on this)


Feinting is a is a move action (instead of a standard action) for anyone with 14 or more ranks in bluff. This is because improved feint isn't a very powerful feat at high levels, because most bonuses to AC come from sources other than DEX. This makes feinting more useful at high levels.

The penalty to feinting against nonhumanoid creatures is changed to -4 vs. creatures with adifferent body shape (regardless of creature type).

New use:

Force a readied action. This use of bluff is a specialized use of feint and is resolved in the exact same way. This action can be used to convince a foe that you are taking a certain action, which may be a trigger for a prepared action. You must know (or guess) the trigger of the readied action that the oppont has prepared. You may take a -20 penalty to this roll to cause the opponent to take their prepared action without knowing or guessing it. To immitate spellcasting to trigger a prepared action or counterspell, see spellcraft.



It is now possible to demoralize an enemy when not in melee combat at a -10 penalty. For each 10 points a target fails it's save vs fear, it is shaken for an aditional round fer -10 increment. If a character has 19 ranks or more in intimidate, they may demoralize as a move action instead of a standard action.

It is also possible to demoralize all opponents within 5 feet per 2 ranks in intimidate (they must be able to see you) by rolling an intimidate check at -10. Each enemy receive a +1 morale bonus on this save for each ally within the radius of the intimidate affect

Sleight of hand:

Conceal somatic components of a spell:

In order to make use of this skill, the user must have a cloak, heavy sleeves, or some other way to obscure their hands. Make a sleight of hand check of DC 15+2xspell level. If you fail this check, the spell fails because the sleeve or cloak interferes with the spellcasting. Anyone wishing to identify the spell must make a spot check with a DC equal to the sleight of hand check. Failure means that they cannot use somatic components to identify the spell (see spellcraft).


Identify a spell-like ability:

DC 20+mimiced spel level

Provoking a counterspell or wasting a readied action with a spell as a trigger:

Make a spellcraft check. Your opponent makes an opposed by a spellcraft check adding a bonus of 2xthe highest level spell they can cast to the roll. Alternitively, they may roll a sense motive check at -10 with no bonus if this is more favorable (Spellcraft may not be used untrained). If you succed on this check, the readied action or counterspell is wasted (see changes to counterspelling later in this post)

Modifiers to identifying a cast spell:

-10: spell is not in the language of your magical tradition and you do not speak this language. (Infernal is the tradition language of every party caster except Yebena). Other common tradition languages include: draconic, giant, one of the 4 elemental languages, or celestial.

-5: spell is not in the language of your magical tradition but you speak at least some of the language in question (If Canzon tried to identify one of Yebena's spells, he would do so at a -5 penalty. Likewise, Yebana, would still take a -5 to her spellcraft check to identify when identifying a spell with annother tradition language even though she is fluent in infernal. (Note that Sidharta's ring does not translate quickly enough to offsset the -10 penalty to spellcraft when identifying spells in languages he does not otherwise understand.

-5: Sorceror identfiying a wizard spell

-5: Wizard identifying a sorceror spell

-5: Arcane caster identifying a divine spell

-5: Divine caster identifying an arcane spell

+5: Three major components (verbal, somatic, focus/material component)

+0: Any two major components (verbal, somatic, focus/material component)

-5: Any one major component (verbal, somatic, focus/material component)

-20: no visible components (verbal, somatic, focus/material component)

Counterspelling changes:

It is possible to counterspell as an immediate action whenever a spell is cast. If this action is taken, the caster loses a standard action on their next turn. You may not counterspell in this way if you cast a spell on your turn or if you otherwise could not cast a spell. You also may not counterspell in this way if you are flat-footed. You may also ready a standard action to counterspell as normal.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

Hoping for a reply from everyone just to acknowledge that they got this. And also poke.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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i think with these house rules u will make it next to impossible to identify and such spells being cast, to much and to harsh... Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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It definitely does bear explaining the rationale behind the modification to spellcraft. Please forgive my answering Burning Spear's questions randomly throughout the explaination.

The goal is to make IDing harder in part because counterspelling is much, much easier now. It is also in part because, like many skills, you don't actually get any benifit from having a lot of skill points invested at high levels. (Under the ordinary rules he highest spellcraft DC a character will ever need to beat on a regular basis is 24 to id a 9th level spell. A 4th level wizard with an int of 16 can beat DC 24 more than 50% of the time.)

Looking back the penalties for casting class diferences may as well be dropped because they're too much work to keep track of on my part if nothing else. Apart from that there won't be any changes made.

Look at it this way. You have a spellcraft modifier of +18 (which is low for an equivilant 16th level character), so if someone casts a 9th spell in a language you don't speak and can't understand through translation magic, you still have a 1 in 5 chance of identifying it. That's reasonable considering how easy it is to just say: "Okay, what the Hell, I'll just counter it any way and see what happens.

Consider also that you will mostly be dealing with spellcasters who use infernal or draconic as their tradition language, which bumps your chance of success up a great deal.

The easy solution, to the new problems is to pick up a cheap skill bost item that takes up no space and bumps your spellcraft by a few points.

Also, still waiting for action posts.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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The skill takes it the other way around actually:

the DC is 15 + spell level if u have one of the components, either verbal, somatic must be seen or heard then, so that is with partial info.
If you have more info, you actually gain bonuses.

I also very much dislike the fact you bring such major changes after we started and dont even ask us if we are ok with it.
If you would have done so at the beginning of the game then we might agree or disagree, now you just have us comply and no choice.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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Post acknowleged. A question, though. Because Bruce treats magic/psionics as the same thing, and under the assumption that that applies to my skills (hence why a psionic character would ever have maxed out spellcraft) how does this new system work for me? Kind of a unique situation, I know.

And, as an aside, while its not in my benefit to say so, as a DM I would say that Bruce always gets the -5 for the different magical tradition thing. After all, Bruce doesn't have a magical tradition.

@ Burning Spear

As for changes in game, its been a long time since we started. New ideas might be interesting to try out. If this was a tabletop game, he could give us the rundown at the beginning of a session. that isn't an option here, so he has to interject in a way that seems random to us, but he's probably been thinking about for a while.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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It should be easier to identify a spell with all three components. A spell with two is the norm in D&D, making it the base DC. A spell with only one component should harder to identify since you're missing a point of reference. A spell without any components should be impossible to identify, but I've put the -20 there to allow a very slim chance.

Remember, with spell points, It is possible to use dispell infinitely (for the purposes of a combat encounter). Because of this, picking and choosing which spells to counter and which to ignore needs to be more dificult in order to avoid making dispell magic the best spell in the game (Figure of speech. Shapechange is still the best spell in the game. Smiling )

To BERK's question. I don't have Complete Psionic, so I can't rule on that propperly (informally, the answer is yes, you take a -5 unless the mantle says otherwise) what the the mantle's description says, specifically may change this.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
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sorry, but still disagree with this, not to disagree so i can disagree, but seriously, you change the logic of the PHB, and turn it around for your own logic, and i dont agree with that. PHB is core rules, hardly anything is ever changed from that.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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I am the DM, I can do whatever I feel like with the PHB rules. If I were to declare that everyone in my game must start with 1 point buy and play pink elves, everyone in my game must start with one point buy and play pink elves (and nobody would join the game). You are not under any mystical compulsion to stay in this game. If you don't like my style of DMing or my housrules, ninjas aren't going to come to your house and stab you for having your own opinions. You are entitled to them.

Also, recall your character creation. You will remember that I disregarded the published LA values in the Monster Manual and allowed you to take a class that ordinarily would have its own spell progression as a sorceror PRC. Why didn't you complain about inconsitency with RAW then?

In any case, to adress the topic being discussed, there is a very clear distinction between an argument that deals entirely in specific points and attacks the logic of the other party specifically, directly, and impersonally, and an argument that is based on value judgements and attacks on the person of other party. You have strayed into the latter category with the previous post. If you want a debate, you will have a debate, but I expect that you argue in a civil way and adress only the points being argued. It would not make me happy to have my OOC thread locked by Clueless.

My argument is the following:

1. Counterspelling is very rarely a feasable option as it is barring presteige class abilities like the Archmage's Mastery of Counterspelling ability. How many times has one of your characters (in any game) made use of the counterspell action?

2. A reasonably well prepared spellcaster of similar can kill annother spellcaster of similar level fairly easily with only 1 high level spell that exploits a weak save (See the character optimization boards on WoTC for discussions on spellcaster combat. Even without a highly optomized character, their arguments apply, albeit to a slightly lesser degree).

3. This short combat encounter is not desirable in D&D if the goal of the game is to create a drawn-out and dramatic fight and to prevent the PCs from dying early and often from a high level spell.

4. Making counterspelling more useful will serve to decrease the incentive to cast offensively.

5. Counterspelling combined with rules that allow a near unlimited casting of dispell magic make this option more desireable than it should be in a party with multiple high level casters, only one of which needs to use dispell magic each turn.

6. In order to make this less of a problem while still ensuring counterspelling is a feasable option, changes have to be made.

7. Changing Spellcraft is an effective way of doing this because it is mechanically simple and does not require any modifications to the spell itself. Spellcraft also does not scale well. A 16th level wizard with an int of 18 can identify a 9th level spell 100% of the time. This excludes item enhancemets, synergy bonuses, and the like.

8. This new approach is less reliable, and allows a caster facing the prospect of being countered the possibility to cast low level spells that are more dificult to identify in order to waste their oppnent's spell points.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Still not Quite Dead Yet (OOC)

'weishan' wrote:
I am the DM, I can do whatever I feel like with the PHB rules. If I were to declare that everyone in my game must start with 1 point buy and play pink elves, everyone in my game must start with one point buy and play pink elves (and nobody would join the game). You are not under any mystical compulsion to stay in this game. If you don't like my style of DMing or my housrules, ninjas aren't going to come to your house and stab you for having your own opinions. You are entitled to them.
Sure you can, and sure i can and we are both entitled to our oppinions, no harm there..

Also, recall your character creation. You will remember that I disregarded the published LA values in the Monster Manual and allowed you to take a class that ordinarily would have its own spell progression as a sorceror PRC. Why didn't you complain about inconsitency with RAW then?
because that was a change not based on the core rules, but an prestige class, and so many prestige classes divert from the base rules in one way or another, but dont imbalance, i had the feeling your chage would imbalance...

In any case, to adress the topic being discussed, there is a very clear distinction between an argument that deals entirely in specific points and attacks the logic of the other party specifically, directly, and impersonally, and an argument that is based on value judgements and attacks on the person of other party. You have strayed into the latter category with the previous post. If you want a debate, you will have a debate, but I expect that you argue in a civil way and adress only the points being argued. It would not make me happy to have my OOC thread locked by Clueless.
I never intended to attack you personally, but i wanted to make clear that changing a rule used halfway through a game is bad imo, and should not be done. Why when i only vehemently oppose your idea do u feel attacked personally? i dont get that... i did not use foul lang nor made insults to you so really i dont see why you feel this.

My argument is the following: 1. Counterspelling is very rarely a feasable option as it is barring presteige class abilities like the Archmage's Mastery of Counterspelling ability. How many times has one of your characters (in any game) made use of the counterspell action?
It does not bar it if i understand that class correctly, it just makes that action easier for him, and i have never thought yet of basing a char on counterspelling as this is something for higher characters then i have had the pleasure of playing yet... and its kind of boring, just like being designated the healing person in the party, aka medic/ cleric... i see that position in the same vein.

2. A reasonably well prepared spellcaster of similar can kill annother spellcaster of similar level fairly easily with only 1 high level spell that exploits a weak save (See the character optimization boards on WoTC for discussions on spellcaster combat. Even without a highly optomized character, their arguments apply, albeit to a slightly lesser degree).
Dont know, havent read that discussion, but i can imagine what you say there is true.

3. This short combat encounter is not desirable in D&D if the goal of the game is to create a drawn-out and dramatic fight and to prevent the PCs from dying early and often from a high level spell.
See above.

4. Making counterspelling more useful will serve to decrease the incentive to cast offensively.

5. Counterspelling combined with rules that allow a near unlimited casting of dispell magic make this option more desireable than it should be in a party with multiple high level casters, only one of which needs to use dispell magic each turn.

6. In order to make this less of a problem while still ensuring counterspelling is a feasable option, changes have to be made.

Thats what they made the feats of improved counterspelling and such for, no? and the adittional abilities for arch mage etc.?

7. Changing Spellcraft is an effective way of doing this because it is mechanically simple and does not require any modifications to the spell itself. Spellcraft also does not scale well. A 16th level wizard with an int of 18 can identify a 9th level spell 100% of the time. This excludes item enhancemets, synergy bonuses, and the like.
Thats because they are supposed to be good at what they do, just like a fighter does not have to roll how good he can see that another is in fighting as well (which they unfortunately did make something up for if i recall correctly.)

8. This new approach is less reliable, and allows a caster facing the prospect of being countered the possibility to cast low level spells that are more dificult to identify in order to waste their oppnent's spell points.
I doubt it will in practice work out that way... but i cant effectively come up with words on how i see that this is wrong, so i will stop countering your arguments, although i still do not agree.

@ Bruce's player and in general:
If Weishan had come up with the topic first instead of just dumping it into the group like this, and saying he wants this regardless of how the players see it, i would have reacted more amicable ?sp?, now however, he dumps it in the group with a sidenote that to me says: "i want this and no-one is going to stop me, you can accept it or leave"..
The way it was brought was blunt, and this just as much as the change itself makes me think whoa, why? and plz no...and react the way i reacted.

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