Stepping up to bat

Bob the Efreet's picture

As I've a bunch of free time, having spontaneously fallen out of school for the time being, and there are so many people wanting to play (including myself, but we'll not talk about that), I figure I can manage to work up a game. Now, who'd be interested again? We should have all that in one thread for organisation purposes, shouldn't we?

Infernal Teddy's picture
Joined: 2005-07-21
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I'd be interested - but I can only post during the weekends, if that's okay.

What are your plans, what kinds of characters do you want?

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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I can play, be it a play-by-post, play-by-email, or a play-by-AIM game. I think you've got a great sense for the game Bob, (from your posts here and on WotC boards), and I would love to play in one of your games Laughing out loud .

(Not brown-nosing here, just a plain old good fashion compliment by a picky player of DMs)

EDIT: BTW Bob, I have pimped your game out to those threads that say they are looking for a DM with a game to join. Eye-wink

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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hello. i would very much want to play in a planescape game. i can post almost any day. would much preffer to play by D&D 3e rules, but other systems will do as well.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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I'll be the hole-filler if you like as far as characters go (spellcaster if everyones a fighter, fighter if everyones a wimp, rogue if there needs some theiving, xaositect bard if everything else is take, you know)

hahaha xaositec bard.
"How many ranks do you have in perform"
"BLUE." *makes mud pie*

and i think you're splendid *brown-nosing*

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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I'd be interested In playing. I've had a character floating around my head for a while now. However, I noticed that there are alot of people floating around who have mentioned their desire to play a game and, while it may seem rude, It might be fair for those not already in a forum game to be first choice. Unless you want a large party, but for some campaings that works.

Just a suggestion.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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I already have a character background for a Rogue Xaositect. I can email it to you if you would like, Bob, just either post or PM me your email address. It is a good background, if I do say so myself, the best I have written so far. Just let me (or the collective "us") know what to do with our backgrounds. I could even post it in this thread if you would like.


princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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'OpheliaWhispers' wrote:
I already have a character background for a Rogue Xaositect. I can email it to you if you would like, Bob, just either post or PM me your email address. It is a good background, if I do say so myself, the best I have written so far. Just let me (or the collective "us") know what to do with our backgrounds. I could even post it in this thread if you would like.


Lets be Xaositect twins XD

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Wow, five people signed up in 13 hours. Smiling Let's give it another day or two to see who else wants to join in. I could take you five, and probably one or two more.

As for rules, I'd expect it to be D&D 3.5 (with Planewalker's PSCS, of course), unless you all really want to try out the Mage rules for Planescape. I'm notably more familiar with D&D rules, though, and at a guess I'd say most people here are, too. I'd also expect it to be set post-Faction War, and I should remind everyone this most certainly doesn't mean factions and faction politics have gone away.


Pants of the North!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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I vote for 3.5 and also...since you're doing a post-FW, could i talk to you about what that entails? Laughing out loud

Infernal Teddy's picture
Joined: 2005-07-21
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3.5 is optimal. Pre- or post FW doesn't matter much to me, I suppose. I'll decide what character I'll put together when everyone else is set up, if that's okay... Smiling

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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3.5 it is, then.

PB, hopefully our (brief) conversation earlier clarified things as much as you need, if not feel free to ping more questions my way.

Teddy, I'm okay with you only being able to post on weekends if nobody else minds. It does mean I'll only be able to take important movements forward when Teddy has a chance to respond, but it doesn't mean I'll be ignoring the thread during the rest of the week Smiling


Pants of the North!

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
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I'm interested in getting involved as well. I'm OK with 3.5, probably slight preference for pre-FW because I'm more familiar with that, but I can work around that. Willing to play almost anything, although I try to do something I haven't done in the past usually. Given how long the campaigns are in my group, that still leaves me plenty of options. I can get on-line most days.

Infernal Teddy's picture
Joined: 2005-07-21
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All fine with me

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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What level would we be starting at?

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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@PB: Xaositect Twins are cool with me Laughing out loud

@Everyone: I personally would prefer Pre-Faction War, but if I can get the basics of post-faction war then I will be able to do that too Eye-wink
3.5 is cool with me as well Cool


kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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3.5 dnd would be best. how many days a week can you people post? although it wouldn't be nice to kick someone out, i'd much prefer if the game could go at a faster rate then one post per week. can you give us some background about the game, and some guidelines for our characters?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I could go with pre-FW, if that's what everyone would prefer. I had just figured post-FW would be a nice, safe default.

I also don't have any specific restrictions on characters, other than the obvious guideline that you all need to be able to work together. This isn't to say that we can't have a little conflict between some PCs - that's acceptable and interesting. But too much conflict, and the group will fall apart. We don't want that.

It seems that some of you already have some ideas about what you'd like to play. I know Ophelia has a Xaositect rogue in mind, what about the rest of you?

Since there was some mild objection, it seems I should put things to a vote. I'm sorry to target you in such a manner, Teddy, but who is okay with his only being able to post once a week? I, as the impartial Arbiter of Gaming, will remain neutral in this, but I'd like to hear from the rest of you.


Pants of the North!

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
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Depends upon the nature of the game, in many ways. The biggest problem with forum or PBeM games, in my experience, is the pace of the game slowing down to an eventual halt. If a character can only take an action once a week, that's a problem to start with, unless the other party members are all able to keep involved without that character. Assuming that a lack of action on the part of one of the players doesn't hold everyone else back, I'd say it isn't a problem. Perhaps the two of you could discuss actions that could occur on DM's say-so, such as moving with the rest of the party.

I've spent the evening speed-reading the PSCS to get myself back up to speed on the setting post-FW. TBH not much in it for me, because I always preferred sects to factions anyway, and fow a character off 1st or 2nd level, probably wouldn't give them a faction or sect affiliation anyway, at least to begin with. I've been out of circulation for so long, I was more or less thinking of a character that was pretty new to Sigil or even the Planes in general (not necessarily a prime, a planar just left home for the first time is also possible). Race-wise, it would be a typical character, although Chaond interested me as well. Class, I'm not totally sure. Reading the Tome of Magic at the moment (that's the 3.5 ToM, just to clarify), so little bit interested in how shadow magic, pact magic and truename magic fit in, but would have to look them over again before I decided to something out of the ordinary. A lot of the class choice depends on the character level, and what race I settle on.

Don't normally ramble on this much Smiling

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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So... I am con-fus-ed. Are we playing Pre-Faction War now? (I would vote for that, personally)

As far as Infernal-Teddy goes, I think that games that are play-by-post games need to go at a certain tempo.... when they loose their steam, it is game over. I am not saying that I am against Infernal-Teddy playing this game, it is just that I wonder how long the game will last at that tempo. As far as the decsision goes, I will remain neutral unless we end up with a 50% / 50% voting decision, at which time I will cast my vote. I hope that works for everyone.

@PB: You have a PM Eye-wink


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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'OpheliaWhispers' wrote:
So... I am con-fus-ed. Are we playing Pre-Faction War now? (I would vote for that, personally)

That seems to be up for vote as well. I could go either way, so I'll leave it up to you all.


Pants of the North!

Infernal Teddy's picture
Joined: 2005-07-21
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Oh well... I would have been for pre-FW, but I think I'll just bow out of this now, while I can still do it gracefully... Puzzled

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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'Infernal Teddy' wrote:
Oh well... I would have been for pre-FW, but I think I'll just bow out of this now, while I can still do it gracefully... Puzzled

I'm sorry that your limited schedule has brought us to this point. However, on the PW mailing list it was implied that David (AKA Max) might run a game over here. You could bother him about it.


Pants of the North!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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Should you set up a poll to see if it should be pre or post FW? I would prefer Pre like Ophelia Smiling

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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it doesn't matter to me if the game i pre or post fw. i would brobably have a character that is a prime who has wonderd the planes for some time.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
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Only faction that I ever really got into was the Sensates, which works just as well for either. Sects are more fun, but I don't know of any 3.5 version of them. Only difference for Post-FW for me is that I would have to make some effort to get my head around the new power structure, and various changes - not a major thing. Like I said, probably a slight preference for pre-FW, but I'll play Post equally happily.

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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where would be a good place to read about pre or post fanction war?

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
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Post-FW, I guess, would be the Planewalker site. Pre-FW, everything WotC published.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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Are we being level 1? Laughing out loud

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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'princessbunny99' wrote:
Are we being level 1? Laughing out loud

That would be the next thing up for discussion. My plans will work with any level, so what would you guys prefer?

Oh, and I made a poll for the setting of the game. You should all vote for which you'd prefer.


Pants of the North!

Corwyn's picture
Joined: 2006-04-17
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Coming back one more time, for what seems my 4th register, but I can't express how cool it is to finally see a new game on the rise. To state merely intrest would be an understatement of mammorth proportions Laughing out loud

Anyway, I'd like to play, and if possible I'd prefer to play (like Galzion) something from Tome of Magic, a Binder Sign of One could be a pretty cool RP experience. Then again, if you don't have ToM(WotC) then I could play something/anything else.

Your poll rather confuses me, is yes pre or post faction war? Personally I'd lean slightly toward Post, but I'm more then comfortable playing whatever gets the vote.

As for level basis, I'd prefer 4. low enough to keep us going and keep things intresting, but high enough that we'd get a few powers to toy around with Cool Though, (as you've probably guessed it) I'm up for just about anything in Planescape.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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Bob, :shock: I do not understand your poll. What is yes for and what is no for? As you already know I would like to play pre-faction war, but I don't know how to show it through this particular poll. Please edit the poll, or explain what yes and no are for.

Laughing out loud

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Apparently my brain was not communicating with... anyone. I'm sure that's a good question and a good set of answers, but they don't go together at all. I'll go fix that.


Pants of the North!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Are there any slots still open?

If so, I was thinking of playing a wyrmling rattelyr dragon (from Shining South), going Bard and then Siren (PrC from Savage Species), once he hits ECL 8. He'd have a personality along the lines of Kiki, from Sluggy Freelance.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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Yay! I voted. Now where is my godsdamned sticker?!Laughing out loud



kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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i'd prefer to start with a few levels under my belt, say maybe 5th level. although it would be fine by me to start at any level.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
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5th is a good lvl in PS if oyur first there about a dozen things that could kill you in the hive alone(trust me I've tried)

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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I'm fine with any level starting Smiling Oh! and i rolled my stats which got all confusing, should I email you about that?

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
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Having three votes for 'I am Bob the Efreet' worries me slightly. Never like to see a DM with split personality disorder, it's a bad sign. Smiling

Anyway, 4th or 5th level works well for me. I have to ask (because my local DM does this) are you including ECL in that. If the decision is, say 5th level characters, then if you play a tielfing, for example (ECL +1), do you generate a character with 4 or 5 levels in whatever classes they choose to invest in? And, given that the new range is increasingly introducing a new base character class every week, and a new form of magic each month, what sources are we resticted to?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Okay, so players:
Ophelia, kolikeos, PB, Berk, Galzion, Corwyn, Nick, and perro. That's eight, and that seems like plenty of people for the game, so we'll have all of you in, and unless some people inexplicably disappear through an ooze portal, I'll have to reject any further supplicants.

Regarding level, which is likely to be level 5 from popular opinion, that would include any level adjustment. So a tiefling only gets to have four class levels. That would be the point of level adjustment Sticking out tongue

As for available books, I have access to the SRD (so, PHB, DMG, MM), Planar Handbook, Manual of the Planes, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Monster Manuals 2 and 3, the first four Complete books (so, not Complete Psion), Draconomicon, Fiend Folio, Frostburn, Libris Mortis, Lords of Madness, Races of Destiny/Stone/the Wild, Sandstorm, Stormwrack, and, of course, the Planewalker releases. As such, I'm going to feel compelled to limit available sources to those books. It also means, unfortunately, that I'm going to have to shoot down Nick's plan to play something from a silly Forgotten Realms book and Galzion and Corwyn's aspirations to use the shiny new Tome of Magic.

Regarding the poll, it seems that everyone's voted and two of you think you're running the game, and the popular preference is for pre-faction war. I'll give you all about a day to scramble around and change your votes at the last minute, after which I'm closing the poll and you're all stuck with the majority vote. Smiling


Pants of the North!

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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I have my background already worked up. Could you please tell me where to send it, Bob? (either in pm or in this thread....notice I didn't say "where to put it" because it would be all to easy to say "up your own arss!")


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Ah, yes, characters. You guys can just PM them to me when you feel they're ready for me to see them.


Pants of the North!

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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So what's the story, Morning Glory?

::clears throat::

I mean, what is the storyline that we can know about IC for this game?


kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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where would be our genesis point? by that i mean, where would the game start? also, are we familier with each other? friends from the past, a party of adventurers, that sort of thing. or are we using the complete stranger? what about our starting gear, shall we use the guidelines form the dmg?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Starting funds will be as per the DMG, yes. As to whether or not any of you know each other, I leave that up to you. I know Ophelia and PB are plotting something... but being Xaositects and female they refuse to let me in on it yet Eye-wink


Pants of the North!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Aww... but he'd be a really cute little wyrmling too...

What if I PM you the stats for his race? 2 HD, +2 LA, so he'd be within the power level you've set.

Corwyn's picture
Joined: 2006-04-17
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hmm, sounds good so far. Can you give us any info as far as what we'll be doing in the impending game?

I've got a firm handle on what I'll be playing, but what method should we use for stat generation?

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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we're not plotting...yet

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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i'd much prefer to know at least some of the other pcs. if possible, i would like to start not in sigil.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
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not sigil? every PS adventure I 've ever done's been in sigil o' well I guess it's time for ah change by the way do we need a spell chucker?

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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I'm going to be a sorcerer Smiling

My character is going to be from the Hive, so if Bob can figure out a way with me to get me out of there, I'm fine with that, but Sigil seems to be a fantastic meeting grounds of sorts Smiling

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