Starting a custom gaming thread.

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Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Starting a custom gaming thread.

"Lok" wrote:
"Tag's Lok," he stated simply, "My services are yours. I do not wish to speak of my reasons nor of jink. It is my Music. If you attempt a bolting, you have between no chance and Buckley's."
"Erte Dennijay" wrote:
?I am called Dianne of Five Strings. Through your actions, you have given my bearer the greatest gift of all, Edward Davis; you have given him hope. His beliefs require him to acknowledge that gift, and repay it in kind. Erte and I believe that gold could never repay hope, for it can never truly bring hope. Instead, we freely offer alliance; yours to accept or reject as you will. Even if rejected, know you this: you will be defended whenever in Erte or my presence.?

Well, since people are swearing their alligence to my character left and right...

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"I talked to the rogue modron over there some time ago but the only one he knows about would require going to Ice for a key, then Baator for the portal, and then getting dumped out in the coldest place on Earth."

...and this here looks like one wicked cool adventure premise, has anyone thought of getting permission to break off of this thread and roleplay an adventure? I don't have the time to DM a thread myself, but I'd jump at the chance to be a player. Though I should point out that, based on the premise, this is going to be a LONG but fun one.

Any thoughts?

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Starting a custom gaming thread.

*waves hand about wildy*

Ooh! Ooh! I'll do it.

Lol, seriously though, I was thinking of something exactly along the lines of this, involving you and the others. Was also wanting to run the thread... I wouldn't get to play Rrodek nearly as much as I had hoped, but It'd be worth it if I could run. I know nordom would want to, as I talk to him often enough as is. For those of you who are already involved in this little chain of events and wish to do this, post here and if I get enough responses in favor of me doing this, we'll have a go at it.

System Admin's picture
Joined: 2003-11-25
Starting a custom gaming thread.

There's no need to get any 'permission' actually - if you want to run - go run Scoot - run I tell thee, run! So many people are waiting to ask for permission I'm starting to wonder if I misphrased something in the RP FAQ over in the rp forum... Smiling

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Starting a custom gaming thread.

YAY! Laughing out loud

And just for reference, the conversation about the portal was in a post at WotC Forums. The RP that it occurred in has basically migrated here, so I figure it'd be just peachy to pick up as though it was an earlier scene.

Went something like this...

Peter: So, you're saying there's a way back to that Prime world?
Nordom: Affirmative. Unfortunately, said portal exists on Cania, eighth layer of Baator. The key to said portal is a chunk of ice from the para-elemental plane if ice, and the destination of said portal is the continent of Antarctica. There is a 92.5% chance, give or take three, you will fail to reach said portal because of death, fiendish manipulation, or simple capture.
Peter: WELL then...

But yeah, I heartily support this branch-off. And Mr Admin Fella, I think a lot of people here noticed that all the RP topics were geared toward a single plotline, and this sort of unsettled them about starting their own, as though they all had to be endorsed. Kinda silly if you think about it, but there it is.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Starting a custom gaming thread.

Would just like to make it official that yes I AM interested in this. Heh...would you guys believe that that idea for a portal to Antarctica was just something off the top of my head? Eye-wink

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Starting a custom gaming thread.

Cool I was just chatting with some people about this as well. I don't know how well Jack might fit in. He travels the planes a fair deal and likes to entertain at pubs or adventue mostly for the sake of a new story that he can tell over an ale. But if you guys are getting too many for the new thread I can always split him off somewhere else as well.

On another note I have a clueless Tiefling Sorcerer who doesn't know she is a teifling in the Festhall as well. So further down the road she might be able to pop in or out somewhere as well.

Gnoll Druid's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Starting a custom gaming thread.

Look, bonemage, Jack wouldn't exactly fit in... he hasn't really interacted with Edward/Pete at all... just wouldn't seem right. That, and I've just about talked to most of the players that could potentially join and I've reached the limit on the players I want to run for.

Might as well split him off into a different thread... see what happens, I don't see why that wouldn't work.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Starting a custom gaming thread.

Sounds good, I am not sure Jack how Jack would handle a Gnoll who didn't get his jokes. Eye-wink After your thread runs it's course of if you need a short term character or something toss me a pm or throw up a post somewhere.

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