Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

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Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

I had a dreeam...

And certanly all you planewalkers out there, had dreams so vivid and/or wierd that you remembered them after you woke.

I will tell you one later when I have more time on computer.

Each dream is unique tale, so if you had dream, especialy those that would have planescapeish wierdness, feel free to tell those dream stories here.

I know that asking people about their dreams is bit personal, so I ask Clueless if this thread can go or not.

One final thing: If you decide to share your dreams and nightmares here please don´t invent dreams you would like to dream but write about those you allredy had.

Thanks, everyone. Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

'Squaff' wrote:
And certanly all you planewalkers out there, had dreams so vivid and/or wierd that you remembered them after you woke.

Since those dreams mostly involve sex I'm not going to post any. Smiling
But I've had some crazy ass dreams when I was a child. One of them I already posted on another occdasion, but I'll repost it when *I* have more time on computer.

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

The dream that first comes to mind, that I had years ago, was basically "a fieldtrip to the Abyss." Myself and other young students were in a schoolbus that went to visit some part of the Abyss. I remember the sun and sky were a reddish color; I could almost feel the radiation of the sun cooking me alive. There were blood-sucking sparrows or something; human-faced giant spiders; sharp blades of grass; evil clowns; a huge pit... All in a semi-Earthlike setting. Hard to explain. You could just feel the very air wanted to harm and corrupt you.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

I once dreamt that I was walking across a sort of endless beach that stretched out in every direction. I remember it was a beach, not a desert, and it was freezing cold. Wherever I went a burned tree was in the distance, always infront of me if I blinked.
I got to the tree eventually, it turned out to be a dead african woman all alone.
I woke up as she turned to talk to me.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

My dream journal online. Check it out.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

No. *very angry face*

Laughing out loud

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

For starters here is my dream from early childhood:

I was wandering trough some sort of weird combination of city and amusement park, but these features of that place I remember the most: first the entire place was made from some coral type substance and buildings where in mushroom shape, tall and slender, and colors that dominated the place where yellow, orange and red.
But the thing that I remember the most was it the loneliness of the place.
I did not like it so I left it for the waking world.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Here is another one of my childhood dreams (it is recuring nightmare actualy):

I´m in big black and white house (monocrmatic), with marble floors and big spiral staircase without handholds. I start climbing staircase and everything is ok, but when I reach certin height I cannot go on becaouse some invisible force pushes me from stairs to marble floor below. I fall slowly (like feather fall spell) but it is disturbing feeling and I wake up just before I hit the floor.

Funny thing is that that dream I had on numerous ocasions, and I allways woke up before I hit the ground. But I after severall "sesions" of falling dream if stoped by itsellf, guess I started enjoing it. Heh.

Until next time, pleasent dreams everyone.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

I suppose I'll share my dream, but its a little odd. I've had plenty of dreams, I think, because I can never remember them for more than a few seconds after waking. I have only ever had one nightmare, though, and I remember it perfectly. Since the time I first had it (I think it was in Kindergarten or First Grade) I have had the same nightmare with no changes many, many times. Here it is:

I am in the woods, and I am a child. I'm in an enormous clearing in a pine woods, with a single, incredibly tall pine tree in the center of the clearing. Many other children I know are there, and one or two adults.

I look up into the sky, and I see a thing flying high in the air. Its either a bird or an airplane or something, but it flies behind the huge tree and I lose track of it. I turn to a friend of mine to point it out, but they are gone. Everyone is gone, and the ground is all torn up and scarred, like something huge had just clawed all the grass away.

I am alone now, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I leave the clearing, I will be killed. There are things in the woods, and they are dangerous, but they do not like the light and its only about noon, so I am safe for now.

That's when the sun starts to set, and I always wake up just as the last sliver of light dips behind the treetops.

I have no idea what this means, and I really don't care. All I know is its the only dream I've ever had that I've remembered, and I've had it in exactly the same form over 30 times.

Chew on that

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Here is one weird dream I has preety recently, but until now I did not had time to record it:

I was walking in the streets of my city, and streets were crawling with people...
But suddenly a horse came galloping down the street, but the animal was wounded and was bleading from 4 wounds on its legs (one wound on each leg), also horse's brush like tail was also stained with blood.

What was strange in all thing is that horse was oblivious to its wounds and was galloping dow the street almost happily, but as horse was oblivious to its wounds so was crowd oblivious to the horse who galloped down the street and out of sight.
Then I woke...


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

[mod]Squaff: To answer your question, sharing dreams is perfectly fine with me, just stick to the Granma rule. Eye-wink Anyone who wants to expose their inner id can. *grin* [/mod]

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

@ Clueles: Thanks, I know this is bit of tricky subject so I had to ask.

Here is the odd (and funny) dream I had yesterday. Before I write it I would like to apologise to all cat lovers who may find it little offensive. Sorry. :oops:

I was walking down the ploved feild and I met the (stereotypical) farmer in the proces of sowing seeds.
I heve greeated the farmer and asked him what is he planting.
"Cats, my boy, Cats!" farmer said.
"Cats?" :shock: I said bit shocked becouse it was obwious the farmer was loony.
"What did you think cats are? Animals!? Laughing out loud They are plants, type of fungus to be precise." -said farmer merrily.
I decided to play along: "So what breed of cat are you growing?" Puzzled
"There is only one breed of cat spore," -farmer began his lecture "but the breed of cat what will you get depends on how much work you put into them, wether conditions and fertilisers etc..."
He contiued to talk how all breeds of cats can be grown from same spore: from ordinary house cats to pure breads and even great cats like lions and tigers or even extinct breeds like sabertooth tigers (but that is what profesionals do, it is too complicated and expensive for me, he said).
"About the breed I'm groving this year, I'm aming for ordinary gray kittens. Would you like to try it out?"

Before I could response he gave me this tiny fuzzy spore, and I could swear it the spore meowed at me.
Then I woke up...


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Cats reproducing with spores would explain why my cat makes me sneeze and snot myself so much in the spring and fall.

I really enjoyed your dream account.

My own dreams haven't been so intense in awhile, though I do have rather nasty nightmares on occasion. I find the more I draw/write/etc the less I dream vivid dreams. Perhaps I get my dreaming eye excercized while awake this way.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Fungus isn't a type of plant, Squaff, it's in it's own kingdom Laughing out loud . That farmer is definitely insane.

...oh, and this'd make a great plot hook in a crazier campaign. Consider it borrowed.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

@ MythAdvocate: Dream illustrations! From what I have seen of your work on this forum, all I can say is: cool, way cool. Cool

@ weishan: I know, but that is dream logic for you. :oops: As of idea borrowing please be my guest. Laughing out loud

That cat dream explains lots about cat behaviour for shure: furball coughing for example. Laughing out loud

Anyways, coming up next on Squaff's dreamwalker thread: Epic Dream Spectacle: Little Red Riding Hood on Titanic (no I'm not making that one up I realy had that dream some months before, but it was rather long so I did not had time to record it). :mrgreen:


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Before I begin there are some explanations about this dream: First it is sort of "movie" dream in wich you dont do anything exept watch it, secondly main players are "Little Red", "Not so big and not so bad Wolf" and "Granny", thidly adough I'm not particulary graet fan of Titanic movie (or Fables comic) eating chesee pizza before slepping can do wondres for your nightmares, so witout any ado I proudly present you:

The Little Red Riding Hood on Titanic.

Action begins on Titanic after it started sinking. Peolpe are screaming and running for lifeboats. Little Red is standing alone and scared on the deck of Titanic. Then from below decks Wolf came.
Red is bit suprised to see different but familiar face, but becouse she had bad experience with wolves she hesitates to start conversation with this one.
Wolf decides to break silence, and asks her why she is not on the lifeboat.
Red replies that all boats have left (and Granny with them) and that she can only wait her death in icy water.
Then wolf pauses for thinking and finaly says to Red that she go get her basket fill it with food, wollen blanket, sharp knife, sewing needle and thread. Before she could say anything wolf runs away telling her to meet him on the same spot when she finds items he requested.

Sometime later the two meets on the scheduled spot. There is chaos on the decks and sinking ship is on the werge of capsising.
Red asks wolf why he needs those stuff. Then wolf explains his idea: Red would not surwive the cold of artic water and she would have drown so he will eat red like his predecesor, jump into water, swim to safety, and when he is safe Red will cut herself from his belly with knife, and then she would sew back the wound.
Red think it is just another plan to get her, but wolf asures that he is zoo animal and that he is well fed and not realy hungry. Red is still not convinced.
"Fine", wolf said, "it will be easier to swim without you in stomach anyway", and he turns to jump overbaord.
Red changes her mind and agrees to go with wolf plan.
"Then your knife better be sharp" says wolf and before Red could respond she is gulped by wolf.
Wolf then with aditional weight jumps overboard, sinks like rock but manages to break to the surfice and awoids pull of the sinking ship.
Then he slowly but surely he dogpaddle (wolfpaddle to be precise) to safety of the nearby iceberg. Once he is on dry he presses his stomach on the icy surfice to signal Red that she is safe and that she can cut herself out.
She did cut herself out, but when she tryed to sew the wound back she did pretty sloppy job (from shocking experience), and wolf continued to bleed.
Exausted, wolf gave last desperate sad howl for help that nearby ship haerd and then he died.

Red was saved and reunited with her Granny, and they gave decent funeral for the wolf when they were on the dry land.

The End.

Needles to say I was wery sad after this dream. :cry: (Bloody Titanic).


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

I dream every single night. I know I do because I remember them. So I have millions of dream stories. If I stay up all night and sleep all day my dreams take on an amazing form, they become more vivid and detailed. There have been a few holidays I could name in which I spent the vast majority of them just waiting to become tired at dawn so I could dream all day. Because they are that enjoyable, I highly recommend them.

The most fun is when I allow myself to become semi-conscious mid dream, essentially all that is required is to understand it is a dream but not to disbelieve it entirely, I find this doesn't work as well with nighmares as I tend to find myself paralyzed. However if done right, you can do whatever you allow yourself the potential to do. Mind you its not easy.

I have never had a recurring dream per se but recurring themes every five years or so I'll notice a familiar element and it seems kinda like a dream sequel more than a recurring dream. I found that before a few years ago I couldn't achieve anything before I woke. Now I seem to be achieving more and more.

Anyways. Although I've had a couple of new ones and plenty from my youth. One that remains in my bizzare interest goals goals is something like this.

I was in a blue forest at night. I am convinced that it is always night in this forest. So It may not be blue but the night atmosphere makes it appear blue. The only comparison I can think of is that Forest in Monkey Island. I was walking around in it and the rest of the details are hazy at best. It was a long time ago...

Although I have definatly had better dreams I do hope one day to come across this blue forest and take a walk through it at night. Speaking of which is there any reference anyone can think of that refers to a blue forest?

I'll think of others later.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

I woke up in the middle of the night following a BoGr-related dream (nightmare?) recently. Seriously. :mrgreen:


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Here is strange little dream I had last night, prehaps it was wision of Limbo (one of many that is):

I was walking down the road (more of highway) and suddenly I came across road sign. I can't remember what was on the sign but it was some sort of strange drawing that I could not recognise (I know my road signs, I took driver's course) but it was kinda shaped like STOP sign. So I asked my self: "what is that sign supposed to mean?"

Then strange voice behind me said: "It means you must stop thinking rationaly". Then I realised that road I was walking on was made of wood and that it was standing on infinitly long pillars in sea of stormy clouds.
Then I woke up.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Universal Monster's Dream:
Here is srange litle nightmare with funny end.

In my dream it was foggy night and for some reason I was on night stroll in litlle park near the hospital. (both Park and Hospital are real places located in same neighborhood where I live).

So I was walking on such night when anyone with litlle common sence would stay in bed, but suddenly in fog I recognised two familiar shapes.

"OMG", I thougt "it is Frankenstain's Monster and Wolfman!", It was so sreange to see two monsters stalking pedestrians in the middle of Zagreb.
So instedad of runing I decided to see what the monsters are up to.
But as you know you can not stalk monsters and the two somehow sensed my aproach, and they turned on me snarling. "Now I'm done for" I thought.

Then happened suden reversal when the gruesome twosome saw me they both shreiked like two old ladies and started runing from me.
Werewolf escaped on all for legs with tail between them and Frankie was suprisingly quick in runing for slow lurching monster that he is.

The monsters wanished in fog and I standed there in park dumbfolded.
I thought to my self: "Hey I dont look that bad". Puzzled

Then I woke.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Recently I had a dream that was very Planescape. It was a very tedious dream, because I dreamt I was a modron, and I was assigning lower-caste modrons to various tasks. It was actually a neat and vivid dream, despite how boring it sounds. Smiling

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Interesting. Prehaps you spontaniously had Astral Travel, then you crossed from Astral into Mechanus and inhibited modron body for a breif time.
Who knows maybe your "visit" will couse that modron it to become rouge. :mrgreen:

This gives me idea for new Adventure Hook. Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Sweet. I feel happy knowing that I may have thrown a wrench into the lawfulness of the planes Laughing out loud

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Well, long time no dream...

...but yesterday I had D&D like nightmare.

I dreamt about "typical" adventuring party (figter, old wizard, halfling thief and druid). They were going trough some dark moor (prehaps on some lower plane). Then they come upon beautiful garden with razorvine hedge and oak tree in the middle. Under the oak there was dryad crying and she asked adventurers if they could help. The adventurers if asked her what she needs.
"Sun, soil and water..." said dryad.
"But we cannot bring you that things in place like this". Adventurers said.
"Than you will have to suffice" siaid dryad.
Then razorwine came to life, ensnared adventuring party. The wines chrushed wizard and thief and then stuffed their broken bodies under oak roots. Then dryad turned on fighter, she touched him and drained him compleatly of his body fluids untill nothing but husk remained.
I did not see what happened to druid becaouse I woke up, but maybe she let him live becaouse he was man of nature.

Oh, did I mention that this "carnivorous dryad" looked like Poison Ivy... Eye-wink


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Squaff's Dreamwalkers Thread

Here is strange little dream I had last night:

It was about lady with blue skin (asimar prehaps) who was visiting fortune teller in old dusty room. Lady asked how will she die.
Fortune teller anwsered: You will die alone and insane in the Gatehouse...

It is not much but it has PS reference in it... Puzzled


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
After long time 2 new

After long time 2 new dreams:

Rare Games:

 I was walking in some short of shopping mall, when I came acros game shop named "Rare Games". Shop was dark and shadowy but was spottless. So that entire shop had feeling like antique bookshop rather than game shop. It was run by pleasent lady of underteminable age.

But shelves were filled with treasure: rare, out of print games and supplements, all in mint condition but prices were way too high. But all products had sticker: "Special Red Discount". Becaouse I wanted some of those things I decided to ask lady what "Red Discount" means.

Than lady told me: she was actualy vampire who had unusual curse: she cannot drink blood of humans if they dont give her premision. So she came with idea: she will run game shop with rare items and she will give special low prices to people who let her drink their blood. I was not conviced that she is vampire so she showed her wolf fangs in bright smile.I cannot blame her, she is only trying to make for living and she even offered juice and sandwich as part of her discount ,but, in the end I seteled for some dice. (I'm such a cheapskate). Then I woke up...


Planescape DM nightmare: This is short but shocking dream that was quite desturbing to me. I dreamt that me and my friends were hanging in town just for fun. I our conversations we allways wind up to RPG and our Planescape campain (wich is our longest and best campain ever), and since our PS is "on hold" we asked our DM when will he  continue running his campain.

He anwsered: "Never, EVER again!"

That shocking awser woke me up...


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
A rather strange dream I

A rather strange dream I had tonight...

The dream started when I was standing on a rooftop  in the nearby city, dressed all in black, with a dagger in my hand. I knew that for some reason, I had to kill the guy who works at our local comic book shop. 

So, I was sneaking across rooftops (not jumping or anything, just walking basically), when I came across an alley, where two men were standing. Both were wearing trenchcoats and fedora hats. When I was looking down on them, they suddenly both turned round, looked at me and I woke up. For some reason, I was sweating, my heart was pounding and I was terribly affraid.

Eirien's picture
Joined: 2008-04-06
Squaff wrote:I had a

Squaff wrote:
I had a dreeam... And certanly all you planewalkers out there, had dreams so vivid and/or wierd that you remembered them after you woke.

I always have about 3-5 dreams a night and quite often in a month they're lucid or half-lucid as well.  I've actually had quite a few Planescape dreams over the years and a few of them were in the Sigil of my custom campaigns.

In one of the last Sigil dreams I had I was walking through what I felt was the Hall of Speakers. The wing I was in had a curving hallway (round side of a building) with deep blood red carpets and beautiful rich mahogany/chestnut wood panelling. There were crisp white marble statues on stands along the walls and deep green wild plants in elegant pots.

Looking out the huge rectangular windows I could see some of the spiny buildings of Sigil (though there was a small courtyard separating nearby ones around this building so it wasn't condensed) and could see up the side of the ring. The sky on the one side I could see (the other was out of my view as the building itself was in the way) looked blue, which I noted in my dream was an odd thing, but was grateful for the chance to see a clear sky rather than smog.

I then pondered if I should walk down the streets through Sigil or look for a portal to Arborea as I'd have loved to have gone there. I also recall wondering if the Lady would notice me as I was mostly lucid in that dream and I certainly wouldn't want to attract her attention...

Unfortunately though I woke up just as I was opening a door to the inner part of that wing. =/

Next time, perhaps!

Edit: Spelling fix.


2Ed/Ad&D Planewalker - Signer & Cipher Friend. Xaositect Artist. Hugger of Bleakers.

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