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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

By the by, Duckluck, I'm not too clear on what the layout is we're fighting in here. We seem to be assuming there's a ladder up, then an antechamber with enough room for us to be standing around and arranging ourselves, a door in the middle of a wall in front of us, etc., etc... is that accurate? If we are in a little room here, one supposes there's nothing attention-grabbing. You wouldn't be able to post a tiny gridmap by any chance, would you?

(If I do cast that burning hands later on it'd be handy to aim it in a target-rich direction...)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Ask and ye shall be amazed, check out the magic of my ascii Grid map!
l-.L-l 10'
l_ _l

L=Ladder, D=Door.

So yeah, you're in a funtionally featureless five-by-ten hallway with just enough room for six people to squeeze uncomfortably between the door and the ladder. And no I'm not serious about the ASCII map. I don't really do maps, because I like to focus more on decisions in combat than I do on placement of units. Don't worry though, I try not to penalize people for situations I put them in, so I'm not going to penalize you for not being able to guess the exact placement of everyone in the room.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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By the way, in case anybody's wondering why I've decided to name my deity's hammer after a cocktail, "Molot" means 'hammer' in Russian; and, since Tharmekhûl's also a deity of fire, whose holy symbol is a hammer wreathed in flames, well, it seems rather appropriate, don't you think? ^_^

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Ho hum...

...you know, we last saw Dialexis post on Mar. 17, upwards of two weeks ago. O_F, nearly a week (and two weeks at that since the previous post), though I do appreciate the note above.

Still, I'd rather combat not take a fortnight per round, okay?

Maybe we could generally agree that if it's been 24 hours or 48 hours or whatnot since the GM last posted, and you haven't responded to the situation, then Duckluck can asume you're doing roughly whatever was in line with your previous strategy. Or something.

Here's Zhegre's basic strategy, unless something dramatic happens to change it. These things don't seem intelligent enough to reason with, and they're apparently aggressive, so he'll fight. He wants to clear the room, not just kill, so if the monsters flee he has no particular reason to pursue.

He doesn't want to burn anything that might be of interest in the room, so he's saving his fire spells and has instead cast Spiritual Weapon. He will direct it to continue attacking whatever otyugh it's presently working on -- probably the one nearest him, which in turn is probably the one attacking him. He'll stand fast as long as he's not in immediate danger of dying, and use the hammer on the nearest monster. If he gets an opportunity to draw his sickle and go at it two-fisted, he'll be happy to do that.

He's attempting to hold a line in front of the spellcasters. If an otyugh tries to get by him, he'll be willing to fall back to protect the weaker members of the party. If directed to move out of the way of a spell (presumably a five-foot step), he'll do his best to comply. He'll happily accept, or attempt to provide if requested, a flanking bonus with another fighter. If he or another party member appears to be badly injured, he'll shift into cure wounds mode and try to fall behind other frontliners to provide treatment.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Don't worry Jem, I'm a pretty patient guy, but I don't wait on people forever (hence the post I just made) I'll be posting the next round on wednesday, so you guys know.

Oh, and Dialexis seems to have fallen off the radar for a moment. It's no big deal now, but if we don't see him again in a week or two, it's time to get concerned. He's been a really regular poster in the past though, so I'm sure he'll re-emerge. I'll be sending him a PM in any case.

EDIT: Okay, I lied, no post today (which, I realize, ended five minutes ago). Tomorrow though.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Okay, Linji's gone, I just wrote him out of the campaign. I'll write him back in if Dialexis reemerges, but for now he's in Limbo (in more ways than one). Luckilly, I already have a replacement lined up, so I'll let him know and we should be hearing from him soon.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Just posted over the GM's last post there in-game. Given the behavior of the portal as Baba stepped through, we all may be conversing about something other than phantom steeds. I've edited drastically.

Also, in 2e, the Guide to the Outlands said that the mode of travel doesn't matter on the Outlands: horse, flying carpet, or runner training... you get there when you get there. That's the way of things in the Land. Instead, what matters is how many points of interest you pass on your journey: the shortest trip through the Outlands is the most featureless one. Is that not the case anymore?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Hi everyone,

Duckluck gave me the green lights to join this great campaign, so I thought I’d just drop by here and say hi. I have quite a great deal of experience with D&D (mostly DMing), but am still slightly Clueless around Planescape. Also, I’m new to play-by-posting, so let me know if I do anything wrong.

The character concept I had in mind was a jumpy shad rogue named Polp, vividly fascinated with the Planes and the marvellous creatures that inhabit it, but actually quite nervous about confronting their realities. He’s the type of character that enthusiastically seeks out trouble and adventure, only to whimper and cower when the going gets tough. Generally, he has a fairly optimistic outlook on life, and (should be) an enjoyable ally to travel with, but the mistrustful treatment his kin generally receive sometimes make him slightly insecure about his skills and he rarely stands up to verbal abuse.

Backgroundwise, he’s had a fairly isolated life on the Elemental Plane of Earth, although he’s paid close attention to the tales of the Great Wheel from the elders of his village, and the rare travellers, sages and merchants he’s encountered. He’s picked up a couple of languages, and has heard quite a lot about Sigil and the more notorious locales of the Planes, but most of his planar trips have been brief and relatively uneventful.

Duckluck, I’m currently building on this character concept, so let me know if there’s any problem with it. I’ll probably be PMing you both stats and story in a couple of hours.

Much looking forward to play with you all!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Welcome, Dunamin!

Zhegre's backstory puts him on the Inner Planes for a while; he went traveling for a combination of reasons including personal broadening, a lack of pressing need for another cleric of his particular god at home, and the possibility of finding a good site to for settlement from his homeland. At any rate, he spent several years on the Plane of Earth, getting in touch with the dwarven communities there, so he might be familiar with shad. Indeed, if you like, perhaps he and Polp know each other! It would certainly make it easy to join the group when we crossed paths.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Hey Jem,

Good idea, I'll write it into Polp's story. Any particular details regarding Zhegre's stay on Earth, I should keep in mind while doing so?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Nah, I had no great details in mind. Just let me know what you've got before we insert it into game, to doublecheck.

Zhegre's from a Prime world that the planes call Backwater, a small dwarven nation called Rodina. (The dwarves have many, many names for the planet itself...) Their Dwarvish is vaguely Russian-sounding, and they're a pretty religious bunch that follow minor dwarven god of forge, fire and war, with a philosophy of humbleness and putting the group (clan, nation, dwarvish race, etc.) before the individual. (At least theoretically; there are always less-pious dwarves around). This leads to a very communal way of life that fits well with the philosophy of the Ring-Givers. Zhegre's a cleric of the god in question, Tharmekhûl.

He'd have been spending his time on Earth communing with the plane, earning his keep in the dwarven communities doing some crafting and assisting others with same. He was probably intending to spend some time on Fire, as that's Tharmekhûl's portfolio, but doesn't seem to have ever gotten there for very long. (It's expensive to survive there for long!)

I've read the shad racial description, but I have no idea why people would consider shad vermin; he'd probably view the new race as a great opportunity for proselytizing. ;^)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Dunamin, make sure you read my rules regarding Munch points and planar alignments if you haven't already (Speaking of which, I really need to get around to turning those into planewalker articles).

I'm quite fond of the Shad race itself, but the stats leave something to be desired, particularly their inexplicable 50 ft move speed. I see no possible reason why a creature that looks like an overgrown squirrel should be able to run at more than twenty miles per hour. Therefore, I'm dropping the move speed to 30 ft (unless you want to spend a munch point or two on it).

The rest of what you've suggested is good so far, and I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Duckluck' wrote:
I'm quite fond of the Shad race itself, but the stats leave something to be desired, particularly their inexplicable 50 ft move speed. I see no possible reason why a creature that looks like an overgrown squirrel should be able to run at more than twenty miles per hour. Therefore, I'm dropping the move speed to 30 ft (unless you want to spend a munch point or two on it).
I just assumed their speed was explained at their original source, the Planescape Monstrous Compendium 3, if I recall correctly. Perhaps it’s their unusual flexible limbs, the cause of their Contortion ability, that makes them elastic and bouncy in their movement? Or perhaps it’s their relation to vermin, as many insects are quite fast for their size?

But you’re the boss, although it does give me new concerns about his build. As mentioned before, I wanted Polp to be a bit of a coward, so I figure his speed would make him eventually become a nice spring attacker, bursting forward to poke the big nasties, and then sprinting away to safety (possibly screaming like a little girl). But I think it might be wiser to go for ranged weapons now, perhaps a crossbow wielding nuisance? Hmm, I think I’ll just spend the Munch point(s?), to get those concerns out of the way.

Sorry about the delay on character creation, by the way.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I don't have most of the Second Edition Planescape books, just the old Campaign setting and some other random stuff. I couldn't tell you what it says about them in the Planescape Monstrous compendium.

Any way, one Muncheroo will do it. Ordinarilly, I wouldn't mind the 50 ft move speed, but it makes the race unbalanced. With a munch point it's fine though.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Stats done and PMed to you, Duckluck.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Story done and PMed.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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All done now, and waiting for DM approval (or wrath, in case I did bad Laughing out loud )

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yeah, Polp looks good, although I still may have to tweak a few things.

You can start posting immediately

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Jem' wrote:
Also, in 2e, the Guide to the Outlands said that the mode of travel doesn't matter on the Outlands: horse, flying carpet, or runner training... you get there when you get there. That's the way of things in the Land. Instead, what matters is how many points of interest you pass on your journey: the shortest trip through the Outlands is the most featureless one. Is that not the case anymore?
I'm also curious as to whether this still holds true. The Manuel of the Plane lists the distance between towns on the Outlands to always be 4d8x10 miles away (page 148). Also, if this is the case, does this trait only apply to gate towns? Or is it all towns in general? Or, as the Guide to the Outlands seem to indicate, any point of interest?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Basically, all travel on the Outlands happens at the speed of plot. It's still a lot easier to travel through valleys to get to Bedlam than it is to climb over mountains to get to Ironridge. Just about anywhere else you try to go, you'll wind up bumping into a lot of things on the way.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Duckluck' wrote:
Basically, all travel on the Outlands happens at the speed of plot. It's still a lot easier to travel through valleys to get to Bedlam than it is to climb over mountains to get to Ironridge. Just about anywhere else you try to go, you'll wind up bumping into a lot of things on the way.
Sure, but what about in-game knowledge? Have characters of the game world experienced that travel time varies dramatically, if they continously travel back and forth between Torch and Ribcage, for instance?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Sure. They'll also notice that sometimes they walk past rather different places on different journeys. A trip that by all rights should involve crossing the river Ma'at, for instance, can sometimes be completed without the travelers seeing a drop of water.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Hi guys, I'm going to be out of town for a few days (4-5) as of tonight and I don't think there'll be any internet where I'm headed.

Just assume Kadar acts agreeably and responds based on whatever feels right at the time.

I should have enough time to post again if there's an update before the end of today.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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Just for some clarification... Were we able to rememorize spells? Or are we stuck with whatever we had at the end of the ooze mephit fight?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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And wasn't there some mention of XP when we stopped for the night? No rush until we have enough to level up, of course -- I've got no item-crafting feats or XP spells to worry about spending it on yet. :^)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yes, you had time to memorize spells.

Oops, I forgot to give you guys XP. Let's see, I think I you guys get 1,500 XP from defeating monsters, and I'll give you another 500 for running from things and talking to things. This is for all of you, not just the people who've been here for the fights. I like to keep the leveling even.

Edit: Oh, and you guys might want to check out my Guide to PBP Games. It has some good tips for newbies and also gives you some insights into my thought process as a DM.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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This is just a head's-up... I'm about to be going into mandatory overtime until May 25. Sad

I will hopefully be able to continue posting 3-4 times / week, but if I'm holding things up, just take control of P&~P to get things moving along.

P&~P will basically be trying, as usual, to research the nature of Law & Chaos on the planes and will resort to trickery and illusions whenever anything might be solved by them.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Heya, I'm back! It's been an unusually long while since I posted, I suppose -- been on a short-notice trip out of state. But I'm back now, and should be posting as regularly as usual.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Might I humbly make a suggestion, Duckluck?
I haven’t played-by-post for long, but it seems that the game slows down a great deal when asking for reactive checks (checks that require no active action on the player’s part, as given in the Skills descriptions).

How about having the DM roll all these checks at the same time in the post where it comes up?
This could be used for Spot, Listen, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, etc…

Applying this for Spellcraft could be very valuable in combat: Normal pbp combat seems to be 1 post for each participant every round to determine actions on their turn, but what if a combatant is able to take a free action in reaction to an event, even though it’s not his/her turn?
For instance, if the DM has a NPC cast a spell on a PC, and the PC has a Quickened spell on hand to counter it, it might be faster if the DM rolls the Spellcraft check to identify the spell in question simultaneously.

Why, this could even be taken as far as rolling Reflex saves for a fireball in the same post that it is cast, or initiative at the beginning of combat. The general idea is, that since pbp games go much slower than conventional gaming, let the DM roll “automatically activated” rolls.

Following the discussion on p18 of the DMG, it might also be a good idea to roll some checks without the players’ knowledge, so they can’t tell if something is up, in case they rolled low and nothing seems to happen.

Just trying to provide ideas for keeping the game moving at a faster pace.


Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yeah, ordinarily I would have just rolled for you, but I'm actually really busy (finals next week) and this was my way of putting off what comes next until I have time. Plus it lets me do a quick census of who's active. I'll try to move the plot forward tonight, but no promises.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Hehehe. They never see the Rilmani coming. Don't worry, you just handled 9 CR 1 wolves (ok, so they were templated and a couple had advanced hit dice), so 1 CR 9 Ferrumach should be a piece of cake. Smiling

Also, I know it's been slow for a while, but that's no excuse to wander off. Especially when I can plainly see most of you guys posting in Azure's game Laughing out loud. I'll try to speed it up again though.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Well, I certainly haven't wandered off.

I do appreciate the irony of a ferrumach holding us from saving the Spire. Laughing out loud
*Runs away and rolls Hide check in fear of bad pun reprisal*

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yeah, I tend to use a lot of irony. It's a good way to balance out all the random crap I put you guys through (there, now we're even).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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In case you guys are wondering, the Beholder doesn't have any real story purpose (although I may make one up later) this was just an excuse for me to test out the Orthorian Beholder Monster Class OF and I worked up. It's also quite a bit weaker than a standard Beholder, so it's not just a Total Party Kill waiting to happen. That's all I'll tell you though, as I have to save something for the knowledge check.

Also, Galwinganoon has been gone since May, so I figure it's high time I got a replacement. Therefore, I'm reopening recruitment, so hopefully we'll be able to get the party back up to full strength when we get to Bedlam and if Galwinganoon does reappear, well, having a seven person party isn't the end of the world.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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I'm willing to give it a go, Duckluck, if that's alright. Unless someone else out there without a game wants to join, then I'll bow out for their sake.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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'Benyamin' wrote:
I'm willing to give it a go, Duckluck, if that's alright. Unless someone else out there without a game wants to join, then I'll bow out for their sake.

Yay! you can meet my nice PC.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azriael' wrote:
'Benyamin' wrote:
I'm willing to give it a go, Duckluck, if that's alright. Unless someone else out there without a game wants to join, then I'll bow out for their sake.

Yay! you can meet my nice PC.

LOL! T'would be glad to.

That brings up a good topic: What do you need in the party and what are the "alignments" of the party? (I read your "everyone has a touch of all" quip, Duckluck, but I'm still curious)

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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If it fits into the game, I have a fey'ri ranger(CN) sketched up.

He'd be a disgruntled Blood War vet, caring more for freedom than anything else. His plane of destination would probably be the Abyss, where he gets back to roaming and raiding.

Also, his proficiency is disrupting groups of devils (or any lawful foe, really) and hacking into them quickly. (favored enemy[lawful outsider]+bane[lawful outsider] silver scimitar=whole lot of pain for a devil!)

Let me know if this works with the crew, as I'm still reading up in the OOC and IC threads.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Benyamin' wrote:
cold iron scimitar=whole lot of pain for a devil!
You mean silver of course, Ben. Eye-wink

Welcome to the gang! You'll find Polp to be worlds apart to Du'minh...

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
'Benyamin' wrote:
cold iron scimitar=whole lot of pain for a devil!
You mean silver of course, Ben. Eye-wink

Welcome to the gang! You'll find Polp to be worlds apart to Du'minh...

Hahaha. O'course; that's what I get for posting in the wee hours. Laughing out loud

Thanks! I'm sure it'll be quite different, but that's the beauty of roleplay. Eye-wink

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Hmm, never liked, Fey'ri much, but that's alright. In terms of alignment, we currently have three Outlands people (roughly equivelent to Neutral), one Elysium guy (Neutral Goodish), and one Celestia guy (LG), so your options are fairly open, just try not to be too evil. Also the party currently has two stealth guys, one cleric, a magic guy, and fast fighter, so, again, your options are fairly open.

I would also suggest playing an LA +2 Fey'ri so that you can pay it all down with Munch points without having leftover LA.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Duckluck' wrote:
Hmm, never liked, Fey'ri much, but that's alright. In terms of alignment, we currently have three Outlands people (roughly equivelent to Neutral), one Elysium guy (Neutral Goodish), and one Celestia guy (LG), so your options are fairly open, just try not to be too evil. Also the party currently has two stealth guys, one cleric, a magic guy, and fast fighter, so, again, your options are fairly open.

I would also suggest playing an LA +2 Fey'ri so that you can pay it all down with Munch points without having leftover LA.

If you want something else, I'll play anything. Like your opening post says, the DM is the light of your world. Eye-wink

Edit: What are your thoughts on a lupinal druid? I think their LA is +2, so I can Munch that down and it'll give another back-up healer/caster/support fighter.

Thoughts? Suggestions?? I'm hear to help the party as much as enjoy a good time of roleplay.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I think either would be acceptable, although I'll have to check out the Lupinal's stats as that just doesn't sound right. Hmm, they aren't in the SRD, or Exalted Deeds, or the Planar Handbook, or the Manual of the Planes, or the Fiend Folio, or any of the 3.5 Monster Manuals (I don't have MM 2), so, uh, where is it?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Duckluck' wrote:
I think either would be acceptable, although I'll have to check out the Lupinal's stats as that just doesn't sound right. Hmm, they aren't in the SRD, or Exalted Deeds, or the Planar Handbook, or the Manual of the Planes, or the Fiend Folio, or any of the 3.5 Monster Manuals (I don't have MM 2), so, uh, where is it?

If irony is your favored suit, it's in the MM2. I have a copy, just not at hand...I'll get you the stats by tonight if poss.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Greetings, comrades!

I'm off to a conference until Saturday at the earliest, more likely late Sunday before I can post again. Y'all be good, or at least non-evil. :^)

1.) If his Knowledge check lets him know anything it seems the rest of the party is missing, he'll quickly warn the others.

2.) Zhegre will do his part in the fight. Figure he goes at it from the front line with hammer and sickle, singing some low, threatening battle-song in Rodinan dwarvish.

3.) Afterwards, anyone being injured gets an offer of a cure spell.

4.) If Benyamin's character shows up, figure Zhegre will evaluate him carefully and accept him if he appears to be a decent sort with aligned goals.

5.) Above all, primary goal: press on to Bedlam and the portal to Sigil, there to contact the Fraternity of Order about their target.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Well, I looked at it....and no LA offered, but the abilities (which I think are classified at a way too low CR5) are too big. So, I'll scratch something else out quick.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Ok...dunno, but I guess the animalistic image is stuck in my mind. I looked in the Savage Species book for character inspiration and came across the Anthropomorphic template. So, how about a anthro-leopard ranger?

Stat basics for template:

Type: Monstrous Humanoid
HD: 2d8 (but I'm willing to scrap these)
Abilities: +6str, +8dex, +4con, +4 wis
Nat armor: +1
Speed: 30ft
SA: Same as leopard (improved grab, pounce, rake)
SQ: darkvision(60ft), low-light vision, scent
Feats: Weapon Finesse(b)
Skills: [as base creature] Leopards have a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks and a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. Leopards have a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. A leopard can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +8.
Fav. class ranger
LA: +2

His training will be with the longbow, though his prefers to close with natural weapons after firing off a few rounds.

Plane of choice: Beastlands.

Backstory: Figure easiest explanation is he's a throwback from a druid grove's playing with Awaken spells. Primal and canny, this feline ranger lopes through the Outlands, hunting down foolish druids and other nuisances to the natural order.

Can have him statted within the hour (or so)

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Character Concept:
Varshang Felisar, Anthro-leopard ranger

Varshang loved roaming the woods, living out the blissful role of the hunter. When he answered the summons of the druid grove, he had no idea he would find himself thrust into the frightful world of sentience. Then he knew the meanings of words such as fear, hate, pain, and scorn. For, the druids had indeed awakened him, but with an odd twist: he became humanoid! They decried him an aberration and monstrosity, trying to immediately slay the beast. If not for an elder in the clan, he would've had a short life as an awakened soul.

Growing under the watchful gaze of Kahsin, an aged human and Varshang's sole friend, the anthropomorphic leopard quickly adapted into the ideal role of ranger. He soon gathered strength and skill, practicing with the bow, though his primal nature drew him to savor the kill with tooth and claw. Kahsin, having finished all the training he could administer, sent the young ranger off into the wild, the only true realm for a woodsman to mature.

Varshang's travels lead him to see the real horrors of aberrations, facing off with the creatures on various occasions. The reek of death-made-living also sends hate pumping through his veins. Few of his favored foe realize his presence until its too late, and fewer escape from his indomitable ire.

Edit: PMed it instead. Gotta leave a few tricks for the ol' ranger. Eye-wink

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Uh, let me check the template. A lot of the Savage Species stuff isn't exactly what we would call "balanced."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Alrighty. Yeah, I'll agree with you on that. Who writes these books? lol.

Edit: Btw, in case ya didn't see it, I posted the stat basics above.

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