Spire's Shadow (OOC)

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Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Duckluck is the final arbiter of course, but I would be more than willing to accept another PC/player.

As for holes in the group -we really need healing/divine magic. Also, we are a little weak on the meat shield/tank (Kadar and Linji are both agile, fast hitters, but not huge damagers -that was supposed to be Cortek, the fighter/barbarian...).

We definitely have the stealth aspect (3 out of 4) and the arcane component is covered by Baba -and M'rek to an extent as well.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Thank Vecn... er, The Lady, another vict... er, player! Welcome Jem, I'm sure we'll get along swimmingly! First you need to read the rules, if you haven't already. My house rules regarding skills and Munch points are particularly important. After that, we have a couple of niches that need to be filled (healer and bruiser), so I'd suggest being one of them, but you don't have to play some boring cookie-cutter character, have fun with it! Once you have a good character worked out, draw up a sheet (I'd suggest using myth-weavers.com), and send it my way. I'll look it over, make sure it all works, and suddenly we'll have another player!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Character concept to bounce off of everyone, before I get too mired in details so this can still be altered:

Zhegre, dwarven cleric of Tharmekhul (from Races of Stone, which I don't actually own, but everything I need is in the free Wizards excerpt here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040807a) with the War and Fire domains. (Hi OF! What say we share an appreciation for a warm campfire or a bright forge, eh?).

It's a pretty simple build, but then I don't own a lot of books so expect to see mostly PHB and PSCS stuff. Give him some good solid armor and a decent Con bonus, and that ought to do nicely for the tank and divine casting roles you requested, especially with the Ring-Giver feats Helping Hand and Bearing the Burden, which I may take in sequence or just buy with Munch Points. (Why Ring-Givers? I figure a demigod whose pantheonic role is "assist the leader of the pantheon at the forge" is going to be teaching about humility and helping others. (As well as, of course, pride in craftsmanship -- he is a dwarf, after all.) So there would be considerable philosophical overlap.)

History: Tharmekhul's clergy don't adventure much, but Rodina is a Prime dwarf community that puts an emphasis on his teachings and has more of his priests than are needed to tend to Moradin's temple forges, so several of them from Rodina go questing. He traveled from Rodina first to the Inner Planes to experience the dwarven communities on Earth, then Fire as suited a servant of Tharmekhul, then from there to this interesting city he had heard of on the Outer Planes. He's done well for himself personally, maintained a regular albeit expensive correspondence with home, and has been thinking about finding a place to claim and colonize (Rodina is growing and can use valuable sites). However, there's no rush, and there's always something of interest happening yet -- take this Spirelight business, for instance...

Personality: Zhegre's a stock-sturdy dwarf with his beard in trim, as they say. He's a chipper crusader who will doubtless end up as a satisfied petitioner on Mt. Celestia some day. He feels strongly about duty -- to clan and race, to god and pantheon, to making the multiverse a better place in general. He's always willing to help out a basher in need, and he worries less about payback than Ring-Givers sometimes do.

Style: Outside of battle, he tries to be slow and careful, with attention to detail. Among his skills, I'll probably emphasize Diplomacy, Heal, and Craft, with others as opprtune. He speaks "Rodinan Common," which notably accents his more recent acquisition of Planar Trade -- a taste: "So you don't expect payment, da? Except you do if you need it? Ha! You are man from Rodina, my friend! Zat is wery essence of our way of life: 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.'"

...yeah, I'll expect you know the ref. :^) That's the meta-game reason I chose Tharmekhul -- clerics don't normally get warhammers without taking an extra feat, but you can if you serve a god with favored weapon warhammer who offers the War Domain. How else was he going to be able to wade into battle in the inimitable native Rodinan style, singing Dwarven songs of the glorious Fatherland, swinging his hammer and sickle?

o/) Nam silu dayot nasha vernost Otchizne. Tak bylo, tak yest i tak budet vsegda! o/)

(Don't worry, the character doesn't need to get silly. This is all cultural color. Zhegre's perfectly capable of being serious and focused on-mission. If this works, I'll buckle down to read through the IC thread and work up a good entrance.)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Great idea. I love it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the Ring-Givers as Commies. As for working you in, it may be a bit tricky what with the party being stranded on Ooze at the moment. Don't worry about that now though. Just get going on your character sheet, and I'll figure something out.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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I'm glad Duckluck is cool with the concept, Jem - I really like it too (not only from a metagame niche perspective, but also the flavor -I love Dwarven Ring-Givers).

Not to step on anyone's toes, but since we are in the Inner Planes (or so it seems), it wouldn't be too far of a cry to see an Inner Planar traveler such as Zherge.

Regardless, hope to see the integration soon -but I trust Duckluck's work.

Till then,


Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Don't worry, I'm sure I'll think of something cool.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Allright, he's up -- at yet another character warehouse, but it's the one I've been using for a while, if I can beg your pardon. At any rate, here's Zhegre of Rodina:


I spent 3 Munch Points on attributes, and kept 5. I forget if you need a login for that site, so I also put him up on my own site at http://earl.of.sandwich.net/Characters/Zhegre.html .

I'll start reading through the IC thread to catch up. Being a 5th-level cleric, Zhegre can cast Water Breathing to last for 10 hours. I forget whether that's sufficient to let you breathe on Ooze; if it is and you're still close to 'civilization' he might have been examining something independently. If he's here on longer-term purposes he'll probably need a necklace of adaptation or something similar. And, of course, it's entirely possible that we meet off of Ooze entirely or seek some other option: all up to Duckluck. ^_^

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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It looks like everything is in order, and I think you're the first person who hasn't had to change something. That was fast. I'll try to work you in within the next few days, depending on when they finish off the Mephits.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Looks great Jem (I was rolling with laughter when I saw the sickle and hammer combo -hilarious!).

The only thing that I saw was the "alignment" issue.

Duckluck's house rule on alignment=planar affinity might muck the "waters", but the demigod is Neutral, and so the only standard acceptable alignments of his clerics would be LN, N, NG, CN, and NE. (Or, to use Duckluck's parlance: Mechanus, Outlands, Elysium, Limbo, and Hades).*

*I'm not sure how he looks at the "interum planes": Arcadia/Archeron, etc.

Granted, if he wants to house-rule you being able to be "Celestia" and still be a cleric of "Neutral" God, that I can deal.

However, I do want to know what, if any, house rule exists (that way I can be prepared for a "Baator" worshipper-cleric of Pelor or whatnot).

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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I understand the alignment concern, but my reasoning is as follows: We were asked where we would end up, and as a servant of Tharmekhul Zhegre would end up in that god's realm. Tharmekhul is an assistant to Moradin and has no temples of his own -- his rites involve tending the forges in Moradin's temples -- so it would seem that his realm would follow the same rule and his clergy would end up in Moradin's realm on Mt. Celestia. Gods don't always put their realms on Outer Planes which match their alignments (see the Heliopolitans on Arcadia, for example).

Were we using standard alignments, Zhegre would be Neutral Good. Primarily he cares a great deal about duty, enjoying craftsmanship and helping out his fellows. He would personally have strong lawful leanings, preferring to act with logic and forethought, but is broad-minded enough to appreciate the spirit of an artist or the need for the unexpected. If he were heading somewhere as a simple petitioner, Bytopia would probably be the place. Or, indeed, Mt. Celestia, if he became more stalwartly lawful in his old age.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Remember, it says in my original post that I don't use class-based alignment restrictions. Period. That includes the one for clerics of certain dieties. I'm not sure all alignments are entirely appropriate, but that doesn't mean that every clergyman is the alignment he's supposed to be. Celestia is fine.

Oh, and Jem, what Prime world is he from?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

Okay, I've read through the IC thread. I see we're waiting for Baba, but unless the GM has a better proposal for involving me in the plot, here's a quick thought:

Zhegre has been interested in this Spirelight business and was planning to attend the Spire seminar at the Festhall with a few other friendly Ring-Givers. What with all the commotion yesterday -- more than usual even for Sigil! -- the group decided it might be better to walk to the Festhall together, and equipped for possible trouble. Fortunately, it didn't seem to happen on the way there. (Or did it? if you'd like to have something else happen.)

They see the trouble with the portal and the nathri getting grabbed. One of the others in Zhegre's group eyes the portal, using the Portal Sense feat, and says, "That's bothersome. Wherever it goes feels underwater-ish... squishy enough to move in, but no air."

Quite alarmed, Zhegre (rather impulsively for him) says, "My debt to anyone with bottle of breath -- necklace of adaptation -- anything that can share air!"

{The plot points I'm trying to address are that Zhegre is hastily looking for a way to jump through the portal with something that will create air for several people on the other side, so as to save everybody's life. He is offering his word as a dwarf and a Ring-Giver to owe anybody who has an option. Getting back to Sigil is secondary, but as long as he has air, Zhegre can last a few days, summon some local elementals, and get guidance to a settled region of an elemental plane, or so he thinks. So, how to get air? "Gust of Wind" is an evocation, and I don't see any limitation saying it can't be cast underwater, so it looks like it could be used to create an air pocket there. A bralani can cast gust of wind at will. It is a 6HD monster, so it can be summoned with Lesser Planar Ally, a Clr 4 spell; being good and seeing people in danger, it would hopefully be willing to help at the "several days" size of task. The total cost would be 2500gp of debt to whoever cast the spell as per the normal PHB costs, plus whatever payment the bralani requires. So things might go like this:}

"I'll go you one better," says a cleric in the group -- a respected older priest. He prays momentarily, casting Lesser Planar Ally, and a bralani appears. He points the bralani at Zhegre.

"Zere are some people behind that portal who need air on vatery plane," Zhegre explains hastily. "I vill go to help, but I need magic for zem to breathe, to last long enough for us to get to safe haven. Can you help?" Presumably it does, and Zhegre and the bralani grab some peanuts, run for the portal, take a deep breath, and dive through!

They find no one nearby on the other side, but the currents bear them toward the same air pocket. Turns out the bralani wasn't so madly necessary, but it's not like Zhegre knew that. So, okay, he owes a fellow Ring-Giver a cool 2.5G -- or possibly a substantial spellcasting favor -- and possibly something to a bralani, but such are the breaks of life on the Great Ring.

This ends up with Zhegre's primary interest in all of this being academic curiosity and general helpfulness, but given his personality those could count for a good deal.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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'Duckluck' wrote:
Oh, and Jem, what Prime world is he from?

Deliberately left open -- I don't own any of the setting books except for Planescape, so the Primes are a hole in my D&D knowledge. I suppose technically that means I know the most about Mystara, as the default world, but as a player I'm more Clueless about the Prime Material than I am about Jovar or Twelvetrees. ;^) He could simply be from a Prime that calls their planet "Uh, the world." If not, maybe it could be called, oh, Rhea, Gaea, Terra, or something similar.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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No Prime preference, eh? Perfect.

You can be from Backwater, my intentionally poorly-defined homebrew world (which, apparently, has soviet dwarfs now). So far, the only aspects of Backwater I've really established are that the gnomes there ride blink dogs and a lot of people worship the Norse pantheon. I plan to use it as an occasional setting or background piece for the campaigns I run, gradually getting more defined by player contributions until I have an actual interesting setting. Thanks for doing your part to contribute to the future greatness that will be Backwater.

As for how to integrate you, I was sort of planning to have you just fall through an Ooze portal in the Hive, but your version works too, I guess.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Allrighty. I'll await your cue in the IC thread. My assumptions regarding the bralani will be that he waived his portion of the cost and that you'll be RPing him should it be necessary for him to contribute anything other than breathable air.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Oh, I just realized, [Calling] effects like Planar Ally don't work within Sigil, so, sorry, but it looks like you're falling through an Ooze portal after all. It should be up in... a... NOW!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Presently awaiting answers to the questions I asked. That roll in my last post was a K(the Planes) roll to try to recall whether Ooze has directional gravity (I don't think it does). If that's true and I've interpreted the scene description correctly to mean that there's gravity where we are, then we're not on Ooze, which matters to how we get out.

Also, Linji's observation about the cork could be important. I'll say hi and continue to chat about options, but not if there's more than a splash following me in and the room we're in is getting flooded by slime...

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I would drown you in slime, but I figure I'll let you meet up first instead. And yes, you are on Ooze, but, for whatever reason, there seems to be standard gravity functioning where you are.

Oh, and great news everyone! It looks like we just might be getting another player. If this works out, we'll have a full crop again. We should be hearing from him/her shortly.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Hurrah! Sounds good. And once again -very nice to have you aboard, Jem.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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Hello everyone. Duckluck suggested that I post my character concept on the OOC board so that everyone could get a feel for it. So, a "brief" history of P&~P (pronounced, "pee and not pee"):

There was once a lowly quadrone on Mechanus, following orders since the time he was constructed. One day, a pentadrone gave him an order to go pickup some scrap metal from one of the border towns in Outland. And so the quadrone went to the location described by the pentadrone to look for the small pile of metal. Little did he know that there was a mischevious tiefling wizard nearby who had been observing the little quadrone. The wizard thought he might enjoy heckling the quadrone and so he approached the quadrone, saying "hail, quadrone class entity."

Modron: "greetings, half-fiend. This quadrone has been sent to acquire scrap metal from blacksmith Glain. Has this half-fiend seen the target blacksmith?"

Tiefling: "oh, yes! You are in luck, lowly quadrone. The blacksmith is right behind this building. Follow me."

Modron: "this quadrone thanks you and will follow."

The tiefling began casting a few choice illusions and led the modron around the corner, snickering. When they arrived, the modron saw a nondescript man holding a blacksmith's hammer standing in front of an open furnace. There was a small pile of nondescript metal laying in front of the anvil. The blacksmith said to the modron, "hail, quadrone class entity. You're here for the metal, I assume? Well, there it is, right in front of the anvil. It's yours, take it."

And so the modron bent its little legs and reached down to pickup the metal, but the metal did not rise with its hands. Instead, its hands passed straight up through the pile of metal. Blinking a few times, the modron realigned itself and attempted to pick the metal up again. Once again its hands passed through the metal. This time, the modron noticed that the metal wasn't entirely opaque. The modron was able to see through the metal to the ground. The modron's eyes widened and it began muttering, "it's metal, but insubstantial. It's metal, but translucent. It's metal, but it's not metal!"

The tiefling snickered.

The modron frantically began thrusting its hands into and out of the pile of metal, increasing its volume and continuing, "...metal. Not metal. Metal. Not metal..." Overexerted, the modron fell unconscious.

When it awoke, the tiefling was standing over it. The modron felt alone. No longer part of the great heirarchy of Mechanus. No longer one of many in the service of Primus. No longer itself. The modron knew that it would no longer be accepted by modrons. And so it stayed with the tiefling, who felt somewhat remorseful about the anguish he had inflicted upon the quadrone.

(this is getting a bit long... i'll do ADD version for the rest of it)

Modron took the name P&~P to remember that it had been tricked into believing a contradiction.

P&~P became obsessed with illusions and studied them endlessly.

P&~P joined up with the Guvners so that it could try to fully understand laws (both multiversal laws and man-made laws).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

I was wondering when someone would want to play a Rogue Modron. Character approved, now what else have you got for me? What class are you looking at? Will your planar alignment be Mechanus or somewhere else (read my first post if you don't know what I'm talking about)? What's his personality like these days

As for the background, I'm assuming there's more to him going rogue than just a simple illusion. I mean, if Modrons went rogue every time they bumped into things that weren't what they seemed, there wouldn't be a Modron left. Keep in mind that Modrons may seem naive in some ways, but they are also obscenely smart. A normal Modron would immediately discount the metal as an illusion (IE place it in the "unreal" subcatagory of their analyzing matrix) and discount it as such. I guess what I'm asking is, what is it that caused this Modron to fail to discount it, and was it the Illusion that caused him to go Rogue at all?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Modrons don't usually recall what made them go rogue, IIRC. In fact, not all of them were quadrone modrons, though some probably were of course. For some reason, they start looking like quadrones when they go rogue.

It sounds like P&~P is going to be a specialist wizard, illusionist? That's a really interesting choice for a modron! The name makes it sounds like he's interested in how to discern between truth and untruth, and illusionists certainly have a unique point of view on that philosophical question. (Also, in 2e, illusions didn't work on Mechanus! Dunno if that's still the case in 3e.)

(Psst, Duckluck: maybe future OOC chat for Spire's Shadow should go in a new thread, unless you want to be 'Now Recruiting' forever! ;^) )

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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That's where you're wrong, one of the greatest things about these boards is that If I want to change the name of the thread, all I have to do is edit my initial post. Which I will do in approximately 30 seconds. See, check it out!

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
Spire's Shadow (OOC)

As Jem suggested, P&~P will be a wizard focusing in illusion (but not actually becoming a specialist). Its planar alignment will be Mechanus.

Obsession and the need to belong underlie P&~P's personality. It is obsessed with Orders, in the Fraternity of Order sense of the word. P&~P tries to catalogue and understand all manner of orders so that it can gain an understanding both of the multiverse and of its place within the multiverse. To this end, the modron uses illusions to discern the underlying patterns in the response systems of intelligent life forms by subjugating them to various artificial stimuli.

It is obsessed with trying to find a community in which it belongs, which leads it to being overly friendly / overly helpful. Some people find this trait annoying and who could blame them? Having a little box jumping around trying to explain how it can tell you the exact circumstances in which any given action will or will not succeed can irritate even the most patient berk.

As for the illusion... It wasn't really the illusion that caused P&~P to go rogue, but the illusion is what P&~P thinks caused it to go rogue.

Where do you want me to post all the details (stats, feats, full background, etc) for P&~P? I saw the Character Index sticky in the main RP board, but that one looks rather crowded.

What ECL should I make the modron? Can I use 6 Munch points to lower the level adjustment of the Rogue Modron race to +0?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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6 Munchers upfront, and you'll be a level 5 Wizard. Keep in mind, we already have a Wizard (summoner), so you might want to look at Baba's character sheet while picking your spells. As for your sheet, I'd like you to put it up online myth-weavers.com seems to be the site of choice these days. If you get stuck anywhere, just look at Baba's sheet and see what he did, aside from racial traits and his Master Specialist abilities, your sheets should look pretty similar.

For those of you who have been waiting patiently for an in character post from me for a while, don't worry. I wanted you all to make Zhegre's aquintance before I moved on, and I didn't trust myself to not drop a heavy object on you guys while I was waiting. I'll get the thread moving again tomorrow, after my class.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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P&~P now exists within the myth-weavers database. The first part of his backstory appears exactly as I posted it on the forum, so you can skip it. The end is all new, so feel free to read it.

You might have to search for the name "P" rather than "P&~P" the search seems to have some issues with non-alphanumeric characters. My username on the myth-weaver site is galwinganoon, so it may be searchable by that.

The end of the backstory worked rather well and makes for easy tie-in with the rest of the group.

I had a question, though. I spent 500gp on 10 books that P&~P carries around with it. Are books usable like Masterwork tools? Meaning, can I use an expensive book to add a +2 circumstance modifier to my knowledge checks if I have at least a minute to peruse them? If not, it's not a big deal. I can just reduce the price of the books from 50gp each to about 10 or so since they won't really be mastework quality.

Can't wait to start playing.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Can't you just give me the URL?

As for the books, what kind of book are we talking about here? Do you have a specific item listing for them, or are you just kind of fudging it?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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I like the idea of reference works giving bonuses to knowledge checks -- in fact, I posted a similar sort of item, Courses, over in Civic Festhall a few days ago: the post is here. And they're even Guvner-oriented, so P&~P would probably have heard of them, if Duckluck's okay with them existing.

Duckluck, if you'd like to use galwinganoon's price there for books, or set some prices for Courses, I think Zhegre will hop on that train the next time he's in Sigil and has some cash to burn. :^)

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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I'm kind of a noob at this whole forum thing. I can't get the hyperlink to work, but here's the address:


Anyway, I was just kind of fudging the book thing. My basic thought was that since you can buy all sorts of "masterwork" tools to give you a +2 circumstance bonus to random skill checks (i.e. heal, open lock, spot, etc.) perhaps a "masterwork" reference book would have enough information in it that it would increase a knowledge check pertaining to its subject matter.

If you don't want to allow it, no problem. P&~P will whip them out and cite them even if no bonus is provided. I just thought it was kind of cool.

And yeah, Jem, I like the Course idea. I am a huge fan of adding circumstance modifiers to skill rolls for things that the players in a campaign RP. I once gave a character free ranks in a special "sledding" skill due to his obsession with sledding down mountains on a magical shield. Kind of silly, I know, but he had fun with it.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I don't like the idea of you having cheap, non-magical knowledge boosts, but I do like the idea of you carrying a ton of books around for reference, so here's what I'll do. Each book you carry (and I expect you to come up with titles for all of them - 'cus I'm mean like that) can be about whatever you want, and will give you circumstance bonuses on knowledge checks that are directly involved with the subject, provided you have time to reference them. What kind of circumstance bonus is up to me and my will be dermined largely by the nature of the book. If you're carrying a broad, general text like Higlert's Guide to Animals, the most I'll give you is a +2 on Knowledge (Nature) checks to identify animals, but if you have Gaelban's Book of Planar Ungulates on hand, I'll give a pretty mighty bonus (+10, probably) when it comes to identifying Fhorges in their natural habitat.

Anyway, I'm not sure what I would have charged you for a bunch of books, but 50 gp each works for me. Oh, and they weigh one pound each and are ruined if they get wet.

As for the Courses, I kind've assume that ranks in a knowledge skill already mean you've been studying and learning about the suject on a regular basis. I'll get back to you on that one.

EDIT: Oh, and P=~P is approved. How do you want me to work you in?

EDIT 2: Important notice: This is unrelated to the rest of the post, but there seems to be some trouble with www.TheTangleWeb.com. The sheets seem to be slow to load, and I keep hearing rumblings about there being some trouble on the site. Those of you with your sheets up there might want to switch over to Myth-Weavers, which, incidentally, I hear is better anyway. At the very least, you should back up your sheets just in case.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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Cool. I was going to get around to naming all of the books, but I guess I'll have to do that sooner rather than later. That will be my holy mission of the day.

As for working me in, I left the end of the background pretty much open. P&~P was sent forth by a factor of the Fraternity of Order from Sigil via a portal in order to: 1. appease the Dustmen 2. get P&~P out to the planes quickly so that it could begin cataloging the planes.

I made sure only to read the most recent page of events so that when P&~P was brought into the area all he knows is that there seem to be a group of beings trapped in a room with rising mud. He would be inclined to help.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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I know I am coming into this thing a little late and all, but there is an official source regarding books and Knowledge bonuses.

Its out of the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook (core). It says (verbatim):

"In general, a book lot costs 1,000 gp and provides a +2 circumstance bonus on a specific Knowledge check, such as a Knowledge (arcana) or a Knowledge (religion).
Alternatively, you can purchase a book lot on general topics, which costs 3,000 gp and provides a +1 circumstance bonus on all Knowledge checks. Circumstance bonuses from multiple book lots do not stack.
To make your libraries more interesting, the DM can allow extended or master book lots that take up more than one lot in a library. Comprehensive book lots cost 5,000 gp, occupy the space of 3 book lots, and offer a +4 circumstance bonus on the appropriate Knowledge checks. Master book lots cost 20,000 gp, occupy 6 book lots, and offer a +6 circumstance bonus."

Granted, the main drawbacks is the space issue (and to a lesser extent, making the Knowledge check with the circumstance bonus requires more than a standard action to utilize the resources).

-space could in some ways be mitigated with extradminesional storage spaces (Heward's Handy Haversack being a good pick since you only need think of the title and it will be at the "top" -also, Boccob's blessed book variations also assist with volume concerns.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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Any word on how many books are in a lot? That is, how much each book would cost individually, and what "percentage of the skill" it could be expected to cover?

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Unfortunately, no, it does not. The only thing it mentions is that a common personal librabry can hold between 2-3 book lots.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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I have updated P&~P's character sheet with book titles and brief descriptions.

On a different note...

I cetrtainly believe you about the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook info, but I wonder why the author(s) would charge so much for skills that aren't (in most games) very useful. With Masterwork Thieves' Tools costing under 200 gp and giving you +2 circumstance modifiers to Open Locks and Disable Device it seems weird that it would cost 5x the gold for a skill that wouldn't be used very often and wouldn't have much in-game effect.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Okay, I don't have the Stronghold Bulder's Guidebook, but I can tell you with some certaintly that it is not Core, or at least not core in the sense most people use the word. But that's not important.

First of all, the book is designed for people with a lot of disposable income (IE: People with enough money to make a stronghold), so I'd expect the library to be rather expensive, perhaps even over-priced.

Second, those book lots are a lot better than the books I'm giving him (hehe "lot" and "a lot" I'm funny). The lots give concrete bonuses, every time to whatever skill they affect, making them quite good, and totally reliable. Mine are just me giving (or not giving) circumstance bonuses based on my own whims as a DM. After all, there's only so much in a book, and some of the more narrow ones may never come up. The Book of Planar Ungulates may well only be relevent once, and chances are he's not going to have time to thumb through it.

So, I'd say they are fine. After all, when all their potency is in my hands, I'd have to be stupid not to keep them balanced.

EDIT: After looking over his collection of books, I have decided that they are perfectly balanced, and really help establish the feal of the character. They stay.

Oh, and P&~P, I'll work you in as soon as I find a good opportunity to. In the mean time, you really should read the back-log of in-character posts. That way we won't have to explain everything to you at length.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Not that its extremely important, but just for the records...

Stronghold Builder's Guidebook was/is core (it was a 3.0 product). Coreis by definition a resource/product that is put out by the official company (WotC), and is not specific to any setting.

And the book isn't written for characters with lots of money (i.e. standard library -no books cost, 1000 gp).

I'm ok with your deciscion to have have individual books with bonuses (such precedence already occurs in "core" D&D -such as the adventure module Sunless Citdael and others too).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Actually, "Core" refers to the "Core Rulebooks," the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual -- the three books you need to play the game. Everything else, whether or not it is related to a setting is called a "supplement," or, informally, a "splatbook." Also, keep in mind that since the Stronghold Builder's Guide was from 3.0, not 3.5, you have to take it's contents with a grain of salt making it doubly not Core. Even the 3.0 Core rulebooks aren't really Core anymore because they've been replaced by a new set of Core books. Complicated, I know.

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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Duckluck's right on every point there.

Let's not mention that practically everything in the Stronghold Builder's guide is insanely overpriced. In a society with Wall of Iron, Fabricate, and thousands of menial orcish laborers available for a silver piece a day, there's no concievable way that a small sized fort should cost more than a nInstant Fortress, which is made of Adamantine and is far more durable and portable - and in the Core rulebooks.

Yet it does.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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I'm cool with the bonii being up to the GM's whim, and am totally nabbing some books next time I've got the opportunity to get some good ones. Laughing out loud Or a few run-throughs on some Courses -- they'd basically be similar to the titles P&~P has there, just non-losable, and I'd be willing to shell out a bit for that extra utility -- but even if the Courses are thumbs-down, I'm still hitting a bookstore. Gad we're such geeks. Isn't it great?

(By the way: cubeclamp and cubey haversack. Just spotted that. Hee.)

(Hmm... does Tharmekhul have scriptures? If so, I really oughta have a copy.)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I imagine he just writes the footnotes for Moradin's scriptures, heh. I'll have to check my copy of Races of Stone one of these days.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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I finally finished reading all of the chapters for the new Planescape campaign setting. It's taken me about a week, but it was a great read. I made a couple slight changes to P&~P's character sheet, given the new information. I included the name "Automata" instead of "border town" and I took the spell "analyze portal" instead of "dispel magic." And yes, I realize that the "portrait" of P&~P is pretty awful, but it took all of my artistic abilities to make it. javascript:emoticon(':oops:')

Also, just to make sure I know what's going on in the game at this time... The PCs were going to attend a lecture, ate some peanuts, and fell through a portal into the plane of Ooze? M'rek wasn't there, so he had peanuts shoved down his throat and was pushed through the portal. After fighting some ooze mephits they are now in the process of escaping the room in which they were trapped. Is that about right? :oops: :oops:

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Portrait? Keep in mind, Dispel Magic is probably the best third lever spell in the game, it's not flashy but it gets the job done, and how.

You've got the current plot right, but you might want to delve deeper, and many of the NPC's who showed up in Sigil will be playing some major roles later.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
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*whistles aimlessly*

Been a couple of days since anybody posted; we've been trying to, you know, climb through a door for a week or so now. I think we've all established our intents for how to do so, mm?

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Ditto, Jem: everybody still here and ok?

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Same here guys. Linji and I are treading ooze until that door's sorted out.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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It's only been four days, actually. I've been waiting for OF to get a last post in, but I can see that you guys are getting antsy, so I'll get moving again soon, whether or not we hear from him.

galwinganoon's picture
Joined: 2007-02-27
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I just finished reading the campaign so far. I'm excited to jump in.

Also, good call on Dispel Magic. I traded it back in for lightning bolt. Although it's going to be weird to play a wizard without a 3rd level bomb spell such a spell didn't really fit with the character concept anyway.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Okay, just give me a minute to work you in.

Edit: Okay, you're in. You may post at your leisure.

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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I'm here to say that I'm a douche for not posting, and I'm sorry. It's not cool.

(I'm still awesome for existing, though. Oberoni 8, Universe 2.)

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