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JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
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Done, Boss! So, wheeen do we start? Are we there yet? M'Rek is fighting the urge to eat one of the rodent's by the "globe with eyestalks..."

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Well I have hit a snag -whenever I copy and paste my background and then save the character profile, the whole thing erases itself. I have tried it three times -same thing happens each time.

Luckily, I had a saved copy that I could upload -so no data was lost. (that would have been tragic).

Nonetheless, I copy and pasted Linji's appearance on the Character Profile.

Its all saved and availible for your viewing of course.

But since I can't attach my background, I will just send it in a pm to you. Look it over, and let me know if that is ok, or if there is a better way.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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This probably has something to do with the format of the initial write-up. Try turning it into just plain text. Alternatively, there could be some sort of space limit I was unaware of.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
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There I just need to move skills around a bit and paste in the back story and a revamp(Kadre is now a 1/2 kyton making the story a wee different)
DK sorry I've been so slow posting things got crazy around here for awhile :oops:

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Half-Kyton??? Where's that template?

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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I don't think it is a formating problem -I've tried it a couple of different ways -I think it is an issue of space. As said before, I pasted the appearance, and pm'ed the history/background. If you want, I can email it to you as well. Let me know if you recieved it, and if such a solution is ok.


Carceri sounds much better -especially with abandoning the Bladeling bloodline.

I also am very curious to were you found the Half-Kyton template -it sounds cool (and even cooler when matched with Incarnate, so I'm all the more curious).

That said, you are half-kyton, but what's the other half? (Human?)

I also like the Kyton-jailor, sadistic torturer of Carceri feel (as a good build, even if a bit of a loose canon as for a PC party).

I do have to inwardly chuckle as I consider how much our party has changed since the beginning -originally, nearly everyone was playing a highly Lawful class or race (Kadar the exception). And here I thought Linji would be the Chaotic Black Sheep of the Gang.

Interestingly, we now have 3 TN, 1 CN, 1 L(E), and 1 (C)E -which means the party is a Centrist Neutral, with slight evil moral leanings and slight chaotic leanings.

So much for being the good guys, huh? I do find it all so very interesting to see it unfold.

Although I am even more excited to see how this eclectic bunch gets along and influences each other as the campaign begins and preceeds.


Oh, I think I may have found the Half-Kyton which Perro is using -its on Planewalker as an article, and stranely is a race, not a template (assumed human or elven descent).

Here is the link:


Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Dialexis, I have received no such PM. Would you mind sending it again? Also, I object to you characterizing the party based on alignments. If I really wanted it to be that simple, I would have kept the old alignments. Also, Dialexis, You are still the only genuinely "chaotic" member of the party, so it's all relative. Also, I never really wanted the party to be the "good guys." I've written this campaign with some fairly cold-hearted characters in mind.

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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Sounds good. I'm writing up backgrounds during my free time (see class), so I should be able to post that tomorrow - at least hopefully. Unfortunately, some situations at home mean that I may not be able to use the computer regularly past 3:00 PST - (but I can still keep this going).

In any case, don't be so quick to classify Baba as TN. Remember that the name and plane are placeholders right now - and even so, the Outlands represent a lot more than a single alignment [TN]. In the end, the outlands is a duality like most of the rest of the planes - it's about the freedom to make choices [Rilmani, looking at you] - and also about the tendency of the world to make those choices mean nothing [Rilmani, also looking at you].

That can be a lot alignments - anything from CG to LE.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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'Oberoni_Fallacy' wrote:
That can be a lot alignments - anything from CG to LE.

...just as long as there is someone of the opposite alignment there to stab you in the face. Oh, and OF, would you hurry up and pick a name? You can't have placeholders forever.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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I am sorry if I offended you -such was not my intention -nor was I trying to give absolute labels -merely pointing out the dynamic demographic of our PCs, that's all.

And regardless of planar ascociation or alignment labels, all entities of sapience and sentience display some moral/immoral/ammoral and ethical qualities and the interplay of these qualities are one of the sources of conflict and development of PCs and D&D campaigns (as well as all literature and some would say psychology and religion as well).

I'm not trying to be arguementative -I realize that the Planes are more than just ethical and moral placeholders -and am not trying to reduce either the PCs or the campaign to 2 dimensional elements.
It seems my comment on once statistical facet might have been taken out of context.

Regardless, I am sorry to have caused waves.

Duckluck, did you check out the Half-Kyton on Planewalker? I know on the WotC website, they detailed how to make very good sensible conversions for specific Half-Fiends -it might be a better mechanical representation than the one on Planewalker -either way, its no big deal to me -just trying to be helpful.

I send the pm again in a few minutes -let me know if you recieve it or not.


As a little FYI, Baba is the shortened name for Grandmother (and sometimes just old woman) in Russian and other Slavic names. As someone who has lived in post-Soviet Union Ukraine and a speaker of these languages, I have to inwardly smile and reflect about a myriad number of little old ladies in shawls when I read your PCs name.

Baba is generally an endearing word, and not derogatory as its counterpart is at times in English.

Anyways, I'm not saying to not keep the name, but if you do, expect Linji to occassionally call you "Granny" -just another bizarre quirk of the Chaond.

EDIT: Duckluck, I just sent another pm with Linji's background -let me know if you get it.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I got the PM, yes. Don't worry, I'll keep it safe. Oh, and stop apologizing. I'm sure there are some DM's somewhere who would get upset by some of the things you've said, but I'm certainly not one of them. I do like to argue, however.

Is the Half-Kyton on Planewalker? I must admit I haven't checked the whole site, just the PSCS and the stuff that jumps out at me. I may have to look into this.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Duckluck -thanks for being cool and good to know you got the pm.

Look at the third to last post and you'll see an address that takes you to the Half-Kyton on Planewalker (if you need I can also get you the WotC articles on converting half-fiends to specific anscestry).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I don't much care for the Half-Kyton on Planewalker. It's rather badly written. +2 with chain based weapons (which they are proficient with), but -2 with everything else? That's the the kind of ability only a die-hard min-maxer would want. Beyond that, all they get is a couple lousy skill bonuses and good language selection. Therefore, I'm inclined to say the race is a no-no.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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My thoughts as well -so what's a Perro to do now?

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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I'm working on it, I'm working on it. Slave Driver. (Seriously, though, I should have this stuff up by 12:30 PST or so.)

In any case, the name 'Baba o'Reilly' is actually a reference to one of the most famous The Who songs ever (of the same name, though it's sometimes known as "Teenage Wasteland").

The song itself is based off the life details of Meher Baba (a famous mystic - look him up, his life was pretty... different) tossed into a synthesizer. It forms the very odd synthesized beat that accompanies the song. Wierd, but very cool.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
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Right,no 1/2 kyton for me then. I realized how poorly developed that kadre was and am going through some re-vamping of the concept. The class will stay but the race will change.DK are you against me using the 1/2 fiend on human, and just say I have a slight look about me hinting at a Kyton sire?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Yes, that would be fine. Sorry, I tried to respond two hours ago, but my internet crapped out. Stupid Cox.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Good reference on Baba -spent a couple of hours enjoyabley reading -thanks. (The duality of the father/grandmother meanings is interesting nonetheless).

As said, I like the name -would the reference have anything to due with your PC's identity?


According to WotC Web Enhancement regarding such, here is what the Half-Kyton template might look like:
(feel free to look it over -if you give it the thumbs up, and Perro likes it , great -if not, its no big deal to me).

And here is the link if you wish to further read up on it:


Size and Type: The creature's type changes to outsider. Do not recalculate Hit Dice, base attack bonus, or saves. Size is unchanged. Half-kytons are normally native outsiders.

Speed: A half-kyton gains a climb speed equal to half its base speed (or the normal speed of the base creature if it already possesses a climb speed, whichever is faster) but this movement only applies to climbing chains.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +2 (this stacks with any natural armor bonus the base creature has).

Special Attacks: A half-kyton retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following special attack.

-- Smite Good (Su): Once per day the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (maximum of +20) against a good foe.

Spell-Like Abilities: A half-kyton with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or higher has spell-like abilities depending on its Hit Dice, as indicated on the table below. The abilities are cumulative; a half-kyton with 4 HD can use darkness as well as desecrate. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day. Caster level equals the creature's HD, and the save DC is Charisma-based.

HD Abilities
1-2 Doom 3/day
3-4 Cause Fear
5-6 Crushing Despair 3/day
7-8 Animate Objects 3/day (chains only)
9-10 Wall of Chains
11-12 Phantasmal Killer
13-14 Regenerate 3/day (self only), unhallow
15-16 Flensing
17-18 Summon monster IX (chain devils only)
19-20 Destruction

Special Qualities: A half-kyton has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following special qualities.
-Darkvision out to 60 feet.
-Immunity to Poison
-Resistance to cold 10.
-Damage Reduction: 5/silver (if HD 11 or less) or 10/silver (if HD 12 or more).
-A half-kyton's natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, are treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
-Spell resistance equal to the creature's HD + 10 (maximum 35).

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Cha +2.

Skills: A half-kyton gains skill points as an outsider and has skill points equal to (8 + Int modifier) x (HD + 3). Do not include Hit Dice from class levels in this calculation -- the half-kyton gains outsider skill points only for its racial Hit Dice, and gains the normal amount of skill points for its class levels. Treat skills from the base creature's list as class skills, as well as Climb, Craft (blacksmithing), Escape Artist, Intimidate, Listen, Spot, and Use Rope. All other skills are treated as cross-class.

Challenge Rating: HD 4 or less, as base creature +1; HD 5 to 10, as base creature +2; HD 11 or more, as base creature +3.

Alignment: Always evil (any). *this one would be mitigated due to your house rule.

Level Adjustment: +4.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Challenge Rating: HD 4 or less, as base creature +1; HD 5 to 10, as base creature +2; HD 11 or more, as base creature +3.

This is a problem, because the Level Adjustment is +4, but the highest CR adjustment (which I find rather questionable) is only +3. This means, that the race will never be worth the Level Adjustment, not to mention that it will be four levels before you can pay off the LA in any case. Consider my teeth gritted on the matter. I don't like it, but I'll allow it. Normally, I'd be tempted to charge a Munch point for the "custom" race, but in this case, I think that would be too cruel.

Oh one last thing Perro, have you considered playing a Tiefling? You could say you were a quarter Kyton...

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Yeah, I had similar thoughts on the CR/LA ratio, but such is the standard and rule for Half-Fiends (Half-Kyton not being any different).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I know, I would have pointed that out earlier, but as I said that the time, my ISP was giving me problems. It seems to be better now though.

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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Oh one last thing Perro, have you considered playing a Tiefling? You could say you were a quarter Kyton...

Or you could say you were a full-blown Half-Kyton. What's a quarter among friends? Tiefling can represent a lot of things. Let's be frank. The Half-Fiend template, even as modified as it is, is simply horrible to represent a half-kyton (not to mention horribly weak.) That's not really due to Dialexis's modification, but simply due to an inherent weakness in the structure of the Template.

You've got 11 spell-like abilities, wheras the Kyton has the amazing total of 0. You get a Climb speed (which is rather a bum replacemement for wings anyways, IMHO) - which a Kyton doesn't have. [Yes, it can Climb Chains, but that's different]. You have DR/Silver, where it should really be Silver or Good ( like a Kyton). There's really no reason that a Half-Kyton should have stronger Fiendish traits than a Kyton does (and ones which it has really little to do with, to boot.)

If you're going to go for anything, just go for Tiefling. The Tiefling template is meant to convey generic Fiend heritage without getting into complicated abilities and adjustments that make things a headache for the player and DM.

Alternatively, you could consider burning a couple munch points for a limited version of the Dancing Chains ability - it's the Kyton's defining ability, after all, and it's incredibly awesome.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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There is much wisdom in this ones words. Also, my Interweb connection is still on the fritz, so I may be slow responding to you folks until I get it straightened out.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Wasn't there a Kyton monster class in the Planar Handbook? you could progress along that and be a risen/balanced full blooded Kyton or just one acting under orders.
Actually your risen/balanced status could explain why you need to re-gain some abilities over the next few levels.
The tiefling idea's probably better if you want to focus on your class rather than racial abilities though


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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While we all putz around waiting for Perro to finish his character, OF to post his background, and the posting of Cortek's latter background -is there anything you (Duckluck) wish for the rest of us to do? (assuming that we have already posted our "swanky" bios).

I realize your computer is having problems -I just want to make sure I am doing my part in the interum.


While we are waiting -do you want to flesh out some character history interweaving between Kadar and Linji?

If so, let me know: I'm willing to either pm or post on the thread (and of course then submitting end product to Duckluck).

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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While we are waiting -do you want to flesh out some character history interweaving between Kadar and Linji?
Sure, Did you have anything in particular in mind?


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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While we are waiting -do you want to flesh out some character history interweaving between Kadar and Linji?

Sure, Did you have anything in particular in mind?

Well, here is a start at least (brainstorming and all):

How long has Kadar and Linji known each other? (Both have been in Sigil for a few years)

How and where did they meet?

What is the degree to their relationship? (i.e. do they like eating together at a certain pub/tavern, or do they practice/spar together at the Gymnasium, or does Linji accompany Kadar occasionally as he works as a tout, and whether of not Linji knows where Kadar's kip is, etc).

I have some thoughts on the above and other facets, but I am curious to hear your ideas first.

One other thing -is Kadar a member of Kylie's Guild?
If so, does he wear the symbol (painted or tattooed blue circles).

Heh, if you want, Linji would be more than willing to do the tatto work (he has MW tools, and a +9 to his tattoo work, so he aint too shabby at all).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I see you guys don't need my help keeping you busy. Don't worry y'all, it shan't be long now. I don't know what country you guys are all in, but in the States we have Veteran's day tommorow, and the three-day-weekend should really help speed things up.

Now I'm curious, what part of the world do you guys live in?

I'm in California, San Diego, to be precise (as is Oberoni Fallacy, obviously, because we know each other in real life).

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Best of the West meets the Beast of the East!

Sunny San Diego! -very nice.

I'm currently posting out of the East Coast -the capitol of Delaware specifically. Despite the time difference, the relative lateness of the "official" posting parameters is actually ideal due to the noturnal nature of my professional duties.

That said, any rough estimate on when we will start the campaign?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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It's only sunny when it isn't cloudy. I always feel sorry for the tourists who come here in June only to discover it was sunnier where they came from.

To clarify my posting parameters, that's just the window in wich I may reasonably be expected to post. Most of the time, I'll be pretty free, but other days, I'll be somewhat busy. On mondays for instance, I have classes 'till five, so I'll start posting a little later. Other times I may have to get up early in the morning which leads to me going to bed way earlier than the 1:30 am signing off time I listed. Other times I'll just be a little tired and the boards will be inactive so I'll turn in early for the night.

So far, all my estimates as to the beginning of the game have proven false, so I've grown wary of making any promises, but, at this point, if Perro finishes his character tommorow, chances are the game will be up and running by Sunday. While I would rather like profiles before I start the game, they are non-essential, and at this point I'd like to get the stone rolling before it starts to gather moss.

EDIT: I glanced over your sheets again, although I didn't bother to carefully add up skills or expenditures (mostly because I know someone *Cough* Dialexis *Cough* will catch any glaring problems for me).

A few things of note, I don't have the Arms and Equipment Guide, so a few items, like Limbo Lotuses, will need to be cleared up with me. Two, M'rek still has an alignment of "Ethereal" and a race of "Thiefling." Three, [Baba] still has that lame placeholder name. Fix this, and the sheets will be golden. Or at least Pyrite-esque.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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It's only sunny when it isn't cloudy.

Keeping talking like that and you'll end up like Linji! (and I'm so going to totally yank that one).

And even though all generalizations are false (even this one) -all my travels to San Diego have required me to wear sunglasses during all by night-time (admittedly, I've only been out there spring through fall, and never winter) -and rain or shine, it was like the sun was actually brighter -like living in a different world (but a nice one). All the others I know who have traveled out there have reported similar "sights". But I digress.

I completely understand your scheduling issues, and so far you have been amazingly receptive and responsive -I have nothing but utmost confidience in it working out great.

mostly because I know someone *Cough* Dialexis *Cough* will catch any glaring problems for me

Ah man, I must be slacking at my job -I haven't checked out anyone's sheets in a long time -and sorry for the coughing phlegm curse I seem to have caused.

As for A&EG, I have two copies (not that you can drop by and borrow one), but what I'm saying is I am free to help check stuff out for you.

As for Limbo Lotus -well they aren't really anything other than lotus blossoms -the number being per wieght and price of normal lotus blossoms as is listed in the Trade Goods section of the A&EG.

Me slapping on the Limbo moniker and their description and them being from fields around the Gate-town of Xaos is all fluff I made up.

Essentially, they are pretty flowers, that are pretty rare and expensive and Linji will occasionally use to make into tea and burn the rest like incense and meditate -really all nonmechanical fluff/flavor.

However, I did pay 100 gp for them in character creation -and followed the nearest thing (or exact thing depending on your perspective) for it in the rule books.

Hopefully the personaly -fluffing is in line. (If you have a problem with a lotus variety from Xaos, I can deal).

As for starting -that sounds great -My thoughts are similar about the whole rolling verus moss-gathering, as the lull of waiting may drive some away (sadly this happens a lot with planewalker play-by-post campaigns).

Sadly, I can't help you with getting the other Players to finish their PCs -(except maybe as the moral support -"Go Perro -you can finish it!" -how was that?).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Limbo lotuses are lotuses from near limbo. It all makes sense now. Heh. That's fine.

Planewalker is notoriously slow. I thought about doing it on other sites, but my two other choices, Plothook and GiantITP, both had massives server problems within days of each other. Besides, I like Planewalker.

I think I'll echo Dialexis by saying "Go, Perro, go!"

JaggedOldRed's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
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I am posting from India, where I work as a diplomat! No, no Veteran's day here...

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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I'm in California, San Diego, to be precise (as is Oberoni Fallacy, obviously, because we know each other in real life).

Hey, I could live in Mexico. I could. You never kno...

Okay, no. In any case, character sheet finished and up today - (hopefully).

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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I live in Melbourne Australia, We just had Remembrance day but we don't get a holiday for it.

Dialexis- Kadar’s not in the guild although he gets along quite well with many guild members. He’s had run-ins with a few of its more aggressive proponents but he generally gets along well with guild members, most of whom assume he’ll join at some point. I can see a fair amount of good natured banter being tossed back and forth between Kadar and Guild touts regarding his lack of membership.
I’d probably say that they met while training at the gymnasium because of their similar interests. I could see them meeting up on a semi-regular basis for a meal/tea after training to discuss what they’d learnt from training and to generally chew the fat.
As for knowing where I live, I see no problem with this, Kadar seems to be a reasonably friendly sort so I don’t see why Linji wouldn’t have visited at some point.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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May I present:

Baba Smith’s Information, Traveler’s Services, Hot Sauce, Hotter Sauce [Caution – Contains Alchemist’s Fire], Tobacconist’s, Rock Identification, Candle making, Fine Alchemy, Mundane Alchemy, Low-Grade Alchemy, Fiery Alchemy, Alchemy which only combusts after a waiting period of 1-12 years, Alchemy which… Fire-Resistant Paper, Prime guides, Tradegate Maps, Portals’ Keys, Anti-Pasta, Fine Maztican Cuisine, Anti-Lunar Rub, Ysgardian Pheromones [for the discerning Bauriar], and Much, much more!

No Cordials, Mephits, or Steam Genasi

Fiends --- welcome.

Gith ask at the door

No Slave Raids, please!

If you plan to shoplift, please let us know.

Planars and Primes Welcome Alike, 10% Gnome Discount, 7.238% Dwarf Discount.

Holy Water and Magic Lamps no longer available, Elemental Water available upon request, no returns, refunds or guarantees. Onyx no longer available, NO WEAPONS OR ARMOR, leave spell components and pasta at the door.

No Shirt, No Shoes – No Problem.

No Copper, Steel, or Souls.

Will [strike] Change [/strike] Melt Electrum!

Looking for a rock of exactly 2.839 centimeters in diameter that weighs 2.914 kilograms. Will pay in Gold, Silver, or Hot Sauce.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Well, Linji respect for Kadar goes up even more (the whole non-guild member-unmember thing gets his thumbs up).

Practicing and sparing together is fine by me (he had done the same with Zhao Zhou, and so is relatively comfortable with sparing with a ranger and all -and to him, both of you share some of the same identity unset).

If you have shared with him the Cadence Whispers that you feel/hear -then Linji is definately fascinated with such -calling it the Ollin of Teyolia, and is always interested in it (ranting about its implication/inculsion/collusion of Teotl).

Linji is a bit of a vagrant -and so besides squatting (frequently in some of the abandoned warehouses in Market Ward), he'd probably show up at your kip on and off -visiting and leaving presents or moving around furniture -and if Kadar lets him, crashing for a night or two (are dogs allowed in your residence? -only one of Wu's heads snore).

What's your residence like?

If not a Guild Tout, how do you go about getting business and such?

Are there any such questions you have for/about Linji?


I absolutely love the Baba's "intro". I assume there will be more coming?

And is Smith really his last name? Please say it aint so.

Anyways, great blurb -Linji would love to eat some Anti-Pasta (and Wu finds the dropped Pasta outside the door to be yummy).


Well Sunday has come and gone -and still we are waiting on Perro -what's going on?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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I know as much as the rest of you. I can only assume that Perro got busy. Why don't we wait a few more days and then I'll start the campaign and write him in later. I'm actually wondering what happened to Korchuk, myself. I've been waiting for the second half of his bio for ages.

EDIT: For the record, I like the last name "Smith." Too many Fantasy characters have weird (and suspiciously relevant) names that try to sound evocative, but actually seem stupid and forced. I believe "Elminster" is the most iconic example in D&D, but the same thing goes for many, many other Fantasy characters including a few characters in Lord of the Rings (Sauron, anyone?), and everyone in a Harry Potter book. I find myself wincing anytime I read bad fantasy because of this.

Korchuk's picture
Joined: 2006-10-25
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Well, I've been lurking as I attempt to finish Cortek's bio, but it doesn't really look good. I can't seem to find a way to close it properly that's consistent with Part 1.

I'm heavily inclined to scrap the whole thing, or not say anything about his past and just say what mindset he's come to as a result of his life experiences(which remain unspecified).

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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Well gald to hear we haven't lost you.

As for the bio -the first half was so good (IMO) that I'd hate to lose it. If you don't like it anymore, I can see you changing it -and that's fine by me. Of course, do waht you like and what the bib boss tells you, but my vote is finish it if possible (since you as a player will better understand who the PC is and know why he does the things he does, and thus better play him doing things).


I'll second your proposal.

Is there a certain "deadline" or date when we will start then? I'm not trying to exclude Perro or anyone else, just fear the "moss" and all. If you don't want to set a "soft date" then I am cool with that too.

As for the name -Smith is too nuanced and anchored as a last name in RL -it becomes jarring at best, and trite at worst in fantasy genre -including D&D (as it not only breaks the fourth wall but is anachronistic due to the nigh-universal RL English connotative meaning).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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*Ahem* "You can do it Korchuk! I believe in you!" No seriously, it doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be novel quality, I just would like to know what's up with your character. Who his enemies are, who his friends are, any dark secrets he has, what his outlook on life is. That sort of thing.

Edit: Dialexis. For someone who knows how to correctly use the word "anachronistic," you seem to have a puzzling lack of understanding of where surnames come from. The name Smith is a title given to a (wait for it) smith. Which is all well and good, except that surnames are often inherited, and may or not have clarifying qualifiers like "son" and "Mac."

You call a name like Smith trite, when at worst it is accurate. If anything, there was probably a much higher percentage of the population of, say, England named Smith 200 years ago than there is now. The surname Smith and its cross-lingual cousins have been used in numerous societies for centuries. Sometimes the people with the name were actual smiths, but just as often they were simply people decended from smiths. Being named after a profession has been common in numerous societies. In fact, nearly all modern Western surnames are based on either A) profesional names like Smith, B) the "of [place]" names like d'Amico, or C) the "son of [person]" names like Johnson.

Calling a name like Smith "anachronistic" displays a lack of understanding of what a surname is and where they come from. The truly anachronistic names in fantasy (to the extent that that term can be used at all) are the asinine non-names, like "Rowan Darkwood."

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Dialexis - Kadar'd be happy for Linji to crash occasionally and Wu is welcome so long as he's house-trained. My kip is nothing special, just the basics- bed, kitchen, toilet/one way portal to Ooze, etc. I'm renting it and don't spend much time there anyway since Kadar prefers to spend his waking hours exploring the city or training.

I get work the old-fashioned way- I keep my eyes peeled for wide eyed berks looking up at the other side of the ring who're about to stumble into a glowing puddle and approach them before anyone else does. (Kadar's also switched on enough to have figured out how to say "Guide" and "do you speak common?" in a few prime languages which helps endear him to customers (who don't know what the hell a tout is).

Kadar is a slightly uncomfortable with Linji linking the cadence with Teotl but doesn't voice this because changing the name of the same force doesn't seem that important him.

I'm happy to hear any details on what Linji does with himself while he's not working and how he gets customers but I'm guessing that he doesn't have too many regular habits.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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'Azriael' wrote:
toilet/one way portal to Ooze, etc.

Does Sigil even have real plumbing? I always pictured its sewer system as more of a series of canals and drainage areas that lead to the Ditch and/or various portals.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
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So, what you are saying is that your kip needs decorations...

(and yes, Wu is has been trained by houses -no, wait, house-trained (by Zhao, not Linji -Linji is not sure is he is house-trained).

As for terminology, Linji is a bit of a free thinker -as such, he believes that words can often convery less meaning than the speaker intended, but sometimes, they can speak more meaning than the speaker knew.
(In his my mind, Cadence-Ollin is not a contradiction -or better said, he has no problem equally believing in two contradictory views).

Linji working? Kadar is funny (and his cloak is fuzzy!)

Linji has an atypical view on property right (Githzerai amongst themselves believe in communalism -all property is owned by all Githzerai of the populace, shared amongst each other -but do not hold such practices among non-zerai). Moreoever, Slaad philosophy on property -much less property rights is completely alien to common society.

That said -Linji doesn't really discriminate between "playing" and "working".

Because of his "lifestyle" he doesn't have a huge of need for income, and the little he does, comes through doing what he does (i.e. he might be talking to some Prime that just got a "tour" by Kadar and then winds up offering to tattoo the guy in the tavern -sometimes they pay him, especially if he finsihes it and doesn't get kicked out mid-tattoo from the tavern). People see his artwork (+9 not too shabby) and so along with his Indep buddies, pass along his "work" by word of mouth.

Besides that, he juggles for fun (and with his massive check +16 -he can pull off amazing stunts -like tumble while juggling his silver, cold iron and adamatine sling bullets around his iouns using a hand, foot, and his tongue). He calls it "Ulmalitzi" or Ball-Game (which he uses to describe everything from planar politics, to conversation, to war, and more) -and to him, Linji is both, playing, training, entertaining, and worshiping all at the same time.
Nonetheless, when he does so, people often think he is some street performer -and so occasionally, some will chuck some coins at him (which sometimes he will keep, and other times he will throw back to them "I thought you wanted to play catch!?")

One of his more recent activities is a "Chaosyer". Coming to a realization that if people who break the law need a lawyer to help them -then people who follow the law must need a chaosyer to help them too. So, everything from where to poop on the streets to whose doormats to swap, he goes about helping the law-abiding citizens of Sigil realize how to defend themself against the accusation of being guilty of following the law.

Some have accused Linji of being an Anarchist for this (Linji responds that he "was almost part of that, but was then eaten unalive, and then ate, and swam afterwards, and lost a couple parts along the way, though am now getting fatter!)

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
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Sorry had to hop over to NYC and had no itnternet for the weekend. Thanks for telling me! I forgot that existed DK would you let me use the kyton monster class?

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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I have to say, Linji looks like a fun character. Also, he's Giant Frog like a Insane. The idea of a Chaosyer is just great.

There is more Baba intro coming - I'm just trying to make it interesting. In any case, the game can begin on my end - David [Duckluck] and I have worked out enough to create a real character that can go with the stats.

A couple important things ahead of time:
Baba doesn't live in Sigil - he lives in the back room of his shop - in Tradegate [Bytopia Gate Town]. He commutes to Sigil a couple times a week via portal, however, and he doesn't man the store most of the time.

As far as the Last Name goes, I specifically chose Smith because A: It has nothing to do with any of Baba's myriad professions - and B: It makes sense.

I will admit that Baba's name is a really horrible pun on multiple levels, however, and his shop is 100% Bad Joke. After all, the Pasta has to stay outside so there isn't a catastrophic reaction with the Anti-Pasta, and Dwarves don't have to pay California sales tax because they always pay in exact change (and Baba would really rather not deal with that).

He doesn't sell Onyx because of complaints about necromancers [look up the spell component for Animate Dead.] The hillarious part is that the 500 GP Onyx you'll need for higher-level undead is really the size of THEM.

Then, you've got his name is Bab (Bob) Smith - perhaps second only to John Smith for... (Wow, this is generic.) Secondly, if you take (Bob)a, and then de-nickname it, you end up with Roberta.

Smith isn't such a bad name, if you think about it. He comes from a family of Gnomes that at some point moved to the Elemental Plane of Fire, not a bad place to set up a smithy. It's quite possible that the original Gnome-Smith actually carried the name for a reason. Of course, Baba himself doesn't have it at this point.

Of course, a name like Bob Smith doesn't really fit well on a crotchety (fairly) young Gnome who makes up with his years and lack of facial hair with the glare of a thousand suns... or wishes he could. Unfortunately, his Charisma doesn't really let him live up to how intimidating he wishes he was.


Note that 'Common' is probably the Faerun/Oerth Prime language - Planar Trade is what you're thinking of, I believe. In any case, you can probably chant the cant better than I can, so it's a moot point.

I never thought Sigil had plumbing. I always thought that was why the Hive was so bad - it's where the Ditch runs.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Note that 'Common' is probably the Faerun/Oerth Prime language - Planar Trade is what you're thinking of, I believe. In any case, you can probably chant the cant better than I can, so it's a moot point.

According to the Planewalkers Handbook Planar Trade is just common with embellishments (Cant). Someone who can speak one can speak the other with minimal difficulty, it's like an American and an Australian talking - the base language is the same but the details differ. Besides, if a clueless doesn't know what a tout is they're not going to know what planar trade is anyway.

I mainly put this in as an homage to Pratchetts Rincewind character - who could beg for mercy in a couple of dozen languages and scream in about a hundred others. I'm not that attached to this detail so you can feel free to ignore it.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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Perro, the Kyton monster class is total mess (see below), and I'm not even 100% sure how to make it work with LA buyoff. Here's an idea, I'm going to let you pay 3 Munch points to effectively skip the levels that don't grant hit dice. For instance, at level three, I'll let you pay three Munchers (Out of the five you would presumably have ECL 3) to give yourself the all the Level 4 Hit die and abillities as well. If I were you though, I'd think twice about this.

This "monster class" is a bit of a travesty. The "Level 14" full Kyton is still CR 6. In fact, there is no reason for a Kyton to have a Level Adjustment at all. Even without the LA, it has an inflated ECL thanks to Hit Dice. There are many ways to fix this massive problem, and they will all cost you Munch Points, but perhaps the best, and certainly the easiest, is to only take the first two levels of the class.

Anyone have any better ideas?

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
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Duckluck wrote:
This "monster class" is a bit of a travesty. The "Level 14" full Kyton is still CR 6. In fact, there is no reason for a Kyton to have a Level Adjustment at all. Even without the LA, it has an inflated ECL thanks to Hit Dice. There are many ways to fix this massive problem, and they will all cost you Munch Points, but perhaps the best, and certainly the easiest, is to only take the first two levels of the class.

Anyone have any better ideas?

Well, one of the main things about the Kyton Monster is that it doesn't use (read abuse) it's Dancing Chains ability. It's tremendously powerful. Let's take a look at a standard Kyton with four +1 chains (It's as cheap as a +2 weapon. No big.)

SRD wrote:
A chain devil’s most awesome attack is its ability to control up to four chains within 20 feet as a standard action, making the chains dance or move as it wishes. In addition, a chain devil can increase these chains’ length by up to 15 feet and cause them to sprout razor-edged barbs. These chains attack as effectively as the devil itself. If a chain is in another creature’s possession, the creature can attempt a DC 15 Will save to break the chain devil’s power over that chain. If the save is successful, the kyton cannot attempt to control that particular chain again for 24 hours or until the chain leaves the creature’s possession. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Technically, this Kyton would gain four series of attacks at (+11/+6) - throw on Haste and you're talking twelve attacks.

Alternatively, you could read the Kyton to gain only a single attack with each chain. In that case, liberal use of Greater Magic Weapon (et al) will still lead to utter ridiculousness (well, until level fifteen or so, and then the game's over at that point). Carting around the Chains is difficult, to be sure, but you can use Tenser's disks to accomplish that - or simply wrap them around you.

Full use of the Dancing Chains ability is really not meant for PC consumption. I'd reccomend against it.

Azriael, I bow to your Rincewind reference and greater knowledge of Planescape.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Hmmm, If you were really convincing you might be able to convince your companions to carry chains too - some awesome flanking abilities there. Chuck in a level or two of "master of the unseen hand" at some point and you could really have some fun!


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